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<br /> � . .
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<br /> ��, ��� gg's �a�a�� .,
<br /> • ° COVCPlANTB
<br /> /, pey�raarte. Bot�owor aprooa to meko elt peymonte on tho aecurod dobt ��nrhon duo. Unioss Borrowor and Londar aproo othorwieo, nny
<br /> oxc uotvo of/nterest or�prinalpal oocond to Interee�ortd thon to principel./f partla�i pra�peymaraitnof the eecured debt occurs tar uny r0000�a�aW��� �' '�r .1
<br /> n. not taduRO ar oxcuoo any ochodulad paymont untll tho oacurad dobt io patd in tuil.
<br /> '�};.
<br /> 2.Ctdot3 Agrttnat�tn(�t:8orrov�o�will pay etl tozea,asaosomonts,and othar chnrpan amibutabin �tho pro{rorty whon duo and wlll dotond titlo
<br /> " ° ��A r Qefenaoe whf��BOIIttowor mey�hevp Yp t�q t partlesRwho auPPh►Inboi o�matotiata to impaovo otvn�nlnto1ln 8ho ptoporty�nDlgn nny tiphto,ciolm[s or •-,��"
<br /> �.::':.
<br /> 8.[nnu�ene�. Elorro�vor will Ic�ap tho proporty InaurCO undor tetms occoptebto to Londor et Borcowor'o oxpnnao ond tor Londor'e benotit. A�I �n-�
<br /> ° Inaurance po�toioa nhall inc►udu a sSOiWt:•rd raart0n8�Dcicu^o i�fnvor ef Londe►.Landor wfll bo nomod nn loew poyoo ot aa tha Inaurod on any auoh ,
<br /> � or to tho ae�euired debtt 1�Londorroqulrau�mo�rtQaQe inaurancoith8or oworragre�ee to�msintain auch nt surenca tor ae longias Londer roquiroa a��Y '""-�"
<br /> "� 4.fhoperqr.Hortowot will koop tho proporty in pood tortditlon and meko ell rapeire rooaonnbly rtocosonry. �'
<br /> + I�.�r! f p�o�in nny obligotton sacurad by th�fa doed of iruat 6�o iowoinwill poy thoso amounta,to Londor�oa provldod in Co�vonant 9�of thta deod of r'•''°��
<br /> Wst. r_-`�
<br /> 8. P�tcr Stc�u(ty[nt�roats.UrtlQ88 BOROWOf flt8t Obt81t18 L811d0Y8 tMltt011 COflSflM.Bnrrowot w1i1 rtot mnko ar pormit ony ahangoo to any prior ��°__-��y
<br /> � socurity In2mreste. Bor►owor wili padorm nil ot Borrower'o obOgettono undor any prtor mortgapo, dood of uuat or other securitY o8rooment, �..a_-
<br /> Irtct�d�rrg 8anowor'e covononta to meko poymooto vrhon duo. __-__.
<br /> 7.Atitpnrtsrtt ot Ruste�td PPOfito.Bortowor a&e►fpnu ta Lortdor tho ronto ond profitn of tho psoporty.Unlasa Borror+or and Lendet hovo agrood �,_
<br /> � .a othorw�sa in wridnp,8orrowor mey collaat and rotaln tha rarne os Iortg au Botrower la eot i�dofault. if Bonowor dafautto,4ondar, Londars �...._
<br /> oaom,or e court appoi�reeolvor may tako poasessian ond manogn tho proparty nnd eolleat tho ronte.Any runt�Londor colloats sholf bo � _
<br /> appilod flrst to tho costa ot mnnapMg tho property, includin8 court coete and moa�on tho aocurod doEt as pro dfld in ConvonnM i�ny othor =
<br /> . �� ',�� oocoseay related oupansea.Tho�oma�ninp amount of ronts will thon appfy to pc+Y _
<br /> ,,;t: �• 8.dz•sel�n�;q�}Cwsdo,-►�inWmss FtannM Udt WYMcpa�r►t�.Burrower cy�*roas�co epmolY with the provfsions ot any iease if thte dood of tn►ot is on `
<br /> under tM�eoY8i18�11t8.�3DV"�flMt3,,Of roputaUonu�ot thoccondomtnium or pton�unk dovoa�pman�t,��er wiii pe�tarm all ot @oaoe�ot'e duttea �
<br /> :.., �. � ` ��. 9. AuthaHY of l�r�da�sa�Mrfo�mto bo o�om►ad�Lendor mt6y�sign Bo owor e nom�ormp 8yaeny emount it nocnosarY in po formanco�if a�V -�--
<br /> - � portotm tht+duttas or cnusv thurt► P Londor may do whatovor la noeosssty to promrrt londer b `r�=`-�
<br /> .�� coa9Vuctimra on�eproyartY ia dtsconttnuad or rtot aardnd oa in a eoasoneble mannar, -'
<br /> •' � secudtp lrrc�TOat tn tho propertY.Thh mey inaludo compleUnB tho conetruatlon. _,
<br /> Londar's taSluro to portorm will not precNdn Londor Bom oxoreist�ony of ite o4her rtghto undor tho taw or thfa deed of aust. �tl
<br /> . ,. � � aritl wiq bea�r inte�t�homdtlio daYe o�f tM paYment unrl pntd�tn fut�atNiheeir o estratn in oHoat on th�s eeeured dabt u n t s w t i i b o d u o o n d e m a n d Y--
<br /> . '�� 10.Datwtt�+d AeeMK�tlon•�f BanoWer faiia to make uny paymont wfion duo ar breaka eny covenaMe undor thta deed of trusf or any
<br /> obligatton umared by th�a deed of truat or any prlor mo�tgege or deed o4 uust,Lendar mey aeaeterete the msturity of the saeured debt arW
<br /> � � damen�im�rva�late payment and mey Invoke the power ot sele and any other remediea pormitted by applicabia�aw.
