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<br /> , f ; .;'::" , ,,t�,;,} : 't_
<br /> . ! .� � ,`.`.,,��.*y, � '
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<br /> _ -� .� � ., . ii .l'.i?� ..
<br /> � � . .��. . '� . � , • „ • :.����,
<br /> ,
<br /> :,., , •. r � _ . . ... ,._ .. _
<br /> . •• . . : i i, . . .. . �"
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<br /> . COVENANTB ��� ������ . t,�
<br /> 1. PaymeMe. Borrowor agrooa so moke all puymeMS on the securod dobt whon duo. Uniaoe Borrower and londor agroo othorwlso, any �
<br /> paymonto Londor rocolvoa irom pmowar or for Barowor'o bonofit wiil bo appIlod firat to any omounts Borrowor owoss on tho oocurod dobt
<br /> oxcluoivo of interost or prin¢ipul,aoeand to intoroot,md thon to princlpai.If partfat propoyment of tho socured debt occura tor ony roaoon,It wfll
<br /> �• " not roduco or oxauao ony aohndulad Doymont untlt the aoa►ed dobR la paid in fuil. •.
<br /> �,Cintmc Ag�ayintgt Tltle.a�ior�ovrur�w7{�C►ey oil tnxua,eaeoss�flnto, unA othor chargos attributebio to the proporty whon duo und wi►1 dotond titio
<br /> • defansoa which86orroewot tyno�qvo 09a�net p rtioepw o�lt�pply Iabot or motetlnla to Improeve urymeintaln Bhe propotrtY�8af8n any rbhts,claima or :
<br /> � 3.�nsuvence. 8ottowor w11� koep tho proporty insuiad under te�me accoptabio to Londur at Borrowor's oxpunan nnd}�►Lender's bonofit. AII � _
<br /> inauronce potiales shalt lnctudo o atandard mortflageelauso in favor of l.c►ndot.Lander wili bo namod as loss payoe or as�tho Insured on any euch y,.
<br /> l.
<br /> insurnnca poilay.Any Insuranee procooda mny bo oppliod,within Lender's diecrotian,to oithor the rastoration ot repeir of tho demngod property q+�;� �
<br /> or to tho eoaurod dabt.If Lertder�equires mortgage Vauranco,8orrowor sgroaa to mointain euch Insurance for ea tong as lender requirea.
<br /> ,�•�}-�"�"'��• 4.Ptoporly.Barrowor wili keep tho Droperty in 800dco�Ntion and meke ali repeUo roanonebly nocesaury. `� j�,<:
<br /> ��"!f.
<br /> ' ���'i 6.Expenaes.Borrawer aproos to pay m1t Lendor's ozponsea,Inciudinp roasonobio ottorneya'foes,i4 8orrower broaks any covenants in thls doed „ .q__
<br /> ,�?`).,'°,. + �r..�-
<br /> •;rti.,, of trust or in any obligatlon seeu�ed dy ihta doed of irust.Borrowor w11i pny thoso amounte to londat as providod in Covenant 8 ot this doed ot
<br /> .i:�;�,:i. � . - tNBt. �:_;ET_':
<br /> � �'•��?�`�" ' 8.Pdor Seau�i�y lttteroate.Udese 8ovrower Hrst obtelna Lendor's written eonaent,Borrower wlll not make or pormit any chan8ea to eny prior "'���;--•
<br /> :';:��i.i,,i:,;;, securlty Interests. Borrower wUl perPorm aIi ot Borrowar'e obllpotlons undor any prior mortgego, dead of truat or other seeudty egreement, _��_
<br /> ;����;,f?�;;• � Inciuding Bonower's cavenante to mnOce payments when due. -�>::
<br /> "�ti• .�., '-':-,i:r1`-•
<br /> �:`i`��! 7.Aesignmont oi Rems end ihroTib,E3ortowo�aesigna to Lender the rente and profits of tho property.Unteaa Borrower and Londur Davo aproed �: ��,:
<br /> � othervvise In wrking, Borrower rnaY caNeot and retaks the rente oa lonfl ns 8orrower is not in default. If Borrower dofauits, lender,londar'e •;9°,.�`„
<br /> ' i agent, or a court appointed reeofva mey tako poaossion and manage the propHRy and cottect the rente.Any ronts Lender collecta sl+ntl be ;+`�...1`,,
