<br /> . �
<br /> � , �� �t
<br /> , ,. , �,
<br /> ., .. ° ......... ...... ...._
<br /> .. w.,.�m.a.vr-a.,-. .. ,. �� ,. n �� - .
<br /> ., �- . .. . . . _r� . ._. .._. . �.. .__'�_
<br /> , 1
<br /> . . COVfiNANTB ��" ���.�r��v ,. ..
<br /> 9. Poymoflta. Borrov�cr nproofl Io mnko alt paymnntn on tho oocurod Aobt whon duo. Un�oRa Borrowo� ond Londor apcoo othurwlso, any
<br /> '� ozctuolvo of Intnroat ar piinciN�t,neuaRd to Intoroat�ond thon to princlpal.af pertia�t prafpaymant ot tho eocurod�dobt occure tor eny raoson dlt wUt „ •
<br /> nat roduco or oxcuaa any sohadd2d peymont untii tho oocurod dobt io paid In tulL
<br /> 2.ClaAnn Apdne4 Tltls.Borrowa will pay nl)tOxon,aoeoeamonts, o�d othor charpus onributnbio to tho proporty whon duo and wlll dnlond tltlo ,
<br /> dofonaos whi�chn0orroawor maY heve epe nst partlospwho oupp y lobot o mAtarfnte to Improvo ory�n4tofnBho proparty eJlgn any rf{�hta,clafma or
<br /> 3.tn�esmttao. Borrowar wlil kuop tho Fropony innurod undor tormn natoptobio to londot ot Bqrrowor'e oxpanoo and far Londot'n bonofit.Ait
<br /> � inauranco paltcioa ehall tnatudo a standurd mortgnpopcinuso fn favor of Lendor.Lendar wiU bo ramod no loun payoo er n�tho 8nnu�ed on ony such � ,Y
<br /> �� � ur to tho 6ocurad dnbt�If LanAerroqii/rooemoKgngo insuinnco`t Boriowor apdro�os toimalntaln ouch�hnsurencotfor s lonp os londor�roqulraa�opotty __
<br /> ,-:-�'�, 4.Properiy.8orrowor will koop tho proporty tn flooA conditton and moko o!I ropalro roaoonobly nocoeaory, � �j`!`
<br /> of t�runt or�fn antl ob1igAtlon socurod Dy thla�dood ot trunt e�crrowor�wlll pay thoso amaunt to Londor ea provfdQd kn Covenant 9 ot thts daod of ���--:
<br /> 'L
<br /> � uust. __
<br /> 8.Pdpr Socudtr�nterosto.Uititoaa Borrowor firet obtalna lendnPs wAtten conaent,Borrowar wlii not moko or permit any changaa to nny prlor - ,r=_--
<br /> inctud,^0i�orrowot'o covonnnts o make poYmonto�when�duo b�Igations under ony priar mortflaga,doed ot trust or oth9r cocurity ogruemont, _,�
<br /> � �,
<br /> � 7.Aec1pnrteerit of R�rne and Profita.Borrowor oasl8ns to Loodor the rontn and profits of tho property.Uniose Borrowor and lendor havo agreod E.�-
<br /> otherwiso in writlnfl, Bonowor moy co�lsot nnd retaln tho ronto ns long us Bottower Is not in deteult.If Botrowar deteulte,Landot,Londor's �;;;
<br /> ogont, or o couR appointed re�Aivor mny tahe possoasVon ond manage tho property and coilact the ronts.Any ronts londer coltoate shell be s,,.
<br /> " ;' � eppilod tirst to tha coats of inenaging tho property. Includtng court coste nnd attotneys' feas, commisslons to rontal apents, and any other Ni:i
<br /> �eeoesary rotatod oxponsos.The remaintnp amount of tentn�vllt thon oppiy to paymenta on tho ooeurod dabt as providsd In Covonant 1.
<br /> " 8.I.oua�hotd�s eondominiuma;Rnnne+0 iJa;t Qavstapmama.Borcower s rees to comply with tho provisione ot any toaso If this dnod ot trust is on L— _
<br /> ' , � a leosehold.It thia deod of trutl fa on a unit in e eondominium ar a p�anned unit development, Borrowar wlll porfarm aY of Borrowet's dutles _
<br /> under the covonents,bylawa,ar repuiatlon8 ot the aondomi�lum or pianned unit devolopment.
