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�7:•�„�. . .. i <br /> � .:ti,4? I <br /> i . � � � .-. .. . ..._ .. � .. <br /> -,.*� �f <br /> ,_�..�_. .__ �: •. <br /> � -?'R'',+nu:•�... ' - ' - d, ' . ,-- --��S: <br /> . .. , <br /> �u�xavvA911tYeRtww.�n... . . ;. � . ._ <br /> . <br /> „ , . . . , ��.. <br /> .,�- .. � .., ....�_�____.�.�. a <br /> . ._....—__-- <br /> - •� ZIYbMl�? 'Ltn::L:.*�+._...._-n_'_'�"---'-._.._.._,.....____.__�.__..u--'-"--,...._.. `--� <br /> ��� <br /> � � 99� �'o�a�� �,�x=: <br /> y �-.. <br /> •� Thc Fundw shnil be held in an lnstiwtton who�c deposits nre insured by u ���Rd�f Sllult u�ply thc�und.�t�pay dic ---- <br /> (includinQ Lendcr,if I.endcr is such an intititutianl or in uny Fcd�.rui H��mc Loan Hunk P �,_,•;,, <br /> n 8scraw Items. l.ender nwy nut chnrge aorra�ver fi�r hulding and upplytng the Funds,annually the e.crow ucc��unt. ur <br /> verifyiog the��crow Items,unles.I.enJer payti Harro�ver interest an the Funds and upplicable luw permitti lxnJer tu make yuch ��=- <br /> u chnrge. Hnwevcr, I.�nder muy requice Borr�wer t��puy u��ne-time churgc for an indcpendent reid este�tc tux rcporting nervice ___ <br /> � uticd by l.endcr in connccti�m witl� this I��an. unlcss upplirnble Iuw pruvidc�athernisc. Unless i►n ugrcemcnt ix mr�dc c�r _ <br /> applicublc luw requircti intcrest to hc puid, I.cizdcr tihull not be rcyuired tc+pay Bnrnnvcr uny intcrest��r carnings+on thr Funds. �_, <br /> ,� ;� Bonmvcr and L.cndcr muy agrec in writiab,huwcvet, that intcrest„hull be puid on thc�unds.I..crtdcr tihull give ta Sorru+ucr, -- <br /> � without cliurgc, un unnuul aecuunting c�f thc Fundti,yhowing crcdits und dchit�;to thc Hundti and thc purp�sc far which cuch <br /> ' '� debit tu the Funds wus mude.Tl►e Fund+urc plcdgeJ as addltInnal sccuriry far:+i!sums cecured by this Securlly I�strument. �5,:�: <br /> � If the Fuads held by L.ender ex�red the umuunts pem�ittal t��be hcld by Applicable lu�v,Lcnder shult accuuN ta�orn�wcr <br /> .;�.�%-` for the excess Funds in accordance with the requiremcntn of npplEcuble luw.!f the umuunt uf the F�nds held by L.ender ut any - <br /> timn is not sufficient to puy the E4crow Items when duc.Lcttdc�may so nutify BoROwcr in writing,nnd,in,uch ca+e Burn�wcr <br /> shall pay ta Lender tho an•munt necessary ro mnke up the defieiency. Burmwer shall make up thc deficiency in no au�re than <br /> . : twelvc monthly l.cndcr's sole discredan. <br /> , � Upun payment in full uf ull v�ms saureJ by�thiF Securlty instcument, I.ender+haQ prumpdy rrfunJ to Borrower any <br /> y � Kwtds held by l.ende�.If, uud�r parugraph 21, I.ender shull acq�ire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the ucyuisition or sule <br /> � • � of the Pn�perty.shall apply iuiy Fund.ti hclJ by Lendcr at thu tiiuc uf acyui�itlun ur�lc ua u craiii againsi the aumb sccurcal by v <br />'•,+',� . this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> 3.Appltwtton of Poyments.Unless applicable luw prnvides othenvise,utl puyments reccived by [.ender under purugraphs <br /> � 1 und 2 shull bs npplied: first, to any prepayment chur�e,+duc under the Nate; sernnd,to amaunts puyuble under paragmph 2: <br /> �� � . interest principal due:and last,tn any late charges due under U�e Note. <br /> =:�±?<-`'"'-�' 4.Ghar��:L�ens. Borrower yh�ll pay aU tuxes.acsessments,char�ees, fines and impositi�mti attributublc ro the Pruperty <br />°��°���� which may attuin priority over this Security Instrument,and lea�ehold p:�yments or graund rents. iF any. Barrawer shall puy <br /> a�»:�`'.�� these ubltgutions in the n�nner provided in purugeuph 2,nr if not pald in tAat manner,�ormwer shall pay them vn t�c�ee ditecdy <br />,-'--"�„'�;� �` to the person owed payittent.Bormwer shall promptly turnish to Lender uii nodceti of:unount�tu be paid under this purugrsph• <br /> "�""'''"�' If Horn►wer makcs these payments directly.Borrower yBall pronipdy fumish to Lender r�ceipts evidencing the paym�nts. _ <br /> .r•,.., <br />__� y.A;;.