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<br /> If the acrtounts held by I.ender for Escrow Items exceed the amounta P+�n�K�to be held by.RESP�►,Lender ����_
<br /> � .. shall accauat to Sorrower for�e Es�fil em whenu�bLendF,c3PmA.Aylf��f�the Borrower aud r quire Borrower to =- _
<br /> �"'•'" t t�n e a r e n o t s u f f i c l e n t t o p a y
<br /> ,;�_�_
<br /> ,�1: _'�---...
<br /> ,��rra-;r ---
<br /> , � „� � mnke up the shortage as permitted by RESPA. for all sums secured by th[s Securiry Iastrumznt. I e.,,,,_
<br /> 'Ihe Escrow Fuads are pledged as addidor.al szcurltY �.`�,
<br /> Borcowcr tea ders t o L ender the fWl pAyme�►t of all such sums.Borro�ver's account shall be credited with the balance �x.,..
<br /> ° (b) aitd(c)aad any mongage tosura.ncc pre m i u m i n s t a liment that I.ender has �;�_
<br /> � remalning for�11 inatalimeat items(a), , -_
<br /> - � not become obllgated to pay to the Secretasy� and 1-ender shall prampdy refund acry excess funds co Borrower.
<br /> .. " Immaliately prlor to a forectosure sale of the Property or its acqvisition by Lender, Borrower's account shtili be ---
<br /> . .�: _
<br /> credited with�wy balvnce remainia6 for all Instalimeats fax items(a).(b),and(a>• �i�b�r Lender as follows:
<br /> 3.Appl��uon oY Payments•All paymente under ptuagraPhs 1 and 2 shalt be apor to the monthly charge by the —
<br />_ ._ :t� ��to the mortgage insurance premium to be pald by Lender to the SecretarY
<br /> • r Secretary lnstead of the atnnthly mortgage insurence premium: .
<br /> . �, ,. S�nd� to any taxes. sgecial essessmeats,leasehold payments or ground rents,and fire.tload e�►d athec hatard
<br /> � insurance premiums.as re9uired:
<br /> • h�i c�,to interest due under tbe Note; ' "_
<br /> „ �'� pourth, to amortization of tlu:prineipal ot the Note;and �
<br /> ���o�ete char�es due under the Nate. whr.ther
<br /> � � �6.Fire, Flaod and Otl�er Hazard Ias�uance.Borrawer sha11 iaeure all improvements oa the PmPertY.
<br /> now in exiateace or subsequently erected.aSaingt aaY haz��•c����•�d�°ntingenctes,
<br /> ittcludtag fire,for which
<br /> �� � I.e�►der requires lnsurancx. Th�s insurance eball be maintained in the whetiier aow inTexi ten�ceor subsequently
<br /> I tequices. Horrowcr shall also ins�re all improvementa on the I�ropertY�
<br /> .. ,' � erected,aga{nst loss by tloods to the extent mquimd bY w����'e he d by 6.en�er and shell�in Wde�lo��e
<br /> �.. �
<br /> �,,�. a
<br /> ����5��,� a�� appmved by i.�a�cr.'i�e 3ASUZ��gniicles ead anY rene ,
<br /> �r�� �' clauses in favor of,aad in n form acceptable w,ixnde�'•
<br /> W the event of lass.Borrower shall give I.endESr immedt��is herebymau1thorheQ and dir�e�ed�°�e pa iyment
<br /> made prompdy by Borrower•Each Insura�►ce oampanY urt of the insurance
<br /> ��.,,:�:x;,:F:,�,.�' for sucb loss direcdY to L,ender. instead of to Borrower aad to Lender jofntly. All or any p
<br />_'� . - ' roceeds may be npplied by Lender.at its epdon.either(a)to the reduction of the indeb�tedn�then ptepaYmen�
<br /> '`ui,r::t,`:�;��t. , � P lied in the order in paragcap
<br />�:�.,,:. � � this SecuritS+insuwnent�first to any deliaquent amouuts app pny aPPlicntDon of the pc�oce�da to thc
<br /> "b_��' .`�,t , rInct al. •�r(b)to the restoratton or �epair of the dama8ed Pc°Peny.
<br /> %:�.y,.,,�..r, of p F nta which are c�fen�ed to in paragraph 2.or
<br />-'='---,�. �, princIpal shall aot extend or poatFone the due date of tt►e monthly paymer���t��to pay at1 outscand�ag
<br />`'.=°�v,'^=`��,' �hange the uaiount of such puymente.Aay exces�n�suecanh�l�d to therntity tegally entttled�►�at xtin ulshes
<br />'�����;2;:�,;��` indebtedness undex the I�ate and this Security ��h�or other trnnafer of tttle to t�e PrapertY 8
<br />����`�`� In the event of foteclosute of thia Secudty
<br /> �..��,;��� the Indebteclness, atl �ght, tiUo and interese of Borrower in aad to insurance polietes in farce shall pass to the
<br />��� purchaser. �on�ower's�.oan Appl�cattoni
<br /> - -,-��:� S.OccuFancY,Fr�*�'ation,Maint�enatue nn�Ptotection of�e��Y e princ►pal residence withia sixty
<br />�=_?-�;;�[ I.easeholds. Botrower shnll occupy�estciblish.and use the PropertY
<br /> t
<br /> __ __`.:,.i. days aRer the execution oY thts Secutlry I��t W@=Si�cia a�r�aidence for�a�eastun�e Year p°���a�se°f
<br />�.-t.�-�_�. and shali coatinue ta occupy the Propert7+
<br />_ �- " occupaney ualess Lender determiaea that requicement will cause undue haids�ip for Botrower.or ualess extenuada�
<br /> -��,� ' or allow tltc
<br /> -- , cInumstences eaciat which are beyond Botrower's oonuol. Bo�wsubstandatly`chnnge the PmpertY extenua
<br /> �-°� -- - circumsc�e�.IIasrawe:shr!!aot commit waste nr destsoY.dama8 �e iz [f th�P��"-�Y ia vacent -
<br />_a..,_��-:-:���� Pcopexey co deteriurate� rzasanable��rear erd�enr�sceptcd.Leader muy�ispe« ' �t� y �ve such v�at or :
<br /> -r�;�:�'"'� or abandomed or the loan is in default. Lender may tnke•reasonnble acdon to pmtect and p�
<br />-__� .-:.�,..:�,
<br />_� ' . .._
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