{ .
<br /> ;. �
<br /> ' . �; . ' �
<br /> - ., . . . . .. .. � . , .. . . ,.. �rM+ ..7
<br /> �. ���{titlRlf'�L'..y....M .. . � .. . ., n. . . . -. . .i
<br /> • ��O ����� -
<br /> Any rlder("g@idct")a4tncLed hercto and e�eesuted ot even dute Is incorporated hcretm m�d ¢ho cove�unt and
<br /> , ogceeme�W o�th� I31dea�siuttl aneud and t�upple�nnens the covenuno.s nnd aareemente of thls Aeed o4 Trust,ns It
<br /> , the Rider were a�mrS herPOf.
<br /> Horrower covenants that Borrowar is lawfully seized of tbe estate hereby coaveyed and hus the cight to grwu c+rcd cunvey �•.�,4_
<br /> � the Property, and that the Properry is uneacumbered, oacept for encumbmncea of record. Borrower covenants that -
<br /> .. Borrower wurrants and a�ill defend generally tLe dtle to the Ptoperty aguinat all clnims and deiaaads, subject to ...
<br /> :,:
<br /> �— encumbrances ot r�xord. „:�
<br /> ��
<br /> �.
<br /> .. " IJNdI�'OI31Vd�COVENAIVT3. Borrower and Leader a�venant aRt1 oigree as faftowa: ` _�"-
<br /> ., "+:=-
<br /> 1. �Aj�[IICiIL O�P�qC1S�Dri�0ild LrlttY��. 6orruwep shallpromptly pay whea due the priucipal end interest ladebtedaess „"��:T
<br /> �„ ' evidenced by the Note and lato chta�as as pmvideci in ihe Note. This Deed of Tivat secures payment of suid Note ; ..�:�
<br /> �� � accordin�to ita terms. which ara ic►ffoa�sorated hereia by refenn¢ae. -"
<br /> . � 2. Aggsfim�on mt Paymeat�. Unless epplic�bin p�nv provides atherwise. all paymenta reccived by Leader under the ,�_-
<br /> ; Note aad parag�aph 1�ereof shall be applieai by R.endet Rrst to intec�est dae on the Note, second to the peinciput due _
<br /> , , " on ttte Note, and thas to late chnrgea due oa the I+Iote. ��°-�
<br /> � ' k 3. Prior 1Vlmrigages ar►d needs of�'PUSt: Charges; Uens, Burrower ahall perfoma all of Borrower's obligattons. ��-�::
<br />:;:`., uader any morcga��,�dued of tcust or other securlty agrament with a lien whicb has priority over this Deed of Trust� �-��•
<br /> ��� , ...,.-,
<br /> �%� iacluding Bo=ro�v�'a euveaanta to a�eke psrimYats wLrn due. Boreower sh�tl pay or cause to be paid aU taxes. �.����
<br /> � assessments aud o�oT c.�harges.fiaos aad Gnposittona a3uibutable to the Property which may attain n priority over this .`�-;
<br /> � ':;tnc.
<br /> . ` Dced of Trust,and leasehold p�ymcnts or ground rents,if sny. _t`i�`:'''
<br /> �,.. •:,, --_
<br /> ,':jr --
<br /> • r
<br /> ' 4. Hazard In�tttiaacx. a) Bor�wrs shall kcep the imProve�aenta now eaiatiag or flereatter erected on the Property
<br /> " � , �� �g�}�!��t�y�re,haw38s iucIuded a�ith�n the term"eateaded coverage'� and any other hazards. includiag � _
<br /> � flaods or tlood,for whic�I.ender ma q u i r e a iasura�nce. ]his tasuranoa shaU ba maUitained in ti�e amoun�s nnd for cha t;;;;:::;
<br />� ' � pcdods that Lrader rEquit+es. 7I°.ne umsurauce carrier pnvidlag the inaurance shall tse chosen by�arrower aubject to ..-
<br /> ., � Lendar'e Approval which shaU not be unreasonebly wltb6eld. If 9orrower fails to maintnin o�vetago dBSCr[bed nbove.
<br /> I�CIIlSBY 311SY. ae Lender's ogtion.obtnin cAVerage to protat Leader's rights ia the Property in aacordsinx�vitt►paragcaPh
<br /> ._
<br /> , . ' 6. r;��
<br /> ;,:� ' �fE+:%�
<br /> i'' b) All 'az�suraaa pollcies and reaewals ahall be accepUble to irender and shall include a awnderd mortgage claase.
