<br /> � -. � c,;v..9 . ., � - . . -an.r:, ..
<br /> - .._ .. . ..._n.� -.. .. .. ..... ....__. . .... - _. ... . ... �
<br /> ; .. ., ._: � RE,R�G4RD�9���(I�OQ� i: ��"����� �
<br /> a • i6.6Jap�a�crcr'n Cupy. qa�ea�vcr nht�ll bo IIivcn orto canformed oopY of thn Now and of this 5ecudty InstrumcnG
<br /> l�.Treayfcr�tt�ss E�rnperi�or a Qe�eeQcl�I lntcr�t!n Borrower. If ull at tu►y part of ihn Pr�oPct�Y or any interest in It ix
<br /> �nld or trnnqfcncd(ar if n bcnoi'icinl tnu:rc�t in Hosowcr ie�old ar uunafcrrcd and Baaowcr is nat o nuturol parson)without .
<br /> I.cndct's prtor writtcn conr�cnt,l.rcnder may,at ita op�b��undGrmf cRCrcir�aia pro Ibit�•d by f�odar.aat Ipw a ofbihc ciato of th g `
<br /> InowmGn�Ho��rovcr,t�l.q option ehnll not bo axctai y ��
<br /> Sccurity Inswmcn� �c –
<br /> If I.�nder oaereisos thia option,4ender ehull givo Bancower aodus of nccoleratlon,The notico xht�ll provida a riod af not less ;�.
<br /> than 3�duye fron�1�e date th�no8 s��g anma p nr to�he expimdan o�f tha gerlod,Lendepr m�ylj v ke any'rembedic.PS�� ��
<br /> Inauumen�If Borrower fnils p Y
<br /> by thia Secwtty Insmu�eent wlthout further nottcE+a:dsmand on Borrower.
<br /> c+
<br /> 18.Borpower'e Rigbt to Re6Aetn4�. � $nlrower meats cermin condittons� Barmwca ahall ha,ve the dght ta have
<br /> '��-::�^'" enforcement of tl�ls Securlty Instrument disconWtttad at any Wne prlor to the carller of; wnea of s�ale contained in t��ls Socurita �_.
<br /> �� appllatbla luw may sp�cify for rcinatutemr,cnt)before anic�of the Propsrty pursuant to anY Po �
<br /> sn
<br /> • Inatmment;or(b)entry of a judgment engorcina this Sec�ulty Inswment.'Rtose condidons ture thJ Hormwa:(a)pays Len�der�y i�_:
<br /> suma which then would be dua under ti�is Securlty Inamiment and ihe Nats as if no ncceleratlon hed accuYred'�(b) �u..
<br /> .. . default of any otha covenanta or agceemea►ts;(c)pays a11 expenses incurred in enfarcing this Sccurity Instrument,inctuding,but �
<br /> t. not limited to.re�sonablo atwmaya'feest and(d)�ukes sand BoaaweLen�aadoreasonabyy�uir�u►�urad by�thisCS�urlty �–..
<br /> „ , Security Instnunent, I.cnder's dghts in tke Pcoperiy --
<br /> ,. � Inswment st�all continue unchanged Upon relnsuttement by Bo:rower. this Securlty Instrumea�t and ths obligadin the case of �'°
<br /> hereby shtill remai�►fully effecdve as if no acceleredon had occwYed.Howevsr.this dght to eeinstete ahell nat apply
<br /> " ecceleradon under p�ragcaph 17. °.
<br /> ' 19.Snle otNote=Cdange otLoan SPrvEcer. lttc Note or u patdal intere.st In iho Note <agethez with this Securicy •.r
<br /> • -" jnsunmentj snay be sold ona or mcua dmcs without pr�or nodce to Borrower. A sale may rasult in a change in tha entiry(known __
<br /> as the"I.;oan Servicer"I�an Sen►i�cer mw�mlated t,oi a eale of the Nous�If thcre is a chango of the L.osn Servicer Barmroawer�wW bcs �_
<br /> more cbanges of the � g�ap pp
<br /> � ' �d�ess of the rs�w pi.tmn Setvlcer and the eddcass wpw�hich DaYm nta hould be medl�.'�fYia aticc NiU also$contau►eny other _
<br /> ' �� infamnadon req�xed bY aAPliCable Iaw.
<br /> _ � 20.Hazardous Snbst�ncea. Bomnwer shaU not cause or pemait 4R�c pnsence, use� dis�►�sa1,stareB�ecdn� ProPe*ry
<br /> ��� �Tt�ardous Subsmt►ces on o1 in the PcoPert�r.Borcower shall not do.no�a41aw anyono alse w do�ony�hin$ _
<br /> ��:�;�' thnt is ia vloladon of any Fsnviranmental Law.The precedu�g two sentences shall not��fyaPW'aP ��tu�n�zl casidcndalnuses
<br /> ',', property of small quantities a9'T�azardoas Substances that are generaUy cecoBnized ma
<br /> ',�.� and t°mai�t���of��ve Lender wriuen notice of any investigadon,c1aM. demand� lswsnit or othea aGion by any
<br />^ „ �,r �r Borrower shall pmmptly gi ineolvin the Pro and any HraanMous SubatFm�a or Bnvironmenml Lci�v
<br /> gavetnmetetal or segWatorY s�SnoY or prlvate PariY 8 �' �ammex�tal or regulamry aud�o�ity.that an Y
<br /> °` .: _�— uf�u��!43n�wet has r,c�!.8:naw l e dge.I f.B o r r o w e r t�u m s�or ia nodRed b Y anY��.*v,Rnrm�vrr sh�+ll�promp�lY t a kcs a l i ,-
<br />-';1" rtunoval or othe=temediai�an oi anY Hezardoua Substa�a�tfa:tt�g ihc PraF�t'i
<br /> • neCOSSary re�ediat aCtians in uccorclance w11l►Snvironment�l iLaw.
