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<br /> _� -����,: 'i'OOETHL�R�91TH all ehs improvemenu nuw or hereuRer erected on the prapzrty.nnd ull easemEnts,uppurtenances,und __
<br />•�•,��-.,;,,-� fixturss now on c�ceaYter o pa�2 of'th� praperty AI1 replccements ar�d addidon.g Fhall nlFa bz covered by this �ecurity _
<br /> �� �:�� Instrument. All Af tho f�rcBoinII is referred to in tlris Secudry Insuument us the"Praperty" __
<br /> :�� BOt2ROW�R COVQNANTS thut EorcoNer is luwfully seised of the estate hereby canveycd and hns the ripht ta grant uttd
<br /> cnnvey tho Pn�perty aRd thut the Property iR unencumbered, except for encumbrnncea of record. Burrav�er�aarri►nts und will
<br /> ;`+�;.?,� dafend generally 1hoUtle to the Froperty ugain�t ail cluims und demands,subject tu nny encumbranves af record.
<br /> THIS S�CUtiITY INSTRUMENT eombines uniform asvenanGv 4'or nutionat use and nan-uniform covennnta with limtted �
<br /> _�;V��'��� � vnriations by Ju�isdicUon ta mnstitute a uniform sccuriry instr�suient covering rcal property. ' p +�
<br /> � UNIFORNI COV�NANTS.Borrower nnd Lender coven�►t and ogree as followa: a whcn due the '�
<br /> T�' 1.Fuycnen4 ot Prlrtcipal and Int�rest; Pr+epayment cutd Late Chnrges. Borrowcr shall promptly p y
<br /> principnl of and intercst on the debt evidencai by the Note und any prepayment and late chnrges clue under the Note.
<br />-_ '— Z.Funds[or Ta.�cas and Insurnnce.Subject to applicuale Ivw or ta a written waiver by Lender. Borca�ver shnll pay to �
<br /> �'��=Y I.endtsr on the dny rmnthty pAyments are due under the Note,until the Note is puid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(n) yearly wxea
<br />""`��� and assesstrtents which may nttuin priorlty over this Security Instntment as a lien on the Proptrty;(b)ye��trly teasehold payments � ..
<br /> =�c'�'�,;� or ground re�nts on the Property.if nny:(c)Yearty h�rd ar pr+operry insumnce premiums:(d)Yearly flood insurancc premiums,
<br />-- =y;�� if uny:(e)yearly mortgoge insurnnce premiums. if nnyi and (�n�►y sums puyable by Bornower to Lender.in naordunce with
<br /> �-=---�� tha provislons of pamgmph 8.in Iteu of the payment of mortgoge insurance pmmiums•These iten�a cue cailed 'Escmw Itema."
<br /> �-=�� Lender may,at uny cime, colloct und hold Funds in an nmourtt not to exoeed the maaimum amonnt a lender for u foderally
<br /> '—� retuted mnrtgage lan► may c�quirc for Bomower's escraw acrount under the federal Rea` �.�tate Senlement Pmcedur�Act of
<br /> 1974 ns nmended from dme to dma. l2 U.S.C. Section 260� et seg. ("1t1BSPA"),antess unathcr law that appltes w the Funds
<br /> ==-'=�=� sets u lesser amount. If so. Lender mny.at tmy ame,c�llect and hold Funds i�an amount not to exueed the lesscr amoant. �
<br /> __,,.�� Lender may estimate the umount of Furtds due on the basla of cnrrent date ared reasonuble estimutes of expendihues of future
<br /> :,it�:;s� Escrow Items or o��rise in nccordance wlth applicable law.
<br /> , or enti
<br /> � The Funds sh�U be held in an instltution whose deposits are insured by a federal ugeacy, instntmenmlity ty
<br /> �.'._ --- (including L.ender.If Lender is such nn insdtauon)or in any g'ederal Home Y.man Bank.I.ender sh�ll upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> � Escrow Items.Lender may not churge Borrower for holding aaid applying tiie�unds.annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> � verifying the Escraw Items.unless Lender puys Boreower interest on the Funds end applicable la�v pemo[ts Lender to muke such
<br /> u charge.Ho�vever,i�nder may require Bormwe:ta pay a on�-time chtuge for tu►indepeadent reul estute tax reporting servica
<br /> � used by L.ender in connoction with this loan. unless applfctable law provIdes otherwlse. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> opplicsible luw requires interest to 1�pald,Lender shal! not be re�uired to pny Borrower any interest or eaminga on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower ond Lend�r may agc�e in writing,however.thut interest shall be pt�d on the Funds. Lender shall�ive to Borrower,
<br /> j without chargc. un annunl accoanting of the Funda.ahowing cradits and d�caits io iuo Fi►�-xis a�x!tisc gu�fQ's��Z'-�ts°� .
