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<br /> 3. ^�c►�+�at����•''���nta� ae� � a�d maxta�aes. To r�ceiva evesy ,
<br /> gum o� cnoaep vahic� novt fis or harediter ehali be flue or ��long9�n9
<br /> to me upoa the aoauritp or bp virtua of a�y seaurity in�erest or
<br /> agreemeat, or martgage, a�d oa reaoip4. of �ho fuli amourit seaured -
<br /> thereb� ta �eaaocute a good and aufficient �s�leaso or other diecbarg� _
<br /> of euch s��c�sitY �.atereat, or mertga�e �g �oe� aau �3herwiso.
<br /> �. Ta co�rc►�aou�d. auAmit t� azb���a��.on aac ot ha�t�ae aettle or
<br /> �.o{..Qt r�{¢g�reaces. To cocaPound �vi.t�► or make a].l�weaQee to any
<br /> posson fo� or in reepect to any debt or clsmenll whatsoever v�hg�h
<br /> uo� is ox ehall nt dnY time hereatt�r beaoxe �ue and neyabl� to
<br /> me, or by �ae, or ugon my aca�uat, ana to teko and s�e��vd, og !o
<br /> pay ana discbt�sQ� (As th� aete� mey be), �ny eo�►nori�ion or
<br /> Ai�idand thsreot o�r thsreuDa�, ana to qive oa rec�iv� rol�aa�s os
<br /> othsr dischas��e ior tho ahole at such dobts or demands, os to
<br /> settle, comproaniee, os eubmit to axDitratioa svtry auah debt or
<br /> demena end evasy �tQ�r Kight, �aatter, and thing 8uo to o�c
<br /> aoacernia� me as s�y attorney shaii think buat, and for tteeit : : .
<br /> �:. .
<br /> pur$ose Co �nter �.nto and execute and deliver �sucla bond� o� �
<br /> � arbitr�t�:�n os ot�her inetru�eata aa mY dtitorasy a�ay do0a , "
<br /> ' advieamie i.a t2►e��tr+emia�o�. � � .
<br /> 5, �y s�YOaec:u�b sA8 defeRS�. To aoumence, qrosecute, diacoatinua,
<br /> as dafmn�l a].1 ac��.ons or other �eq�+l �r��eediags to�chin9 �aY �
<br /> ` 6BtStv O�C $fd�' �8fft �dEOXOt�x� vi t`.�=3va`isii3 rA° 18Z1C±o� i t,�1 4qhiCh I m$ ' .
<br /> _.. , my ess��e maY be 9.� anp v�ap conao�rao�. �
<br /> g. � mt�netae �ea].eet�tQ• To entnr i�tio aad upon all t�uQ
<br /> or any part thorea�f, aad to re�air or otb�er�vi�e��.m�prove the same
<br /> �r ettsy paxt theraof, anti to reg�ai$ or ��herwisa impaove, alter,
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