. ,;: , .,
<br /> ' ?
<br /> . .,
<br /> ,; t , . �,
<br /> :- .. , .,
<br /> �... ... ., . ._ .,........._�_
<br /> .. �-
<br /> -- __.___��_��._._.__ ...
<br /> .. , .. ......_ _ ... .
<br /> 7. P�ote�Uon o4 Lor�do�'s Flights Ir� Eh� Pro�erty. tt OaROwer taus to portortn the oovanonts ond aproemtnte „
<br /> oontpined In thls Seourity Instrumont,or lhcro Ia A I;pal proccedlnp that maY al8nlibanty aftaot Landcto rlphto h the RropeAr(auoh as
<br /> n procoedlny �bMkruptay,Rrabnto,for oondrmnntlon or terfaGuro or to cr+torco�r�a or reQuutionnl,than l,cnda may do nnd pny fw �
<br /> a�hntavar Is rtstco��ut�y to proteat tho va1�o ot Iha PropeAy end LGndo�s ripht9 in the PropeRy. Lenda'e 2atlon� may hotude p�ytnp � -
<br /> urry eum9 soaurod 6y e lkln whbh huo prbrity over thts 88�urAy Inutrument,eppoerin8 tn court, payl�p ro�stonaDte aKOmoy'e taas and �
<br /> ent�ring on tho Propsrt�r to moko ropetro. ARhoup�Lander mn)tc�lco neUan undor thls pnrugraph 7,LanCor doos not have to do eo. _ �
<br /> Any amounta dl9burced by Lenaer undar thf� puraipmph 7 sht�G bcCOmo additlonul dcbt ot Bonovior eecurad by thts &anurihr
<br /> Inatrumon� UnF�ss 8orrowor snd Lender npree to other temis ot peyment, the3e �mounte ahatt bear htorost hom th� dat� of ,
<br /> dtgburccm^a+t at tho Noto reto and ahuQ bo puyabto,v,tlh htomst. upon notico hom Lnnd�r to BoROVrQr raqucsthg paymanb
<br /> .. 8. Mort�npa Irosuranee. IT Lender requlred mortSeOa h�+�co uo n aondhion ot matclne M8�sn se0ured�Y thl�Esouray
<br /> Inauur�nt, BorrowGr ohatl pay tho ptnmlums reauired to mahtaln the mortpasa hsurartce In oftaot. I},for�ny tetaon.th�mo�a0i � "+��,
<br /> ' . haumnca aovarapo requirad by Lendor tapsos or coasos to bo In ofteot,Bortowar ohuli pay tha promtuma requirea to obwln aavars�o °
<br /> -•• �� eubstanUelty equNabnt to the mortguQe Mauranca prevtowJy N eHeat,et a ooat subaWntbty oquMa�ent to tha ooat to Borrowor of tho
<br /> � � mortgage huuranco prevtoush n elteat�hom an artemete monguyo huumr approvcsd 6y Le�d�. �t aubsmntta�y oquwatant nsort�e •
<br /> hsurance caverape b �ot avaitable, BoROwor shau pay to tAndar euoh month a aum equat w one-twolRh ot th0 y+snrly mortCa�ya � `
<br /> insurance prer:tum belr�patd by Barrower when tho Insuranc�eovoru8e InPaud or ceased to be h ottaot. I.cndm wtq eceept,uso ar�d =t'.
<br /> tntah these payme�te at►a loss resenre tn Oeu of moApa�s insurertca loss roserve p�ym¢nts may no longer be roquirod. at tha ,:'�:
<br /> • - • ' optloa of Lender. N mortpeQe hsurence aovereso (Y� the amount and tor tha perbd trixs LE+ukr reQulr�s) provlQed by en Insurer ,,�y
<br /> .� approved by Londer eaah becomea avattabte and Is obtnNad. Borrovrer shaa pay the preml�ms requtod to m�1nt3Sn mortpaye _
<br /> " bsuranco In otioot, or to orovklo a bsa rosave. untA tho requirement for mortgage ins�rence onda (n accordanco wHl► any written ;,��'
<br /> •� epreeman!fseSwoen 8arrowa and tsnder or npptycabb taw. :.:�
<br /> , , � 8. Ine�ectlon. Lender or Rs apent may make reseonebb anGie.s upon and hopeotbns of tha PropM�r. Lettdor ihal pMa � ^
<br /> " � Bom►wer nolles d ttw tinle o!or prlor to an bcpootbn speeiyhg reasoneDle a�rra0 far ths tnspeotbn.
<br /> . 10. Conden�netlon. The proceeda of eny awnrd or ol�im tor damanes, dDpct mr consoq�tentiQi, H Con�a:�:�.'� +�h anY �i:;,_
<br /> �F'� conderrNW�on ot other tatchp ot any part ot the Propert�r,ar lor oonvayanae b Ueu ot aanckirmsalion,ere hereby asat�ad e�+0 shaY b� ;�'-
<br /> �'---
<br /> • ' pntd to Len6er.