<br />_ � !�,g...�..�o k,t Wo�of Oofsule.It[s Mreby�equeatod that eopfea of the noUcea ot dnfauit and sato 6e seM to each person who Is e parLy
<br /> 'r „ horeto,et the addmsa ot eaoh aucA per�on,a�set rortn herein.
<br /> tZ.PowN o!B�M.If the Lendar InvoOcen the power of se[o,tho Truatao eheti ftra4�c�nrd In the otftco ot tho re�istar of deeda of aech cout�ty
<br /> ` whem3n the trust property or soe�e paat or parcvf thoroot ta altueted e notice ot do4o�frt coMnfnin�1p ef��Mnnd to otiier�or orw�as o�osaibcd dY
<br /> .,. shati also vna�l coploa of tho notice of defauk to the Borrower.to eeeh person w6+o a pnrty h a �ot in aml
<br />=;,•. .•- •° apsplicaata llaw. tlot loss thnn qna mn�h eitqr 1he Truatee recor tle� noti�e of da�utt or twa mornha if tho vugt proporRy 1
<br />�.�-e:H•-.�;'• � s u�ed ntar
<br /> > incor,�qretail s1tY or vfileqe e�i i min�operedona can ar+bv tho trustor,tho frustae sho11 give publtn ttobce of oafa 4o u�ro patsons
<br /> �,,;;; and tn 4hn Qn+nner pre8cribade�6y eDPP�3oeble law.Truatea,without damand on Battower,ahnli aefi tQm property at auhlia Ructlom to 4he Atphost
<br /> i�' •• 1 '{,� . TiudaLae may D�Pono oalaaof ult or e YSO��t���P o�*�Y b�pubtta ennounceQiarprc@ a�t tiho tlme epit�drp noe ot V ppQeivsaueby 0�h�aduled eate.
<br />-�r"+r^r; . �r,i� Lender pr ita Eestpnee m�Y F����DropeRy et any eato.
<br /> ,�,...: .,.,,',, '
<br /> - Upon r�ta D2 ot pavm ont of the Rrice bfd,T�uatee nhati doiiwr w tho purchaser Trustce'a doed convoying the property.Tho racit'.a:a contelnu n
<br />����=`='+'' TN�e�'�3 d ehell tie prima feaie evidleneo of the tnrth of the otatemaMO canmirtod thoreln.Trustae shutl apply tho p�ocoeds of t�Yelo in tho
<br /> '���'3: '•".; fof:avsi� m�rdor: (e) to ap oxpnnses of Hre sate, Ineluding, but not Iimitod to, redBUnebfo Truotee'e feda. reesonabte attarrro�'a teoa snd
<br /> �:�., ���:::y�,�,,�, raln�tammoM fee8;lbt to e�suma a�:ured by this deod of trust,ond tal Mo bataneo,lt eny,to the porsona Iapaliy ootitled to rec�iva i3. —
<br /> �__`_.�i°`:�'Ii'.r',. ,
<br /> �:�_._.,.�,�� 19,ForKiosun.At Lmn�bor'o aption,thit demd of trust mey bo foredosed fn�the mnnnst provtdo by appQoab�o�aw for fareeloaure o mortpages
<br /> �a..�..,,,� on roet propeM•
<br /> rr.!L��1°?'�.�'1
<br /> ;u-r•;,,;4 y;;�:�(" �,�,Inso�etion.Londor mey eMor tho proparry to Inspeat ft If ler�der 9►ves 8onower�aUco baforehand.Tho notleo rtwst state tho roasoneble
<br />��,�,..,: causo fo�Lender'e inapeatlon.
<br />�^'=iry;r�•e} •
<br />---�-.,�_;:.,. .,L� �g,Cr�r,�Iwm�@on.(iorrowdr esa!�no u lendar the procea�s of¢ny ae^�ard or c1aM for domattas co�nected wltA a condomnattaa m ather tn tng �
<br /> of np cm m�y Dart of Mo property.Such pruceeda wiU ba eppltod ea providod in Covonont 1.Thie aasipnmeM ta cubJeat to tho tmrms nf eny prior
<br />��5��.. :� � securi�y aamemom.