�T;;��,`� Borrowcr sl�all pmmptly dischargc any licn which hus prionty ovcr this Security Iristrumcnt unless n <br /> - writtng ta the paym�nt of the obligution securecl by the lien in u manner uccept:sble to l.ender;(b>cantests in g�wd faith the licn <br /> ��:;}{r' �� by, or defends a,�3i�vt enfoiremcnt of the lien in, tegnl procerdings which 1n the l.ender's opini��n operatc to prevenc the <br /> enf�rcement of the{ien:�r(c)secr,res from tp►�holder of the tien an ag���ment wtisfactory to Lend::r sutsordinating the lien to <br /> ,:"%;�'W4�� this Securiry instrument. if[xnder determines that any pAr't of the Pro�azrty is subjcct tu a lien which may attain prioriry over <br />=;,;:�,• � thts Security Instruinent,I.etui!2e may give Bonower a notice identifying thc lien. Barcower shull satisfy the lien or take ane or <br />"�='}'h��� more of tha acdons tet fanh abo�•e wlthin 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> ••---�=�-- 3. Hazard or Property Insurance. Bottower shull kecp thc im�ravements aow cxisting un c�reaftcr erectcd on the <br /> - Property insured ag�in.wt loss by fire,haxanis includc�wtthin the term extended covcragc"und any athcr hazards. including <br /> � - tlaais or fl�wding.for which l.cmder requires insurancc.This insumno�97�I�bc�nin�tV�Borroweresu�]ect to Lc der�s npprovu� <br /> that I.ender requires.'tm�t insurance carncr N;oyi3ing:lic imurssxe -:.--.-- -- - - • ° <br /> !�=��e which shall nat be unreuwa^��lv withheld. If Barrower fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's <br /> ___=--- option,obtnin mvernIIc ta prut�t Lender's dghts in the Property in accordanc:e with paragrnph 7. <br /> AU insurance policies und renewals shall be ncceptable to Lertd..r and shall include a standard martgA�e clause. Lender <br /> � shall have thc rigt�t 1��hold thepolictes and renewals. If Lendcr rcyuireti,Borruu�er xhall pmmptty give to Lender all receipt�o£ <br /> ---__--:..: puid pnsmiums nnd�enewul nottces.ln the event of loss,Borro�ver tihall �rve prompt notice to the�ns�atar►�r:c�arrior and L.endtr. <br /> Lender may make p7oof oi'loss if not mada pramptty by Bormwer. <br /> "",� pn(ess Lender und @osiu�tier otherwise a�ree in writing. insumnce proceeds shall be npplted co nestoratton ur n:pair af the <br /> ----- Prnperty dama�ed.if th�rc�torption or rcpair is economicully feasible ar�d Lcnder's sacurity is not tessened.If the restomtlon or - <br />----- repalr is not economtcally feasible ar l.cnder's security would bc les�encd,thc insurance proceeds ShaU be applied to the sums <br /> - Secured by this Security Instrument. �vhcther or nat then due, wfth ony excess paid to Borrower. If Bonower ubandons the <br /> - I'roperty.or does not answer�vithin 30 days a nottce from I.ender that tbe insumnce carrier has offered to setde o�laim. then <br /> [.ender may rnllect the insurnnce procePds• 1-endor muy use the proceed���P�'be°�in When the rtotice�'is�ive»� p�y sums <br /> secured by this Security Instcument,whether or not then due.The 30-day Pi ation of proceeds to prinetpal shnit nut extend or <br /> Unless Lcndcr uttd Borrower otherwise agrce in writin�, nny app • <br /> postpone tlie dus date of the monthly Qayments �eferrcd to in Qaragraphs 1 und 2 or chnnge the amount of thn gayments. If <br /> under paragrcp�►2� thc Prope�ty iF acquic�l by LendQr.Borrc�wer's nght to any insunuuc po�icies:�c►d procc�ds vesuldng from <br /> clamago to t�ee L°'�r�,gerty priur to the ucquisitunn shalt puss to Lendcr to the cxtent of the sums securod�by thiu Sr.cunty Instrum��t <br /> ,,�� immediateSy pri�fi to tha acquisition. I,easeholds. <br /> ?