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.. "if• . ,�(• .. <br /> j , <br /> �� 1 .�'G ' <br /> , .• a <br /> ,. ` •' .. � �- . -. ' ...__.... <br /> � �..-' ,:.w+•q-•..- - _. _ .. . . ........ ._.—�—'--_....-._.. <br /> .�.._. i:.. ........... .. ....... .. . ... . . . . � <br /> .._. . .......--°..... _ .._. <br /> 02�98-��e� DEED O�vRUST ,�, Pase a <br /> Loa�P�a 8fl�33fl (Continued) �9� ��.���� _ <br /> �.... . Motch 1.2002. . <br /> Persortal PrO�rty Tho worda"Pnroonal Proporty'msan pu oqulpmont, tixturos,and othur a�ticlos ot poreonu►properh nmv or horonttcr <br /> u <br /> owoad by Truslor,and now or hCrouftor atlnohod or nHixod lo tho Rnst Proporry; toqothor w►th nit uccoss�ona,pnrb,ancJ nddit�ons to,atl <br /> repiaCOmontp ot,nnd pll tlubOtilutlona ior, nny of ouoh propCrty: and tagnl�or wHh uil proC�ods (Ineiuding wllhout Ilmltatlon nq Nsutnneo ' <br /> �� proceeds and retunds of prem!uma)trom any aate or othor dlsposltfon o}thu Proporty. �,; <br /> PropeRy Yho e�ord"ProparN'monn�eoileauvo�y tho Ronl Propa�ty and thu Pcroonnt Proporty. <br /> RaW PrqpErty. Tho wards"Aeai PtapoMy'monn lhe propoAy.Inte►asts aRd dphta doscdbod abovo In tho"Convoyan�o and GrenP ccx�on• �`., <br /> � Rolated Qaaumonta. The v�ords"Rntntad Dooumonts" moan and Inctudo without Ilmitntlon all promissory notos,credit agreesne�s,�oan — <br /> � • • d�EU en�,�wholhor no o'r ere ftor oxlst n9,rtexeauted In eonn�eaUon vrith 1he181nd btedno3s.f�ust,and all other InsUuments,eQroamenis and " <br /> Y•1 <br /> Rente. Tho word'Rents"meana all presant and tuturo renta,revonua�,inoomo,I�sues,royaittos,profits,end othor bom��ts dahred hom tho , <br /> PropoM• = <br /> # T�uatee. Tne wortl"Ttustee'means UNiTED N�BP,ASKA BANK nnd any�ubstitute ot euoccr�'r:aor trustaos. ��>� <br /> ....,.. <br /> Ttuator. The word"frusto�means any snd aN persona and entltles execuUng thls Oeed ot Trust,lnctuding wilhout IlMtatlan f1GTnr3tda nnma <br /> ��::�. <br /> � <br /> 8bove. ,, <br /> TMl8 OEED OF TRUST, INCWDINd THF ASSItiNMENT OF RENT8 AND THE SECURITY INTERF.ST IN THE RENTS AND �fA80NAl. �,V:=_ <br /> `y PROP�iTY,IS GIVF.�1 TO 8ECURE (1)PAYMENT OF TME iHDEBTEDNES.4 ANO �2)PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL O�LIGwTIGt�B OF .; . <br /> TRUBTOR UNDER THE NOTE�THE aELATED DOCUMENTS�AND TK18 DEED OF TRtlST. THIB DEED OF TFiUBT 18 OIVF�! AND wCCEPTED _��,:� <br /> ?:} pN TME FOLLOWING TERMS: „__. <br /> �`� E�AY!lFPfT 1lND PERFOAMANGE. GceePt as otherwfse provfded In thls Deed of Trust,Truslor shall pay to Lender all amounts Gecaed bYthis 098d �'Y <br /> �t ot Trust ea thoy become due,and shaN sMctry end In a Umely manner pertwm alt of 7nutars obiigations under the Noto,ihts Oc�d Of TrWI,and th9 V,- <br /> Rsktted Doouments. �,rt~-- <br /> ;, t+p9S8S310N AHD MAINTENAlJCE OF THH PROPERTY. Trusta agrees that Trustor's possession and uce ot tho PropErty shail be Boverned b�� !