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300010365 <br />FXI:IIAIT "A" <br />PARCEL 1: <br />A tract of lend comprising a pert of the West Helf of fire Northwest Qlrnrter (W Yt NW <br />V.) of Section Tlrirfy -two (32), Township Twelve (12) North, Range right (8) West of <br />the 6 "' 1'.M., Mculck Connly, Nebrnskn, more prlrliculnrly described us li)llows; <br />rirst to nscertnin the actual point of beginning start at the Northwest corner of nnid <br />Section Thirty -Iwo (32); thence running rnslerly for a disinnco of rifly -five (55.00) feet <br />to file nctual polnt ofbeginldng, said polnt is on file Ensteriy'right -of- -way line of deeded <br />('ouuly Road; thence cotllinuing fnslerly along and upon the North line of nnid West I Inlf <br />of the Northwest Q11mter (W 'V2 NW V4), n dislnnce of five Ilundred'I'wenty- 1!ight and <br />Six l lundtedlhs (528,06) feel; (hence dcileciing right 90 °12'20" nn<I runnings wlhcrly <br />for n dislnnce of four Ihuulred Thirty (430.00) feel; llrenco deflecting left 90 °I '20" and <br />"111111119 rnslerly for n (list of Sevcu I lundred fifly (750.00) feel to a point on the <br />Past line of said West I lnif of 111e Norllrwesl Qunrler (W Y, NW ' '1,); llrence deflecting <br />11911190'12'20" and tanning Soulherly "10119 nod upon said East title of said Wes( I Ialf of <br />the Norihwcsl Qundcr (W V2 NW y.), It dislnnce ofsix hundred Forty-Two and Eighty - <br />Two I Itlndredlhs (642.82) feel; thence deflecting righl 89 °46'00'• and rruuning Westerly <br />for n distance of (hle'I'I►ousnurl five and Sixly= I'wo I Iundredlhs (I 005.62) feel; Ihcel l <br />(let le" ing light 90 ^21'30" nod running Northerly for n dislnnce of five I lunched Fighl- <br />'lhree (581.00) icel;'hence deflecting, Zell 90"19'05" rald tanning Weslelly for n dislnnce <br />of Two I lundred Scvcnly -five (275.00) feel to n point on tho said Easterly right -of -way <br />Line of deeded County Road; (hence deflecting right 90° 19.05" and running Northerly <br />alolig n1u1 r1p0n said Pastel ly I ighl- of -wny line of deeded Connly liond, n dislmrce of <br />four I lundred Nincly (490.00) feet to the nclunl point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: <br />LOT SIX (6) IN WESTWOOD PARK SECOND SUBDIVISION, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />