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/ . <br /> �� '. <br /> 7 <br /> �4. A? •' � . . - A - . - �C L''tl(�� • <br /> ' 1 . ..._�......_.. .� ...�'��"'.�.." ' "'�"�� . .. . .. . _ . , ._ .. . . ...._ :�. <br /> cov�uan�Ta 9Q� `��$,�� <br /> t, p.ymoM� Barower aprees to meko eli peymante on the securad dobt whon duo. Un�oaa Borrowor and LondGr aprao othnrwlso, any � <br /> paymonta Landot rccalvuo/rom Borrorrct or fo�BovtowoYe bonofit wlll bo appIlod firet to any omountn Borrawo►owoa on tho aocutod dobt <br /> � oxctuoivo of Intoro�t or pr�naipat,eecond to Intoro6t,and thon to prl�alpAl.If portlol propaymont ot tho oacurod doi�t oocuro tor any roaoon.It wiN <br /> not roduco or oxcu�o ony eehodulod paymont untll tho noeurod dobt In pald In tull. <br /> � 1.Cintms Agninet TIFJo.Botrowor w1i1 poy a�l taxon, aoaoasmonta,nnd othor charQoa oritlbututrio to tho ptoporty whun duo and wlll dotond titlo <br /> to the propafri eaalnat eny clalme whioh wouid Impnlr the Ilon ot thls doad ot trust,Londor moy roqufro Bot�oWOr to uaoign onY rtghts,cmimo a <br /> dotenaoa whloh garower mny havo aaalnst pnrtioc wAa auppty�nbor or motarta�s to Improvo or molntnln tho proporty � <br /> "' 3.IniuranCO.Borrowor wiil koop tho proporty I�iaured under terms occoptoblo to Londor ut UortowoYo oxpanao nnd.for Londor's bonofft.AY �' <br /> ineurnneo pallcloa shnit Ineludo a atandard mortgego ciauno in favot ot Londor.Londor wlll bo numod ae loas poyao or ns tho ineurod on any such <br /> inauraneo po�lay.Any Insuranco procnode moy 6o appllnd.withfn Londor'o dlscretion,to oithar the rostoration or ropalr of tho Gomaged proparty <br /> or to tho oocurod dobt.It lundor roqutree mortgapo tnouranco,8orrowo►aflr000 to mnintoln ouch inauroneo for os lonp as Londor mquiroo. <br /> • • 4.Prop�rty.Borrowar wlit koop tho proporty in pood condition and moko otl ropnira roosonobly nocoasnry. �_" <br /> .. �: Q�- <br /> � ot�t or�in eny abQgetlon oncurodyby thie dood of tNat a�ortowot wlll pay th000 nmai�nt to Londor�oa provld d kn Covonunt 8�of thls doodo y; <br /> ��;,; <br /> truot. �`._ <br /> 8.P�loe BQaur1�IM�resta.Untose Borrowor firat obtelns Londur's wdttnn consont,Borrowet will not mnko or pormit nnY chanpas te any prlor �::,- <br /> � " aecurlty Intarasts.Bonowor wlli portorm ail ot Bor�owo�'s oblipotione undor any prlor mortpngo, doud of trust or othor uocurity agreemont, �;�, <br /> ' Including Bartowor's covonants to meke poymonte whon duo. <br /> F� 7.A�upnmant of R�nb nnd Proth�.Bonowot aselgna ta Landor tho rante ond profits of tho proporty.Untoae Borrowar and Landor hovo egreed �'�� <br /> �;r <br /> ) othorwfoe in wtltMM�. Burrowor may collnct and rotain tha tonto ae long oo Borrowor la not in dofauft.It Borrowor dofaults,londar,Lendor's , <br /> tM <br /> agent, or e cou►t eppolnYed roeoive�ma1r tako poasosslan end manepo the p�oparty und eolteat tho ronte.Any ronta Landor colioate shall bo 'y:- <br /> � " � eppifed firot to the eoate of mannein tho proparty.Inetudinp court aoste end attorneys' teas, eommissiona to rontAt aQento, nnd any other �:� <br /> nocosaury rotatcsd oxpanuos.Tho rameQNng emount ot ronts will than ppply to paymonte on tho socurod dobt ne providud In Covanant t. E'-! <br /> . T ` <br /> � • 6.I.easehol�4•Condomtniumss Piennmd Unit D�v�►apmuns.Borrowa�o rqee to compfy with tho provislona ot ony tonso i f t h is doo d o f R rue;i rv u n <br /> � , .. Y undor tha covenants�DV-Fuws,uor iofluietlflna of the c na domtntum or pla4°,oa�ni=aovo apmont�t, Borrowor will pertorm ali of Borro�vor'u cfutiea :`�. <br /> 8.Authority of Lertdsr co Gertorm for Bnnawer.If 8or�owar fails to potform any of Bo�rowoAe dutina undor thls dood of trust, Londor mny <br /> � �• portorm the duttes opr causo tham to bo pe�fa�mad. Lender may eign Bo�rower's numo or pay any emount If nacasaeryr for portormance. If eny �,`�"' <br /> socur��interost i�n tho pro�p rtyaThis mali�elude compiotlog�tho contVUOtlonmanner,I.ortder may do whMever ia necese�ry to proteat lender'a <br /> �� �-- <br /> Lendor's taslure to pa�fotm will not preeludo Lendor trom euetcising amr of its othet rigMa under tAo taw or this doed o}uuat. r.. <br /> � A�ry amounta paid by Lender to proteat Londer'a pecunttr into�eat wlll be socured by thta doed of uust.SucA amounts wilt bo duo on domend p: <br /> ;�� and wi0 bosr intarost irom the date of tho poyment until�old in tulf et tho intaroat tato In offoat on the socurod dabt. - <br /> !-- <br /> ;,,� 10. Cefauh cnd Aae�t�mlon. if BoROwer faiis to make eny payment when due or broaks any covenente undor thia doad of truat a� eny <br /> dem8and immedia�paym nt en�d mey Invoko the p�o vter of s�aio end any othor�f omedlesdpermitted by�sppltaeb et Iew rity ot tho securud dabt and <br /> '..° � � 11.Rsq�itst tor Notte�ef O�fatdf.It la heroby requeatod thet coploa of tho noUeoo of detauft and saie bo aent to�ach peraon who io a pa7r ` <br /> • ' „ horeto,et tho addroas of oeaA such paraon,ea sot fattb herain. <br /> • 13.Pow�e of 5��.If tlea L�ender invokes the power of aale,the Trustee shalt flro4 rncord tn the oHieo of tho rogiator of deeds of oaeh eounty _ <br /> wherofn tho uust AropeRy or soma part or parcet thereoY ta eltuatad e rtodw of dateuk conteining the information required by lew.Tho T�ustno <br /> f shall atso mali eopias of tho notleo of dofauft to the Borrower,to eaoh porson who is a party fiereto, and ta othm patsons ae preaulbed by <br /> eppiiceble taw. Not less than ono mo�th aftor the Trusteo reeords Yrio ratico ot deiault or two montha if tho wut proDo►ty is aot In any <br /> �� incorpor�tmd c(ty or viAago and ia usod in tarmfng o�pwationa eortlod on by the truator,tho fruatoo shnli givo publio�otice of snie to tha persons <br />- � ena In the manrler pra4cribed bY�apppilaeble Iaw.Truetoo,without demand on Bortowor,shali soil tho proparty at publia auatlon to tha hieheet <br /> , bSddor.if�equired by the Parm Nomoetood ProtuctEon Act,Ttustoo shali oNor tho proporty in two soperato eaios es roquired by appJleeble law. <br />-�, . <br /> . Lender cr�ita da�neeemey purchese the property et eny male Y by publia anrtouncoment at tho time and pteco of any Rrevtously echoduied ealo. <br /> r.r.„�•. �,� '� - <br /> Upon�ocat�►t oY payment of tho prico bld,Trustso shall dotivor to Me purehasor Trustao's doed conveytng the property.Tho recidnia eontatned In <br /> � 7 atao'e atupd lihell bo prlms fecto ovidlonco of tho truth of tho stotomonts aontainod thotein.Truetoe ahn0 appiy tho procovds of tho aelo infha <br /> :•�. <br /> re�nst�temo t 4eest�fbl to�el/sumo oocured by thle deod of�U�uat.and tal�tho bainnco It any bto the poteon8l pallY enUtiod to rseatvo�y.ieo�and <br /> --wax'.��n:na . <br />�+�'��•�-'� 19.Fonclowrw.At Lender's optlon,thia doed ot uuat may be forecloaed in the mos�ner provido by applfaoblo luw for forecfoawo of morigepea <br /> n.� , on reat propurty — <br />="�:r�T.-'`�:�IF• 14.Ites� Lander may ontor tho proporty t0 inapoot k it Lendst givea Botrower notice botorehand.The nottce must atete tho reasonablo , <br /> _�-�-��_•-= � cnuse or�mrcdor'e inspaatlon. <br />�" �1j 1 :'..�1.I.,F�. <br />�'�"t�•^�•.