. y .
<br /> • ' ��1 ,
<br /> . ��.,t. �.. .. � . � �
<br /> .. „ ' ;�,�6� , .. _ : •�,_.,.
<br /> . . . __ . .._... .... .... .. . ..'.;.:?., :::�,V ., „ . • .
<br /> �� � ..
<br /> i . . „
<br /> . . ��� �m��s . ,
<br /> ;
<br /> � � .
<br /> �� j 14. Ltehnbllttn4Q.aii �.c�ttin l�8�'�►en3. Borrower shnll Nifitl all of ��rrower's obliBntlons under any homa
<br /> .. I rehubilitatlan, impmuertrr�t,�pn��er exccutelmnd dellver to Lendar�in u furm acceptablo tfo Lcndcreian as�i}�ament
<br /> ' .1 Lender's opNan,mny rm1��iro�flR° �
<br /> of any rlBUtn.cinimu ar�ie�fansaa wt►ich Dore�er may hnve t+B�1nst pnrttes v�ho supply IuDAr.mntednis or services in ',y�'
<br /> connectton wlth impm��omeMm m�da co the P per�Y.
<br /> �`.:.:i .
<br /> . ' '. IS. 'IY�ns4eT o4 tGn fFn��4Y or a Benettstul Gstcres�Im Dormwer•Assumptton. li nll or nny part of the Praparty ';, '
<br /> , or nny Intarest ln it in cal�1 or transfemod(or i4u�enoftei�t intere:�t ia Bocrower is sold or tranafeeced ond Botrower is +;�,h-
<br /> rc�
<br /> not a nnturnl pamQrD�'�h�ut I�ender's pdor wrltten consent.Lender muy,At L+ender's option,��r��i`n��i d�i� o ,��
<br /> � W�tlt8 Bp1118 S0L11IaA �107C+8(CI6II�p bited by Federall luw as of thetdn oIIOY tbia Dted of Truse. -��.�
<br /> .`;-,. excrcise�by Lens9ur{g e a �
<br /> L,eader ahnll give Borrower nottce of accelerntloa. 7'he aotico ehull pmvide a periad �.�`__,_
<br /> If Lender exe�ci�as�hts updon, r�
<br /> . of aot less thnn 3Q dnp.•,fi�m t�te dnte the nottca is�itilall thesa sumse prlo�r to che o pkationeoY tbta pertod 8 Leu�der�m �1.'i,;.�-
<br /> ° by this Du�d of Tntst. i4 Borrower fafls to pay �..�-
<br /> invoko any ecn►aslias pec�lt�d by���ot Tiust without further uottce or demand oa Bocrowe=. �,_�:_
<br /> � � ut+chuser without the Leador's ooar.eat. It an susumpdoa ia nUowcd.ttie �s;`r
<br /> � � 'l�is Da�d of Ttust mt'�not he oasumed bY 8 P --
<br /> ;���, ' , Lender mqy chnrao an u�c,umption fee and require the personts)acsw�ia8 the loan to puy addittonul churSes aa uuthori�ed ,c,
<br /> -� � ,, by luw. ����",'--:
<br /> .. ... �r� pR'PICII.�IIQ ��`=-
<br /> • . `., as foAows: --
<br /> . ,��� NON-UPiI�'OIgA't�CO�ENElNTS. Borrower saad l�rmder tiuther covenunt aad agree �.^
<br /> +,,
<br /> ' -`'��_. � 16. A,o�cfoaatiant Itaaedles. Upon Borrower's brruc6 oi ec+y oovenaut or Rgr�nert ot Horeoaer in Wtg Dr.ed
<br /> � ��"� .,�y�rn due any suma undcr the Note�aurnd bY�b ---
<br /> ' .':, ���'� of Trud.ipcludGr�wt4ltout iim�iou it�c t����2�i�, -�
<br /> , �;
<br /> _.:,:�,. . . Decd of Tra�. Lrxtaar„at Leader's o�tion►sts6jtxt�u�!e�[�t�at d���ora��meY in Q2�e R�e powa --
<br />�:��.,;;.::.. .. �. by�pt�@eral nP Ttus3 fto be imne�diaiely due un{I �uy nottce of ddaul3II�ac&r sgiaU
<br /> ,,::.�,.,;: ;j. tte�by app]d•cnble law. PrEor to eecordln8 eWi
<br />:,,"i.; �r.„.. of sala.amd apb'nt�er ranedtes pe�mi � anly ot Smnov►er'�
<br /> . '. �`.�''<`` nar u � �rcr aarSce oidefault�eti9u1�bY la�v and�iae�x evmt ot a ddaWt ooa�isdm8
<br /> � .�� � :{>�`:;� � e� Bosrowcr ahnil once.n��OVtdeai by law��eve tv�mtp(ZO)du9a s�i'ter suc�
<br /> �, .{;}�;. taitui�e 4�a muitts n rsquirea pu3►m�t, aooelesat�an, _.
<br /> :'.. ; .
<br />= not[e4�S�tvs»,ta�cura wch detaWt by tenQrr�8ce af detaWt,II.end�shaU bo en�ed to ooUctt[n sach nroae�l� _.
<br />-" ��'��',..;:. p1uA wny unp�id a:ha�S�.After reoor�llnS •tces or tn�tee's aa�l aos�ot _
<br />�';:. ;'.�'.'� all oxpcn�+of,iurtcla.wre• [ucludin�• bui not Lim[ted W. rensonnble attoraeys
<br /> aoaunnnau3�.uv�dcace,uM�trads aaa acre reports.