�,-�, <br /> ? ihe toAOwing provisians: <br /> �:t, ��x., <br /> � ;g� porisessloo and Use. Untll ihe 000unenco ot an Svent ot OetauH,7rustor may (a)remain In pas5e3sion and control of tho ProporN�(b)uso, _r <br /> � �;;s�y ope a�e or menage the Property,and (c)coAect any Ra�ts hom the Properly. �- <br /> ��" Outy to Mntntain. Trustor shall mnintain the Property In tenanteb►e condidon and promptty peAOrm all repalrs,repiacements,and msintennnOO �°� <br /> . VZ�-�_:: <br /> 1,�"�.� � � ; neCOSS�ry to preserve Ita value. <br /> ' � Mt�ardous Substancoa The terms"harardous waste,""ha=ardous substanca;"dtsposal;'teleeso,"and lhreatened reloas�,'as used�n lhis ���+t' <br /> ��' Deed of Trust,shaM have the same meanings es set torfh In the Comprehensive Envlronmental Responso,Comper�.saUon,a�1 Liablity Act of __-. <br /> �'ti tg8p,as artrondad,42 U.S.C.Seotlon 980�,et ssq.('CERCLA"),the SupaAUnd Amendme nta a n d R e a u t h o r i z a tl o n A c t of 1988. Wb.L.No. ___ <br /> • �� gg_qgg�gqqp,),ths Hs:ardaus Matedais Transportatlon Act,49 U.S.C.Seclion 160t,et seq.,the Resouroo Co�ervaUOn and Recovery Aot. � <br /> -�„• � .�„ 4:!l.S.C.S�Uon aixft,wt saq.,or other ap0lioab�e st8to or Fedetal►es�or reputntlona 6dopted pursusnt W any of tliBlonopdng. ThU �.. <br /> 18tms"h0i9tdous waste'a�d Te�dou8 Sub8t8nC9"ehe11615o Indudo,wtth0ut Umltauon,pelydeum iti���t�oirs�';-prCd�d Ct SnY S�ll�t <br /> ; ,��•� '� ' thereot end asbestos. 7rustor reptesenls and warrants to lender 1haN (a)Du�ing lhe po►tod ot Tntstor's owoaship o!tho�'rop�rty��hare hag �'_.<, <br /> been no uae,genera9ion,manu(acture,storage,trentment,disposel,release or threatoned retease ot any hur8rdous wuste or aubstanCO by any <br /> R9rson on,tmqer,about or from the Ptoperly: (b)Ttustor hea no knowledgo of,or reason to be�leve lhat the�has baen,exoapt as provlot�8t'9 <br /> ' disetosod to and acknowlod8ed by Lender in wdHng, (q any use,gerteratlon,manufaoturo,storage,treatment,disposal,release,or tlreat�rmd <br /> ' relosse ot any herardoua waste or aubstartce on,under.about or trom the Propedy by any pdor ownere a ocoupanffi ot tha Ptop�!y a (N)any <br /> eatual or threatenod Iltlpatlon or elafms ot any kind by arry person retattng to eueh mntto�s;and (e)Ezcopt as provloust�l dset <br /> o�ed to and <br /> acknowtedgsd by Lender in w�itlng, (p neilher Tni�tot nor any fenaM,contraobr,apeM or othor authoiiu►d user of Ihs PropMrly eha4 uso. <br /> � ` qenerato,manufaoture,store,Ueat,dfspose ot,or release any hasardous waste a substanco on,undot,obout or hom!ho Pirapedy to0 p�)any <br /> such activily ahall be conducted tn eompilance wUh NI appifcabte federal,slate,and Iocut Inws,regutaUons and ordinan�es,leC►udinp wllhott! <br /> ` Ilmitntlon those laws.reQutaHa�,and ordinances dascribsd abovo. T�ustor aulhorizos lender and Ib aaeMa to enter upan it�o Praporty to <br /> ' :� make ouoh I�peetlons end tosts,at Trustor's oxpo�o,c+s Lendor may deem approprfate to determins compliarww ot Iha Pro�ert�r wUh thb <br /> seotlon ot the Ooed ot Trust. Any inspactlons or:ests mado by Lender shotl bo tor Lenders purposes onh snd ahQU rtot Oe corot►urd to crenta <br /> ,� nny rosponsibiYty or Itsbtlity on the paA ot Lender to T�ustor or to any other peBOn. The representntlons and warrnnttes contelnod Aoretn ero <br /> " v alves sny tut�ue cialms'&ge nst 1Lender t�a8relnd mlly opco^tribuhUeo�n in t e evor�Trus�bEraom suliablo for R n�uP a to tNry(oosb��nny <br /> .