„ .
<br /> ., , . ,�. �•-
<br /> . . ' D�E�O� TRU�T �+ope�
<br /> 0$18-1899 ��� �(��(�3°,�,
<br /> •Loan No 893330 (CanUnued)
<br /> --��
<br /> ., ,s -
<br /> r-- --�-_--- —�—.__
<br /> ��ot ouoh rontu,Issuos And proffts,And Iho nppltcntlon theruof sha8 aot ouro or wallo any dutnu!t or notice ot Eeffat�A under thhs Osod of Trust ,
<br /> ' or Invulidnto�ny aCt dnno tn responso to suoh dofnull ot putauant to auch noUCO ot detau�t;und,notvnlh�tanding tho eontinuartco in
<br /> oxar�ciso�ovory rtpht p ovi�adfor I�n iho'NOtO or iho Rolated DOCUrttOn�ts 4r}by lu I pon tivaroQxu enco ota y o 0 of dofu��Itbin�iuding thv y
<br /> . rtght to oxorelse tho power of snte;
<br /> (b) Commonco an actton to lorctclose this Oead ot Trust as a moAgape,appolnt a recalvsr or epeetNcalty onface any of thu eavenants
<br /> horooh,and
<br /> (o) Oeliver to Trustee a wrlqen dccinretlon of defautt and demand tor eate an0 n w�itton notico ot defeult and uoctton to cuua9 Tnxstors
<br /> - Interest In Iho Properlyr tn be aoid,whtoh notice Trustea shall eause to ba duly fited ior record In tho npprop�iub otflcos ot fhq Counly In
<br /> ,. � whteh iho Properry Is ixnted;and
<br /> Nebras a Unf o mtCommo ciel Codo'the Personai Prcperty,Lendor shnll havo ali tta nghts and remedk�s ot a seaurod paAy unQBr the
<br /> Foroctosure bY Ponre►ot 8nio• �f Lendei eteats to toreciose by exercise of the Power of Saio hereln contnln3d,LenOer shall nodty Tn�1ea nnd
<br /> shalt deposil with Trustee lhls Deed ot Trust and the Note and sueh�ecelpta and euldanca of e�ondHuros mndo aM securod by thio Dend of
<br /> � T�ust ea Trustes may requlro.
<br /> (a) Upon reeslpt of 8uah notice hom Lendar,Trustee shnil cause to ba recorded,publiah2d and delivered to Truslor suoh Noflar�of(J6tau��
<br /> , y and No11ce o}Se1e as then requlred by taw and by thls Ooed of Trust. Trusteo shaN,wifhout domand on Tnrsta,aflor suoh Hmc�nn moy
<br /> thon bo�oqulrad by law and atter rocordatlon of Buah Notice of Dafsult and afler Nolce of 8e�e having bevn given as reQUlred by Utr�.Setl
<br /> the Praporty at IhA Ume and place ot 5ais Nxed by ft in such Notke ot Sa10,eilher as a wholQ,or in separnte bta or pnrcolo or 1�tms as
<br /> Trustee sheli deem e�edient,and In such order as ft may determine,at publlo aucUOn to tha highest biddoP for caeh�n invAUl mpnay ot
<br /> the Unitsd States paYabie at the time of sate. Truatee shat�detiver to such urehaser or purchttsors thoreot Its good and uut0alont daed or °;
<br /> � deeds conveying ittie propeAy so�old,but without any covenant or wartan�y,axpress or Imptted. Tha recitals in suoh deed ot nny.mattora ;;j r�
<br /> or Mots ahell bo conGusive proof of the trulhfuiness thereot. Any porson, IncJuding wllhout Ilmitt�Hon Trusta,Trusl6e,or LortrhN,ri�ay
<br /> :..;c purChese et suCh sel8. ';�`
<br /> �”.,:;�;+.E. .�
<br /> : �,,,.,.:;• (b) As may be Oermittorl by law,a8e�deducting att costs,fees and expenses ot 7ruatao and of this T�ust,l�hding cosb of evld4nce af •i`r
<br /> �;:�•t� HGo In connecUon w11B Eale,7rustee ohall apply the procaeds of sele to psymenl ot (q all sums expended undor ihe lom�s ot t*JU Oec;d of ;!.:.