<br /> . ,, � opplied flrst to the aosts of maneging the prope►ty,including court ooete end etto►neys'fees, eommisabns to rentnl agente,and eny othar ,-
<br /> nocessery raleted expenoes.Tho remefning amount of�ents will thon appiy to peyments on the sacured debt as provided in Covenant 1. '•�J.•���.�=
<br /> 8.Leea�holds�Condomtniums;Piann�d Unit Owetopmsnts.Borrower o¢raea to compI witA the provisionn of any leasa if this deod ot Uust Is on -
<br /> • , a Ieasohoid. If thts dond ot truat b o�a unit In o wndominium or a plannod unit deveiopment, Borrower wlfl perform eil oi florcower's dutles ';'��t;a;�"-
<br /> �4��i� " under tho covanants,by-lewa,o�ropulatbns of the tondominium or pianned unit dovetopment. ,� ,�rar
<br /> ,K»��� � �:c'.._.
<br /> 'f,�.:;n��� 0,puthorlty of L�ndsr to Pedosm for Bemowo�. II Borrowor faiis to paHorm nny of Borrowor'a dutlos undor this dood of aust, Lander moy _�.;,;;�;5_�
<br /> r`�• i� parfarm the duties or ceuso them w be performed.L�ndor may sign 8orrowei's name or ey any amou�t it neceasary for psrformanco.If anY �
<br /> �.; conauuetion on the property is dlaontlnued or reot eerried on In a reesoneb�e mnnner,lenSer mey do whetovor ie noe9osery to proteat Lendbr's �
<br /> t socurity interest in the praperiy. TNs may inatude con�ploHng tho conatruatlon. g
<br /> '�y E.-'4==_.:
<br /> • Lendor's failure to porform wlll not precludo Londer ksm exeraising eny of its other rfghte under the lew or this deed of uust. �`
<br /> Any amounts pold by Londor to qotacn lender's wcurity fntoreat will be secured by this deed of trust. Such amounts will bo due on demond ,�;�,�
<br /> �� and wiil bear interest hom tho dote of the paymentun[II potd in fuil at tho intereat rata in eNeat on the secured dobt. _�,�;:j�_
<br /> � 10. O�ftuk �nd Aca�t�tatton. If Ho�rowe� taits to make a�y payment whon due or breoks any covenonts undo�thia deed ot trust or eny r.
<br /> ' � � obligotiqn soaured by thla daod of ttuet or any prbr mo►tgaga or deed c!truat, l.ender may aace�erate the mewrltyr of tho eocured debt�nd __
<br /> �� demand immediete pnymont and mny irnoke the powet af oole ertd any othor remedies�ermitted by appllcablo tow.
<br /> ,ri :
<br /> '� hereRo et the eddreoa ot ea6h sud�tperionr�asy�6takrIIth horein.�oples ot the noticas of dofauit and sele be annt to eeen pereon who ro e pa:ty � `_
<br /> ,.,•
<br /> �.�-
<br /> 12.Pow�r of Sat�.If tho lender hvokes tho powK of eaie.the Trustoe shnil iJrst record In the oHice ot the rogistar of deedc of oech aounty
<br /> whorein tho trust property or soma part or percel thoroof is situated a notice of deteutt aontalntn!�the Informetion�oqutred by�nw.The Tnsiee
<br /> shali aleo moll aapies ot the notice of default to tha Borrower, to eoch porson who is a party hereto, and to other persone es proscrtbzfl bY
<br /> app�ieeble Iaw. Not lesa than one month aiter the Trustee reeords the notico of defauft ar two montha it!he trust propartV is noE� any
<br /> incorporatAd eity or vlliege aM ia usod In tarming apa�eUona curried on by tho ttustor,the fru8te0 shell glva pub�le tiotice of sn�e to tho pargano
<br /> and i�the ma�nor presaibed by�eppplicebte le�v.Trusteo,wlthout damend on 8orrowor,shnll soll tha property at publia euction to the Nghvat --
<br /> bidder.If t64uired by 4ho�arm Nomeateud Protoetbn Aat,Truetae shali offor tho proporty in two noparate eolea ae requirod�Y ep0���b1p laW.