<br /> � A.Authwlty of(.ander to Postorm to►E3ortowet. If Banovier foits to_potfnrm sny�f Borrower'a dutias undnr thla deod of uust, Londet moy ��
<br /> � par(orm tho dutios or aausa e�em to bo po�tormod.Londor moy sipn Borrowor's nomo or pay a�y emount if noeo6enry lor poNotmunco.It any
<br /> • "�� conatruatlon on thep�operty E�discontinued or not eattted on in a reasonnbte mnnner,londer may do whatevet iu nocoeaary to proteot Londo�'e
<br /> " securlty Intoraet in tFio proporCy.TO+Ia may includo comptotinp tho conatructlon. _.__
<br /> `'��� Lendor's faitur�to po�torm vrilt acn-0roatude Lertdar hom oxorefalnp any of Im other rights under tha law or this doad of wat. Ft�--
<br /> " and w 11 boar8ln�tuiresL ftomtho deto oi taho paymont uMll pa d n tull a'itho intoreett°to In eNeot on tho secured debt unte witi be due on domnnd -_
<br /> o �...�
<br /> �+ . 10.Defnutt ond Acaster�tton.M 8orrower toils to moke any peyment when due or breaks any covsnants under thls deed ot uust or ony _
<br /> obllgetfon soeured by this doed ot trust or ony prfor mortgege or dead of uust, Lendor may accatarate tho maturity of tho aocured dabt and
<br /> ' .�,�,;�, demand tmmodiato poymnnt and mey irnoke the power of eais and any other temodies pormitted by applicabio tew.
<br /> �:� � �: 11,R�qu�st tar�dotie�afi i��iNFi•1i is r�+avY saqussicd ihst soFks et•.he nori�.�s ot defauit and oata bo sont to ouch person who Is a patty
<br /> �.r•? i �;,• horeto.�t thn bddross of each tuch porsan,�s set forth heroln.
<br /> ,...,.,,,,. ,
<br /> 'y`'t'i'.••a".�%I
<br /> •,��;�-{4•ye. . 14.Pdwt►04 Sett.it tho La�dar invokos tteu power of saio,the T►ustev e�n{i first�ocord In tho otftce a�cM,ceglata�ot dooda o enn coun
<br /> �� ' �' wherein ths aust Property or eome part or pareel thereof is situatad a notica of detault cantainingereto+�AC�to othet�porsons�as preacr bodt0y
<br /> l�:,� ;.,�:.; shail aiso mait coptoe of thu �rotico of deteWt to the Bortowe�,to eaeh parson who Is o Party h —
<br /> , , app�laabte low.Not losa than one month aRer the Truateo rssords the notico of defau9t or two montAs 1f tho tnist Proporty ia not in eny _
<br /> tnco�poratod city or viltago av►d�S usod in tarming oparetione cerried on by the uustor,the t�ustoe shall give public nodca ot ealo to the petsona
<br /> 1�� 1��c,;�;. e�d in the mannar prescriEedpy appp�losble low.Trusteo,without demend o�Borrowor,shoil eoil tho proportY et pubYO auctlon to tho highoot
<br /> �'.:j;���,. , biddor.If roqu3rtd by thu Fo�rn Ftomestoad Roteallon Act,Trustoo ahaft o4imr tAe property in 4wo sep3rata saies se ropui�ed by epplicabte�aw.
<br /> `«�n • �:��-. Trustee mey poatpono aolo of all ar any parcoi of the propurqr by publlc announcomoM e4 tho ttmo snd p7ace of any provlously saheduied sato.
<br /> , _. '; le�de�or Its desipnoe mny purchaso the propetty at any aete.
<br /> :='•����*� Upon teeelpt ot paVmerK of E4roprlco bld,Trustae shail deliver to tho purchasor Truotee's dood eonveytng tho property.Tho recttiais contalnsd In
<br /> ••-t. Trusteo's daed shell bo prim�feaio ovidianco of tho tr�th ot tho stntomonto eontninod thoroin.Truateo shall apply the proceeda of the sate In tha
<br /> , �.;,�;;, faliowing order: (a► to a;i m�tenaoo ot tho eate, indud'�ng, but not Iimftad to, reesanabto Truatea's feos, roasonobio ettornoy'o 4aos and
<br />'�y�.:t,��.; �oinatetomont tous;(b)to eA amna soeurod by thio doad of trust,ond lol tho bniance,if nny,to the puraonu Iogally eMiUod to roceivo it.
<br /> --�'4':';�:^�� i g,Fanciosur�.At LendoYa a0tion,this doed of wat may be toreelosed dn the mennar providu by oAD���blo taw tot foraeiosure ot mertflagoa
<br />�z_�.;.;��; on real proportv.
<br />=-�-�---��-�� 14,Gup�[on,le�dor rney entor the proporiy to inapoct it if Lender pivae Bonowor notico betorehand. The noNCO must etate the roasonaD�e
<br />"�'��7';.;:� causo for Londer's nspestimn, —
<br /> v...,j�... 'j'i
<br /> Tu`'h�„` _ --
<br /> " •-•., , 96.Cend�mn�lon•Borra►ve�easlgna to Londor tho procoeda�of any eward or claim for d�ama43e�s eonnoatad wlth e eondomnaUan or ather tek np
<br /> securlty aSroomentf tho proparty. Such proceedn wili bo apptlod as provided in Covonent 1.ThJe assipnment Is subJeat to tho torms of aM►prinr _—
<br /> �,�� 18.Y11dv�r.BY oxerciaing eny romody avaiieblo to Londer,Londor doos not givo up any rights to toter�sm amr othor romedy.8y not oxor du ing �
<br /> . Sr:" '` any romody upon Rottowor's default,londer doae not waivo ur�y right to tater eonstdor tho ovent a defeutt IF it hoppons egnin. _
<br /> �t�w•�• 17, dWrtt�nd Swud Ue�pit�s Cast�mi Succason and Asefpns Bound.All dutiea under thts dcad of truet am joint ond eoverat. Any __,,
<br /> ^r}ii6+:1&i L'.'tf0 CC'9I$[!A LhiA ed ot truat but doos not casipn tho undor�yIng dobt inetrumnnt(ot dooe eo only to grant artd convay 4het
<br /> -+�� Ro�rowor'e�Morest In th0 RraD4nY��o Trus[ee un0ar ttsa torms oi thin daad vf tsust.tn add:ttor.._u^_!+e 8on�war a�veoa that the landor and _
<br /> 'y_,��Q,1,�.� • any othor Borrower urtaor ttua ooed ui tuai nMy a;dcnd, mc�Et"r.•*'?�a ne�y ether eharmea in the terms ot thia daod of uu�t��ths�eeeursd
<br />=. ' .,��,,{1.�,_ debt wkhout thet 8orrowor's oonsont ond w,flhout roloo8lnp thot�a►owar!':om tho iorma ot thfs doe0 ot trost. —
<br /> ' � Tho dutloo arvd benottts ot thia daod of tnsst ehali bind and benofit tho aucceasore and asc;igns of Lendar and Bor�owAr, _
<br /> " � �r' 18.Hadc�.Uniosa otharwrisa roquirad by luw,uny noticv to Borrowor shoil bo givon by dallvarinp it or by mailing it by cortitled metl addraasad to =__
<br /> Bmrower at tho pto p��o�d�8o�of��a deed of�r�st�mr to�any othor�odEroas whlch Lendor hos dos{gnatod.Any oUar noHco to�L ndmertchaU
<br /> '..$� maft to L.ondar's add �
<br /> ..� � bo sont to londor'o addrose oa statod on papa 1 oi thls daod of ttuat. �,-_
<br /> �: Any notico shoil bo Cosmc�A to hovo boon gtvon to Borrowor or lon0or whon gfvon in tho mnnnor etated abovo. �'`�
<br /> '" 18.Trenaler of tTes Pre�vr�tv���Bs���°��st L��O t�an°��'��a��a�°Ry t��of tho propo or any tntaro�t N tt Is co�d or banshsned �.
<br /> tia
<br /> � ��� wlthout Londor'o prba� �vnrttm concoM, londor moy d�und immodfeto paymoM of iho eocumA abt.Lendar may atso domBnd tmmodiate �__
<br /> paymont it tfio 6enave�r3 eot a naurni porson ond o boneficlat tntoros�In tho Borcowet is sotd or transfotted_ Nowovet,lvndnr mny not �`
<br /> domand paymont in tho eDOVa shuodona If i�ta proAibitod by fedmet taw ao ot tho dato of tAis deod ot truot.
<br /> �
<br /> 20.Rss.c�svaVsae�•Whcn tho obtlpmton seeurod by tAte dood ot truat has boon pofd und tondc�Ass no furthor o0ugation to moko advancos C,�.
<br /> � � undar tho ln�trumanttt ot ogroomor�t eocurod by this daod of trua�tho Trustee shnl�, upon writtan rnRuost by tho londor,�oconvay tho trust
<br /> `s pro .Tho londet��+n11 doGvor to tha Bonower,or to 8orcowor's succossor In inmroat,tho trust doed end tho noro or othor ovtdunco of tho
<br /> .��------•-�-- ^ - - --.nau eu�v nnv remrdnUon costB. ��
<br /> -----�-- -- oongoutn.www......�.-��_. -°-°.-• • - -.
<br /> g�, gu�c�s�pr TrusU�, Lundor, ot Londor'e o�tlon, mny romovo Ttustoo and�appoint o succoasor truatoo by flrot, mailing n copY ot the
<br /> s��batitutlon ot truatoo oa raqulrod by opplicnbto ow,ond tho�,by fittng thpo�eubsUrittlOn of truomo tor roc�rd in tho oitko of tMo rogiot�r of dendo
<br /> Gueeead M nllyth0 powor dutlR�u outholtijl�nnd tltlo of tho Tt�ustoo nnmud in�t aoea or`'�i�B�i af�tdaot eny sue os onryiruettso.of tho pro{tcrtl►.6Ro11
<br /> .., '
<br /> . , rv+�•z or a�
<br /> �
<br /> ' OANKEIt3 t3Y8TEAA8.�NC..GT.Clt1U0�MN 68301 11�C04�97•2�11 iOFM OCPaAT6ME 0119fD1 _�,�,
<br />