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„ , � :'ti��:;��� . <br /> • ...:� , • <br /> . . , ,� <br /> , . . ,.. . <br /> � ..a�r::xs,F�;.. -- ` .. .... ... _.�i._:.. .. ..... <br /> , n ._ <br /> . , <br /> it ' . . .. .�. ' . ......_ . . .. ... .�� . - � - <br /> � i ..__. . . __ � <br /> 1 ... . _._ ._,.._.._...._........ <br /> Borrower may wro euch n detnutt and retnetato, na pravtdod In pnrsgraAh �8, by aauainp tho aotton or proccsdinp to bo <br /> dt�misaed wit�a ruting thnt,ln Lcndr,�o pood tollh d�tarmtnatton,preatudos toAoliuro ot the BoROwe�s Intarost In tho Proporty ot <br /> othar mnter4�1 Ynpt�lrm:.nt ol ttw iLn crCatad by thtG Saeu�tty Inatrumunt or Landa�o aecurtty tntaost. 8orco�ver ehnU atao bo In� <br /> , dofauit tf 8orrov�6r.durtnfl tho tor.n app�!catbn proaass,g4vo matatlu�N lalso ot Inacouret0 k�loRnetton or oWtomCnte to Lond3r(or � ,,�,_ <br /> fniled to provide 1.ondor w(th nny matotint tntorm�tton) in oonnoattan with tho laan ovtdonaad by tho Noto,Inoiuding, but not � � <br /> • Imtted to, �¢prosentattonn aanoom{ng 8ar�orva�a oecupanoy ot tho Proporty as a prinol9ui roaldonco. if this &ecurity � .. :, <br /> InoGurrroat I� on a�AUOhotd, �orrowcr ahall compry v�ith ntl tho provt�lons ot tho toaso. It 8onowor naqutron tav tRb to the , . <br /> �� Properi�r.ihe lataohold and the foo tkte sha0�at m8r8e unbsa Lnnder epress to the msr�or In v�rltHg. ,f;- <br /> �. Pro4eotloa�t LotedQe'a Righ�e i� �hr� PrQ�evtgl.If Borrowor fniis to peAortn the oovonanta nnd ogrec�monts f.: <br /> oonWhvd h thb Seouflty inatrumont, or thero►a cs�e8a�Proca<^.3�ig tQ�at mny stsniHct�nity nlh�ct Lends�s rkl�ts In tho Proparty �, . <br /> (suoh as n procesdhp In btmk�uptny,probata,lor oondemntttlan or Porfequre ar to enforco Inws or rogutatt�na),then tenda mny � _ <br /> do and pay ta whfltm�m ts nacesuary to protoCt tho vallo ot tht�PropeRY und Landofs�hta in tho Propc� ��couA, pnyMg <br /> t,;�,;��• may hQwdp paying any uuma eocurod by o � wh6oh hna p�io►ily ovor thts Sacurity Inotrument, appacu 0 xG�_ <br /> ,,,�,, retioonnbl�cittomflyo'to�s nnd antaring on the Pm{uuty to mnke ropaite.ANhough lendor mny tako aatbn undor this paraBmPh �:':��' <br /> 7, Londor doos not hnve to do so. ' �`;��' <br /> v <br /> Any artt�unta disbu►sod by Londer under pereB+ePh 7 shuli b000me addittonnl debt ot Bortov�or aQaumd by lhis 3ecu t�r <br /> � inaWmont. Unlasn 8orro�vor snd Lendar agrou to othor tnrmc ot paymsn4, Mo:.o amounfs shall bear Int�rost irom the date of ';:W- <br /> ' , �.