<br /> �,;/�;,;���' 7�ust or under the terms of tho Note not Ihen repnid,lncluding bW not�mNed to 8oauod IMerest and Iata charges. (U)al�olher sums tAen �„^
<br /> ' � secured hereby,and (III)the remalnder,if any,to the person or parsons legaity enUded thereto. .
<br /> (c)Trustee may In the manner provlded by taw postpone sate of aN or any porUOn of th�Prope�ty. ,_
<br /> Remedtes Hol F�ccluslve. Truatae and Lender,and eaoh of them,sheH be entltled to entorce paymant ond porfarmance of any ln�tabtedrtoss ';_
<br /> ,�• or obtlgatlons Secured by this Oeed ot Trust snd to exercise ell d8hts and powors undar thls Dood ot Tntst,unQerlho Note,undot en of tho _-
<br /> „ ,p,tt•';ti � Related Oxuments,or under any othet agreement or any lawa n�w a hereafter In toroe;noN�lth3hsnding,Soma�d ot tnpti p Otly� �d�on �
<br /> -:.,ti�,�;:�,;. and obtigatlon3 secured by this Deed ot Trust may now or hereafter be olherwlse sacured.whothsu by moRgage, � �
<br /> �,'�;s�r�'• i�' assignment or athenvise. f�olther th�accePtance of this Oeed of Trust nor Ita entoroemant,whathar by court acUon a puBUant to thq powe�ot
<br />� •{:::'.sz' ���tqor�nwers contalnsd in lhis Deed ot Trust,shall preJudtce or In any mAnrw�r attoct Trustee's or Lertefers Hpht to�Miu:O on m
<br /> :':�{>;i�-._ __�
<br /> :, • enlo►co anY other 5eaurity now or hereafter heid by Truatee or Lenaer,ii beinp apmod f}aid Tr�rstsa as8 t�.:�����!� � � °
<br /> �,�; onitlted to entorco this Oned of Trusl and any other seovrlty now or hereaNe�hetd by l.ondtv or T�ustoo in suoh order and mnn�mr ea lhoy or
<br /> elther ot lhem may ln thefr absotute dlscretlon determine. No remedy contarod upon or resorv&d to Trustoa a LAnd4r.t9 InGtrtr.11�sd to be
<br /> exclusive of uny other remedy In this Oeed ot Truaf or by law provlGad or permfriod,bul aach ahall be aumu,ttiva tred 6hnli bu 1n anlditlon to
<br /> � every ather ramedy p�ven In this Oood ot Trust or now ot hereafter existlnp at 18w or In t�quty or by otatuta. Hv�ry paw�or ro�roed�0�wn b�►�P�!
<br /> � � , Note cr cny ot the Ret�ted Ooaumonta lo Trustee or Londer or to whbh eithx o!thbm may be otheawisa a�Uped� may o��c�sw�
<br />- conaurrcntty or Indopendentty,from tlmo to tlme and as otton u mty bs d�rt�a0 cucDedl�el by Troat�o a I.�rsdr�and Mihot of Ihem mty
<br /> • epU st the T usfa to eeexto!euoh Qotion Is�permilled by law ehatt b�eonshued as prohl�:Gro,�t,ender hom seeklnp�dAtWKn4Y l�d�nt
<br /> iteque�t Fot Notlee. Trustor,on bshalf ot Trustor and Lender,hereb1�requesta thtt a aoAY m any Ho2tC0 ot OatauA aed e copy o0�tnY Notb�
<br />- of Sab under ihls D9ed ot Yrust bo malbd lo them at the addrosses sel torth In tla�Grst pAruBrtpb oi this�asd o!Trust.
