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<br />`��_�� e�,g8 �oire� being ono Hun��oc9 Gighty L•'ive and Eighty Fivo
<br /> _�:::��-- � �iu�,a�eat�a (,•�5.8�a) fr�ot eouth of� tha narkhu�et aorsner o�
<br /> sai8 NvctheasC Quarter of the Nortlieast Quarter (N�b; NBb,�)i
<br />�- -i� tbonco t� Aa �8' A7" E along e�nal u�aon the weat lina of aai8
<br /> Northeesk Quartc�r of the Northea�t Quar�or (N��,; N�,P� a ��
<br /> • dica�anaQ of One Thoueand OnQ Hundreal Twanty Sevon and
<br /> ---� Twenty Faur Hundredtho (1.1�7.24� faet to the sou�hweat
<br /> aoxn�r of sa3d Nori:heaat �uarter of Che No�theast Quuricer
<br />"" - -- (NE� N��)s thence weaterly �].ong and upon the south li ne o�
<br /> — oaid Northe�egt Quarter of tho Nnrthea�t Qu�rter NW, N�a) : �
<br /> — 8ietance of Oae Thousand Three Hundred t�lr�ven Anc� �WO ��-
<br /> Tenths (l,311.2) foet more or less to the sau�ho�ea� coraer
<br /> of said No�thweat Quarter. of the Nartheast QuarCer (NW�
<br /> - NE�)i �hence N QI`� 06• 30° W alc+ng and u�on the weet line
<br /> oE eaid Nortthwerbt Quarter og the Northeast QuarCer �NotU�
<br /> N�). a diatance of S�x Hundred Six anc] sixty
<br /> ' [iuno7reUCne i 606 .8�!) feet mQxe or le+sa to a pof n� that is
<br /> &ix Hundred Ninet� Eight and TdentX Seven Hunare8�he
<br /> (688.27) feet e��th of Che northweat corner of sa�d
<br /> Y Nor�hwe+�ic �uartet .of the Noetlioast Qu�rter (NW; NE3j) :
<br /> �hence N 8� 17' 20" B a c]istance o� One Hun�red 3ix an�9
<br /> Bixty �our HunBroa�h� (106.6g) feet; thence N b4' �0' 59" .�
<br /> �, a c3iatance of Fan►e Hundrod Nfnety Eive and Seventee�n
<br /> -`- IHundredths (595 .17). feet; thQnce N "�2" 55' S6" E a dietance
<br /> '-�'`� off One Hundred '�linety Six and Ninety Si� �lundred�he
<br /> � � � (196.96) f�e��t thence N, 62°" 01' 59" E .a�'distance of One
<br /> Hun�re� S@venty Tt�ree an�l ThirtX Sovea .��ndrecltha (173.37)
<br /> � ___= =ee�"s t3�ss�as � 44 �A 12 E a distett,�� of Une Hundra��9 - i
<br /> - Eighty Two and �i.�ct.y� 9even Hundre�th� (182.67) feet; ti►ence
<br /> - N 85° 10' ?3" B��,'a, t�ietal�Ce of Two c;unarea 3ixty Two �nd .,.
<br /> --- Sixteor► 8�un$t:e�th�5�'(262.J,6�:� feets'���hence N 00 58' 4�" W,.�►
<br /> �istance ,n�� Tw+a�� �1�lndred �3evea and Severi�:�+' �line �iundrec�t'�rs .
<br /> 1
<br /> -4 � (2Q.�,79) �Ee�rt:i :��h�n�ae N 32�° 39' �f�h� E a .riiatana�± oi �wo ,;., ..
<br /> � Hun:dred B3ghty Or�Q and E3 hty Fou�;- �Iurdredthe �2��.,84) �eet .•.��
<br /> __ �o �he point of b�qinning ,.,'�
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