� disbursomant at the Note rate ond shall6e pA�r�W,wtth interest, upon nottce irom Lendor to Bonower mquestin0 PaYment. '�a: <br /> 8. Mortgage Inaur�nae. It lnndt�x mquhad moRgogo Inaurance a3 n condiilon ot making tho lonn seaurod by this � •- <br />` � Socurity Inatrumant,Bottower shap pay tho pmmlums roqutred to mahteh lho mortgage Inauranco tn eHoot. It,tor any rea8on,thv ___ <br /> mpAgego in�urance aoverago mA►etad by Lender tnpses o�ecason to bo In sifeot,6orrowc►shull pny the pramiuma roqu7ed to _:.:�-^. <br /> � obtaln ooverape subatantially equluntcsa�t to tho mortgago Ineurtu�CO provlouory In etfoaG ut n cost subsmntinro�4bya�deo the <br /> If37 <br /> � ooat to Borrowar at the mortgeDu Insumnpa prc�vbusy In etlt+at. from en aQamate mor�Q:�Yaa Maurer npp _�-� <br /> ' aub�ltsntL�ifyr eCukal9nt martgoge tnsuranca oa�A88�S not avalfabte, 8orroti�Fr shaD pay ta 4Ender eaoh month a sum equai to �.,� <br /> • onatweNth 4f 1ho yeoriy morn{oge 6�suranco pimnium boing pntd by 8orro»�r ruhsn the insur�nco ooverage fapscd or ceased to <br /> }� be h eHeot. Ltsndc�r wN eccopt,use and retah these paymenta as a bss�s3� 1�11eu ct moRgttge haurence. Loss roEenro �.,�: <br /> . pl�ymante rtwy no lonetg Ee rt►q�ietsd, at the opltan ot londer.M mortgego lnsuranae oovmaD�(in the emount end tor the per�od d <br /> - • .�,- th0t L�nder repuires) ProviQed 6y on Insurer epprovad by Londer agah bocomas evaiktbta and Is obtehad. Borrowur shetl puy �:'f” <br /> the premlums requted to metinteira mORgege htsutat�Re in eHect. ot to provlda e�toss reserve.until the requiromont tor mortgage — <br /> � insurettce onds En¢caordence wRh any wrMen o8reement telween BotrowBr an�Lendor or applicebl0 aw. _ <br /> � "� 9. If16pECt10D.Lender or it8 agont msY make►easonsbie enbies�pon and Inspeatbns of the Propnny. L4mdnr shall glve --°-- <br /> `'�, Dortower natke at the tMne of or prbr to an �is�pection speaiN�ng reasonabl�esuse tor the inspeotion• __ <br /> • '`' 10.CmDalemreatDon. Tho procoods of eny sward ar ch4n for damagos,dkeot or conseyuent4U, In aonneotton w�h any <br /> � condemnetion or otAer talchg of any pert of the Property. ¢r Vo7 eonroyance In Iiau of condomnatlon,are he�+eby uasigned end <br />- ' 8hell bo Putd to lAnder. <br /> ' tn tha e�snt ot a total taking of tho Prav�tY• the proaeeds sRail ba epplled to the sums eecured by this 8ecudty <br /> • ° inswmant. whaiimt t,f nat�s�t�.�kh�•Y°—"'""`a oald to Borto►ver. tn tha event of a pArtfal taking af the Properly In whbh <br /> �"' �� the faY marlcet valuo of the Proparty Immedt�telY before the taking Is a4uat 4a or greater then the smount of the sums socurod <br />� `� by thia SeouAh► �natrument immedtately before the takhp, unbsa Bortower and Londor oth�rwise eproe h w►itfn0� tho oums <br /> ky.;�l. :. .l '.: <br /> - ,;,r��,,;�;:� ssecured by thls Secudty inswmant ohall ba reduced by tlta nmount of the proccieds muftppibd by the fotlo►virtp freodon: (a�the _ <br /> ec <br /> • • , total emount of the sums seaured Immodlatey botare tho Li'�cErtg,dNtdod by(b)the taY ma�ket value of the PropeRy immedl�te <br />-=`�f'"�•,•!