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<br /> , � 13.Noitcc9.Any notica to Bonower provid�d for!n this Securiry Instfument shnll be given by deliveeing ic or _
<br /> • , by muiling!t by 8rat cluss mail unless appllcnbic luw requires usa of nnothcr methocl.Tha notico ahall bc directcd to °_
<br /> the Property Address or Any othcr nddress Borrower desigautes by noticc+to l,endcr. Any notice ca Lendcr shnll ba
<br /> Blven by fic�t clegs mnfl to�,ender's eddre�sa ssnted herein or nny nddress Lender designr�te� by notice to 8onower.
<br /> ' �� ",� Any aotico provided for!n thia Securlty Iastniment shuU be deemed to huve beon givcn to 8orrrower or Lender whcn -
<br /> � ' "���.�.• glven ns provlded i�thta pnrugrnph.
<br /> �"� �� 14.Qoverulag Lnwi Severnbll[ty.7tda Se�udty I�strument ahall be govem�d by Federal law uad the luw of
<br />-' ;�'"�,,� � th�s Jiuisdiction ia whtch the Froperty ia�ocnted.In the event that any provision or clnusa of th9s Security Instcument
<br /> . ;�; or the Note contlicis aith upplicnble lnw,sucb confltct shall not affect other provlsions og this Secudty Insttument or -
<br /> ���"'� the N�te whieh ct►n be Biven effect without the conflictiag provlalon. To this ead tha pcovlslona of tbfs SecurIry °
<br /> ' �� Instrument und tlie Note ure declured to be severnbie.
<br /> � ;� iS. Borrowsr's Copy. Bo�rowrer ah�ll be gtven one conformed oopy of tQs Note aad of this Securiryr
<br /> . ;•, .
<br /> .�;..,.: , IqStNmeAt. "
<br /> �` ° ""'�� 16. HnzaMoas Subs4nn�. Borrower shal!aot ca�se or penait the presence.uso, di9prasal.stor.�n,e,or r�lease
<br /> a^ ,�;,�,.�:'�'� of any Ho7ardoua Subsuutces on ar in the PropeYay. Boirower shall not do. nox all�r anyone elso to do, sanythluB
<br /> - . . ,� i.�
<br /> uffecting tho Propeny thflt is ia violutton of any E,nvimnmeaml Lua. 'I�e pre�edin,3 nva sentences ehtill not apply to
<br />'' ; ';�.'':-" 't We r�s�nce� usc� ar sto o an thc Pro
<br /> � �r'r:� P Ta8 P��Y of small quaut�des of Hazerdous S�cbst�tce� t6at are geneaaUy
<br /> . ' -�:;?. ti; recognized to be appmpriate to noraaal residential uses aad tu maintenonrx of the Proparty.
<br />'t'•.�;f'�iFi.�:,' f�
<br /> ��_ ,; f; �orrower shall promptly giva Lender written notica of any invesdgation,ci�im,deuaand, lawou�t or other sction
<br /> �' by any govemraentN or re�ulatory agency or pri�.nte pany iavolviu�the Prapurty nnd nny fiazardoi�a S1�bstanco or -
<br /> O
<br />_�:y;��S�`,, � Eavtronmentnl Ln�v af which Bomower has actual�Cnowledge. lf Borrower leums,or is aodft�by any�overaraenW
<br />- ':,'_;` - or n:gutctory suWodty.thut stny removal or other remediation of any Hau�rdeus 5lilsataacos uffecW�the Aroperty is
<br /> •_'r:�t!''.Y.
<br />,�...L.,,�,,1.,. ; necess�ry.Borrower shNl promptly wke ull aecessury remedi�l actions ia uccordaace witla Bnvironnaeatr�l Law.
<br />��;:.�r,','•;� As used in thia paragraph 16� 'Hazardeus Substances' are those su�ateucos defined us toxlc or hazurdoua
<br />- .+,.•�� ; ,
<br />�k,,;�,�� ,; substances by BnvInonmentat law nnd the followIn� substaaces: gaso]im. kerosena. oth�r fl�uniwsble or toxic
<br /> Y:;:!„�, patroleum pro�fucte.toxic pesticides Aad herbicides.voladle solvents,materinls contaiaio3 asbBStos or fora�dehydo.
<br />