� 6,pa�pa�e¢y,pr�;eruniian,Meintennrtce and Pruteciton oY the Propertyi,��tver's Loan Applieution; <br />-'-��""i"� Burmwer shall occupy.eska;ish,and use the Property ac $On��ver's principal re.s�dxncz within sixty dnys after the execution of _ <br /> — thts Security Instrument and shal!continue to occupy the Propeny as Barro+'c�e�s Pn�n��Pul residence for at least une year after <br /> d�e dato of occupancy.unless Lender otherwisc agrecs in writinQ, wh=y;�aca7+s�nt sDall not be unmason aly�aithhor�imrair the <br /> �.s��_., ezieatssasin� t�rs�.+!a�t�necc exist whieh ure beyond Borruwer's mntr�9. Borrower shull not destroy, g P <br /> -- psa�rt�;� u!!ow�h�Pru�rty w detcriorate. or canumt waste on �he F:u��ty. �rrnuec shs11 be in defAnit if nny forfeituro _ <br /> - uctlon or proceedi�g.whether ctvil or criminal. is begtua that �n i�:udci'�good faith 3adSment rnu�d rrcult in forCelture uf thc <br /> _ -�"'- pr�peRy or otherwiac:mnter�ally impair the llen crcat��d�;�a�his Security Instrumcnt or l.ender's securiry interest.Borrower may <br /> - _ ¢ure such u default and reinstate,us provided in parcigraph causing the action ar psoc�cecling to be dismissed with a�uling <br /> - that, in L.ender's good fuith determination, pmcludes forfeiture of the Bocrower's intemst in the Property or other mnteriul <br /> impairment oS�tn lien rre�+ted by th{s Seruriry (nstcument or Lend•�r's security intecest. Bornower sh�tl also be in detault if <br /> -°-�_-�;_-`�, Bc�rrower,during th�loan applirrtton process.guve mnterially falsc o•r instccumte information or statements to L.ender(or failed <br /> --��-.�� to provjde l,�ndcr�vith�ny matcrial informutionl in�ronnec►ion with the loan evidencad by the Note.inctuding.but not limieed <br /> .=`.'X-`. .,, <br /> �����R�,��;' to,represenk�teons conccrn�rg Bnrrower'�cx�cupancy of the Property us n principal r�idence.If this Seairiry Instrument is on n = <br /> -°�`;"'• (easehotd. �zm.r•rower shull wmply with all the provisions of the le:isc. lf Borrower acquires fee tide to titv I'ropetty the <br /> -�"�"�%�� leasehold a��d eFe feo title shup not merge unless l.c�ndcr�+grccs to t}:�merger in writing. _ <br /> �=��-'*�� 7.Pt+aimction u8 Lender's Rights in the Property. If Barn�wrz 9:Si15 to perfacm the covenants und ugroements cont�ined�n <br /> � this Security Instrument,or there is a legut pmcxeding that may significantly uffixt Lcnder'� rights in the Property(sud�as a <br /> �. r� ptocceding in bankruptcy,pr�batc, for rnndemnution or forfcitun:or to eniorce laws or rcgulations),then Lcnder may do und <br /> '���' ` pay for whutever is ncceswry to protect the value of the Propeity�in�Lender's ri�hts in the I�roperty. Lemler's actions may <br /> '�'����� inctudc navinu any sums ,crun� by u tien which hus priunty ovcr eh�w,.�t�.�i�r�m,ven�nlceaaeti�un under this par gm�ph <br /> `�-�".. rr:�eonab�e uttomcys' fccy and cntcnn�on�ne rruporiy iv nuxnc«pa..o.......--o----•---- � <br /> _'--•,�� �� <br /> �+'n'?w' T,Lrnder does nut hnvc to du no. <br /> '`'"" �'� •�;i Any :unuunts di.bursed by Lender under this pu►agraph 7 shall become iidditional debt of Harrower eccured by ihis <br /> F'; ., .r�... <br /> � �?�•��'� Security Instn�ment. Unlc+�Barr��ver and l.ender ugrce ro��ther tcrms of�.�yment, thcsc umounts snaU bear intcrcst from the <br /> :�-� fxµ dc►te of disbur,crrrent at thc Nntc rate nnd shatl bc paynbte. with intcrc.t,upun notirc fmm I.cnder ta Barrower rcqucsting <br /> , . payment. <br /> ':,., • , g.l!'�o�4�;c�e Imuranre.It'I.cndcr rcyuirod mod�agc insurancc�.5 u�wixlition of makinfz thc I��an sL�rurcd by thl�Sa�ur ry <br /> `:_ . .,. instn�ment. Borruwcr�vNr•11�c rc uiml bmLcndett 1 p�c�or�ca��c��n bc�intt(f�t�&rn,wi:r�h It�y thcf pmmiuni rcqu rcii tn <br /> • • �nort�;�},:e in�unmr<« c a� y Y <br /> '" obuiin covcruge�ub+tantially cyuivulent tc>the ni�mBuge insur,inrc previoutily in effect,ut a��u+t sub�tantiully eyuivutent tu the <br /> _ ~f� .t�� y �i,�� �����m� oP the r•iartgagc in+urance prcviuusly in effcct. 1'n�m�n ultcrnutc mortga�e intiurer appnwed by Lendcr. If <br /> • y ,t;' ' � vo�����e Form 30Z8 9I90 <br /> , • <br /> � --��_.-._.__-_�-_.... .. . .. --- -_-- _ <br />