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. . . r�r. . -:„��r�:^ : !(���r, p.�. . <br /> • ��1°i��r�t"r� ii;'�`� , . -l;�f��.7 <br /> { . " ' . . . I1.�1'�#14\�� ..:"{I,S�}- .. . . <br /> .. . i . ... _ ��C . , <br /> :n� �`• '1^ �Y.i1 t���....._,';F . •,;it''C'1:�. , 'n.�:�.. ..-.. . • . . <br /> . �'•���':ir(.�.n )' lf:;e�• . . <br /> . Lt'� ]/. 4 . t(+::�;:...�, <br /> .. . ::;!.:i'�.��:'• "(S��y/]'�:}i�,.v,�.. 1 .�� � , <br /> - � ., . �iji�iti�1•J:'��"��,�� � � ' �11�t� ' .� '- .. -�1 ' . . ..."'—"_"`..." �. <br /> :�.. .. .°.'Y.'....__..�._.. .._.�._______"��'Y'��'.'f�.�df. ..i^._.,.._ . - . ._ .__ . . _ ' _'. . . .. . . ... .. .. <br /> .. , � <br /> t <br /> � � " �o��►A�s 99- ��,���s <br /> poymanto ltondorrrecolvos�trom Borrowor olr for Sorrower s beneflt w U be app�lod fl�rst to eny nmounta 8on wQ►owoe�on thoteoeurod dobl <br /> � not'oduco ot�o cutlo any�a¢heduied payment unUi the�s8cured debt isl pald In}�jjat propeyment of tho socurod dobt occuru for any roaaon,It wtll <br /> �.Ciclma Apainft TIUo.Borrowar wfil pay eN xaxes,essessmenta,and othor chargoa attributablo to tho proporty whon duo ond wlil dofond tltlo <br /> t4 tho proport�ag alnst eny aluimn whloh woutd Impalr the Ilon af this dead of uuet.Londer mey roquiro 8artowor to aastgn ony rlehta,claimo or L <br /> dofensoo whioh 9orrowot may havo ogalnat part�ea who supply�ubor or materlats to fmprove or mointaln tho proporty. , ,.•.. <br /> , 9.trtsur�ncs. 8orrower wil{ kaep tho proporiy u�surad under tarma accoptnbio to Lender ot Borrower's exponao und for Londar'a banofit.All <br /> � Indurenco potioloe ohal Inoiudo n stendard mort age elauae in favor of lender.Lender will be named os lose payoo or ae tho inoured on ony euch .� <br /> .'" oi t0 tho e curod Gabt�if Londor require88rnotigage insurancek Borrower egdre�es to�malnta ntsuchhnsu anco for au long os Londor�raqulroo����� _ <br /> ,�;:--,;.��''� 4.Propsrty.Borrowa wlll keep the proDerty 1�pood condition and meko all repalrs roaeonebiy necosaary. _ <br /> "' 8 6xpensa. 8orrowor nprooa to Day eli l.ender's expenses,Including reasonable attorneys'feos,If Borrowor breuks any covononta In thls dood _ <br /> o�truat or In uny ohllOntian 000ured by this afeed of uuat.8orruwer wfll pay theae amounts to Londor os ptovidod in Covonont 8 of thle dood of <br /> truat. <br /> 8.Pttot 8eourity(n�en�to.Unlaes Borrower tirat obtalna Lender'e written coi�sent, 8orrower wiil not mako or pormit any ohnngoa to any prior - <br /> eecurity lntoroato. Bonqwor wfll porfarm atl of Bo►rowor's obllgations under any ptior mortgago, deed of trust or othor aeourity apreomont, <br /> Inaludfnp Bot�awot'o aovonnntn to make paymenta whon due. _- <br /> ' 7.Aa!pnm�nto4(i�r�md Pro91tn.�orrower asatgna to Lender ihe rents and proffts of the property.Unless Borrower nnd Londor have uprood =-- <br /> othatwCSe in wrltinp,BartuvJor may coliect and retain the renta au �ong as 8arrowor Is not in dofault. If Borrowor datautts, Londer,Londnr'o �„ <br /> epent, o e aourt pppotntad r�v1noluof maY take poasosalon and menage tlie praporty and eolleat tho rante. Any rente Landor eoltaate shall bo -- <br /> nece�ioe�y relot d 6 po�s tTha t i�malning amount of ients wili then apply to paymonts on the secuted debt as ptavldod 11at Covonent 18��othor � <br /> ' a., �� • t gr p <br /> ' , e�leo�soholdalf thle doad of tru6to„mn a nit�/n apcondominum orea plenned u lim,iev,o�pmentr3orrower�NlU erfeorm�il�o?dBaiower e dutloo ` <br /> 1� undor tho eovenonto,bylawn,ar rogutat�ons af the eondaminium or planned unit dovetopmeM. — <br /> 0.Authodty of Lsndo�to Per?onn tor�arrmwer. If Borrower fails to�paKorm ony of BorroweYe dutias under this