<br /> WMver;Elee:ton of Remedlea A walvor by any party at a breaoh of e provlaion of th19 Ooed ot Tnttt ehdl no1 Con3t1lut0 A t�alv�t o?or
<br /> preJudteo the p�o r�phts otherwN,�e to domnnd ahkt compilanc9 with that provh�on pr any othi�v proviulon. Eleatton br tArtdar ta pun�a�Y
<br />�:-r.+�;, ' remedy provfdYd n thts Oeed ot Trusl,the Noto,in any Retated Ooaument,w proNdad by law EhGtl not oxetudo Duruuil 01 am!ot�nt nm�dri
<br />�h�:'•�• :.,�� � end tu�election to makoexpenditures or to take nctlon to peAorm an obAyat'orf ot Tn�tw undov thl�Oeed at Trust after taJllum:�Ttustor�o
<br />:..�. • '��-� porfqrm shall not atfecl Lendere dpht to dcicimo a dotnutl and to e�ccsrclse any ot tts rom�clia�.
<br /> � "�''"•`''f" Attomey8'Fees;Dtpenaoa. If Lender tnslltutes any sult or ectla�to entace any af th9 tspma ot lhis�ocd of Ttusl,Lortd3►$h+t����D�nUUed to
<br /> recovc�r such sum as tho cou�t may adjudgo reasoneb►e as utte►neoys'teos nt M31 end on any aApua►. WhetQ�er a no1 a�q e�'M�on� --
<br /> ' ' � invotved,a��reusonabte expensss inourced by L9rtder whkh U Lendera opinion 8ro no�sary at an�Nmo 1or tlre protocllo�.ot ik1 t�te�st OT t�a
<br /> ' � enforcomont of ib dghts ahail becomo e part ot the Indsbtednass payabte on domareO and LhatlOos►�ntBrost at the Noto�tn�dcao tt�dnte ot
<br /> expenditure unlil repatd. Expansos covorod by this pamgreph Inctudo,wilhout L'mtaUOn,however sub}eet to any o��u�t�c�b�M a =_
<br /> °�., Lender's eriomeYs'toes whether or nol lhere ls a tawsuit,inatuding attomsys'tees tor bankruptcy prooa+dings (Ywt r� __
<br />� vacate any a u toma t ic s t a y a r I n J u n c t l o n�,a p P e a l s u n d e n y e�l l e 1 p u t e d p o s t�U d pm ant caecUOn Gsnr�s�the cast o!Eaarti�iry roco►ds. __
<br />�_ '��� •: r•. oblaiNng Qtte reP�(tncluding toroctosure rePo�ts�,eunreyota'roP�.aPp��t���O In.sltr8nOF1.and loes 1or tlo0 T�lq E 3�t0 t l f a 6 x t E t�f! _
<br /> _�;�.��,_. ,, permltlad by appifcnble taw. Trostor also witt pay anY court cosb,in addltlon to 8U ott�r sums providod by taw. �
<br />�a�:�-�.�-�� e eg pgyQ au nt thn ' hb nnC duUes of Londa ea sot forth in thb sc�eUOn. _
<br /> — i�4L�':fa Gi Stt�:.A. Ttt�les_!� +�P �
<br />�.T,:.:.�.�_--�..
<br /> _..,�,���- � POWERS AMD RsLitiAY'tOA15 OF iAifSTC�. Tt�a!c:latdrt8 pro�l��n�ang to tho powsrs and o0i�gatlons ot T�u�tco r�a p��t,s sr o t;wd af �.
<br /> «,sr ,_- �C �`:
<br /> ••',ia�> . TN3t. -
<br /> • �� Pbweta ot Y�u6tCe. �n addiflon to nll powera of Trustee arising a3 a muttpr ot tow,Trusteo 6hEill hntra th�po�r.^^!lQ tako tM bollmafng aetto� �
<br /> ' � wflb rospact to the PropeAY upon tAe wAtten�oquost of Lender and Trustor. (a)Jdn in preptufnp nnd filing a mtip or pat o!tno 4io�1 Ptopodf�� ;:•
<br /> m p
<br />- � inCtutlirtg tho dodlcallon oi atreets or othor dghts to the publto; (b)�dn In yrandrtg ony oa.,mmaM or creaUng any�eshtotlDe on Mu pont Ptope�ty; e;
<br /> „ . " and (c)Joln tn any subordlnnUOn or other ugreomant aNOCting thts Deod ot Ttust ar fhn Int�rran Ot Londcx undor 4h19 Oactd ot'7n�tf.