�`�?'` betore tAe tekhfl.My balenco shall be petd to Oortower.In the svent of a paRtal tekhg of the Proporty(n whbh tho taY market <br />_ .- value ot tRe PraportY Mmedtateh before tHa tatcdnp ts Iess thnn tha amount at the auma securod Immfl�ii�291y before tha tekhg, <br />��,';:,�,'..:,...•„• unisss Borrower end Lend�r othawt�e agreo b wrRinB or untesa epplbabb law othawlse providos, 4Ne P�o�ds ehaU ba <br />�"'����''"`'• epplied to the�ums secu�od by tAb Securtty Instrument whei�rar or not tho sums are thon due. <br /> ''v ';n �.;,•. <br /> It tAe Properhr b ebandanod Dy eorrower, or B. aft�no�'ae by lendor to Borrow�th�t the condemnor oHera to ma en <br /> '�•�.;'...,,.., award a setlb a olakn tor damageu, BoROwer latis to �spoad to Lender wNhin 3D days after tho data the notlee b �ban. <br />.{j",�;• ;',; t,endor Is aulhorlted to aolleot end appy tho proceeds,a!ks opUon,a3har to rosto�atbn or repair of fhe Propa�ty or to tho <br /> M°�...a�; sums cxured by thts Sec�►Rf►insi�ument,whothor or not thon due. <br />--�-��.:�;u:� Unbss Lendor end 8onower othe�wise agree h vr�Rhg. a�Y aAAl��n ot proceeds to p�MolPul ehall not extend or <br />_-:��::•;:� - ha t and 2 or ohanpe th�amwnt of suah paY�is. <br /> ��;;�,;,`�� poatPOne tlw due atato ot tha monthry paymonts reterted tn in ParaSroD <br /> --�::�.,. 11. Borrower Not Hefeaaed; Forbeerence By Lender No4 a Wntve�.Ektenabn of the Nme tor pu�:r�rfi ar <br /> modifleaUaa of amorthatbn of Mo sums secured by ihis Seeurity Instrumont pranted bY��ro�y su���r h Interest ot <br /> --__�,=�,�-"'�r� gorrowrer sluli aot operate to release tho ItabflRy ot tho odphal Barows�or Bortowers auccessora in tntere�G L.ender ehaU not <br /> .�.;",;; �yf°�' ,. bo roquirvd to commence proeeodln8g a9aNst eny succesaor in hturost or retuse to exte�d tirr�o tor psyment or atherwisa — <br /> modHy amodtratton af the suma secure0 by thts Socudty Inawmont by reasun of any cismend mads by Mo o►18hct Bartowor or <br />_-�''?`�';r��'�� C�arrowera eucees.ora h intersst. My forbearence by Londor fn axcmG�bp ony rl�At or reme�fy ahaU not be a waMer of ar .._ <br /> _,_;<<_:;i�_!�7__-- �a�,_�i�,,gxorcise ot any rktfit or romedy. <br /> =- � 12, 3u�G�ssov�►a�d Acdpnc Bau��; J�3l1t4 219t� �vcm6 iL�:Qi1i:y. G.3-ar;a�ra� covene��+ ena _- <br /> _.,�,_--•"'� agreementa of thla Secur+ly Inadument ehail bad and benefit tho successore and nsst�s of Lender end Bofroucr.eub3ect to tha .--_ <br />- ��"^=T provtsions d{�a�apreph 17. Bortowers covenants and eproemeats ahatl bo Jatnt artd srnereb a+y Sorrower who co-aigns thls __ <br /> �r3�'`�`~-'''�� 8ecurNy l�aWment but doas not e�mcuta the Noto: (a)Is oasi8nhg this Security�natrument onh to mortpapa�rant Cna oonvoy <br /> �•:,,�„;•�f�� . . fs�ot pwsonsiry Obigetsd to pay the <br /> _,;.�;F;{�p�•_� tAat Borrowera MKerest In ¢ha Properiy undor tho terms ot thts Sacu�tly insbume.nt; N3 <br />?'�:.-':" � ' sum�socured by thls SOCUrNV Insshumenx end (c)agneo.+that Lender end any othar 8orrowo► may aproe to extt�d,modHy. <br /> .. a.�,•;.•. � <br /> '•-�r•:•-:• • forbec�rr or mnk�a any accommodettons wlth rogeud to the Zemm of thb Secu�ily tnsUUma►t ar the Note wNhout thQt BoTrow a <br /> ,. . . ' consant. = <br />- � 13. LOi�� CR8Tg0�. It tho ban soourod by thls Secu�flY �natn►mo^t !s subJoot to e tnw whiCh seis maxh�um bnn _ <br /> � • . ;: ehurgas, und that tari Is Fn�ly Intorprotod so thnt tho Intemst or oth�bnn oharges Colbotced or to bo coiioetod h connooUor � <br /> .''"t;;'�';; .� ,�, wRh the toan exceed tho��t1ed Omita. thon: (n)any auch 4oan cherge ohn0 bo mduaod by tho amoant nocesssry to roduao �_. <br /> ,;,�.,,:.>!S•. , ktod{Irnits w3U bo .. <br /> �.:,�;,:t!).;�:��i{'.. �r the ahargo to tho porm{tted t.mir, nnd �b)nny sums t+honrty col'aotad from Borro►rer wh�Ch ezcosdc�d pam �_ <br /> :{'.:., . ,�;,,,.�• r0tundod to Borro�rer• lend�may choo�o to meke tdis r�tund by redualn8 No O�a�a�owed unda tfio Note or by mtkhp a <br /> . ' ��;`;� dtoot Paymolo3 to Borrower. it a rotund roduoos Prirtoipnt, tiio roduction wiu Do troat�d ao a partinl pm.�nymcmt wRhout any c <br /> . �,;1�,,;I,; '` prepuym�ntcP�ar�o unda the Note. __.� <br /> � 14. NOtICE�.My noUce to Borto��rer Pro��dod Mr N thb Saeurity inahumant ehn0 bo yNen by dolNcxinB tt or by at�g8 <br /> `'�'� by flcst ctasa mail un0ess tspp�babb taw roquiras u�o of tutother method. Tho noU¢o shaD be dtrectod to the Proporty _ <br /> ��'""'•—�Y'�--'----�- .r_ „ .e.,�.�,o��.� nnttca tn Lenda. Mfr notice to Londa shap be gMon by tirst ains9 mau to =_ <br /> -'" or nny va�a du'v'cao ..v....�o. �.v--- -. - - <br /> Lendds addross atatad hvmb or any otha address Lender designates by notico to Borrower. Any��DSict�piavi�o ior in mcr — <br />-- " - �� &ocurity inctrument ahan to dc�amad to havo boen given to 8orrower or Lunder wNon gtlan es proWdad In thts paraQ�aph. — <br /> ama <br /> � 16. tiovarning Lsw; Saviceablliiy.Thh &Qeurity tnsWmont shnli b0 gonxnod bY tod9ra� �nw end Me law ot lhe = <br /> Jurisdletian In whlaA the Property Ls located• U tho ovont thut any provkslon or otause nf thls SoouritY�nntrument or the Noto s <br /> ,o ., c��gRp�vrrlthout�the Co II'�sling prov�ton.Tfo thb Cndtthehprovisbnn�of this S�cun�'Hr afi+mont Md tho Note arehdooLuod to � <br /> . . e �. <br /> bo sevc�nbb. — <br /> � 1G.Bmnovror'a Copy 8ortowcx shatl bo gNen onu confom�ed oopy ot the Noto and of tANs Socudty InstrumortL �_ <br /> �_ <br /> ` F��10.1M0(tlBO) Pap�8 0l 6 �� /' <br /> ' <br /> 800t0 <br />