' � i , • ti� " •- .
<br /> , ,� ..� .�.,._ .`u n • ' „ „ „ �. ... 1.�,.. „
<br /> „
<br /> .. .. . , ' .. .�. .... . . i :,
<br /> . .. -. . ._.. . ... ..
<br /> "Y.' _.. __ .. ' .. n . ... .. . _.. .... .
<br /> COVENANYti
<br /> g�o �O�s�o t
<br /> �, p�ymsMs. S�orrowor aqraus to mako ell paymonto an tho oocurcd dobt whon duo. Un�oas Barrowor und Londor aproo othnrwise, uny
<br /> ,,•,
<br /> ' oxcluolvto of Intbroat ar�Rtlnaipal,sncond to intores�ond th n to ptlnclp�l.lf perti�ai pro�paymont ot tho uoeurod dobt occura fur nny roneondi dob i -
<br /> • not roduco or axauao anOr echoduiod paymont until tho 4ocurad dobt la poid in full.
<br /> Z,ClAims Aprtayintgt 7ide. 8orrowor wltl OnY n���oxos,aseoesmontn, and oth�r ohor8oe otalbutablo to tho pproporty whon duo and will dofond t�tta _
<br /> � dof nsoo vhlahIIeairoewer moy hBVO a8at�s,t poRioaPvAeo oupply lobor orinntorinis to Improvo or matntofn lh0 p opOrtyo6elDn any ri8hts,cia�ma or
<br /> � 9, lruutanco. Bot�owor wiA keop tho prapertlr fnaured under tatme naaep ta b lo t o L o n d o r a t B o r t o w o r's o x p o n a o and(Qr Lendot's bonetit.Atl � ;;��
<br /> � I n a u r a n co pollctoa ohell f�cludo o a o e o o d n m oyrt 6 o9 ap P 1 1 o d�w ri h i n Londor eddlearotnion�to��athor thaaostoi0ation�or repalr of tho damagod prop°rtY �
<br /> Insutanco poliay.Any insuanco p
<br /> ._..—�� or to tho secured dubt It londnr roqulroa mortgngo Inaurunco,florrowot oproas to mo inta in nuc h I n e u r a n c o f o r a o t o n g a s L e n d o r re q uiros. ; c,uw
<br /> Y i ' :.tP:
<br /> ? , q,pmperly,Borrower witl keop the propo►ty 1n flood condltion nnd moko all repairo r0000nobty neeeoso�rv•
<br /> g,F.�tas�aea.Bortowor ugreos to pny a��lo�dor'soxpanaes inc�uding reanonoble ettornoya'taus,if Borrower breeka any covonenta tn this deed
<br /> +� 04 Vuot or in onY obllpotlon sncured by thta deed ot ttust.�ortowor wiN pnY thqao amounta to Lender as ptovtdad in Covennnt 9 of thia dood of _
<br /> � intnt. °_
<br /> y 8. Pdor Ssaudb lrstu��•V^�e�Bottow[tr flrat obtains londor's wrltten eonso�t,Borrower witl not mako or perm►t eny changos to any prior
<br /> � aecudty iMe�este. Borrower will portorm ali of Borrower's obligotions undor any pnor mortgege,deod of truat o�othor aecurity agreement,
<br /> .• � Ineiuding BoTrov+or's covanants to meko poymente whon due. Unicsa Borrower and Lendar havo agrnud ;...
<br /> 7,ptsiqnmeM ot R�rrts tnd Ptotits•Borrowct asal8ns to Londor tha ronts a�d profits ot the propertV. i
<br /> ntharvvtso in writing,Borrower may eci�oyct nnd retefn tho rents ns long oe Sonowor ia not in dufeult. if Borrowot dafauits, Lendar, Londor n �
<br /> � + applio�d tirat to t�t►e p�cta f�maneg�ng athe P oP°n11����IudlnB couR costmeDand att ro noys cfoos t eommis Is on8�to�rentel u�aonts,and any ther
<br /> noeessury retnted expenses.Tho romaTninp emount of reMS will then eppiy to paVmAnts on the sec��rAd debt ae provided tn Covonant 1.
<br /> "� � g,La�a�Aol�i;CondomA�dumss W+�n�Un1¢Oov�topmeMS.8wrowet ago�ned un�it dov Io o�pmtent pBorrowe�wilnpYertorm�ef�hof Bo rr owoi s diutioa __
<br /> `� o tansohotd.IY this doed of uust is on a und in a eondominium or o pl
<br /> undcr tho covanente,byiaws,or►ogulatione ot the condomiNum or pinnned unit dovelopment. � ,_:
<br /> pQt�nmot�he duyesTOr cause�U�iem to bo p�ormodf Bander�maY�o10n�Barrower's��em°oorr oy any emnunt if necessnry fnr pertormaneealt eny —
<br /> �°�--
<br /> n conattuotlon on Me property ia dlseonUnued or not anrrlod on in a roasonobie munnor,Lon er moy do whetevGr Is nocoss�ry to prot0ot Londer's �.
<br /> � ' secutity iMOroat tn tho{xoparty.Thia mey Inoiudo eompleUnp the eonsuuotton.
<br /> LandeYs fapure to perfotm wW not Preeiudo Lendor hom oxercising any of ftu othor dghto under the low or this deed of t►uat. E=
<br /> � An�r1emo�ets+ntere�yham the det�e�cf t�+PeYmont untli pa d in fuf�et�tho intaroatra o in eNeo9t cn tho aecu od debt unta wtil be dua on demand �
<br /> art � tr
<br /> �:� 10.D�toutt a�M Acealm�4lmn• �f B��sWO�Qn�v��o mo�a0 p�dood of htruat.londar meg accete a e thoemeturiryhof the securod Cebt and
<br /> obiigeuon o6GUtsd hY !N3 �9Bd? u� n Ilaeble 18w. , -,
<br /> " demand immediata pnYmont and mey fnvoke the powor of sa�o and nny uU.nr ssasadl�i�'•n••��Y PP
<br /> 11.Requat4 4at tHot�a�°f D�f a u l t•�t is�ereby requoetod thut copioa of the nodcoa ot dafault nnd en:H be aont to each person who is a purtY —
<br /> horoto,et tho addreas of each euch person,as sat(orth horeln.
<br /> 12.Pow�r of 8�1�.lf the Lendnr tnvokes the Pewe► of aelo,tho T�uatee shnil flrst roaord In tha office ot the regteter of deeda of eaoh county
<br /> � whorein the truet properW or eomo part or parcei tho�eof is situotad o noUee of dofautt eoMatntng tho tnformatlon roquired by�eWpe not n any
<br /> : " ,;�,;,' � shetl atso m�N�s°�men oneemorteh 8itor tho TBustoe tec�da th0�noUoe OThdotuultp O�two mo�ntha i�tho�ust properetp iroscribed by
<br /> , •,,(��. applfoabl0 10
<br />_�,ti. ,��!,:��j�•: incorportrtmd afty a vitiage and la uaed In farmtng operaUons cutttod on by tho uuatoq tha'Frustoe shNl givo Pub��o notico ot se�e to tho pereona
<br /> ��%��++ and intt�o mannor proscrtbad bY�apppliaebte taw.Truateo,without doma��on Borrowor,shell aetl thn propottlr ut publia auatio�to tha highest
<br /> ""' ' ' btddar.�f roqutred by the Farm Homestoad Protemlon Aat,Ttustae ehntl oHe�tho proporty In two sepa�ate se�es ae requlrad by appllcabto Iaw.
<br />-.... , •,:•* Truatae may postp o�m►a°urchaae�properiY at a y snio�by Wb1io nnnouncoment at tno timo ond piaco of any prevlausty ochedutod salo.
<br /> ..„ . ,.,;,.�, L o�a r o t h s d o�i p Y P T h o�e c i t V n�s e o n t a i n o d I n
<br /> '" Upon recotpt of pnYment a9 th9 prico bid,Truatao sha0 doiiver fo No purchnaor Truotoo'e deo d conva y lnB t h o p r o p o r t y.
<br /> ~�'"'`�'•"�� q orlio w t n p o r d e re(e1 to ailme x p ensoa�of tho�s4ale�including�but not Ifm�Po�ed�to�teeaonablo TNStooBSetooe�,ioesonabto ettom0y setoosha��id
<br /> �:��°`~�'v` .reinatatement toea;lb)m all aums seaured 6y t h in doo d o f t r u s�a n d(c)t h o b n l a n c o,M an y,to tha pereone legelly enUttod to tocaive it.
<br /> ._r_,t..,,
<br />��.:-.`�Y�,i"�
<br /> �g,For�dosur�.At Lendor's option,this doed ot ttust mny bo forealoaed in the menner provido by appllcabio Iaw for toroctosuro o mn gega
<br /> -�,�L__„�, oo roal ptoperh►• —
<br />_•u���r;,,, to inopoat k if Londor glvos Borrowor noUco bofarohend.Tho notieo muat state tho roeeona o
<br />'.��;2r.i.,-,`�,i� � 14,lew on.LondoT mey or�ter the proPanll
<br />�;�-•��;jf�'it" causo o�nder'slnspeation.
<br /> ._.'.:�;�':�i�e
<br /> ��•,:��•� � 16.Condamnation Botrower osrtt Qno to tondar tho procoedo ot any oward or ataim for domo os connoctod with a condomnution or othor tak ng
<br /> - • Sk9
<br /> -,`'���yt��'�� eeeurity ogreemeM tha proportY.Such proceeds will be eppiled es previded fn CovonoM 1. Is nss:gnment le subJoat to tho terms of any prlor �
<br /> � ,j.� � �
<br /> -T-•..��c�� �� t omior dooe not a►vo u anV tleMfl to tater uso onV othor romedY•By�t oxorc{alnp
<br /> _ ti 18.iilstvcr.tly oxorcr�inp m�y�8rsscdY�vsAslsle!o--n�. F.__.,
<br />�- '� eny ramady upon Borrowerb doteuR,Lendet doe8 not wotvo otty tight to lute�M^a�k+r the evwnt o tlofouh if it haftpnnn hy�s{n.