<br /> Trut►2co. TtuSt�Bhflil meot AI�qut111flCAttOns tequked tOt 7tu5lee utldei epp4`C8b13 L3W. In sCdillon to!ho rtett�end rqr�oaYdD sa2 tortA&bavo, `_
<br /> vnth rospeCt to atl or uny paA W the Proporty,the Trusteo chall havo tho dght to loroda�o by notko and sn�o,and lGn�er Lhntl I�nvu the tfpht to _
<br /> ' foreclose by Judlc�t turec�osure,in eithur cnse In accordarsce wlth and to Iho full oxtont provldad by oAAACnblo law.
<br /> SueCOSSOt Truataa. Londer,at l ier's optlon,may hom tlme to Nme eppolnt c su000s�or Trustoe to uny Tru�taoap�alntOd Nureunder by an
<br /> Instturtront exaeuted and udcnoM 3od by Lendor nnd rocordsd In Ihe otliCO o!tho recwdor ot HAIL Courty,Nebt�3kn. Tho{nstrttmt►M sheil
<br /> I� contain,In addltton to all other matteis roqulred by etnto Iaw,tho namos o!tha odalnrl Londor�Tntstee,and Tmstar,thu bxt�and pttpB Iat _
<br /> ' eemputor syatom rotoronce)where thts Dood ot Tntst Is record�d,aad tho namo and eddross of fho suooessor trustaa.artd Mu fcaUument theil _
<br /> '. bo oxocuted entl acknowtadged by sil tho banoflcfartos under tho Qoed ot Tmst w th�lr su000saas In Intorost. Tho sueeoxa�husteo�w►thout ,-
<br /> convoyanco of tho Property�shnli succecad to nil ihe tiNo,power,und dutlos cont�red upon tho Tructeo In thls Oeod of Truoi nfl�by�WPr�Ca418 6
<br /> ----------------- _. ._�.._.---..��u..u�....��....�m nhou nnvore te flw mrduslnn of nll 011{�Jf OfON810tIS fOt OUb8111UU0li.
<br /> � $w. t fR9(7�R.�YIO t�n owon....�.n.v......-..—�.._-.'-- -.._
<br /> • NOTICES'f0 TRUSTOR AND OTN£Pi PASiT1ES. Any notbe undsr tMS Dood of TivEt Mfltl bo{n writing,may bo cont br taletacslmtle(uni�a �
<br /> Whorwiso roquirod by tuw),and ahalt be eNeclivo whon aetuaW dclfvorod,or whon depoated�vllh a naHonalty rocognlzod ovorN�ht eourt�.or,M
<br /> f
<br /> maite0,shail ba doorrusd ottoctiv0 when deposltod In tho UNted Statos ma11 flist clus9,ooNlted or rogiste�d maY,poslaBv prapNd,diroctod ta tho �.
<br /> edatr9ssos ahown noar tho bo8lnntng of this Oood of Trust. Any pady mny chsngo Its addres3 ta noticos undor thts�eod ot 7rWt by givtng fotmsl
<br /> .'.''.��� wrlttsn nottco tu thg othur ppdies,specitying that tho purposo ot fhe nottco is to c6nnpB th�pMyle addres3• Ai�coPtos��a�����10SUro hom �
<br /> `'•'��� ' ` Ih�hoider ot any Ilen whtch has prlonty over th15 Oeed of Trust shaH bo sont to I.enders sddresa,as shmvn nesr tho 6eD��n1�0 Of uia De�d ot Trus1. ,_
<br /> - . :��:i{ For ool�co D��P��Trustor egree�to koap Lender and Trustse Inlormed at uA tlm�s of 1'ruEtat's cunsnl addr�s. _
<br /> ��! j
<br /> - C�� _'
<br /> y;
<br /> `�.k;�'� MiBCELLANE0U8 PAOVISIOHg. The toltowing misCeYaneous provisions aro a part of thk3 Dofld o4 Truah
<br /> o�the maRars s�1 torth I�n thls OeAO o�Trust.WNo alleret onteot or amondmont to Ihl Oasd of Trust shalt be eHacUve�unl�.n pNo�w��51 a d
<br /> " s�gned by the psiy or pa�ttes sought to be charged or bound by the att¢ration or urmndmenl.
<br /> ,. , .� ,�. .; _.
<br />