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202205738 <br />2. NOTICE OF CHANGES TO REVOCABLE TRUST AND TRANSFER OF POWERS <br />OVER REVOCABLE TRUST TRUSTEE(S) OR REVOCABLE TRUST OR BOTH; <br />NOTICE OF CHANGE OF REVOCABLE TRUST TRUSTEE(S); NOTICE OF CHANGE <br />OF OCCUPANCY OF THE PROPERTY; NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF BENEFICIAL <br />INTEREST IN REVOCABLE TRUST. The Revocable Trust Trustee(s) shall provide timely <br />notice to Lender promptly upon notice or knowledge of any revocation or termination of the <br />Revocable Trust, or of any change in the holders of the powers of direction over the Revocable <br />Trust Trustee(s) or the Revocable Trust, as the case may be, or of any change in the holders of <br />the power of revocation over the Revocable Trust, or both, or of any change in the trustee(s) of <br />the Revocable Trust (whether such change is temporary or permanent), or of any change in the <br />occupancy of the Property, or of any sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition (whether by <br />operation of law or otherwise) of any beneficial interest in the Revocable Trust. <br />B. Additional Borrower(s). The term "Borrower" when used in the Security Instrument shall refer <br />to the Revocable Trust, the Revocable Trust Trustee(s) and the Revocable Trust Settlor(s), jointly <br />and severally. Each party signing this Rider below (whether by accepting and agreeing to the terms <br />and covenants contained herein or by acknowledging all of the terms and covenants contained herein <br />and agreeing to be bound thereby, or both) covenants and agrees that, whether or not such party is <br />named as "Borrower" on the first page of the Security Instrument, each covenant and agreement and <br />undertaking of "Borrower" in the Security Instrument shall be such party's covenant and agreement <br />and undertaking as "Borrower" and shall be enforceable by Lender as if such party were named as <br />"Borrower" in the Security Instrument. <br />C. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in the Revocable Trust. The Revocable <br />Trust Party/Parties acknowledge and agree that the prohibitions and covenants of the Transfer of the <br />Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower section in the Security Instrument expressly includes but <br />is not limited to a sale, transfer, assignment or other disposition of any beneficial interest in the Living <br />Trust. <br />Signatures <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, the Revocable Trust Trustee(s) accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants <br />contained in this Inter Vivos Revocable Trust Rider. <br />Trustee <br />Sharon L. Adelson , Trustee of the Date <br />Sharon L. Adelson Revocable Trust , Seal <br />under trust instrument dated March <br />4, 2002 <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, the undersigned Revocable Trust Settlor(s) acknowledges all of the terms and <br />covenants contained in this Inter Vivos Revocable Trust Rider and agrees to be bound thereby. <br />Settlors <br />lit G%e--I-4-G'3t - 7- z -020 Z Z_ <br />V01.1.1.28215 Date <br />Inter Vivos Revocable Trust Rider <br />® 2018 Wolters Kluwer Financial Services, Inc. 12/2021 <br />All rights reserved. Page 2 of 2 <br />
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