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<br /> � . « Upufl recelp� of paymaat at the price b�d, Truseeo shall 4elivar to the purchaser TfUAtCB�A dCBd F:__-
<br /> �w� ccanvpyin�ehe Property.Tho reci4alt�in tha TrnRteo's deed ehall be prim�taaie evideace of tha truih nP tfio ^
<br /> '' atato�ente made thatein.'Trustae ahall apply the proceeds o4 tho s�le In the faltowiag arder:(a) to ul!ca�t�
<br /> � � ' nnd oxpenseA of exarcisiag 4he po�ver of eale. end tho aeQe, iaeluding th� paymeAt ot t6te Truetee's f�oA � [-.
<br /> . , e�tudly incurred. not to excee d '�?P�T' `7o Qf the prinei pal amount of tam na4e at the 4tmo a� �
<br /> '� the declaratioa o!deisult.and reasouebla attorae�ys'feoA es perm�tted by lacv;(b)to al!auma secured by thie p
<br /> ° Security Ynstrumeue;ae�d jeI�uY aX���=o the person or pzrRnrnQ tegally entitled to it. " `
<br /> " ' ^� 22,Itecoavoyance. Upon payment oY a11 sums Eecured by this Secutity Instsument�l.ender e�hall r�queat Trustee
<br /> �_
<br /> ;�':;b;'� tu reconvey the Property and shall eurrender thia Security Inetrument nnd all note.�ev�denctn�ddbt secured by thia -_-
<br />=:,g:� Secur�xy Instrument ta Trustes.Trustea s h a l l reconvey t h e P ro p e rt y w i t h o a t a u r r A n t y u n d�v i t h a u t c h a r g a t a t h e p erson
<br />-- or persona legaUy entitlsd to it.Such pereon or patsons eholl puy nny recordation costs.
<br />-`-":�,� 23.Sub�titute'd'rustea. Lender,at its option� may trom ttma to time remove Trustea and appaint a successur ___
<br /> truates ta any Trus�co oppainted hereunder Uy an in�trument recorded in the county in whtch this Seaudty Inatrument is
<br /> �-•:'�• � recorded. Without conveXanca a4 the Proporty,the auccessor trastea ehnll succeed to all the title. power and duttes
<br /> �`j• �'•'# , coriterred upon Trustea�SUr�in pnd by applicuble 1aw.
<br />-�_�:�'�.;• 24.ltequest �or N����cas. Harrawet requests titnt copies of the notices ot default attd eisle be sent tu BorroNer's
<br />`s'�=�:' �� addr�:s which is c�a�Property�lddres�.
<br />-""' "�;� 25.Rtdera 8o this Sreurity Ins¢a�u�ant.If one or mora rid�ss ara executed by BorroNer and recorded Wgether
<br />"�:�;;:;�,�,�. with thie Seaurity Instrument,the covet�n�nte and agreemente oi eash such rider ehall bcs incorpornted Into and ehntl _
<br /> �� ►' em�nd artd supplernent the cove�►uate and egraamonta o4 thi�Seauitity Inetrum�t�ua it the rtder(s) �vere n Fart of thia
<br /> '�`�� Security Instrument.IChecFZ�pplicable box(es)]
<br /> �3'Y._.� Adjuatable Rate Yii�ler Condomtnium Rider 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> _ C3radtu�ttd Payisie�t Rider Planned Unit Develop�rent Rider Biweekly Payment Rider
<br />_tv�w��� � $s►tloor�'Rider � Rate lmprovemant Rider Second Homa Rlder
<br />'_�.::�..��. VA Rider . Other��)[specify]
<br /> _����
<br /> _.u_._��
<br /> BY SIC3I�11NG BELAW, �rrowet�aecepts and agcee.s to tho tetme and covenants c�nioined in this Seaurity.� , _
<br /> _ ° a�nsirunic�►�a�3 itt aey ri�(�)s�cL��;�4it�war nnd tecorded wlth it, � �
<br /> -- E7Vimesses: �, • � � � � (Set�l),
<br /> � . � L -Horcowos�� '
<br /> .--�—;. , ' ' �.�--- cs��) �
<br /> _� .. . . . .
<br />--- � �� • .• -Borrower
<br /> -_ : �
<br />-- (S�ai) � (�cal�
<br />— -8orrower
<br /> •Burtox�er
<br /> STATE UF l��gRASKA, County se:F.A�+L
<br /> --- � The toregols►g tnstra,cr.sent wes acknoaledged lssiaco me this 18�H c�.uy o! l�1RY . �939 �
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