<br /> ='`.��-" . 18.YIE�twr.ti1►exerclsinp any ramodY avn4lublo to t�es^der.lander dooa not give upderntt►o ehient e�defeuh if It heyQ p ns againy.��oxerciaUa ,.
<br /> -- '•i��1� ' any remedY aAon Borrower'e defau�A �.endm doea not wawa any�ipht to lete�ccnsE
<br /> _Yc��e.r�;'
<br />—`-i; � 17.�SaMt�nd S�wni U�LintYi Co-�l�i S��ss°��Assipiu Bound. IUI dutlea undor thfa dood of tru:tt tto}sSM e�9 savarei.Any �_
<br />������""� enm,xuar who easfam th�a deed o4 wst but doea not aaalDn tha unde 1 debt inatrumentle) does eo onty to araiK and conYey that
<br />-�-��°'�� Bortot�rt b Iht('iASt{ii LR9(}T8po7�SO t�i n�sa umI�rr t++t�tst�e at ttsl��a�l�t.!a tx'.!klcn.`tsch e Eu!nowar agroes thaa tha lendet end _-
<br />�,,�.��',. °"``�' an ochm au+ioz•vst 3siid:.r t!t»L.';.;�C!'•stt-K ert!:°t�te^�. ^""� er make anv o2Mt cluoet�a in 41te tetmY oT Wa d�:.d Ot ut�t or 4M�est�ted �
<br />;�;,,?�;";.,'",�� de�t without that 8otrowaPe wnaent ard without�ot�asln9 tl�et wer hom the terms of tht�deed ot wat.
<br />�, :-,��k;St`��� The dudae and bonofjri of this deed of trust ehatl birtd und benaflt the succossom a�astipna o!lendet and Elarrowar. _.
<br /> ri
<br /> -, .;::�,- '� -
<br /> 1S.C17m9�.UMesa othorwtao tepuirod by taw,nnY n�oUco to ttorrewa►�hali bo Afven by delhrerUq k or by maill�it by corttftea c•:�afl Qddrosr.ad to
<br /> Bortowor mt the proporty address ar other naardaa tfiat Qo�cowar haa Dtvon to lertder.Bortowar wiit ptve any�odco to Lon�or byCordfled
<br /> � ����, meD 4�01,sader'e addroan on paQe t ot�doed ot uuat,or to ntry otPeer edd�eaa vrritch Lender has desi�nated.Any other rto8ce to tandor si�af�
<br /> • , „.. � bo sent to LendoPs eddreaa as�statod on Papo 1 ot thts doed o}Ruat. �
<br /> �., � $� .
<br /> Any noUco sheU ba daomod to b3vo boon givar+to Barcovror or lcndnr whon given In tho marner ctM�d ebovo.
<br /> ' �� ' �g S�t�ot the prapeny ar p Ear,ilctal b�nst!n tlse 8onow�r.it aU or eny part o!tho p�opnrty or eny Internst En k ts Qatd or tranaterted - -
<br />_� �� ' �� vrithoat lvnda'e priar wrfitan consgnt, Lo�dor may dorr�ond lmmadlote oM of tho Bocutt�d dobt. londcr rteoy nt�o dmm�nd tirtmodlato L_..
<br />_; '��+;�.�. . � pay�ssont if tl�e Lion�owvr la not e rnart�xal poraon nnd a bonottciallMaro i»tho Bot�owar ia eotd a Venste►rad.Mowaver. Lendar mny not aJ_
<br /> domond paymer+t in t�e above aitua4`��ro it It ts prohlbltad by fadarai taw ea ot Me deto of tRis daed of truat. :
<br /> ' yp,Reeo�seryY�ece.Vfyhan thn oDlipotlon socureG DV thio dcsod of truttt hoa boen goid and Londor hae no hutltor oblig�Eon to mako edvancc.s �''�
<br /> • � A�� undar tho tnatrurtter+w or ag�omonte see�rad by thts daod of trust,tho Trustao ahnif,upon vrritMn nduont b ttte londet,rownv�y tha tr�t �'="�
<br /> propony Trie Landar eralt dWiver to tho Eiortowar.or to Boaowu�'s euccoasor in tntareot,tho wat doed end n mte o►other ovtdzn�e of tho
<br /> �(;=
<br /> � . -_�_,1 obt�yadon so seUaHed.Borrowor ohap pay nny rowrdatton eoata. ��-
<br /> " 21. Succeator YntstN• lendc*.et Lcndu►'a Qotton,meV romovo Truaroo and appo4nt a cucacstor truatao 6y flroL ma�1 e copr oF ino �-
<br />- sub�itutlon of huateo ea roqufrod by epplfeeble law,and thon,P��tiltng tho cubstltWon of wateo ter�ecord tn tho otfieo of tfto regt�tor of deeda
<br /> ot oQCh awtnty in whfeh tho truat Dropertl►,or somo Dart thomof,la cituntod.Tho succosaor wEtao, without conveyenao of ttto proportY.shnU ��
<br /> suecaed to alt tho powor,duttea,cuthorltY omf tlUo of tho Truetao nnmod tn tho daod of trust and of eny suceossor tncatoo. ��•
<br /> = s.�.
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