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--_:� <br />_ � �I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> ` - STATE OF NEBRASKA � u(,}�� �,�6��(1 <br /> � 1 �s �V i <br /> � COUNTVOF _�_...Hc1)...L—__ . � <br /> Th�loregomq Acknowqdpement a1 Deed ot T�us�.Prelace�a peetl ol irust hl apppca01c1 antl 08e4 0l Trusl wvro acknowtetlfled Cotuw ma ih�3_____day of <br /> Aecember, .�s__89 �y __.��� y���hrink and LaDonna K. Mettenbrink,_Hushand. an� Wife, <br /> _ ------ -----_-----•-- -- --- - -- . . _ . _ _ . .._.__.._ . . . -- -- --�— <br /> and wo�o executetl m thu u�d sel�a� ��,�r���� �� / �'"�. <br /> �GEUR(iE M.NMAiMT6(�M(E . 6,LJ�� .----...�---- - <br /> -�- --- <br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA �� �F�•T1,I� NotaryPublic <br /> : 1 se <br /> COUNTY Of � <br /> � The fo�egomg Acknowledgement ol Oeed o1 Trust a�d Deed ol Trust woro acknowlodgetl beloro mo Ih�s ... Cay af _ .._. .---- ---�_ .19_ <br /> by -- -------- • ---�- ---� •--- - �-- � ----_ . . . - - -.ot --- - �-••--- -- <br /> � '---� --------,.---.-------_—.a -- --._----.... . ....-----. co�porat�on.onbOha11011hOCOtpOtdl�OO. <br /> and were executed!n Ihe ordfir Sel totth abave <br /> - -- --. ._ - --------- •-- -- . .__.... T�_ <br /> Notary PuDhC <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> ) ae <br /> COUNTY OF � <br /> TAe Iprepo�ny Acknowiedgemenl ot Deetl o1 Trust a�d pee0 0l Trus1 were ac►naw�eagad botore me th�s __..tlay ol _____�__ . . _ ,19.�. <br /> iDy - -- --- - ---- ---- --__ . _.. - -��-- - -------- -- aparine� <br /> ' on DeRall ot_ __. __ _., ___. _ .__..____ . _ _ a partnersh�p and were eaocuted�n the order set lortn above � <br /> NBC 315)Rev 1/87 <br /> . . . _ ------------_.�----- •----- <br /> j NotarvPuCt�c - _.�__ <br /> � } ' <br /> � - • ° • �.��eesw, �t tA. i, }. <br /> ' • �! ' ��i� Nor•Ao•.t ��rt�e IMSi/+1� ' th��e� SoatA�t�r a�onq thf E��t lsw� e! �� .:: <br /> ��16 Souib���� �iu�rt�r tSEi�ta_ � w����....� ..• c_---_ u..-�--� ^ - <br /> .....v.-.� a"s{�is'c� �iv� �e�o = <br /> E�prtr i3v� Munos�stRa l7iS.iSl F��f.�lo !h• Mortr.���t�r�r riqAt-e1-��p .?,1�+• <br /> of tAw S�rl�npton No�lA�so R�ilroad) tA�ne• YolOh��wt�rlr �lonp ��id <br /> sortA�r�l�rly r�ilso�a stpAt�ot•+sr lin�. • d����a�• ot On� �Aous�nd F�v� <br /> Nu++ar��t N�r� �nd Tso Mundr�CtA s l i.509.021 F��t �o !A�• Y��t li�� o= ��f d ' – <br /> �ortA�a�t Zv�rt�r oS Sh• Sou:A���t Ou�rc�s tt���/� �E1/�I� •�s�.e� NorlA�rly � <br /> •Soep !�� r�at �a�� ot •�aet Nerth�a�! Ou�rl�r o! tA� Soult.