<br /> � Truatee may pootpono selo of atieie tho piope��a^y snj°�by publia ennouneemeM at the time end plece of any provlousty saheduted eulo.
<br /> Lendor or its dosignae may pur
<br /> p... ..
<br /> Upon racolpt of poVmont of tho pko bld,Troatoo Jhn1i dolivor to the putehaser 7tueteo'a doed 9onveylng the proporty.The�oaltiale conteinpd n
<br /> � Trustoe'e tleed shall bu prlme frjde evidlnneo of tho truth ot tho ntetoments coMUined therein.T�vsteo shall app�y Mo proeoeda ot the onto tn the
<br /> • ' ta��owing order: (e1 to atl ox�senaass ot tho selo,Ineluding, but not Itmited to, reesoneblo Truatee's faeo, roasonablo atROrne�o foos aad
<br /> ;`;.�y:._:��,,._� reinstatemont tees;lb)to alt eu�na eeaurod by this dood of uust,and toi the baioneo,If uny,to tho persana topally ontitied to reeoive it.
<br /> :��`�^ •" 19.FOi�OtW�.At Lendor•s opUon. Udn deed of wet mey be foreotoaed In the mannor provide by appticablo�aw tor foroclosuro ot mortflo0ea
<br /> i= ��^ , on reet proporty. ._
<br />- :,_.�., ,.....
<br />-- ""� 14.lnsp�odon.Lender mey entor the propony to Inspoot it it Lendor givon Borrower notke betorehand.Ttie notice muat stato tho rousonab o
<br />_.�,:•''� .. cause for Londer e Inspootion. _
<br />-r�...:.�.:...j�.
<br /> ��'�-.. ., 16,Condsmmtion.Borrowor e�n s to Londor tM ptocoods ot ony award or ct�lm tor domn oa connoatod with a condomnetlon or other taking
<br /> of alt or nnY part of tho proportlr•BucA procoods wllt be opplied as provided In ovonant 1.�Is assipnment is subJeat to tho terme ot any prlot _
<br /> „ securNyegreamont. _ -_ __.
<br /> -•� '�� - � ig,W�ly�a By exorctatng any ramodY avallnbie to Lander,Londor do�s not glvo up nny tighte to�ator ueo any othor remody.By not oxotciaMg _' ____.
<br /> ` _�.�� enV remody upon Borrowar'e dofeult.Londor doea not waive any right to Iotor canafdor tho evnet a datauit If k happona a8oin.
<br /> "---�'�"'� 1T.Jdnt cnd 8ovcrc!lteb.7tLT Co-elQne�e;8uoenson �m{As�ipna t3ound. Att dutfoa undor this deed o4 uust are�omt ona aeverai. Any —
<br />_�:.i r3`'.�G=:;
<br /> ,iG..,,o, w� • Borrowor who co•signa thie dead af uust Dut doos not eo•st8n tho undorlytng dobt instrumenttei does s.�or��y ia 0tant and convey thM
<br /> `� � .1 8otrowor's interoet in No ptoperlY to tho Truatoo uredor tha tarmo of this deod of truat.in addlUon,aueh e Bonower agroou thot tho Londor mnd
<br /> ;?:���J�,o*�. , eny other Borrowo►undor this deod of truat mey auROnd.modl}y or muke ony othor changos!n the torma of this dead ot�ur:or tho secured �„ __
<br />�1-z'•' - dubt without that Bonowor'e coroent and without ruloasinp thet�orrower from the torme ot thfa dood of trust.
