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<br /> ;� -� . .
<br /> o . .. , .. c�rNw.ur,.
<br /> • . • , � , .� . ., ' ,. . o .. D. n'.1�r.'?�y
<br /> � � ; � � gg4�o��s
<br /> . �., ,.
<br /> LOAN 4: 7748349 •
<br /> • Unlcss I.cnder anQ Barrower otherwiso agr�o in wdtir►8�t►nY aPPlicadon of prococ�ta W principal shuil not oatcnd or postpano ..
<br /> � � the due dnte of tho mont�ly p�yments refetrcd to in ps�mpha 1 and 2 ar chanac tho amount of nuch paymcnts. ,;.
<br /> " il.Borrower Not Fteleasedi Forbeareace by L.ender No4 a WAiver. Sutcnefon of tho ticne for payrnent or modificuUon of -,y�::
<br /> � emortia.adon of tha suma secured by ihis Security Inswment�ranted by Lender ta any aucce.�.�or ln intece.st of Borrower shail not
<br /> ' opesate to release the IlnbUity of the orlginN Borrower or Bflrrower's successora in intcrc.gG La►der ehull not be rcyuircd to s;�,,,,_:
<br /> commenas proceedings against uny successor in lnterc�st o*refuse to extend dmo for puyment or othcrwko modify t�moNr.etion of
<br /> iEi '
<br /> `^:::�;.: the sums secutt�d by this Security Insuument by re�on of any demand medo by tha ori�inul Borrower or BaROwer's sucxessors in ^�F;
<br /> u
<br /> - • tnterest My forbearnnce by Lender!n e�cercising any d8ht or remedy ahall not�o a w�lver ot or proclude aho exerci�e of iu►y rtght °:,
<br /> � '� , or ramedy.
<br /> � 12.Sucassore and AsslBn� Bound; Joint aud Several LiabWty; Castgaere. The covenants rind ag�ecments of thia �`�L��-�
<br /> 3, ::
<br /> Socurity Instcutnent shtill bind and beneSt the s¢ccesso� and assigns of Lenda and Bomower, subject t� Q�e pmv�sions of �>r
<br />- ;,;. paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants und agceemente shall be joint and scvesal. Any Bomower wha co-signs this Sec�nrity '--
<br /> Instrument 0ut daes not execute the Note: (a) is casi8n�n8 this Se�urltY Instrument only to mortBege. gront and wnvoy tlust
<br /> "° ? Borrower's intaest in the P�opercy uader the terms of tA3s Security Instrumen�N) is nat personally oblfgnted w pay the sums =
<br />_ . :;� se�urec!by this Secutlty Inswmett�end(c)a8re�'s th�L Lra:der and any other Barro�ver ntsiy egras w e�ct,end,�uodify�fbrbeur or :.,�
<br /> malce any accommodations with regard w tho t,e�ms of this Securlry Insuument or tlte Note without shat Borroarer's consent,
<br /> 13.Lw�n C�arg�. If the loa�a e�uret1 by thfs Securiry Iustniment�s subf oct W a law whtch sets maaimum loan charges,t�nd —
<br /> : ,� ` thet law�S t3nally interptete�so that ttte interest ai otha la�an chatges oollecfed or w be coll�ecisd In oonaecdon witd th�lann F1-�-
<br /> cxceed the pami�ted Iimit4.then:(a)any snch loan charge shall ba reduced by the amount neoessery w nedu�e the charga to the _-
<br /> ' gelmiued limIx and(b)az►Y sums alreadY collected from Bomower ahich eaooeded�cnnitLed limit�vvill!te ref�an�z�w Bo�rower. �
<br />- • �' Ixnder raay choose to malco this refiuid by redudn8 dee Pr�tdPa1 owed under tbe No22 or by ma7dng a dfrect pnym�nt to Boimwer. �=-''�
<br /> `��' If a refund reduces prLtcipal�tha reduc t ton w U l b e�e a t e d as a p a ri i e l�n�t a y m e n t w i t h o u t at►Y P�Y meat c h e r go uuder the Note. �-
<br /> .. ��. 14.Nm�ices. My nodce to Borrower provided fo:in this Security Inswment sluill be given by deUvertag it oa by mailim�g it �:- `""
<br /> �� by first class taail unIess applicable law requires use of another metho�d.l4�e nodce s l�a ll M s d i r e c t a d to t he]P c o p e rt y A d d r e s s o r r a n y =--
<br /> a1�a adMess Borrowes des3gnates by nodce to Lender.Any nodce W Lender shall bo given by first cla9s mell to Lende�'s addrt�s _ -
<br /> ., 1t� _
<br /> stat,ed hereia or ar►y othes address I.ender de.gignates by aodoa t,o Borrower.My rtodce provlded for in ihis Security Instnu�ae�►t
<br /> e
<br /> � '� shall ba deemad W have been given to Bonawer or Lendes when given ag pmvided iu this p�uph.