�o�t Ou�rter <br /> . �ME1/� S£3/4) �ra tn� II��t 3_t:• ot ��id South�a�t Ou�r:�s et tA� North���t ��= <br /> . �u�rt�r tSEli4 NE1�{1. • d:.aL�no� ot On• Thaussnd On• i�ti•nds�d Fortr •nd <br /> Fourt��a Handr�etA� 1. ��C, 14� Fa�t -.e �a� SoutA.r�at eosn�s ot Lot On� tli, <br /> , tar• Dav�• «�r�� S�eo» S.tO�vi�lo�� ts��nev E��t�rlr •�onq tA� South lin• o: <br /> �a10 Lot On� f=�, � ���:��c� ot TAS�� Yurar*d Forty On• •nd T��lv� Hueds�etAo �'` <br /> +' � t34:.iZo F�at to sl:• srch���t eore�r �1 3aker Aes�� Subdi�a.�lon� thrne� t <br /> � r <br /> Sovth�rlr •lonp th� r�c: Ii�+* at �aid 8�k�r Acr�� SubdivY�aon, • d�atanee ot {' , <br /> . T�o Hunds�a EiqAt at+d F1:L���. Hundr�dth• t208.!Sf f��t to tt�r SautAw��t • <br /> � eorn�s oi ��it �sx�s �.:s�• Sab�svf�lonj thsno* E��e�rlr �lonq tA� houth lan� <br /> ot �si�! aaK�: Aer�� Sub�ivi��on, � di�t�nC� ot T�o Mundr�d t�00.C1 F��ei �` <br /> tn�nc� ieont�nuinp £s+t�rlr •lon� !n� Sou�n lin� oi ��ia i�k�r Acr�r <br /> Srbdsv��aoe �nd tM Sou�A 1�r.r. e� L,at� Tvo e�l •nd Ths�� i9�, {.ak� D�vs• ��:�. <br /> • Aer�� Fovrth Suodavision, � di�t�ae�• ot T�o Hun�red TAirty l230.0� F��t ec• • <br /> • - t�• South�a�t ea:nes ot �cid Lo� Thr�• .31. !A��a� Soti�h���t�s�r �loe►9 th� • <br /> • So�th�e���rlr lir.• o! I.o� F�ns t�f. L�k• L�v�• Aar�� Four�h Subdav��aon. • <br /> dsat�ene� o! f�v��ty Minr �nV Fit���n Ha�dr�dtAa �79.1�! F��� to ch� South���t • <br /> eosn�r ot ��id I.oL io�! l{1� tA�ee� SoutAerlr �lonQ Lh� 11��!!!ay 11=+� o! Lot• <br /> T�� �10�. Cl�v�A tii�, Sas��� 11i1 �na S�v�nt��a �171, t�►-� O�vi• �er�� <br /> Fourth iuedivi�son, . • ��st�na� ot F3v� Nrnds�O Thi�'Lp Feur �ed Four T�eiA� <br /> tS��.�f i��t te tA� bO�t!��at CoTn�s oi s�10 Lot S�v�ne��n t17/� th�no• <br /> Es�e�rir ��enO tA� SL��:��rlr lan� ot �asa Lsk� D�vt• Aer:� Fourth <br /> � S�Od�vf�sen� • Cf�t�nar ot Fou! !lueds�d Nin�ty �fv� ��9S.C3 �r�! tv th� C��e <br /> 11A• o! �aid Aolth���t Gt•�r��! fM61/�f3 �h��c� Satith�rir •lonq �h� E��t 11e�� <br /> oi ••id tiortn••�t •:uare�r 1NE1/��. • as�tsne� oi T.o Munds.a S.��ntr l/in� •nd <br /> T���sr 4n� B�nCr�dth� tZ79.Z11 �F��t �c LAr piae� ot b�a�an:np. <br /> •. <br /> 01 Aorrowtr sef forth herem aRd f01 a��mdebteaness anU oD��gaUOns o1 Bonowrr to Lender whether d��reet.a6so�ute or conbnge�t and whether a��S��g by note, � <br /> gusramy,ove.dr�1�or o�nerw+se <br /> i <br /> 9o� D�otect the secu��ty o�thre Deod of T�ust.covenaMS and agrees wdn Lende�as louowa , <br /> � �yeMntet►rMelp�laMlnNnsl.Rorrower snrn prompuy