<br /> �;'.
<br />:r- . _. ---
<br /> Tho dutlos ond bonetita of this doad of trust shnli 6ind end boneflt tho sueeosaare and nesipne of Londo�nnd dorrower. a'_
<br /> 78.NWlco.Un�oes othorwlso rsqdrod by inw,nn�r n�otico to Borcowor sholi be qtvon by dolivorinp it or by muiling it by canitied meli addrossod to �`- _
<br /> � �� Bottov�r at tho property addrose or any othor a00rose thot 8onowor hoe eivon to londor.8orrowor wiA pivo anY notico to Londor by eenffied ___---
<br /> • "�• " � bo�aom o�londors nddroso as��tod n p geQ7 dthletdood Ot tru tthe►oddreso whieh Londat hoe dosignatod.Any othor noUeo to Londor ehafl y__
<br /> , �,,, ,. �.� -
<br /> "••��'�`" � . , Any notioo ohnll bo doomod to huvo boon givon toOorrowor a Londor whon givon tn tho mennsr etetad ubovo. ,`%'{'',�,`'
<br /> , ���>z,�:=._
<br /> •��� +�: �g,n�n�{�r a}the 8ioperiy or�g�nMleid IM�rr�c in the Borrow4r.it al�or any part of tho propo�y or ony Mtoroet In It Is cotd ot uenn4orrod �%�r-
<br />_,,��;'�'..:. ,•.�,,,,� wkhout londo�'a pr�ar wrltten cansoM, londo�moy domond Immodioto payment of tho aoourod dobt.lender may aiao do�nnnd immedlute t_-
<br /> +��° paymom if tho Bnrrowet fo not a �►atural po►oon ar�d a bonoflein�intorost in tho Borrower la ooid or trc��oferred, Howovar, Lenc°K mey not �
<br /> � '� •ti"' demand poymont In tho nbove ehuatlona if tt io prohlbkod by ledoral iaw as of tho dato of thln daod of t►uet. f1 �•_
<br />_�i�.,q' (..., r _���R-�:._..
<br /> �"`'''� � ' " 20.Recom�yancu.Whon tho obllgatbn socured by this dood of truot hna boen pald nnd Lendor hns no furthor obtigatlora to mako advances � ��;;;•�,t*-�.
<br /> ,.,�; .
<br /> ' •i undo�tho�nattumonte or naresflmante eocurod bytMs dood of hust,tho Trustoe ehuif upon writton roquout by tho Lander.reconvoy tho t►uat �•. �''^if^�'-.
<br /> - ---- --�i �..,,.om.Thn Londer ehnil dulivor to thu 8orrowa,or to Borrowor's suceoasor in intaroat,the auot dood u�tho noto or oriwr evideneo of tho ;�'�?aS��"
<br /> .. obl(gatlon so ootls}lod.Bonowar�natt pay any r000rdecion coms. _- ,._�,,
<br /> �� . .
<br /> 21. 8ucoeasor Trustee. Londer.ot londor's oytlon,muY ramovo T�uatao and oppoint u nuccossor truatee by}Irat,moiling A copY of the �:��,:�.•
<br /> • � eubstltution of truatoo oa�aqulrod by epplloablo law. and thon,by flllng tho uubatitut�on of truatoo tot rocrord In tho offico ot tho roglstor of doeda , _,
<br /> '� af oach county{n whlch tho troa proporty,or sano pert thoroof,is sltuatod.7ho ouccoaeor trustoo,wkhout convoynnco o?the ptoporty,oNall . .,,
<br /> ° ., succood to a��tho powor,dutlea,authorlty and tltlo ot tho Troatee nomod In t�doo�of lrust and of arW cuccossor trustoo. •
<br />_ � .
<br /> . . fPepe?o/?l
<br /> , 0J1PtKfAB 6Y8TEMS.INC..8T.CLOUD.ta166301 It�80P�97•!f�t1fOR/A OCPMT6NE 0118/Bt _ ,
<br /> 1
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