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<br /> ! .l -.
<br /> " •' pnymenta mny no lonBer be required,at th¢optlon of Leader�if mongoge lasurance covemge(in tbe a�nount and for the periad E-
<br /> • thut Lendxr eequims)ptnvided by on inRUrer nppmved by Lender agnin beconrca avullubie n�td la obtutaed.8orr�war shzdl psy r-
<br /> ., . the pr�miums requleed to mntntnin mortBnBe insurnnse in effett,or co provlde a loss rcaerve. until the requirement for mortaogc � ,�
<br /> . � inaurance enda!n accqrdnnco with any vjdttcn oBt+eement Oeaveen Borrower and Lender or npplicnble law. �
<br /> 9. �pestton.Y.ender or ita oIIent mny make rer�sonable entriea u�n nnd inspections oP the Progerty. Lendtr ahal!give 1 �,-_
<br /> ' s �onower notice nt the time�f or prior ta an inspectian specifying reawnable cause for the iaspection. �
<br /> ° . •, •, 10. Conde�nnflNu�. The procced,�of any a�ytud or claim for d�nage+3. direct or cansequentinl. la connectlon��ith nny ;.
<br /> ,.� condeaunatton or uther tnking of�+ny p•ui of the Propeny,or for conveyanoe in Ileu of condemnution.nre hereby as�igned and � `
<br /> '+ : ohail be ps►!d to I,ender. _
<br /> ����� In the event of a totul teking of the Pmperty,tQe proce�s shu11 be uPplied to che sums secured by this Securisy Insuument, � ,_
<br /> whether or not then dae.with Any eucess paid to Bonowcr. la the event of a partial tukinffi of the Property in which tha fafr __
<br />. x,r...-N'.+�;.1 _
<br /> market value of the Pmpemy immediutcly h�fore the tsikta�is equut to or greater Ehen the amount of the swns secured by this
<br /> A
<br /> ., ..Y SECU�Ity insuuaaent Gnmediately O�for�the taklqg.unless Sorrower and i.ender othenvtse agrea in writ�ng.d►e swns soGSSed by .
<br /> a • thia Se.cwiry Insuament eholl be r¢duced by the amount of tha praceetla muldplied by the foltowin� frastian:(a)the tosal
<br /> umowtt of ti�e suma ceeured itnmediately hefore the caking,divided by (b)the foir market value of the�ropercy immedic.tely
<br /> � 4 befon the takiag. Aay bulance shall �e paid to Borrotver. Ia the event of a parttal wking of the Pnnperty in whicd tbe fslr
<br /> ,,, �
<br /> ' . �. market vulue of @ce Pr�operty immsdi.�r�ely before the taking is less than the amouat of che swas setuced immediately be ore e
<br /> t�[ng,unless Bormwer tuid Leader e�etwise ugee iu wrltiu8 or unless eppl�cable law othenvlse provides.the procads sh2�!
<br />- , be opplted to the susns saured by tdis�ecnrity instrument whether or aoi the sums sue thea due.
<br /> If ttic 4'ra�siqy ia ubandoneQ Dy BQrrower,or if.after natice by I.ender to Borrower that the wndewnar offera to make aa
<br /> � nward or�rule a claim for dam�es. Bomower fails w respoad to Leader wtthia 30 days afte3 the date the Qodoe is g{vau,
<br /> • Leader is authorize.d to collect an�a�.'�rly the procads.at Ita op�ior�.eithe.r to restoradon or repair of the Pnoperty or au the sums
<br /> . ' � � secured by this Sesurity Lnsm�meat.ouhether or not then due.
<br /> m
<br /> :���' Untas Leader and �ocrower othecvvise agiroe 1n wrltinB. auY aPpli�tion of pmoaeds to principal sheil aot ex¢xnd or
<br /> p�stgone the due date of the a�ontWy�Sayments cefemed to in parAgrapha 1 and 2 or change the aaaount of surk�pa,ymenu.