<br /> . . As used in this paragraPh 2p."Hezattlfl�s Substsu►ces" are U►ose substances de�ned as wafc or hoz�tous sL�bstuccces by
<br /> � . , • Huvfronmeatel I:nw und the following su�stnnces: gosoline� Icerosene. otha t7smmabl��o�radio�materjals�As used in
<br /> , pesdcides and Qabicides�volnple solvents,materlais canWninB asbesws or formaldehyda. is located thut rofato
<br /> �.. .
<br /> � �h Z0,"Envlronmontal Law"means fedeml laws and lawa of the jucisdiction wh�tft�
<br /> ' '' tA healp ih,s�ery or eavironmenmi pmtectton.
<br /> � r•y
<br />;� .�-. NON-UNlFORM COVSNANTS.Sorrower und Lender further coveiu�nt and a�ee a�fal4nwa
<br /> � xi.AecekratSon;Itemcdfc9.Lender shAq gtve not�a W Borrower prEar to Axelar�Non�oilowing�orrowtr�'s 6'rea�fess
<br /> 5`:.::,'+b ' any eavenunt or agrtement En thts Secur6ty Instrum�rs (but not prto� to aecelt�uutton under paragrap
<br /> ,�� ;� .
<br /> :�«,, .,� applkabk 1aw provldes otkerwise)•'She notioe shatl ape�if�rs(A)the detuulti(b)tha AcAtor►r�lutred W curc tke defaatt=(c
<br /> �`'��.�;�� a date,not ies�tlwn 3f1 d*ya tirom the date t6e aotica L�given M Bon'o�ver�by whic�ttte de4tult mnst be cwrtd;and(d)
<br />�`�`--�--°°� t�►t fnitun to curc the defautt on or betore tite da�e spccitied in the nottac may result In a�aelera4bn ot t6c sume sccure�
<br />-.z„""`':'t"°'-'.�
<br />=;�,-.;r:-: by thtd SewritS'Imstruffient and sale ot slte]Pro�erly.Thc uottae shall flurther Intmnst Ho�r af the rigbt to So
<br /> �:,���;�• atter�accelerndon and the rEght to bring m court est�n�a��e Qon�tenoe of a ddlaWt or any oWer detenae d
<br /> :��';;, �orro�ver Eo�ratbn amd sAk.V We defanit ts not cnred on or before the dsto sp�tfkd lln the notke►Lead�er•�►t tta
<br /> ��- '� �;ptlom�may reqnir�tmmesGl�a2e payment tn tuq a?r�tl auras secared b9 tUi� 3eca�rih►Insh�nm�t�v[thout Nr3ite�'demand
<br />_ °. . .`_ pnd may tnvoTae the podnrcr�ot sate and any osher rimedtes permftted by applkablt taw.Lpnder ehall be eutitled td coIIect
<br /> �t n..'�r`'-. A!1 expenses 8a�namrred in pnrssifng the remedks 9�'m'tde+l in thl�paragraP�31. [nt�a�ing. bnt�ot timited M�reasa�nt�bk
<br /> �:?!<;�-:.�-r ";� �prIIEj�B"t!!S alld COBIS Ot�ZIC O�dCIIOC.
<br /> ...��:.:�,.,� �:�`», 6�"�.�Ssm� t.�nv�+��d! 7�ustee shall reeord a notia ot detault Qn each ��9���Part of�e L
<br />- ;:°"„'""'�"� �►f�ertY H tac�at��d�93 m3E!ce��o��sch not�a io iho�anncr pp�ca�brai By app
<br />��+.:u.:;5..c-
<br /> ' `''�`""''"� u�+Acr persons prescr[be8 by AppUcabk I�w.Af�tcr tho time requ[red by appiltable law.Trostce shs�tt glve pa�bfk Qat�ke oT
<br />���y=�f�"- - s,ale to the pezsons and dn th¢m�nner pr�cri4e�by�Dpu�►b��'•���°ut damand on iiorrower.sL�U se11 tkc
<br /> ;, ��.
<br /> � Property�t pubUc n�on to the 6lghest btddcr at the timc and place a�d uadex th�to�mn dt�nated fn tt�e notta of sals
<br />-=�;. .. _
<br />_`.4j� . .
<br /> � � �� �a. FmrmS088 �lBD _
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