� �, 18.CortOmm�stton.8otrowor asstgn� s to Landor tho procoeda of any award or ciolm tor damages co�nocted with a condamnation or othor teking <br />- of all or any part of tho property.8uch proeooda wllt 6o eppiled as providod in Covonant 1.This ussignment ta subjeot to Mo torms of en�/prlor _ <br /> ..: . eacurity ngroomart. _ <br /> "'"'�•�^•sr•"�� 18.W�iv�r.By oxerclsing any romedY avaitabie to Londer,l.endor doee aot Aive up any rlpMs to later uso any othnr�amody.By rtot oxnrcleing - <br /> -_ eny remody upon Bonowor's default,Londer does�ot welve any rlght to tatar eoneldor tho ovont e defauit if it hnppono agoin. _ <br /> �� •_ :��:.� <br /> :..:ii!#-<1SjST..M�Fr� 17.Jais�t ettd Soverd Lin@Siity; Caat�ne+�s SuaoessorB and Assignn etwn�. Alf �udoa undor tnie uemd of mtat tuo joi�i and nnvaai.AnY _ <br />�a�r_^:��.•.�,� purrovrer wfw caeipim th{s dead at trust but daaC not co•�Igo tha undar�p doht instrumerrtlot GoeB so onty to drent end cmivey tnat . <br />-• �"'!""`7' Bottowet's Interast i�tho proparty to tho Troatoo undor tho torme di tAla doed of trn� addlUon,auch e Borrowar agreos that the S,ond�t end <br />=„�::+�'�;�,�.;:"" nny othor 8orcow4r unc}nr tMs dood ot uust may extond,modi{�or make pny othar changoo in the terms ot thls deod of truat or the aocured <br />-�3:33`•- ,y,. dObt withoitt thot Borrovu�r's conaeM and without roloac�inp thot Eoaower from tho t�rms of this dood of truat. _ <br /> . ��.- The dirt:e�s and bonoflta of this dood ot uust sheA bind and bortoNt tho suoeousors arem assigno of Lender and 8orrowor. _ <br /> ` � 18.Aimico.Unloss othorwfao roqulrod by Iow. nny�otico to Borrowa�r ahoH be pivon by del(voring it or by moiling it by certitied moll addrossed to - <br /> � :� i.. 8orrower at tho Dtoporty addroas or any othor eddroes thnt Bortowar hno givon to lendor.Bor►owar wfli givo any�odeo to londor 0y cordifud - <br />- mnti to lortdor'o addroes on pago t o}this deod of wot,or to any other eddroas which Lendor hoa doaf8natod.Any othor rtotico tc 7.endat ehnN _ <br /> - bo sent to londw'a nddroaa as stoted on pago 1 of Nis dood ot trust. M <br /> s • Any nottcc�shnll bo doemod to hnvo boon givon to Qmro�rrar or Landor when givan in tho mannet smtod abow. - <br /> - �; •-- <br /> 19.Trana�of tho Propertlr or�B�nefleld Ineersat In the Borrowa.lf all or any pun ot tho progerty or anY irttoroat in k fe eo�d or transfortud <br />_• � wkheut lmndor's prior wdtten con�aM. loadot may domond Immedfa2e paymont of tho soeurmd dobt. Londor mny oiso dornanm Immodlato _. <br /> � domondtpnymoMin tNo obovo aituoticn9rM lipiu pro�ib�ited by fodoral luw as ofiho dato of Mie doed�of�bun�natorrod.Howovor, lender may not _ <br />_ o . _ <br />— ' 20.Reconve�/ena. Whon thn obltgetbn aecurod by 4P�ia dood of nuat hoa baon Ppid,and Lundor has no furthor obUgadon to moke odvancos = <br /> undor tho inst►umonm or ugroomonts aocurod by�s daed of uuot,tho Truatoo eRaa11,upon writtan roquest by tho Landor,raconvoy tho tn+s4 �; <br /> - -- nrncmtv. Thu Lcndor nholt det(vor to tho Borrowor,or to Borcowor's auaaoaoor In irntcveat,tho truat dood ond tha noto or other ovidonco of tho � <br /> _ " " oblfflotton so oatlafied.8orcowar snall poy any�ocoraonon cosis. .- <br /> � 21. Succoasor Tnistes. Londor, ot lundor's aptton, Ma1I rocrtovm Tti�too and nppoint o succossor trusteo by tirat,malting a copy of tho � <br /> � �� substitutlon of Vuatoo ae roquirod by opp�{eabfa bw,and thon,bV 4i::r�g tho aubatkutton of trustoo for roeord in tho ottieo oi tho roglatar of daodu <br /> of oach county h whict�tho trust proporty,or eomo art thoreot,to situotud.Tho ouccosaor vueteo,without convuyanco ot tho proporiy,ahall <br /> . , succood to aN tho�sowor,dutioe,authority nnd Udo o�tha Truotoo nomod In tho dood of trust ond of�ony auccaaaor trustoo. <br /> .�'1 a •�; � . . . <br /> � � Ipope?0l?1 � <br /> �� OAKKER4 8V6TEM8,�tC..6T.C10U0.MN 663D1 1 t�000•,fl7d3�11 iOSU�10CP�MT(FNE 0179I81 � <br /> . � <br /> •, �. <br /> , . ! <br /> � <br />