<br /> debit w the Funds was mude.Tho Funds are pledged as additiortal securitY for all sums secured by this Security InsQCUmcnt.
<br /> If thc Funds held by Lender execed the araounts pemiitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shNt nccount to Barrowex
<br /> for tho excess Funds in nccordunoe with t1►e requirements of appltcable taw.If tho amowtt of the Funds held by Lender nt any
<br /> tima is not sufficient to pay the Bscmw Items when due.Lender mny so nodfy Borro�ver in writiag.aud,In such case Borrower . ,,
<br /> shnll pay to Lendcr the umount necessary to m��lce up the deficiency. Bormwer shap msko up the defas:iency in no more thn�,,.•.,`., . ,
<br /> — twelve mon.thly payments.ut Lender's sole dlscretion.
<br /> — Upon payment 6n full of�II sums secured by this Security Instrumeat. Lender shfill promptly refl�nd to Hotrower any
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If.under parngmph 21.Lender shell acquire or s�ll the Property,Lender,pdor to the ac�uisitioa or stile
<br /> of the Propeity. sl�all apply uny Fundc held by Lender at the t�me of acquis{tion or sale as a credit ugainst the suins secured by •
<br /> — this Sccurity Instrument. �
<br /> 3.Applicattan ot Pqyments.Unless appliu�ble Inw provides otherwiso,alt p�yments raceived by Lender under paixgr�ph3 �
<br /> - 1 and 2 shall bc:applied: firat.to uny prepaymeat chatges due uuder the Note:seeond.to amounta payuble under pat V�,:�h 2;
<br /> — thlnd.to intemst due: fourth.to prtncjpal due:and last.to any inte charges dus under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;Lienv. Borrowcr ehntt pay all texes. s�ssessments.charges. tines and impasitions attributubtc to thc i'roperty
<br /> which may �ttain pd�oriry ovcr thts Se�urity Instrument.and leasehold payments or ground rents. !f any.Botrowcr shnll pay
<br /> tttese obli��tian�in the maiuier provided tn paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manaer.Borro�ver shall Puy them on tima directly
<br /> _ .:r;� ��t�i�petc�vn ov►•ed payment.Borrower shall prumptly fumtsh to Ixnder ull notIoes of wnounts to be puid urtder tF�3a pn�rnph.
<br /> ��°- If�rrower matceathese payments ditecdy.Borrower shaU pmmpdy t�tnish to Lende�r►�ceipis evidencing the payntento.
<br /> Bomower shaU pror►zptty discharge�ny lien which has prlority over thia Secudry Instcum�nt unless Bormwer:(a)sgrees in
<br /> --- ----- .y�ltd�ig tv tlx:�ym;.rso oF tho e8ligsdQa��d by the!!ert in n manner accepiable to Lender:(b)oontests tn good fatth the lIen .
<br /> -- ---�' by. or defe�s ugei►ast enfu►�n�ent of thc licn io. leg�l�Sroceed�nos which �n thn T.euder's opinlon opcnatc to pa�vent Qie
<br /> enforcement of thelien;or(c)s$cams from tho holder of the licn an agreeatent satia5nctory to Lender subonlinutinII•iS�e lien to
<br /> � � t6ia Secudty Inst�ument. If I.en�lea�detem�ines that nny pait of the Pmpeny is subjoct to u lieu wl�ich muy attain p�iarlty over
<br /> this Security insmxnea�t. Lender may give Bormwer u noslce ide�uit�+in�the lien.Bnrrower shtill sntlsfy the licn or tutcc one or
<br /> more of the actiom sxt forth ubove within 10 days of the glving of notioe.
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