- sucA lav�s,and (b)agrees to Indemnly and hoid harmiass LenEet agair�st any and aU Claims,losses.OabHlBes, dcR�rtgm,ise����nd <br /> r� +• �-�S expanses whkh lertder moy directiy ot indiroctly sustain or suNer tesu�Ung trom a breech of this eoclion of tho Ooed at Ttust a as a . <br /> � consequonco ot any uso,genereUan,manufeature,storage,dBposal,release�r thmatenud re�ease of e hezardous waste or s�o�thp <br /> �'� properties. The provlsions ot this sectlon ot the tk�ed ot Trusl,Ineludinp ttie obilpxtlon to Indamniy.shaA BunAre the Oa3�n� m lha <br /> .!� Indobtodnoss and the sat�stnctlon and reconveyance ot the 6en of tNs Qeed of Trust artd shall rtot ba attectod by Land�s�cqukitlon ot any _ <br /> _.._- _ = x Intotflst tn the PropBrty,whother by fOf6dOSUro or othefwise. _ <br /> _ --.�;� <br /> �Ty�. Nulsance,Waste. Trustor shall not eause,conduW or pamiR anS►aulsanco nur eommit,pertnit,or sutfer any atrlpping ot or xiste on or to lhn v <br /> .� PropsAy or any pottlon of the Ptoparry. Without Iimiting fhe generaiiry of tAO toregoing,Trustor wl7 rto!�xnove.ot p►ant tO aeY aili6r puAy tho <br /> rlghl to remove,any dmber.mtnorets(tnduding oit and gas),aotl.9ravel or rodc Oroducb without tho p�fot wrtttun toroont o!lendaf. T <br /> �� '•� ��� Removsl ot Improvemeata Trustor ahatt not damdish or remove any ImprovemoMO hom the Real PropeAfr wlthout the pda w�iHen con5ont <br />- �,='_r=--°� .:t t�n:..:r. !:^.a eandt�on to tM!removal af any imptovomenb.Lender maY�e0uire Trustor to make arrangemonts ttallsfactaY to lenEet to = <br /> - :.=:�;;,;���_:s4�=� rep!ace such Improvements wBh Improvemants o!at least equat velue. _ <br /> ' Lende��Ripht to Enkr. Lender and Its agents end rapresenffiUves rtwy eater upon ihe Roai PropeAy at ell roasonoblo Umes lo n�Wnd to <br /> ;� lenders Interests and to i�pect the Property tor purposes ot Trustor s cvr�Mu�a,m�e w�lh tfle terms and eondttlons ot fhf��eed ol Ts�C6 -� - <br /> . Campttanee wltlo Govemmentai RequlremeMs. Trustor shatl prompUy eomyry wlth�II tawa.ordtnar�,and roQ�Bntlons. now ar As�eafto�tn <br /> � :i ' c eontost In good talVi am suah tar�. <br /> t,��', , etiect,of all govommaMal authmittes eppllcable to the usa a oocWaneY of the Prog[yty. �&,?MY ,,� <br /> �� o�dinance.or regulaUon and wlthhold compllance dudn8 any proceedfn9.Inaiud�ng epAraArlate lonp es Trustor Ires�cotiEed Lortdar �';;,.' <br /> � In vidtf�prtor t0 doing so and 60 lOng es,in Londers soto opinton,lendet's interests in Iha Ptoperty em not Joopard3zed• I.end�mnY toqulra c,:, <br /> Trustor to pOSt adeqtlRte soCUdty ot a suroty bond,roasonabry eatkstectory to L.ondc�r,to protsct Lende�'S Into�oat �'�� <br /> .'kti . <br /> i Outy to Protoct. Trustor agreas neilher to nbandon nor Ieave unnttended Ihe Property. Trustor shall do ail othor ncts.ln addYOn to tho5o eoiti <br /> !