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<br /> '�� ' w�' 17.Transfer of the Proper/y or o De�te8cial Intc�t in�lormwer.lf i�ii ur nny para uf the Praperty ar uny interest in it
<br /> " is snld or transfetted (ar tf n hene�cinl in�erest in�orrower is sold ar trunsterecd nnd Honower ih not u nutural p_rson)withaut
<br /> �� � I.cnder's prlar wdtten consent, t.en dcr mny, ut iu� opt ion, req u i r e i m m c d i u t e p a y m c n t i n f u i l o f c d l s u m s s:ccurca b y this -
<br /> " • "'� Secudty Instrument. Hawever.this option ahnll reut be exeecised by Lendcr if eaercise ih prahlbited by fedcrai la�v ns uf che dnte -
<br /> . ,.�, of this Sccurity [nstrum�nt.
<br /> „ ._,,, If Lender exercir�this aptian,L.ender shall Bive Borrower nutice�f nccclerntion.The notice shnll provide u period of nat
<br /> less thnn 30 days from the d�►te the nc,tloe is delivemd ar mail�d within�vhirh Btirraever must pny nll sums secured by this
<br /> , , ,� �� Secudty Instrument. If Borrower f�ils topay the.5e sums prlor to the expiwation af this peri�zd. L.ender may invukc nny rcmaiies --
<br /> Fcmiitted try thi s Security Instruinent without further notice or demand an�orrower.
<br /> " ' - tti. Etarrati�ca's�3i�hht to Eaf�R51111P. If Borrower meets certnin conditianti. Borrower shull have the right ta huve
<br /> .,.;, ��;.. � enforcement of this ScFurity Instnunent diswnttnucd at w►y time prior to the carlicr ai: (al S days tor�such othcr periud u.ti -
<br /> ' •w� Appltcable law muy specity for reinstatement? before sulc of'the Pm crty pursuant tu any pawer uf sule contnirtod in this
<br /> �,a.e�
<br />:"'1��,:^--' Securiry instn�ireant; or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secnrlty nstrumcttt.Thase cnnditions urc thut Borrawer:(a)pays
<br />-�,:;.._.;, Lender all sums which then woutd be due under this Security Instrument nnd the Nate as if no a��celeration hnd arcurred; (b)
<br /> - cunes any defnult of uny other covenants or og�ements; (c)pays nll expenses incurnxl in enforcing this Security lnstrument.�
<br />-- ' .^,.� including,but nat limited to. ressonnbleattomeys'fe�.w;and(d)tnkes such uction as Lender msy reusanably require to ussum�
<br /> � � that the IIen of this Security Instrnment,Lender's d�hts in the Property und Hatrower's obligution to pay the Fume secured by r
<br />"`:''''�" �' this Secu�ity Instrument sh�ll continue unrh.nged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Insaument atd the
<br /> =-'!S:',>K.. ,
<br /> `` `" obli��nttoas secured hereby shull cemain fully effective as if no accelerntion hud occurred. However.this cight to reinstato shul .�.
<br />';'.���n�>:. ,
<br />-��,�;�+ not apply ia the case of accelerad�n urtder pumgraph l7. �
<br /> ='�"'==`�� 19. Sale at Nute; Char�qe of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a pacdul interesc in tho Nate (together with this Secudty
<br />�����.���.� Instruraent)rnny be sold one or mare times without pr�ar nodce to Horro�ver. A salo muy result in a chan�e in the entiry(knuwn
<br />""`° - as tlie"Loan Servicer')that collecta momhly payments due under the Noie and this Secudry Insuument. There also may be one
<br /> - -- - or more chunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a ssile of the Note.If there is a ahange af the LAan Servlcer.Borrawer wiil be
<br /> sl
<br /> __.-�=�-��. �jve�►wrltten n,otice of the change in uaordaace�vitli paragc�ph 14 atxwe and npplicnble law.The notice will state the nnme nnd
<br /> °'°:'-"-'��� address of die mBw Loan Scrvicer and the uddress to which paymenta shauld be ma de. The notice will �Iso cnntain any other
<br />---F;r:��� infarmatIonraquiredbYa�sPlicublelsw.
<br />,_.,���t r 20. H�zerdous SpLL�^.:yces. 9orro�ver shagl��awerushttil rtot do.�noPallow enyonedels�e o�do,�nnething affettiag the
<br /> Hs�ardous Subswnc� oa or ln tha �'roperty.
<br /> --=-��n��.a property that e�in vlolation of any�nvlronmental Law. 'The precading two sentertccs shall not apply to e presence.use.or
<br />- u u�R�� storage on th$?raperty of small quantl6es of Hazardous Substsnccs�.�nat ure genernlly cecognizat to be appmprfute to norm�l
<br /> u --_-_��-z�����:n residentlt►I uscs nnd to rnaintenarece of the Property.
