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<br /> ,�,;'�.�s�_�, 8onawcr ehull pramptly Qivc Lcndcr wriucn nuticc af uny invcwti�atiun, cluim. demnnd, luw�uit or athar ectiuuby nny -
<br /> ,.,� governmemul or regulutary u�ency Ur pnivnte pnrty invnlving the Property und ctny Huu►rduu�+Sub�;tnnce or 6nvironnuna�l Law -_
<br /> •�� of whtch Barruwer huv Actuul knowled�e. If eonowcr lcnrns, ar i� noNfird by�uiy gc►vcmmeetul or reBulutory authixity.thut _
<br /> •����''��' any�emovul ar other�eoiediuslon of uny Hw.unlnuw Substunce nffccting the Property ix�iccessary.Borro�ver ehuti pn�rnptly take
<br /> .' _ �, ail ncccsyury r�mcdiul ucHans in urcordanrc with Environmentul l.,uw. -
<br /> "' �� A.s used in this parnfSriiph 2Q, "Hozaniaus Subx�ctnres"ure thase tiubstunces defineci ns toxic ar huz�udauti rubsmn���by
<br /> � Enviranmcntnl I.anv unJ thc foUuwing tiubstunccs: gasoHne, ker�sene, nthcr fli►mnmble ur toxic petmlcum pmdud�, toxic
<br />--� .�.• pesticides and herbicides.vol�tile nolvents,muterinlh canta�ninB a.tibe�tux or formuldehyde,imJ rudioactive muterialK. Ae used in
<br /> "*��'`��` this pcuAgrnph 2Q, "P.nvlrumnentnl Law" mcans federal laww urtd luwti af the jur{sdictian whece the Prap�:rty is iva�ed:hz►t �
<br />- T rclutc to i�calth,�;;►fcty ar envlranmentat protectlon. � �
<br />;�?��'�� NON•UNIFORM COV�NANTS.Borrower artd[.cndec further covenant and ugrec aw followh:
<br />�—�� 21.AcceFerntion;Remedtev.I.�nder Ehull Rlve notlee to BArrower prlor ta nceelerntlon follo�ving�nrrowe�'s breu�h �
<br />`°_-""..�� af any coverztant ar ngreement In this Securlty Instrument (but not prtor to necclernttnn under puru�rnph 17 einle��
<br /> -.��a� npplicuble Inw provtdes othenvlse).The nottce shult specifys (o)the defoult; (b)the actton neguired to cur�the default;�
<br /> .-.;•, (c)a dnte,nat lesv th�n 30 daya fmm the dute the notice is given to Borrower,by which thc dcfuult must bc curec�;an
<br /> ` �� (d) thut taifure ta curc the defuult on or beforc the date specifted in thc natice may r�ult in acrelerntlun of the su
<br /> f.'�''"�� s�ureal by thts�ecu�ity Instrument aad sale of the ��er�y.The a�tice shnll Quriher Inform Barro�ver ot tR�e dQht t
<br />`�'.t��.� retnatate after arcelerntlo�e nnd th$rl�ht to brtng u court uctton to assrrt the rtwn�eztsSence oP u deFault ar any oth
<br />`��.;�w�3�°.� a7�8ense of Borrawcr to n�celeratlon und salo.It the default is nat cured on or bbfare the date sPecitied in tR6e r�utice,
<br />:'`�K'��'. I.eader. at its option,ma►y requlre im¢nedltttc puyment in full of nll sums secured hy tMs Securlty[nstrument w�ithout
<br /> _�.��'� tlurther demand artd niay Invoke Rhe�u�er af�ta and nny other rcmedies permttted by upplicnble law. Lendee ehs►!1&�e
<br /> - - entttled to collert all expsnses incurred in pursuing the remedies prc►vlded in this puresrnph 21.including,but rzot li mited
<br /> - to,reusanable attorrteys'Ferg and costs af tltle evidence.
<br />_-=-""� IIf the power of sale is invoked, Trustee�hali record e nottce of defnult in euch county [n whtch uny purt ot the
<br /> ��--�=- �ro�eriy Is tocoted a�d sfjall mail coplc�of such ttailce lu 4hc rosnaer�rrescrilsed by npplicnhle law to�nrro�ver und to �
<br /> - ° the other persans prescribed by applicrible @uev.Ai'ter the tlme req�aired by applicu6le law,Tn�stee shnil qive public a�otice
<br />-�::
<br /> of sale to the persons and In the mai►nqr�reseribed by epplicx�ble la�v. Trustee,without de�eand on Bori+ower,shc�ll sell
<br />-�;��� the Propepty at nubaEc m�ction to ihe P�6ghPSt btddec at the time and p�lace und under the terms deslgnated tn tf�e notta�mt
<br /> -------= sale in one or moee pa�+cels und in any order Trustee determirtes.�'rusta may pnst{pone sale of all or uns parcd of P�e
<br /> _- 1Paaperty by publlc unr�oans�ment ut the time ond place af uny prevtously sche�uled snle. Lender or i�5 designce may
<br /> � � �trishase the Ptopeety at c�,y snle. '-
<br /> —r� _ lJpan receipi oi pn�ent of thr �r�c btd, Tnictee ahall dcllver to the Purchnser Trustee's deed oonveying tise -
<br />- _,.`;� I'mperty.The recituls in the Ttvstee'�doEd shNl ba prtm�facie evidence of the truth of tQ�r statementa mnde therti�.