<br /> �� •�., � In tho event of a totnt tekhp of the Praparq,the prooceds shai►bo applled to tho aurtr3 soeuro� by thb Socurdy I�trurt�2, Y',:'
<br /> whcdhar or not then due.with ar.y wccess PaW to 9onowsr. In!h9 evant of a RBrtiat tekb�of the Pro�pNy N v�hbh tha htY'muks2
<br /> ' � vu4te of tNe Propory+ immedtate�Y bAfore tho takinp fs��uai to or greater then the amrunt of the sums secured by thb Seair�y `�
<br /> insGument imroedlatery betore tho tekinp, untesa Dorrower end Lendar otharwise agreB h wrkhp,tt�e sums sacured by thta Soauri�r �.:�;
<br /> � ,�' , Instrument ehall be rtsduced by the amount ot tho procesds muGplfed by tho folloritnp haotbn: (a)the totni amount at the 6ums ,_�
<br /> � secured Mmedletey beforo tha tekhg,dtiWed bY(b) the tr�r marks! value of tho ProP� �����betore the fekhfl. Any b4lonoe =__ _
<br /> ohar be pakl W Barrower. In tho ev�nt of n partl�l tekhp of the PropeAy fi whtoh the taM mark�t vaMie ot tho Propayr hmediatolY
<br /> .' b�tC,ip ths falctrtp b bss ihan/he amount o}the sums saQUred tmmedhto►y Q�elcre the tQkNy, unl9�ts Borrower and t�ncla othawise --
<br /> _ „ __ .�j t�yres h wrkbg or unless apP�cabte kw otherwbs Prov3des, tho procaeds shtil ba ep,ptbd to thv �ums seourod by tAk 8�curR�r
<br /> 1.�� Instrument whether or�ot the eums are than �. _
<br /> �� , It tho Prog�r is abandoned Oy Borcohbr,os k,eRer noliee br i.ender to 8orrower that the eondo�nor otteris to moka�n oward or
<br /> � ee�tb a oidim tot damaQes,Borrow6r ffii'�to respOnd to Le�Mer wkhh 30 days BRet the dat9 the rtotk�Is pNen,L6nder 4 wthOrlrod
<br /> � to coAeot and eApy the Droceeds,at Hs optton, eRher to nestoretbn or ropat ot the Propoii�r or to tho eums socurod tiy thb 8�curih
<br /> instrumanL wheiher ar aot then due.
<br /> � Unitsa Lender Md Bonower otheiwlse earee h wrRnQ�e�Y aPAUcatbn ot proceed�to 0��shaY not extend ot pottpono tho —
<br /> " tlua dtte af the monthy OsYmonts referra�to h parosvephs t and 2 or ohanpe the emoun9 ot aueh psyments. _-._-
<br /> � � 11.8orrawer Nat Rele�sed:Forbenrance ey I.ender Not�Watvor. �eonstcn o� me �rne tor wr�+�t8 �
<br /> modYieatfon o}amortimtion o}tha eums s�eured by this SeauRy�nstrument�grt�nied by tar+de►to any euocesesor b hteresY ot 8ortorrar
<br /> � � , shalt nOt oporate to roleasu the ptbd�r of th�originai 8orrawe►or Borrow�w`s aueeessor3 h int�esA Lendor shaY nat ba nq�cUad to
<br /> �, � . aorm�nc�proceedhps ay�tnet any succ�ssor(n hterest or rolt►ae to aRrnd dma fot�myma►t or otherwiss rtadiy omortWtlon o1 th�
<br /> waq securad bp tAb Socu�ity tnsuument by reason o! enr dernand m8de by the original 6ortower or Bono�a auaastor8 �
<br />-_��u�.�,,�.y�.,. ht�asL Any to�nce by Lander N mcerobhp anY Apht a�meQy ohpll not bs a waiuer of or R►aowd�tM aKOta1 of anY dWft or
<br />;�a�i�
<br /> �1�,Sueees�ors and Asst�n�Bou�nd;Jalnt end Several L.labfiity; CaaWgnera me eorwu�nts ana
<br /> s�;�;_. ,�,�. eproemp�te of thb 8ecudh► tnatrument sh�li bind end bsn81'd the aucwseors end asstgns M tAndet �nd Borrowar� subjwt to th� __
<br /> ecu ►
<br /> ;�', , : '.;. provisbns o!ptrnpraph 17. Borrowars covenants and e0e+eemee�te ehaN be loht enG ssv�srsf. Any Boirowar wAo eoslyns this SoeudY —
<br /> ° �nstrument But does eot a�ute the Note: (e) Is ao-sl�h6 this Seaurtt�r lnsfirmant ony to mortQepe, preret, end aonwr th�t —_
<br /> '. Bwrowers tnierest In tho Prop.xty uad�tha t�ms of Mk� SecurNy InaWmer►�{bD fs not personeLy obitgated to Pay ths sums e�curmd '
<br /> + by this Ssaurltp Instrument; qnd (o) e0reos thnt Lender and eny othet 8orrower may apree to e�Rend, modit�►�toA�ear ar meks a�y
<br />_. _-� .,:, cacommod�ttonc rlBh rcpacd to tcrm�oi thE�&°s:u�r �nsin�m�►i or tta PSuta rrtA�ut thp-i t3aaraua's ccn�.°�tL ti�
<br />-..' �:N:i��.�'� 1$.LOlID Chal'�Q& It tho ben aocured Or this &auAqr tnstr�mmt b aubjeoi fo a taw whtah CsM mstt�asm M!n eh...f�.s, i-:::
<br /> r�-.`.. 9tt4 thit IGw (9(Mtflly ht0lpTOtQd 80 th8t th9 kltB(DSt Ot olh8f b8t1 ChQtQE3 CONBOtBd Ot t0 bB CON80t8d N COnt{6CNOA wRh ths IOifl =
<br />- �•'_r�:• a�acoed the pormittod 1�►ka� then:(n)on! suoh ban ahairpos�haA ba ceduaed by the omount necos�aty to roduc�tM ahupo to th� —
<br />- • pe�mtued limk;and(b)�ny euma at�dy colteoied from Bo�rower whbh exceeded Damktod Umits wul 08 aefund�d to Bortow�r. l.�wtde� _.