<br />``'�� -� � Borrower shall prem�tly give Lender wrltten notir�e of any investi�adon.claim,demand.la�vsuit or other uctton by any
<br /> m
<br />'-'!.�--:.-- governmental or re�ulatory ugency or pdvate party involving the Property artd any Hnzardous Substance or EnvironmenUil Law
<br /> ~ '� of whtch Borrower hes actual knowledgo. If Hlorrower leams,or is notified b�a�►�,gYX,ed�tm��'�r regulqtory suthority.thol
<br /> —;,�� uny removal oc other c+emixliation of any Hs�ardous Substance affecting the Propert�r Ts necessals�;�orrower shaif promptly tuke
<br /> ',:;;.=, a!1 necessary remedid actions in accordance wIth 8r.vironmentul I.aw. �
<br /> �45a� ii i�i�6�3iia'�graph 2fl, "�I:z3sdoss° Sss�ss�t!'?s° ?n'�hace �ubstances defined as toxic or hazardous subswrec�s by
<br /> ;� �nvironmental Law and the following substanccs: gasoline. kerosene,other flammable or toxtc petroleum QroAucts. toztc
<br />'•-,;;.�,� pesticIdes and herbicides,vo�adle solvents.materlals rnntnining asbestos ar formaidehyde.aad radioACtive matenals.As used in
<br /> this paragrnph 20. 'Bnvironmentai Law' means federa9 laws itnd lawg of the jurlssfictIon where the Propcuy Is located that
<br />- - relate to health snfcry or anvironmental protection.
<br /> NdN-tfNSlFORM COVBNANTS.9otrower and I,ender further covenant iu►d a�roe as foltows: �
<br /> Zl.Ame7rsutlon;Remedi�s.Lender shatl give not[ce to Bora�,aver prior to uctelerntton foUotivic�Borro�ver e breac�a
<br /> of nny covensint or a�eecment In t61s Securtty Ins4�rument (bat vYUt prlor to ucceleration a�mder par�QrapB 17 unl8s.s.
<br /> nn
<br /> applicable la�w provtdes m1Uae�wise). 'Ci►e noticx shcill��oeci!'yt (p)the default;(b)the actton required W ew�r the d su t;
<br /> (c)u dnte,not less than 30 days tbom the dgte the��ptice is gtven to Barrower,by whtch the default must hR cueedi and
<br /> (d)thut failure to cure the defuul2 on�r before the dnte specifiea in the not�ce may result in ucxelerntlon ut the rums
<br /> -= secured by tA�is Security Iustrument aD�l snle of the Property.'fhe noitce shall flirther inPorm Barrower of the rlgUt to
<br /> ----� reinstnte after ncrdernUon nnd the dgbt to bring a court octlon !to ussert the non�extstenc�af n default or any other
<br /> defense of Borrower to aeceleratton tnd sale.If the de4ault is no�cw+ed on or before the aiute specifled ia the naYtce,
<br /> �nder. at tts opiion, msey requSre immedlu4e paymcnt[n�Il oi sll sums secured by this Security IInsS�uRient svithont
<br /> tuuther demand and may�invoke the power of anle nnd nny o4her remealtes�ttted by appjtrablc taw. �rnder shail be
<br /> entitlecl to coltect aU expenr,es incurred in pu�rsuinA the remedtea prov[ded in this pacagraP6 21,Inrluding,Dut noi Itmited
<br /> to,reasoneb�e uttoraeys'fees and costa of thle evidence.
<br /> If the powhr of sule fs tnvoked,Trustee shall record a noitce of default tn eucl►ooanty in which uny pnrt of the
<br /> _ Property ts Iocnted and e'hall mail copies uf such notice in tite mar�ner pe+escribed by uppYtcn6le luw to Borrower and to
<br /> ��-�J�� the other pera�►�prescea�d by nppliwble Imv.After the ttme c+eqnired by appltcuble Wtv,Tcvstee shall give publlc notice
<br /> - - of sate tu lhe persona ond in the manner prescrihed by uppltcuble luw.Trustee,withuut demund on Borto�ver,shall sefl
<br /> the Property s�t publtc auction to the highest b3dder at the Nme and plac�and ander the terms de�ignated i�the notice ot
<br /> sate in one or mom pancefs and in any ordcr Trustee determine�. Trustee mny pu�tpune snle of all or nny parcei ot the
<br /> _ �--�� prog�ty by oublic a�ounceitceent at zhe time und pluoe of uny prev[onsly scheduled sate. Lender or its designee may ,
<br />—.�—-.`� �urchase the i'roD�M3+at u�ny sate. ,
<br /> ;��
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