<br /> ,�.�;. '.' a�s of the Propetry
<br /> .-,:' � :• ::� If the po�vrrr of�1d is invoked�Tn�stee ahnU reoocd a notice of defaWt in each oounry in wbich a�l+P
<br />-�,•.;,:r•'c�-�. ' nescribed by uPPiieable inw w Bonower and w t�e o�►er
<br /> �� ..�.�,��. is locatafl und a6tili umil coP�es of such aotice in the manner P It�ble law.'Tmstee shall8iva gublta Qotiae of aela .,.,.
<br />-,.�+;�:,...r,�� persuns pr�seri�od tiY�CPP�cable law. After the drn�e tequired by ePP
<br /> _;,� �.'. . licable law. T�usue.w141rout demand on Bomower.sba11 sell t6e �,#�:..
<br />;;',..Js'`;� to tho pernon�aad in 3�e manner pnscribed bY aPP —
<br /> '� ptoperty at publiu uuction to the h�ghest bidder at the dme and��ase a�d uader the teams desigossted in tho Amux o�f��a
<br /> �-�:•.S,`�'?��� Tn►stee detera4inea. �'ivateo a�aY Postp�ae sale oY a11 or any Aaca
<br />_ •,r����,.. in ono or mnra puceels and in uqy cnder rcviousl schaiuled sale. I2udor of ita desigaee mN�
<br /> - ,'�.,.��, proP�Y bY puUtia nnnouacemeat ae tE�e Nme and plmee of anY P Y �:, --
<br />.�-� � .y{� purcLEUa tho PmperiY uc any sale. _
<br />„;�`.;"�;",^'!;�'1;��� t the aele mcecds. t'�st�to the eosts and expenses of e�cercising the power of salo�af the ealte. �-
<br />- __+,�.�:�,,^�f;3,�'� T�ustin arnuU apP Y p . , n,rred aot to eaose�Atiem percent�i1S9o)of tde gross aule prko, _
<br /> - -- . ''�"� iucltttiUtB the�t�ynttnc of tiia'fe-usttti�fe��ctvtlly ln:
<br />_:.�•••_�.�_ �.. 8 of Teust� l�Id� l0�10 Q'�►iT�EIIf Of,�ifD�OT LsUo"l'QE�s �:,-
<br /> t of the obli auuu s�:��',� � �"'� �T; =-
<br />;'''"`'��.,�r •_ � seaond, ta Q�y.mea n or �sons legallY entided thar�to. --
<br /> : .. • �met��as or otiiee ll�nholdcus.and the baloaoe,Dft enY.to tho petso PQ s;�:_
<br /> ,.,::,, . — �-._
<br />-.;,,�.. ...; � . u
<br /> ' ;. :,t;°?•.�: • ant of Rentai APPol�ent of Raeiver. As additiomal ce�ritY hereunder�Bornawer tioreby asa to
<br /> �:
<br /> ly, �� h l�s heteot or �.,.
<br /> ' •",��;;;�R�+�`% Lendor thfl mnta oi the Frop�riY.Provided that Bomnwer ebaU,Prlor to acceleration �mdor puragr�p �,.�
<br /> .I..s,:.
<br /> , '. ..,`h'�;• abcadonmcnt af tho Praperi7►.hpVB ttl8 iI$Lt f0 COIICCL 8IId iCt�BI1Cti tCIItE{QS thOy/UCOO�tB�i10 eIIA Q3y8�118, ��;._�
<br /> [i
<br />- Ixuder shnll be entttledto h�ve a reoelvca ti•��
<br /> .��' ,�����'r� and w oollect the s�ento oY the Pc+apaty �;
<br /> ��;�!`,;;� Uppn a4astcuation undetparaSraFh 16 heceoi or abnndosuueat of tha Propert�►, -
<br /> •��;1�'..,�:� ' nppolutafl�by n court w eater upon,takC Poss�c�lon of and rna�ge ttus Prope�y+
<br /> 1{ed�rst to payrn�nt of the oost�of managemeati
<br /> ,. �����psg p��up. pU t�nts oo1leCted by the teoeiver sAa�l lw app ��iums on receiver•s bonds ac�d
<br /> . 04 thW Property and collection of rents,including.but nat limitcd to reoelver's fees.p
<br /> �; maso�blu attomeys' fas.and theu to the swsas s�cuned by this 9eed of Tcust. T�e reaeiver shall bcs Uabto w acoouat -
<br /> •: ,. . �.
<br /> ---=-- --------- _._. �_.n_���e o�w�oliv f�1VP�. '
<br /> ---�-- - --- omy wa au�...... , ---
<br /> ' . 1Q. Lonn Ciu�rges. it the loan secured by thta Deed of 7'russ ia suUject to a law which cets maximum loaa c�acBes.
<br /> „ � und tltut taw ia Mnlly iate:pneted so that tDe�inter�st or othar lopa chatges oolleccad ot to be oelleaod in ooAUxttona�th
<br /> � � .,. tit��?i� o to�e permtttedlimlullr ottd(2)ttny sums al[eadyc�ollecte�d f m B riower hicl�oadt�permltted 1�� i
<br /> ttt ur8
<br /> will bo reflut@ed W Botrower.
<br /> ' ��
<br /> pa�s 1 d S �a/ 1�00QS705�1��AR A�1MJ��ND
<br /> t�9„►1 Rcv N1
<br />