dood of truet, Londor mny � <br /> ' � pettorm tho dutloa a�oauao thom to bo pertmrmed.Lender may elgn Barrowor'o name or pay any omount it necesenry for parformaneo.If any ���`' <br /> • aeou�ty Intereet In�ho proportyaThls�mpy Inctuda cam�pteting tho conauuctlon�nner,Lender moy do whetever is necoesery to protect Londor's <br /> .. . � �-�c. <br /> landor's fellute to pertarm wlli not preelude Len�er trom oxercising any of ka othor rlghta under the Iaw or thia daed oi truat. <br /> t... <br /> , and witt bear�lnte►oii trcm the date�ot tho p�mont untit paidtin ful!at�th�o intoresta ate in�effaot on the secured debt unts will be duo an domnnd __ <br />- ' 10. D fautt and AenN tWon. If Borrownr fuile to make any payment when dua or breaks uny covenents undor thfe deed of uuat or any <br />' oblipet�on tecund by t�b daed of truat or pny prlor mortgage or daed of truat, Lendot maY acceiorate the maturity of tho eeeurod dobt end <br /> � damend Immedlete paymen4 and moy invoke tho power of eala and any otAe�remedles permltted by apptloeble law. <br />. ' , � l�ior�o et�the eddreie of e o,h euch�poreonr�esysot fonh heiein,copies ot the nottnee oi deTeun and eoio bo oo��t to aacts�r4cn islx!_e R'+n: � <br />- �� 1Z,Paw�r of 8�t��It Rhe Lender invokea the power of eale,the Truatee ehall ti►et record in the offieo of the�oglster of deeds of eaah eounty <br /> � wh�reln ths tru�t pro{tsrty o�soms pert ot percot thereof is eituated a notice of dofauft containing the informetlon required by tew.Tho Trustoa <br /> eha 1 aleo mall aoples of ths notice at dotautt to tho Bottowe�,to ouoh peraon who Is a pany hereto,and to othor poraona as preacribod by <br /> appilaable I�w.Not leo�thsn ons m4nth eitor the T�uatee records the notica of defeult or two montha If tho vust property Ia nat In eny <br /> � incorporeted c{ty M vlitape and it u4e0 In ferming oporationa oarriod on Dy the truator,the frusteo ahali flivo publto notice of seta to tho�arsnno <br /> ' � epnd In the mmnsr D►escribed b1r aDPP��aabla lew.Trustoo,wltfiout deme�d an Borrowor,shnit soll tho proporty ot publlo auatlon to tho hiphest <br />� ' Yruoteo�may poitponeiits ot alloor enb pa�eeitof tho praperty by public anno neoment ef tho timo and pleco of anyrpQovieoduslY scphedulod seto. <br /> w. Lander or It�deatpneb mey pureh�w the proporty ot any sote. <br />'�'" �' " Upon racelpt of peyment of the price bid,Y�uateo ehnit do►iver to tho purchaser Truetae's deed aonveying the proporty.Tho raeitlpta contalrred in <br /> � Trueteo'e doed ehall ba prima faolo evldtenee of�ho truth of tho atotemems aontalned therein.Trustoe ohall nppty the proceodo ot tho snto In the <br /> fotlowinp ordorc (ol to ell exyeneed of the eelo, Inotudin0, but not limited to, reoaonable 7rustoo's fooa, reosonublo attornoy'a fooe e�d <br /> t+. relnatatamont fees;(b�to all sumo seeuro0 by this dood of trust,flnd(a)tfie bataneo,if anY,eo tho porsona logelty ontidod to�oeoivo h. <br /> --�,►�:...;,�.�,y . <br /> r?�.�,�-��;���<� 19.Fasoloaw�.At Lender'�optton,thln deed ot uuet may be toreoloaed fn the mannor provido by opplloebio law tor toreetosure of mortgepea <br /> ::�::;;.r��• on raat propony. <br /> L�-_._r�.�.L <br /> ,:�rr�-° 14.lns�on.Lendor msy eMet the proparty to Inspoat It if lender givae 6orrower notiae betorohand.Tho notico muat stato tho roasonab 8 <br /> =:,Y;s,d�i� causo for ender'slnapeotlon. - <br />�;..,r>_a.+�,,;� .. <br /> �{,• �� 18.Cond�mnt4ton.Bortower oral na to lortdot tho proaoods of any aword or c�aim for deme9oa connocted wlth a comfomnutbn or other teking <br />•�'�� �+ of ell or eny pert ol the proptrty.�uoh procoods will bn oppiled ae provided in Covenent 1.Thie osoignmont i3 subjeot to tho torme ot any prior � <br />'t�_�q.;:�.'