pay wnen due 1no v���upa1 oi a�d�merest on.and any lees or cnarges prowtleC in.t�e Note onn th�s , <br /> OeeA ol Trust ' <br /> 2 TMN.9orrower�stneowne�oflnevroperty hastn�nqnlandautnontytoconveytneProve�ty anc�wa�ramstnpllhei�rnc�eatedhereby�saf�r9�a�dpno�l�e�nn <br /> th�PrOpErly,dRt@D��!rt+sy OthErw�s9 bE SEt IO�Ih hermn a�a iho Qaecubon and doh�ery o��h�s Oeed o�Trust doos�ot vw�aae any contract o�otne�ob��gn�wn to wn��n � <br /> � 8orrower�!suD�etl <br /> 3 ��=q,AfMf�fn�nH.10 pay wnen duo e��ta■ee.speuei a�sessmonte nnd an olner cnaiges ega�nsl the Proc��1y an0 upo�wmlen demand 6y LenOer,to pay lo <br /> ��nd�r fut��mpunf��m�y D��u�heiMt fo�n�bl�Ihs lenQ�r 10 O�Y�uth I����.�f���fm�ntf O�Ol��r chOrQ01 N lhey peCOms dW R <br /> � IMwlne�.To keep 1ne ProOerfy insured again��aamage DY���o.hern�0��nUuded w�tn�n tne�erm e■teoaea co�orape end eucn o�ner nate�as��le�oa m�y �At <br /> ��qu+r� �n�mount��nd+rq�COmp�nl���c[lp1�D�s Ip 1.enrfer_�ntl w�ln bf�peYabie�0�fie La�tle� in e��e et�os�u�e�.wr n coi�ue� �ne Lenae.n�utneri:ee to�e�un Z� <br /> couec��nAeompeom�ee.en e�a�m��herew+au en��nen havo�na op��o�o�apv�v�^9^��o�nAr�o��r.e�ny„rn�co proceeda in�o n�v��drbtedne�s eec we0 ne�eDye�A��s��c� ��r <br /> -- cr3�r:.;t C��ar ma� h�i iv ihb gur.�ww�o bv used�rn�ne��pa�r�r reslo�o�ron of tne{•rppnrty pr I���J�or Rny OIhGf OWp04P Or p01Cr 1 S:1t:S�8C�Ary fA LPnApf -Sr- <br /> -- N�Ih01111111RC7�/19lheliORO�lA�9h('PdAlTfi�91�!iflh(��tt11i1mtiVnl:t�fUf(.Q1�(�rOA�/D(`�J�FSUCh(��ym(�ntf'�PI��IC�kp12(o AnyaVO��cn��pno�O�uc�c<yin�ndFD�eAnesscnnn T-. .. <br /> no1 ertlnA nr pUStpono tt�r�4u0 det�n�prty pa�mento unAnr tne►'Jotn or�u�e nny ryefn�iit Iherpundnr or r,rr�un�r� <br /> S N�'nt�n�ne�R�p�ln�nd Comp11�n0�wlfh L�w� Ftnrrn.vm ahau terp �h� t•�nprv�y m ryonn���,A�n:,�. �„y.npa,• �r.���p.,,,np�ir �rpa�� �• �oP�ar� n�v <br /> t �mpiu.��r.�nt wn�r�n,�Y t�w�l����x�rrt nr Ant�rhyM f�.nn m�t r�v�.,nt.�r pC�m�t nny wa9tn or Aet���orat�o�.nt v�n i�rot.�.•�� c�n��r..q rrn���.r •1rr�N�ch n��i�balAnl�al��a�ir. <br /> � p�,yn11ry1!�r�p�nreb�enianr,lnpVrr:pnri� rn���n.A�nmmil S•drr.• �vnvinn n�l�•i�e•t.���p�n �r �in„n,nt'�.n�n�t.�• ..,��nnnn,! �.t�. ,��f,•.���,n n,rv <br /> ��p y � � � _ � . , �n. ryW�bo„ 7�..�� <br /> � C�fl�l�syll��(Ip���n�pl��h•t•hQ�fJ�+01I1'�riefNntOtr�Gla..•1f.i(.r•�infl�li:��.�� f.nrlln�hf;1•••01:1•�'1�hn�f�n0�r.-r.� ..e.����5��t�,..i�.e�•qtr•t:�.��..el���.l'. .�r.��...:���y�..trt7hprn��l <br /> aY�' � <br /> � ��{. <br /> Py y„ <br /> 1� <br /> �'r� <br /> � �, <br /> � f. <br />