<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> BotrOw��f(TruftOrf}underst�nd th�l lh�doCUm�nt Qhal th�8orror�n�re�boul to�x�cut�b�Oeed of Trutt�nA nol�monp�peand lnat Ihe pow�r ol ul�Orovid�d
<br /> (bt In ih�02K3 nl Tvygl r�8v�C9�6uOStIInt1�lly d)fl:ty+nt�{9htg tnd 3U1�Qit�1�7 tp t�3 90rt0�.�:9 t�an C mort��Qa Irt fhr eatn!o!a d���Ull M b+C�4h M pldlt�6tlNn UfiAANhl1
<br /> � DeeA ot True!,laetud�nq.bul na1 umlted to.IM Lendar'r►�ghf ta h�ve Ihe Real Property sotd��Tru�te�wflhoul�ny�udlelal proceeding ot lor�clo�ure.Botrow�rs
<br /> ��piiriiiid i�x7 wi��ini iiui iids ii,wi��winiye��o��i�us e;ai.uied t�r Qie�n paiu�s ti�e axiLUii G= 0 O�3 Ot Ttu7t
<br /> � �'���1�:�..�-�
<br /> Bo�w�r �
<br /> . 89-. 106980 � ' �
<br /> . �- � .�..
<br /> eorro ►
<br /> COMKlT!Mih paflM ONLY M 1M nN�ep�Ay dNeriMd comi�b o11N01Yl0UALlY OWNE�A011iCULTUIIAL LAIID.
<br /> 11�p�MeaYN,eae�leN ONLt O#IE�iNNr A.�,w C:
<br /> TM Bo►rower�s)acRnowteAyel�st they ersabout toe:ecute tnsloltowing peed ot T�ust upon tne real e�tatsQauriOeA tMnln.TM Bonower(s),�ndeach of them it
<br /> mor�thin on�.do Aenby d�xlaim tnelr ngAt to tleslqnate a homestead pursuant thereto No 0�„ot tAe homatead ol e�ther o1 tM Borrowt�(s)b prsfNntiy or w1i1 in ths
<br /> lutun b�fitu�ted upon eaid rssl eatate.The Borrowsr��)undentsnd thaf if either estabushes�homestead oo any part of a�iQ re��eft�te durinp lhs t�m�tM Oeedof Trust
<br /> r�mai�s un�atiatiad and�iien upon�aid re�l e�tats,thlre lh�ll b!no nqAi to mAk!�de]ignatiOn OI hOmestlad in IhE even)ol a tOrlClOtur�Ot ltUjtM'f i�M witA re�p�cl to
<br /> faid OeW ot Trusl
<br /> TMBO�rOwl�(f)�CMnOMr�fOQltnittheyarsabOUlloeRecutelhvlollowmgOeeOOtTrustuponlhereilelt�ltedestnbldlhRrNin The80nOwlt(!),andeaeholthemil
<br /> mor�t�an or►e,do h�resy waiva thetr r�qh�to desip��te a nomestead purouant Ihereto Tne 9orrower�s)understand tnat they have the r1gh1 to make s desipnation ol
<br /> , hom�st�sdandihalby�a�cutinpthifrrafver,lheyarewa:vmgr�gnbotnerw�seavs�taGietortneDUrDOSeo�sHOrdingthemtheopportunityloretaintheirhamqte�dinth�
<br /> svent ol a d�hup upon Ih�OeeO o1 Trust
<br /> O C- OEtWNAT10N OF HOMElTEAO: '
<br /> Pursuant�o tne farm Homestead Protect�o�Act ISecho��8-�901 e:seq.Rev�sed St�tutee ot tne S�ate of Nebraska).the Borrowei��).do hereby des�9na1�tl+�roal
<br /> property Qefcribed In Ihe"O�s�q�stlo�ol Home�teatl"sttached hereto and mcorporete0 Aere�n by lh�e reterpnee
<br /> Borrowe� '
<br /> ' _
<br /> _. � 9�:r�.�r ! �-
<br /> •,_.