�{ sst fath abave in thls sectlon.whl¢h Bom the character and use u!th�Pronorty are rensonabty necossery to pmtxt nRd prc:��wa tlro propaRy. _ <br /> }' pUH pAt g/LLB-CONSEHT BY LENDER. Lender may,at Its optlon.deei3re fmmodiataly due 8rtd payabb aIi eums s0cttrod by INs Oeed ot Yruat <br /> i' upon tho scila or hanster,�vlthoul tho Lender's p�ia writ�en conser�,of all or any pa�t ot the Rc�t PropmlY�or anY�ntaest in tho Reet RaRaty►• A -- <br /> �' 'sule or Uanster"means the conveyance of Real Property or anY dAht,tltle or iMr�rost thereln;whothm tegol,benetjdal ot ttquiWbto;whcatl�vdunMry <br />�. ,.,, ' <br /> " ' ar mvoluntnry;wfiolher by oulrlght sale,deed,tnsloi�mon►aale ConUac9,Iand contraCt,contract tor dCSd.IBasohWd into�st wllh e tnrm greater n .. <br />- "??��' threo(3)Y���1e�P�on conhact,or by sele,esslgnment,or transtor of any benefldN Int¢rest In or lo any Innd trust holdlnp fiite to tho 6�a9t , <br /> -- ------ ---- .. __.._�_.____.�_.,_...c�o....�.ro t..ta.�ud tt anv Tnstor 1s e Cot0ot8tlOn�paAnetship ot Umlted 6'tblGtr�COiRpu�. <br /> ,�- Propetty.or oy any o��mw��n+N YN��v�u�wrv.....�..�_.,.. ---- - <br /> :� • transfer Nso Ineiudes any chan8e In ownershfp ot more than hventy-five pereent (2696)ot t!w voUng stoek,partnorsntp Imorc�su or ummo�� <br /> ,� compuny interests,as the case may be,ot Trustor. However,th�opUon shall no!be exercESrnt�by lend¢r if such exercfsa b p►oNblte4 by todOYN <br /> .: Inw or by Nebraske law. <br /> �' TA1tES AND UEti8. The foilowing provfslons relatlnd to lhe taxcas nnd Ite�on tho PropoA�r ttro a patt ot this Oeod ot Ttus4. <br />_ . ;� Peyment. 7rustor shall pay when duo(nnd tn eli evenis pdor to donrt4aancy)aU fnxes,spactai w�dt�sasa����°S�don9 0 ot tOr <br />=° ;t and sflwor),8nos a�d impositlons teviad agalnst u on aocount ot 1hv Propo�ty.and shGO pay �.�«pR�to ihe " <br />= seMees rondomd or materfal tumishsd t01ho F'roPeriY• Trustor ahtaltt rtutintatn thsP�o�ertyr ireo ot�II tlens 1f3Nn8 P� <br />= Intarost ot Londer under this D9ed of Trust,excopt 1or ftte Ilenn of toxes and rr�essmont�not dao,oxoopt fa tho a�.°'.rt4�ndebtod�ss ret�rad <br /> •� � to bolow,and oxcept as othorvdso provlded in tAls Deed ot Trust. <br />- iitpht To Conteat. Trostor may vuithhotd paymont of any tox,assossment,or cla�m In connoction wlth o ood failh dispu4o over IA9 obligttton <br />_ ,r to pay,so long us Londer's fnterost tn tho Properly ts not jeapt�rdined. if a It¢n artses or is�led as u rosu�t ot nonpaymont,Trusta s�wf�wttMn <br /> � h R O Un(15)da y s aHor the Iton arises e llen is flled.wltNn fifteon(16)Gays aftor Tru3tor has notioo C➢th0 filir�g,Gtleuro No d i�a r�0 0}tho <br />-: .� Uon,or If ruquesled by Londer,deposit with Lender cush or a suitictent corpaate auroty bond or ot hur sCau r l t y sc�U S l a c t a Y t o U 3rt d e r tn en <br /> � • • :, <br /> . �• <br /> � -----�--�....._ - - - -...._-��..-.....^.-.�„_.� ._..._ —..._.�.�—.- _ <br />