<br /> 'f'' o i.s� cevenb 'I1ils SecurItv Inatrument st�91 be goveined by feder�l law and the I�w of tke urlsdiaulon
<br /> , _'�;�.;;,`-- n t
<br /> 25.�s��o--w�.. utty. ,
<br /> � .:.�`.:, in which the Propaty ls lacated.In th�event that any pmvlsion or clause of this Security Insttwwnneat or Ute Note conftic�wit�
<br />�;;,;;�;,, . t�ppIIcable lew�such con€Qict ahaU not affect other�rov�sions of this Socuriry Insawnent or the Note whfch �eu►ba given effect
<br />' ":��'' ' wi8►out the confticdag gnov89bn.To this end the provlsfoms of this Securlty Insuument end the Note are declaned tm tise severable.
<br /> :�,;..,.� � - �
<br /> . . '�:;,,• 16.Boairower's Copy. Bomower shaU bs given one oonformed capy of the Nota and of tbis Securiry]nsu�uneni.
<br /> �;:
<br /> . . ,�;;1,;�,t 17.�ms?xe ot t6e Property or a 19eneftctal Interest in�are�cnver. If Nl or any ptut of the Pmpmrty or eny interest in it is
<br /> ' . �`•,ti;`%`.i sold or uansFared(or if a beneficial intor�t in Bozmwer is sold or�nsf�rred end Bonowes is aot a natural person) �vit�out
<br /> '`' ,; � Lender's prior writtea conseat,Lender may.at its og�.rec�uine imme,di�st$pgy�tent in full of all snms secuted by this Secwdty
<br />��;„. �,..„ Iast�ument However.tbis optton shell not be eacerclsed by Lemdar if exerclsa is pmhibited by fedeael lc�w av of the date af d►is
<br /> _ . . Security Inswmea�c
<br />- � If I�edea exercLses this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower aotias of aooelerat�on.lh8 nott9a shall provlde n petlod of noi less
<br />";�.�;,,•;...�:'�-; � than 3d days from the date tha aoffce is d�livered or ma3led wlthin ahich Bon+nwer must pny rill suma secured by this Socurhy
<br /> ti��L .
<br /> -��"`��,t'" lnsuumeri�If Bozmwer falls oo pay these sums prior tfl the eapiradon of this perlad,Lender muy invoYe any remodies pamt Y
<br /> ���:�""-� this Security Insavment v�lt�wut further nottcs or de��on Borrowcr. y,
<br /> ='"-''�'Q''� 18.Bormwer's itigm4¢o Refinstnte. If Bomnwex meen ce�in wndittons,Brn�mwer shalt have the right to have enfortement ���
<br /> :....,�a•:}...,.. _.
<br /> 3;��'s�`;r.��, of this Securiry Iasawneat discondnued at any dme priar to dse easgirr of:(a)S days(or such oiher peiiod a�upplic�ble law may
<br />-°..n"��, '��, s�ecifY for minstatement)befote sale o3 t�CO ProP�Y Pursuant w t�aa?�po�ver of salts oontaiaed'm th�s Sec�ulty Tnsaumen�a�(b) `--
<br />_ :` . ::',�i'�;� .
<br />--_,:,:.�.. , ., entry of a judgment enfoscing thLs Secuiity Instrument'Ihose conditiona eua thut Batrower:(a)i�Ys Lettder all surus ahioh Mcn
<br />- - � would be dua under this 5ecurlty lnsun�ment tutd 4�ie Note as if no acceleredon had oocused:ib)cures any deta�lt of eny othes „---
<br />-,�'�-�`�'�� cov�an�s ar ug:�zr.nC�; (c) FaY$a!!e.�pRn.c!�s ir�carred in eaforcinR this Sec�uity Insnument,inclad)ng, bus not licnttsd W.