<br /> ----- � Trastee shull apply the prooee�l.g of the snte in thc fallowla�order:(n)to all cosL4 wnd expenses of exercistng the po�ver oy
<br /> °o! sttle,and the sate,including¢he p�yment of the Trust¢e's fees uctuully incurretl,nat to excecdthe�of 50.00 ot�k'�
<br /> a?the principal nmount oY the inote nt the tlme of tkP declaration of dPfeult,A��reASOnable uttorneys'frra os �Cr�nttted
<br /> _ .°;;� . a`ry ie�;(�)�ai!suatss st�ra!!s3!Psl� �cs�s'it;In.�tr�i:a4�!�c)nnx�zcQC.e u,the pGSOn or persons lr�eullY entttted ta
<br /> '' . it.
<br /> "�' 22. Reoonveyance. Upo» puymeral o'F all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall r�yqest T�ustee ta
<br /> = xeaonvey the Property and shall surren�dor this Security Instrument und all notes evidencing debt secureil..by thia S�curity
<br /> InsUVment to'I'rustee.Tn►sec�shull reconvcy the Properry wiihout w�rranty and without chur�e to the person or�csore icgully
<br /> •vnddod to it. Such person pr persona shall pay any recozdatlon coscs. •
<br /> 23.Sufsatllute Tntstee.�nd�r,�t it� option,may from time tn dme remavc Trustee and appoint a suooessor au�iee to
<br /> = any Trustee uppolnted hereunder by an anstrument recorded in the county tn which this Securit�r In�teument is recorded.Wit�osac
<br /> _ - oonveyance of the Prope�ty.the succ�svr trustee shn!!succeed to ap the tido.power und duues oonferred upon Trustee hb��m
<br /> - and by appItcable luw.
<br /> --- ?.4.Rcquest for 1Votices. Bornawer requests thut copies of the notices of dofault anc�sale lte sent to Borrow�r'a c�ddress
<br /> �vl�ich is the Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Ridcrs to Wis Sccurlty Instru+�nent.If onc or more eiders ani executad by Borrower and recorded togcther with thig
<br /> Socurity instntment.the covenants and qgrremenus of euch such rider shall be Inooiporated into and sht�tl umend and supplc�nent
<br /> --.-.�:�. the oovenants und u�rcements of this Secur�ty Trtatrument as if the rider(s)wero a part of this Securlty IustNment. �
<br /> - [Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> ' Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condomintum Rtder �1�4 Family Rider- ;
<br /> _ (ir�v�teci Payment Rider Q Plunaad Unit Develapri4ent ltider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider _ ,
<br /> - ----- _-" Bal�¢oan Rider ❑[tnt�Improvement Q3ider Second Home Ride�r �
<br /> �.:''i':. [l�Otherfs)[SPecifYl
<br /> � d.A.Rider . - '
<br /> �— --- Hocue Equitiy Accesa ��ne Rider
<br /> -- �_�
<br /> - -:_'�� BY SICiPtIN(i BHIAW.Bornowe�aa:�pts and agrees to the terms and covennnts rnntninzal n�thia Securtty Instmment ttnd
<br /> in any rider(s)exocuted by Borrower nnd recorded with it.
<br /> __= a'Vitnesses: �S�
<br /> _�. - . �• _, (Seal)
<br />-- �...`. _° . ' X DS1 F. W81't�r8 � •Bortowtr
<br /> — �
<br /> _ _.._�.. � �'
<br />-- = X Vivian J alters ���w�j
<br />__ - - ISeal) --- (S�;a1)
<br /> _-� ---- -Bortoe•et -Borto��rr �.
<br /> _..--'__�.�.�
<br /> ��=:--.�.'��-- Coun4y ss: Ha I l
<br /> �--�:�:�y��,r� SCATE 0�NEBRASKA,
<br /> - �°"�'�?�"'' 7'lulorcgoinII instrument�vas ucknnwlcdBal bcfone mc this IOth doy of February � 1999 •
<br />---_.�.:.��:i£� .
<br /> r�+�� by Dr�l L�. Waltera aad Vivian J. Weltera. huaband and a#fe
<br />�"�`�"'`�''�-"'��Y� y Grand I�land E n�aidCau y. thedate,aforewid.
<br /> .,.-;,,;�:z��� �Vitn�s m hand artd not�arlal seal at
<br /> '=;:.,:,�s�'�.��i,�
<br /> _•:-=�'�' My Conuniss}on ExQires �11�Al��tdeMN1M�1 ' •
<br /> �����M�� Nutnry Public
<br /> ,�����`� Mey S. 2
<br /> . �
<br /> , • • . Peon o ot e Fottn l0�8 U(80
<br />