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<br /> .� WHER�AS,All of the indebtedt�ess secured by the DEED OF TRUST executed by Nortna J. lS�.
<br /> .,�.�` Havranek,a single person.to Jerry J.Milner as Ttusteo far the benefit of THE ASSOCIATE�a V\�
<br /> ,, �� FINANCIAL SERVIC�S�OOMIPANY C�F IJEaTtA5�U►+INC.�the Heneficiary nattned therein,
<br /> - � dutcd February 27. 1997 and recoTded Febniary 28, 1997 in the ofnce of the ltegister of Deeds ot'
<br /> °� Hall County Nebraska,as Document Number 97-10 t 396 has been paid,and said Benefie�sry l:as �
<br /> - "�:"' requested in wrlting that thla Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as confirmed by
<br /> :.;;„ti�:,�� .
<br /> ita endorsernent below;
<br /> .. � .
<br /> - '*,;�'',' NOW THEREFORE,in cansideratian of such payment and in accordance wlth the request of the
<br /> ";,:�;:,�;;., �enoticlnry nanted thereln,the undersl;�ned as Truatee does by these present,�rent.remise,
<br /> �;_�� releuse,and reconvey to the person or persons entitied thereto all the interest and estate derlved to
<br /> -�:,. �m,-, soid'fruatee by of throu�h said DEED OF TRUST in the followin�descrtbed premises but only
<br /> -_.�_.,:.ti�.
<br />-_-.-�;��. a�ta such premises:
<br />,:.���
<br /> ."_1�"T.-.Wa.
<br />="�-'�'�'�� All that certain Lot or parcel of land aituate ln tt�e County of Hali and State of Nebrasica,kaown �
<br /> .��;.,;r ,.
<br />—r`��-°��� �nd descrtbed ua being part of the Northeast Quarter(NE 114)of Section Ten(10)�Towns p
<br /> --�` Twelvo(12)North,Runge Nine(9)West of the Sixth P.M.,Hall County�Nebraska,and being
<br /> - more particulaety described as follows:
<br /> _ ---- Beginning nt tho Southea.gt coxner of tha Noriheast Qunrter(NEI/i 4of�sai�Secti�o i neTen�tO ence running
<br /> West nlong and upon tha South Itne ofthe Na�heast Quatter(NE ) ( ),a diatnnca of 180
<br /> -_- -- fect;running thence NoRh on a Itne purnllel to the fiast Section line of eaid Section Trn(10),a disiunce of!Q4
<br /> -�-°��-� feck rum�ing Ihenco East on a line pua��el to the South line af the Northeast Querter(NEl/d)of eald Section'Cen
<br />- -f��- (10).a dlstanco of l80 fcet;thence�outh olon�and upon the east line Section ten 0),104 feet to the
<br /> place of boginning.
<br />- ---°--�-- �
<br /> ---- - DATED x/22/99 TRUSTEB
<br /> ___._ ____.,_._ Jerry J.Milner
<br /> ------= - S7'AT�OF NEBRASKA �
<br />_=-__- )SS,
<br /> -_��� CpUNTY OF,�, HALL )
<br /> �_-� nn this 22 d�y of FEB. . 1999.before the unds�si�aed,a Notary Republic duty -
<br /> --
<br />