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<br /> AQItEEMENT ME1DE EFFECI'IVE this,?�day of�Q��_, 1989,between
<br /> � tho COUN'1'Y OF HALL, NE�RASKA (che "Lessor") and MD.I.ARD WAREHQUSE,
<br /> C3R.AND ISLAND,a Ncbraska general partnership,4?15 South 132nd Screet, Oanaha,Nebraska
<br /> 68137 (the "Lessec").
<br /> RECITALS:
<br /> 1. Pursuant to the issnance of the Counry of Hall, Nebraska, 53,000,000 Industrial
<br /> Development Revenue Bond (Millard Warehouse, Grand Island Project) Series A. dated
<br /> November 1, 1984, the Lessor entend into a certain Lease and Agrxment with Lessee, dated
<br /> as of November 1, 1984 (the "Leaso"), for the lease of certain real estate, plant and leased
<br /> equipment (the "Project") as defined in that Lease, including, without limitadon, cortain Real
<br /> Estate which is legally described mor� particularly in Exhibit A, attached hcreto.
<br /> 2. A Nodce of Lease which describes the aforementioned Lease was filed on
<br /> December 20, 1984, in the Hall County Register of Deeds O�ce, as Docum�nt No.
<br /> 8400b617.
<br /> 3. Pursuant to the pnpayment in full of all amounts owed to Lessor by I.essa � .
<br /> undcr the afvrementioned Lease, and furthermoz+e, pursuant to thc prepayment of all amounts �
<br /> fa th�red�mption of all outstanding Bonds issucd pursuant to th� Millard Warehonse, �°irand ;_.;_:�
<br /> T...._.a rL..,:.... c�.._:..., w .a .... • •a,._..a t.t.� . ... r c _ -u:,
<br /> - . aa�ttns rtv�oa.� .��ttva r�, alits �tut�i�a, iu wu�auvaauvij va uiv �a�iaa w �a.3Si"ra' �3j/ a.a.��i.v va , ��.�_
<br /> 5100.00, Lessor has dceded, by Special Wananry Deed, the aforementioned Project to I.�ssea, �;�
<br /> and in accoidance therewith, Lessor and Lessee do henby desire to mutusilly terminate the —
<br /> afaremendoned Lease effecdve the day and year first above written. = �
<br /> L.essor and I.essoe mutually consent and agree that the aforementioned I.ease shall be
<br /> � terminated tbe day and ycaz first above wricten, pursuant to the prepayment in full of all
<br /> amounts owed co Lessor by I.essea under said Lease, the prepayment in full for the redemp-
<br /> " tion of all bonds issued pu�uant to the Millard Warehouse, Grand Island Project, S�ries A, ,�
<br /> . and the conveyance of the aforementioncd :eal estau from Lessor w I.essee by Special
<br /> � R►ananty Dead. I.essor and I.essee henby mutually consent and agree to waive any and all ;_�::
<br /> rights or causes of acdon against each other that they may have Qr will have in the futun ��"` `
<br /> arising out of the aforc�nendoned Lcase or Lcssee's possession of thc dcmised premises and '
<br /> each party hereto agrees to hold the othor party harmless from any liability whatsocver arising .
<br /> th�refmm. "
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