<br /> � `' ' � 11.Bon�ower Not Rdwsed;Flwrbcaranoc BY I.eader Not s P�alver.Bxtension of the time for payentnt or modificacioa
<br /> :,;,;; ,�: '� �f ctmortiwtion of the sums secured by thi.s Sccurlry Inatcument 8ranttd by Lender to any suooessor in Iatet�est of Borromet shsill °
<br /> `:�;,�;;'_ aot opernte to release the tiabiliry of t�e original Boirower ar Bormwer's euoccssors ia i�►terest. Lenaer shall noi be sequired to
<br /> :=�:~.a.: oommenoe pmoeedtngs agaiast any successor in interest or nfl�se to w�tend ttme for puyment or otheiwlse modify amortlration
<br />-:�-:��.-s�� of the sums secund by this SecvrltY lasu�mst►t by reason of any demand made by ttte original Borrower or Bomorver's
<br />==�:�:s.,
<br /> --=--=.'�'�� �Q����t, Any fo�ce Dy Leader in eaerclsing any r��l►c os �eraedy shsll not be a waiver of or pralude W�
<br /> - _���,�, exercise of any d�ht or remedy.
<br />-�:v�'r;:. .'
<br /> ��k�� 12.S�ocassors and As�tg��tknund: Joint and SeveraG lL�3tibllityi Co�atguerc. 7ha oovensnts and ag�em��ts mf thia
<br /> .v..,:
<br /> -=�:;:� Secudty instn�raeat shall bind aad he�cfit tDe sucasso�s aad assIgas of Lender aad Bomnwar. subject w the provisii�ns o
<br /> ---_ P�8�Ph 17. Bor[ower's aovenaats ead ngre�cats shtill be joint and aeveral. Any Borrower who oo-alg�s this 5ecurity
<br /> • -� - Insuument but does not ea�ecute the Nou: (a)is oo-signing thia Secu�Ity Insnumient only co mortgage. geant and convey thcs
<br /> ��.�`�r� SartnR��'s inurest in the?c�oper�alnder the tem�s of this Srxurity Instnunent;(b)is not�teis�onally obligatod to pay the cuuu
<br /> —.�:��� socur�:i�ry tbis Secudty Iasmuncnt;aad(c)ag�as that Lender amd eny other Botrower m�y ngree w eatenA.moditY,forbcar or�
<br /> =::?��� make a�+u000mmudatians with ngard to tlte terms of thts Secur�ty Instrument or the Nou vv�tkaut that Borrowex'e consant.
<br /> iYY1=''�'�"•�, 13.Loan Ctraa��s.If thQ loan secured by tbis Sxurtcy[nstrument ls subJoct to a law wh[ch sets mwdmum loan c�argr3.
<br /> -_-_-- -- and that law is SnFJIDy i��n:erpreteA so that thG Interest or otLer loan cLargcs collected or to be ooUected in aonaoaion with tho
<br /> --- � Ioan excxcd the pstmi�tal limits.t�en: (a)anY such loan chargo shaU be roduoal by the amaunt neoessary to roduoe the chaTgo
<br /> _�,� to the perm�itta!limit;end(b)aay sums alnady oa2lxted from Borrower w�tcL exaoe�ed pen�ittod limits wW be reiUatt�to
<br /> ---::;ar�R Basower. L,end�r may chaose w mnlcc t�is refund by reductag the principal owed under the Note or by �lcing a dinect
<br />�._...�_..W—. Payment to Bomower. If a t+oti�nd red�s principal. the reducdon will be tceatod as a partial ptepay�oent wnhout�atU'
<br /> - _ prep�yment chargo uader the Nooe.
<br /> -- 14.Notto�v.Any uotIce to Eorrower provc�Jt�l for in this Secutiry Inat�umeat shsilt be Fiven by deliverIng it or by ma!ling
<br /> �::;,;;;:�
<br /> __::::`�4-�� tt by f3rst class mall unless apgl�.�.'l�2aw jrequiles uso of onother method.Tkc natloe shull be directed to the Property Ad
<br /> or any other address Boccowcr�:s�guateo by notice to Lender. Any not�ce to E�eader aha11 he Blvea by fi=st clau mnil to
<br />-- -__
<br />