<br /> ;---.:� �S��;;t� �a�cnu�ble attnmeys' fccs� ant3(d)tuL•��uch sxt�oa�s Lande�mAy reesonebly ecq�s+e to�ue Wac tlle lien af�is Secuciry �_
<br /> _;��arrrer�'"''i+,'>,;l,r
<br /> .,�_�--„�tis Insnumeat,Le�eda's righta in the Yra�oeaty and Bo3rower's obligatton to pay the suma s�ure�l by th�a Sea�rlty Instnuaent st�alt
<br />`•i:x TM�.`,r;;" , ; continue unchanged.Upon reinsmtert�ent by Bemoaver.t�is Securlty L�swment and the obligatiuns aecucetl hereby shall cemetn
<br />����:;. ,. fully e�'ecsive as ff no m�eeler�tion had oxwmod.No�v2ver.this rlght w reinstate slnall rtot apply fa du+cax o�axeleration unda
<br /> iSC;'''•�:: ; � . �. pals�ph 17. � �u_`
<br /> - �.�;;�-�:,' 19. S�le of No4ei (,Lange of Loan Servtoer. The Note or u piudal iatcrest in the Note (together with this Security _
<br /> ;,�;�:e�:�� InsuumenY�may bo sold an8 ar more times without prter notias w�airower.A sale may re�lb in a changa in the entity(�now�►ns =—
<br /> .. ,�. ��-}r,° the"Loan Se:vicer")th�t oouects monthly p3yaieats due uQder the Nots and thia Security Insir�t There aLsa may h+��ne or �,__
<br /> _ .�`�`�'��� more chat►ges of the LQ:n Servfcer unreaated tu u�of tha Note.If there is a chunge of the I.oan Seavlxr�Borrotvea will bd given
<br />° h 14 ubove and licabte law.Tfee notioa w111 state¢�a t�me and address .�'�:
<br />_ , ' ..�.,.} s wriuen rtotioa of the cl�ange in aa:ocds�nnce��itA par�ap ePP ,.:,_
<br /> cd
<br /> ;,;'���i�:;�?' of the new Loan SeivIoer tutd the ad�a�ess to which payments slzould be mx�s.'14io nodoo will e19u oonm'v►tiny othcr irtfom�aflon .;
<br /> - ., reqttited by appltcable law.
<br /> , ?A. Haaardous Subsmnas. Bomower shall not cnuse or pe�mit the presence. use.fl�sy�sal,stor�ge�or release of any
<br />° Hmardous Substances on or in the I9ropaty.Harno�shnll noi do.nor s�llo�v anyone cS.se w do,unythin8�affier�n6 fl►s RaPe�tY
<br /> s:;� ��so in vinlctiev�nf t�nv ERVIttflllltCII�L1W.The D�8 two setltetlCe.4 Shtill nOt 9pply to dl8 p�teB,�as0.Oi SD01�ge on thcs
<br /> . _J
<br /> -.____._-.____.-_
<br /> �..�. .__. _ _ Y���r� .����.. _ � .•
<br /> - ., propeity of small Qusuddes of Haznrdons Subsmuces that are generally reoogN��ed w be��m nom�ai�idcnuai us��, -
<br /> � to mainteaanoe of the Property
<br /> - „ . gomrnver shall pmmP�Y 8�`��d� �� noitce of any investigadon.claim.demand,lawsu�i or other ttcdon by any
<br /> � gavemmenml or regult►tory agency or privute pattY i�►volving the PrapeKy and any Hauudous Substa�noe or Enviranmenlnl Law of
<br /> regu ►
<br /> whfch Bormwea 1�acbial knou'IedBe. If Bomower leams.or is rtoWiod by any IIovemntenml or regulateay anet►oritY,t1�t a�►y
<br /> ° .. . , removal ar othea m,raedistion of any Ha�rdous Subsmnee sjfffecdng the Propeny is rtc�essary.Bosrower shnll pmmpdy mke alt
<br /> '_.. necessary remedini aciions in uconrdurtoe�vith Environmet�ml Luw.
<br /> ., �m�ua:n� ��8.
<br /> �1•eH(N��saon.w CHL�Ot►A8� PapN ot 6 Foren 302A 0I40
<br /> _' ., ��
<br /> � •
<br /> �' _ _
<br />