<br />'"'� s�sy� ��,.►aint er.� S�wsd Ue�bditfl: C���a�nt Successors u�d AalQns Baund. AU dutiea undor ihls daod of Vuet ore Joint and sovarat. Any
<br />_�;,"���"r,;;,. . Bottownr�who castgna thio doad ot tn+�t but doea not caslgn tho underlytn0 dobt insuumontlo) dooa so onty to grcnt and convoy thit
<br /> _; .,��;;�(. 8orrowet s IMoroat In the proDo►tY�the ruatoo undor tho to►m{�s ot thia doed oi truet.in edditlan,sueh u Bortowor egreea thet tho Londor and
<br /> 1�� ���`t���• • Sobt wkhou�t tna�Bonowo s�co^s°nt°^d'"itho�t°►e�gan�h t 9oriow�er hom tho tomis of�ihl�doo�d�of nuai��a dood of trust or ue eeaurcd LL-
<br />�`• '.. , Thq dutfos and benefita ot this dood of trust ohoU bSrtd ond boneflt tho auacossoro ond assipns ot Lender and Borrowor. __
<br />_. ,,,U�,�.r ,,,� 18.PtoYee.UMoss othorwuddrose�ci unYy othoi addiou�o that�BoROweor8he8�gIvon to Londor.� �oiwor wlil givo anybiyiotico�to Lend r by CoKflo�d -
<br /> -- .��.;1t,. �•. Borcowai et tho proportY
<br /> • �''`!;ff,�t� ,�', mntl to Lendor's addrosa oo pngo 1 of thle dood ot truat,or to any athor addreso which lendor has deaignatod.Any othor notico to Londot shcU -
<br /> ;:c;;;c•.•;f,4�,�� ..: bo saM to 4onda's addrons aa statod on pa90 S of thle daad ot tru�t. �-u'-
<br /> �"�"'���- �,
<br />�!'' ' • Any notico ehall bo doe�rt�d to hovo boon glvcsn to Bortowor or Londer whon givon tn tfic monnCr otalod abovo. �`;�:
<br /> _ , ,� t��'^:
<br /> ;;I,• . 10.Tronsfet ot dro Ptop.e?hr a�B�n�cl�i�mrrst in tlee Etoaow�r.If all or any parl oT tho proPUrty or any iMOroat in it ts sotd or transtorrod
<br /> ;.,;{;; , without londer's Rriot wtAmn eonsont, Londor moy domnnd immadiato uymont o4 xfin aoeurod debt. I.onAor may aiso domand Immodiato ;
<br /> � �'��'''1' domand in merR In d�o above e etlot�is�if it�ts�ohibftod by fodoral low as�+n,o ao�°of tiie eo d of tn�st�n9f�Trod. Howovor, Londor may not ��}/..
<br /> _ `•�1i;S41` .. V Y
<br /> -��'- an e...,�v.�r�. 1NResn the obiigetton 8ocured by�th�o dood Mt etruat�Tr einn shudt(.ue on writton ioquoet b thoblondo�econvkoy tho�tr st �r
<br /> Y ---`--- -- --..�e� �:�
<br /> _ ___- __- — undor tho insvumo�ta or agraomorim socuro.;G� ....o........:. _---• .. _ _._ r-:�,
<br /> m
<br /> ` ., obligadon oo anNeiod.Bottowor ehoiltp Y�ny acordationBcoorit,er's auaeoasar In intawet, tho trues deoo ano��o��.,.a N .....w-��--:-- -• �..'
<br /> � 21. 8accosaor Truntee. Londo►� at �ender's option, muy rumovo 7rustoe and aPpoint a suceeasor truotoo by tiret, mniling a copy ot tho
<br /> ai o�eeuinl/In wNah theutruat ProponY�°►�eomoAp antthoruot,is�sftuutod.7heus�c�asor uuatoo twi�thouc onvoya�otof tho p�ropisr�tytlahatl
<br /> _ o , st ond of ony auccoasot trustoo.
<br /> suceood to nit tho powor,duUos,authorkY und Utto of thQ trusstuo nomec��in the�a�
<br /> :, ,
<br /> „ � � �
<br /> _ ., ° rc•a,x o,z, '
<br /> J or�xcaa ovsrciao.uic..sr.c►ouo.fRN 60301 It�d04a9/•29�11 FOAfA OCV�ItTW'1E OItON1 - —
<br /> �
<br /> x
<br /> �
<br /> �-- - - — — —
<br />