<br /> ' Lender shall 6nv�the d�hht to hold the pol�cies r�ad renewate. tf Lender requ�+es� Bo:t�ower ahall promptly give W
<br /> , a
<br /> -.� ° � Lender all reseipu of paid premiums�nd reaewat ac►tices. Ia the event of loss.Botmwer ab�ll give pmmpt�to tLe
<br /> ;�;, iasurauoe ca�cirr and Latder. I.ender may make ptoof of loss li not made promptly to Botrower•
<br /> Y4' '
<br /> u"~=:�~�•--.•. c) Untess lxader and Bornowu otheiwise ag�e in writiug.inswnnce Pmoecda s6e11 be applied to reawration or repair
<br />�""`".• �"" of the Proprsty damaged.if the restoration or repair is coonomicaily feasible and Lender's cesurlry 1s aoi lesseaed. If
<br /> "� "� '�"" the cestoruHonor repai�r Is aot coonomically feasiblo or Lender's securlry would be lessened.the iasurance proceeda chaU
<br />"•:� � .,.: '� -r.� be aPpiicd to tDe snms secured by thia Soatdty lmstxument. whether or not t4en due�wtth any eaaess paid w Borruwer. - -
<br /> ��i�' If Borrower cibbtu2lflna�e Property or do�nat an.gwe=withln 30 days a ao�cz from I�ender tlwt tho insurance cairier __._
<br />_ � hos affe�ed to aettle u claim.then Lender may rollcct tho inauranoe pr000eds. Lender may use the proceods w icpair
<br /> _ . or e�st�z�tite Pcopaty ar to ps�yy sums secu:+ed by tbls Saudry Qmstcument.whether or not then due. 'lhe 30�da,y perlod _.
<br />=-- - wiU begin whea the aadce ia glve�n. --
<br /> m.,:°:��':� "t
<br />�;... --"-� -:_- Qj Facctgt ss g:�:'I�e'!�R 4��hFarnvranh 4+(e)Q►r.low. e6ould psirtial or atmAlete desttuction or damnge a+cuc to @te
<br />_""----;="'--'�:`� F;�g:sty��ao�cr heretty's�°t�8t!�y 2nd a�l inatmm�nta evidenctug insuraaCO pioCeedB t+eoeived hY Leader tts u __-
<br /> . � recn7�a�ff aaid demage or destruaion.shall he placed la anon-�Sterest bearing escrow a000nnt with�.ender. At Laider's _
<br /> �„ . �'., discie�loa, II.rader releas� some or all of We proce�la from escrow uRer Bor�wer presento Leader wllfi n ����
<br /> ;� � � reaipt(s)�fnvotce(s)n�wntten estimates(s)or oth�r document(s)acceptable to Lender whlch relates to the repuir and.'or ,,—__
<br /> .. .r� impmvcmente of the Pcopeny ncoessary as n Y��lt vt eaid damuge audlar des t s u c don. A bsent un agreemen t to t I i e --
<br /> • awtrnsy�L�ender sh�D not be requte+ed to pay Borrower any interest on th�prec�eda held ia tho e�row n000unt. Any ::.
<br /> , a�u�na remalning In the n000��as ARer nll reQniis nadlor i��rnvemonta have bcen mu�te to tlio Leader's eat[sfacdon, �`_
<br /> sba:a�Ce appiied to the sums ses�s�c�es�y thla Dced of Tn�st, Dee�1 to Seeura Deb�or MarSgaga. Borrower tluther c�gre� ::.
<br /> co rat�wlth I�der b endorsing all. checks.dra(ts and/or other insaustt�ata uvidxnzing insurauce pro�eds;and �;:'•
<br />° �nY ne�sa�Y dmcumenta. hoWd Bormwer faii 4o pc+ovlde any re�uired e��arsement and/�nr eacecution within thirty(30) %:
<br />- days ufler Lencier sends borrower notice thut [xnder has rccetved an instrument evldencln� insurance proc�ds. ar ' J
<br />- , � document{�)re�uiriag Borcower's aignatom,Borrowcr hemby authortz�s L,cattcr to endotse said insuament and/or _
<br />� �� �� doaunent(s)oa Bosowera behalf.and coAect and applyaaid}�eea�ds nt I�ender's optEon,either to restoration or repait :
<br /> ----— --- ....- --••____� ..L_._....__ - -� +'• ._
<br />- . __. ,-- of the Property or to awas sECUred by this Deed ot`i1vsT.ueeo ro sav:z uwa.vr�.w.a�s. ...�.H..�.�......�..�... .
<br />' of either p:uty tbat thia escrow pmvision.and/or I.eader's eadorseinmt or ea�ecudoa of an iosuniment(e) nnd/or
<br />��. document(s)on behali of Borrower create a fiductuy or agency relation�ip between Lender nnd Borrower.
<br />= e) Unlcss Y�nder cnd Btirro�ver othetwisc q�ee in writing,any applicution of prooeeds to princiRul ste�ll not extend
<br />- or postpone�he due date of the amnthty payments refcrred to in parnIIr�pha 1 nnd 2 or cliaage the nmount of the
<br />— ; � paycnenta. Itunder purngrnph 16 the PcopeKy is acquired by Lender.Horrower'a d�hs to any l�naurance poltciea nnd ,
<br />_ � p�s resuiting irom dumage to the propertY prior to ehe acqutsition shail pass to Lxnder to the extent of the aum9
<br /> sxurrd by this Security Insuutttent.
<br /> -. t1Q7'DJ tRn 071 fwpe!d 3 �� (OIA7/__N;FUAR i�tl/1�D10
<br /> �iaas
<br /> • � �
<br />