. socurity ep►oement. - _ <br /> 18.W�Iva. 8Y exereleinp eny tQmedy evaila6te to Londar,Lender does not givo up any dghta to latnr uoo anY othor remedy.8y�ot oxorcising __ <br /> nny tomedy upon Bor�ower'�AatRUtt,Londer doas not walve any right to Iater cons(der tho event a dofautt If it hoppens again. <br /> -� �- �� !7.Jelnt enE H�roM t1ablUtrt Co•�Ignens 8ueeason�nd Awt6iw Cound.All dutloa undor thi� ceed ol trust We Jo�nt and tovaroL Any ' <br /> `= `"` �= Qorrower who co•tipni lhl� dted of truat but does not eo-elgnm o undorlyfn9 dabt inatrumentia) does eo anly ta grant and convoy thnt <br /> ��'°'°"'�"` '�'' 8onower'e IMereat In tM praperty to the TrweMe under eho tarma of thla dead oi nuat.�n Additlon euch e 8onower epreea that tho Londor and <br />=�-y ; ' ' nnp othot Btltrow r u�d�t hi�d08d of trust may extand,modl{�or make uny other changee in t�io torma ot this doed ot uuat or tho socured <br />:;.:��K�� doDt without thet°eorrowctZ�conaent and without reieaeing that$orrowor f�om tho terme of thle deod o}trust. _ <br />� �• '�.. a, Tho dutlou eM benefita ot thl�deed of trust�haU bind and banofk tho auccosaora ond nosipna of l.ondor end Bonowor. - <br /> ` ,. , � 18.Notta�.UNeet otherwi�o tequirod by�aw,any notico to Bonowor ohuil bo given Dy det►vering It or by mailing it by cortitiod muil addresaod to =- <br /> BorrowQr et the pro artY rddrot�or pny other eddreaa thet Borrowor has gIvan to Lendor.8orrowar will givo any noNce to I.andor by cortiftod <br /> �� • �� mnll to LondOr'e�aer on ptp0 1 ot t�is daed o}uust,or to any othor eddreas whloh tendor hon doslgnntad.Any other noUco to Londar ohall c' <br /> bo aont to Lander't addtes�si�teted on pepe 1 ot this dood of truat. "' <br />_ �: Any noUao ehQil be deomed to heve been given to Borrower or londar whon given In tha mnnnor etnted above. ��' <br />=, � ��,� 19.Tnmis�at tht QropMy or�Neeivllattl Iqtmtlln tht Bortaw�r.R nii or ony port of tho proporty or any Intorost in k is sotd a teanatwred =.. <br /> ` �, :•• wlthout Landtr'�prter wrleten aoment, Leit9er moy domand Immodloto poyment of fho 000urod dobt. Londor may otao domand fmmadiato <br /> �t domendtpeyment In the nbovo,itueiioni�t it�io prohlbted By t°dorat la�v as tiho doeo ot thla�nod of�uuot�sforrod.Howovar,Londor may�ot <br /> ?��, 20.R�o awy�nc��When tPro obtip�tlon securod by tMa dood of uuot has boen pold end Lendor has no turthor obiigetlon to mako odvancoe =: <br /> ' undor the imtrumonU or e1treement�soaured by thls doed ot truat,tho Trustee ahal�upo�writton rcquoet bY the Londor,roeornoy tho truet �.� <br /> - uraaoriv.The Londor thnll uetivor to_tho[latrowet,or to Borrowor'o aucoosoor in Imerast tho irust deed and the noto or othor ovidonco of tho �, <br />_ . ObI1QOLI0D d0 t04t11tQ0.oorrower snen pay an�r rewrdoiio��;+o�o. <br /> � Z1. 8uoptuor TNS4n. Londor, et Lande�'t nptlon, moy romova Truotoe and appolnt a ouacoanor trustoo by flret, molting a copy ot tho �, <br /> � ° oubat�tutfen of t�ultee oe taqulrod by oppUOeDlo low,ond thon,bY filing the subutitution ot eruotoo tor record in tAo oNice of tho roglotor ot doode <br /> ot oaoh euuntV In whioh tho ttuet ptoporty,or somo pen thoroof,Is altuntod.Tho uucceseor trustea,wRhout conveyance ot tho proporty.ahall <br /> , suocoad to oA tho powot,dutloa,uuthorlty en4 tlt�o 01 tho Truetoo�omod in tho do@d of,tr,va�and of any ouccossar truetea. <br /> . . ;u' . <br />-•- �� �� �.. <br /> = � . , faage Y of YI �, <br /> � . OANREIiO OYOTpAO.NC.•0!C10U0.MN 00101 tl Q001D1�73tN i0I1M OCP�MTO�MQ aHU�81 _ 6 <br /> - N <br /> - . �. <br /> � � <br /> 1 <br /> � --- ���s�x�,.,._.-- ----- <br />