<br /> . tnQy ehooss to make thb rehmd by refitoYtp tho prMa�al owed under the Note or by mWdnp s dYBet Pal�mant to �� �}�
<br /> � � refLnd roQuct�s D►tr�oipa4 the reduotbn w8i be tceated [a a parNet prepsyrnent wphout any�repsYmont cher�e unde►the Note. 4 Y`
<br />= 14. NOtICE8. My noUce to 8ottowet provided tor h thb Socurity insUum�ent s4�aN bo�Neo br QeAW�p k or by mtiRnp g O�r �y__
<br /> � " Ilrst okisa ma9 ttnlesa epgileabb Iaw�squlros use ot enother method. The notbe shatl be dlr�eattsd to tho FroDeM ��s a�r _
<br /> � 'i:!�. oiha eddro�a 8arrower dASipnatus by no2ks to Laedar. Any notice W lertda ahaV bo pAran br ft�t obss m49 to Lertdets nddn�sa ::
<br /> . ��`i;� etatod hCmin ot tuty offie►addr�s8 LsnEer doslenstes by nodco to 8ortvwor. My n�tice provldod ter 0�4his SeouriY b�tntmOnt shifl -c:�.
<br /> bp deomed to hava been phran to Borrowor or l ender whan 9lven as Provtded in this ParaproAh• _
<br /> • 16.Gi�V@Cflllig L$LV�S�JV@lEbility. Thts 8�udY InsVument shaN be govemed by tedetni !nw a.R9 ¢l:• bYi af tho
<br /> juM3dieU0n 1n whish the Prapert�/Is Ioeflted. In tho 6uart!thet any provisbn or elfl��ss of thi�Socu r R y InsCUn�ent c�7?�m No�i aonfSota
<br /> '' • wqh appfbabY�law, nuah aonNiot BAaY rto!aHcict other pmdsionu of thta Secu�Ustrument or the NoYS whtoh csn QO S1vm �fact
<br /> ° wRhout tl�e oontAOUnp provtsfon. To thl�c�d th�proMalons of thb Smcunlly lnsWmant and tt�Note u��Eetorod to bo saverabt�.
<br /> _ =— —-'�-- - - - - -• •-- --- --y�._r.._..�.�......d a a.r.r�.a.�tn�wnonL
<br /> �8. BQiPOWQi'a tiOPy. tfOrtOrr9r artsn w fi�� unc arvmv...�w.rw�•r• •••�••••••�.��._._�__. ----- ,_
<br /> .. .. 17.Trans48�of�ho�ropert�l or a Benett�iel Intore�t In Bomow�r. �� au o. anr va�t or c►b Proaerh► or 4nr ,;
<br /> ht�os!In tt Ls sob or Uanst�rrod (or N n boreofblal Menest in Bomower b sotd or trm�u".s�ro�and Bo�roveor b not n natural pdson) �„�
<br /> • .. wRhout Londors pdor w�ten aoasent,t.onder may�at ts aptEon,roquto M�¢dhto peymont N tuU of 811 3ttm�secured by thb Seawlty ,.
<br /> . •� Insdument Howwor.thb apWn shall not be aocaolsal by lsndor U a�acMo t3 Prohbfted by tudoru!Inw na of the date of thfs BecuRly
<br /> � InubumenA
<br /> , ' lf Lendc+�cna�na�os thts optbn.lond�sAan ptvo 8ortower notbo ot Qecekk�tlon. Tho �ottev ohaV provtN�a peRo�i o!not less
<br /> • thsn 3p dayo trom tho Qsto tho notic�ts dotivarod a ma�od wkhh whEOh tho 8ortovror must pay uli eums Gooumd by this Soaur�y
<br /> . . Inotrument If Bonower lalTS to paY tAeso sum�prbr to th�o�tutton o}tAt3 portod,Londer may Mvoko nny n�+modbs PefmYted by 1hb
<br /> �� SeeurFty InsWm�rtt without Nrthar ndtlrn or domand oe Bortowor. F°r"'°�2e oJ�°
<br /> •, �� F109�t1M�(tl00) PaO��of 6 '
<br /> 1000
<br />