<br /> TH1S DEE�OF TRUST.�S maCe ds o�the 8thAay oT ._ _DeCeIIlUeY�gB�_,by and among the T�ustor. GSI@ E :iettenb ink
<br /> and LaDonna K Mettenbrink, Husband and Wife, w.ho�p,,,�,,,�a��d,ess�s __53ri�Capital_Aue_�—Gr�n�1 T�tand, =
<br /> Nebraska __._ �ne�e���so�rowc� ► tneT�ustee Lester L. ,Bowden & Cheryl__S. Bowden. Husband and Wife, � �
<br /> wnosems+i�oqaaa.es��s ___?408 Arrowhead Drive, Grand Island, NE �____ _ �nerein••Trus�ee�.
<br /> --- _ _ -- - ...
<br /> -- ---
<br /> ar,e�ne e.�a�k+ary. Bank of Donighan.. .... -•---- �
<br /> whose mamag aGdrese�s P.�BOX.�,_ AQnighan,_�teliraska---- - _- — -- �he�e��"lender")
<br /> fOR VALUABLE CONSIOERAT�ON.�nc�ud��g the�n4eDleAness�UenUhed ne�e�n and t�ust hore��c�eated tne�ece�pt o1 whic��s hereby aeknowkdqed.8orrower *
<br /> herebytrrevotabtyp�anl�.lrenete�s.co�veysandass�gnstoTrustee-�NtRUST WiTHPOWEROfSALE tamebenel�lentlsecuntyolLenOe�.unEC►endsubjecttOthe i�
<br /> Ietm3 ind tondlt�ons neretnatter set lo�ih.Ihe�eal prope�ty descnbed as fpllOws '- � �
<br /> Lots Eight (8), Yine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) �`
<br /> Fifteen (15), 5ixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), in Lake Dav3s .���
<br /> Acres Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, and a tract of land comprising a part of ;`�"`.
<br /> • the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE�NE}) of Section Twenty Four (24) Town�hip .
<br /> Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, more '
<br /> particularly described as attached. �
<br /> �epetl�tr vnth a!!Cu�.�m�s.:snp:avaments-t,�tures.stceets.af�eYS.Dassage+vays easemen�s-righfs pnvdeges ane appuKenances tocated me►eo�o►in anywise
<br /> ptri�iniry tl�NefO.and lfie r!M!,�ssuM and prat�ts.rtve*s�ons and�emamde�s thereot.�oCiuO�ng,Dut not I�m�ted to.heatmg antl toohng eqwpment an6 futh pe�so�al
<br /> propertythaNSatta�hedtotn��mprorementsaoastoconstduteahxture aRatagemerw�ththehameseea?o+mantal�nte.esis.dany.wn�cnenterestsareherebyroleased
<br /> �nA wairld:�N 01 wNie�,mCiuding replsCEr.�lnN 0nd edC�tions t�e�eto.�s ne•eby dec�ared Io be a par�ot sne reai e�tate sec ureA by the I�en ot th�s OeeQ o1 T.ust snd ell of tRe
<br /> fotlqWnp Dl��referted lo herem as fhe"prOperty"
<br /> Tnis peed oi T�u�t shal�aecurc!a)the payme�t o��ne prmupai sum and mterest ev�denced by Bo�rowei s note and�or creC�t agreemant aateA
<br /> December 8_.1989.n�ving a matunty eate of _Jutle_ 6: _199Q_ ��mP o��q��ai vnnanai amoum o�E 40�Z.`ZO.0� and eny and a�i
<br /> moAdicahoM.eatenswns snp renewais tnereof o�therelo and any and al�fu�we adv�nces and r�advances nereu�0e�pursuam�o o�n o�more prom�sso�v notee o�c�ed�l
<br /> �grE�mentf�h�reinc�ued'NOte-L�blthepaymento�othersumsadvancedbyLende�toD�ot�c�lhesecunfyottheNote (cltneper�o�ma�oeaucovenantsendagreeme�t
<br /> o18o�rOwet 3e1 foAA herein.and(d1 all�nOeDtedness and obi�gaUOns o�Bo�rower lo Lentle�whether d�.ect mtl�rfC1.8bS4�ute Ot tor.;^;�nt and whefAer ansmg by nqte. ' T
<br /> Quir�niy.OvRrAr�1t Or O1h�rw�S! �
<br /> 8o�rowe�.to O�oteCt tne secur�ty o�tn�s Deod of Trus1.covenanls and agreee w�tn Lende�as�oiiowe
<br /> � '�r�M�NIrMleipNNfdlnhqsl.Rorrowersnnilpr�mpttypaywhenduetheD���t�pe�o�anO�ntereslon.andanyfec9orcna�Qe9D+o��dedin.theNoteorinlMs
<br /> oeea o�r►w�
<br /> 2 TMN.BOrrower�flnaownero�tneP�oDe�ty.haslher�ghlantleutnor�tytoconveytheProper�y endwarranistnattnpl�encreafedhereby��at�r�lenAOr�orl��non
<br /> iha P�OpCtly.ertlpl i3 m�y OthErw�SD b!Ss1lo�th h@tC�n 8�0 Ihe gr@CUt�On and delivBry o11h�5 UfCd O�iru51 dOE9�ot viOlate 0ny[onira[t Or Ofhet Obl�gatiOn 10 W��Ch �
<br /> 8orrowe�n walect
<br /> 1 3 T��tN,ANMfiMnb.To osy when due sii texes saeuai asscsements e�C an otner cna�ges agamst tne P.oportv ana upo�wnttPn Aemantl by LenAer.tu Day to
<br /> LlMhr�ucfi urrov�l N m�y 0�Eu}t�N�nt to�n�Dt��ne lend�r t0 Pay tut�tar��.aff�stm�nb Or oth�r Ch��01!��IhpY Ootom�du1
<br /> • InwtMe�.10 keep fne Vropdr�y�nfureA egs�neT tlemrpe by���e ne[er0a mciuded wrtn�n�ne term e■te�ded coverege End�uCh plhe��a[a�d!s!LEn00�may �
<br /> rlqu�r�.�n�mountf�nA wqn tOmp�nl���eNpNpi�to Lsnder •n0 wil�t0�!Osy��le 10�hy�entlet in c�se o�ien u�ae�e�r�ro��ae� me�e�ae���eutno�itee ta�e��n
<br /> touecl�nd tomprom�se.�tl eq:m�therew�Uer a�0 ennn nawe�he op��n�o�appiyenq nu or nar�o}�ne�nsurencn o�ocePds n���n�y��deAtedReso seco�nd n�r�0y a�d��sucn ���
<br />- o.der��lender msy Oet�rm�ne I��y to tnn gor.�v���10 bC n?PA�0�thP rpDa��Or•P910rC��Gn p}thp Piu(:a�ty Or(��i)fo�ony oth�.pu�poap n�oD�erl s.it�S�oCto�y f0 L��,Ar�
<br /> . ri�'.'.pul�!t�tt�r.a�r�ai.Br.�tih�5b�rd�ilTrvelinrtne�W�ampumSrr��rBhrrChJDPio�PquUpprmerte+c�io��p�arn AnypUp4[ti��tlr�ntpMCPnAStninQpbf�HnCS9Sh0�1 �;
<br /> n0}R�I�nA of pOflDOnn Inp Au0 dal�Of any plym�r�h u�Aar ihC tJ-�ir or cur�ony Uefm�R tn�rpund��a.n��p„"de� f,, •
<br />. 5 Y�Ht1�Mnt�R�pilq�nA Com011�nt�irllh l�w� t�nn�,w�r 5hnq wOPP�r��P+e��City �n��,..,1��„dn.nr, anh.rpa�• �r,���p.�•m�,ny.rp��r n��rp�a[r n��y
<br /> +mp.min:wnl wn��n n:ey h�den•eanQnr Aafduyod ���eq n•,t r-.ti�m�T Or pPrmdAn�WASiP r�•qatw�u•mr-,.•,�f�.,n P.n;..,r�„ a•��„�.,.��� �.n hr•���.cr..�.1un7�pn!,0��y n�ir.
<br />' an�e}�n��.�,�rn.On.wm�onlart[�.�:hr•t� •nnu..mrn.�,�. f r�+'or., rrn�� n ,•,•
<br />� �r.sq!•SY6^4y�o�..�nyh.�•e i 'UO 0 /nttt.ihr�lr�np�nn.���i�f��pP[�ii.�.m�� ..� �1�.��. .�7�•�•.lH �...1�nBn�� n�.r:�u'vn,... q�ti
<br /> �a�qan�f.ro�r,w�wtir,�s�a•no.�.�,.znn:,ia�� r.n�i�n.�.ra,••r�e��!i. o . ... ,
<br /> h7•Q q4 .n'1 .r�..,�..;.,..'I•.trcv•1:���1• nt•. .�r��....�•��p.n��h.,.n.d
<br /> .��.�.� ...rr
<br />