<br /> � �
<br /> � ' $��"'.i Q C 9 3'�
<br /> And the'Il�ustee covan�nts fatthfull y to p e r form'the Lrust herein cr e a t e d. . � .
<br /> HENEFICIARY may from time to time suN.etitute a auoce�sor or eucce�sors to a�y 7kvstea named herein or acting
<br />_ lx�e�ennder to e=ecute thia 7�ust Deed.1J �n2ch ap snt.ment�ns3 Y.�iLhout can���,�a�crti La tha suc�:`�-ust�a,L.`�2aLtb:
<br /> �n
<br /> eh�l be veeted�vity all title.powe�. dutie�con�arred un�n ar�y'�41o*_•:�her�.an r.-��a:�ti,is�tw.;,ustdar.Ea:.t��:ch
<br /> ap�ointment and aubatitution ehajl be made by written in�tnuuent.and execut,�d by Beneficiuy,oonLaining reference to
<br /> � thta'ltt�at Deed and ita plac�of reoord,which,when recacded in tl�e of�i�Ce of the R�giatet of Deeds of the ooun�ty or c�ounci�.+
<br /> In which asid pro�esty ie situated.shall be canclu�iv�eproof ofgroper�ppointment of the sucoessar�uatee.The f
<br /> po�ver of eubetitution and the procedure therefore ahW not be e:clu�ive of the p�awer aud praoedure provided for ay�
<br /> the subetitution of A Zlrustee or Tnistees in thQ place of the�usise ar Zlvstees aamed herein.
<br /> T'he waiver by the'l�+uatee or Benefi�y of sny default of'lYustor under thia�u�t Deed ahall not be or be deemed
<br /> Lo be a waivee of any ot2�er or aimil�r defsults aubaequeaWy aocurring.
<br /> Th�s 75vst Deed ehall inwe to and bind the heirs. legatees, deviaees, adminiatratore, executors, succe.wsors end
<br /> •seigns of the partJes hereto.
<br /> T6e T1vat Deed shall be conetrued accordin,g to the laws of the State of Nebraska. . _
<br /> The�uator requ�ts that e oopy of any notice of default and of eny notioe of sale heseunder be maited to him by
<br /> oert3fied mail at the address hee+einbefore set forth and evidenrs of auch mailing ahall coastitute evidenoe of reoeipt of
<br /> etich notice.
<br /> ZY'ustor represents and warrants that the above described real estate is not used f�r an Ao���,Ir,TMi pcti�►±*_y�,
<br /> Whe�+ever the oontezt so�uires,aingular words ahall be construed in the plural and vlce verst�,and the masculine
<br /> S�der ehall be conatrued to' ude the feminine and vioe versa,
<br /> 1N WITNESS WHEftEOF. the ZY�ustor has hereunto set 's hand the day d year firet above written.
<br /> ,.�`��, .���.
<br /> TRUSTGA
<br /> T USTOR ' �� :
<br /> STATE OF-- — -�� �
<br /> COUNTY OF , �t-r� � ��' j _
<br /> Befa+e me.a Notary Public�9u+ili�ed by said county,peraonally came ISAAC F+ORD �d r~�: `
<br /> �I� �� Imown to me to be the identical person(s)who aigned the foreg�oing inatsument and �
<br /> ael�nowledged the�ecution thereof to be hie,her or their voluntary act and deed.Witness a�y hend and Notarial Seal an �-
<br /> ' � � � � �../ .2 R �ig �c) . ��
<br /> Y�—
<br /> My commieeion ezpiree• O ,,Z
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<br /> M/Coia�.fs�.
<br /> ..�aliei:
<br /> ass�Gx�vT ;'�
<br /> UNY�7�n��AD1VtY�INCersigned do hereby grant,8ssiga and transfe�unto
<br /> and/or one of its subsidiarjea or af�iliates,all of ite right.
<br /> titb and inteceet ia and to the foregoing Deed of Z�wt together with t obligation secured there an�a�imoney due or
<br /> to beoome due t,heeeon and aU rights accruesi under said Deed o t and obli tio � � {'�.r
<br /> f, ` •���''��.
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<br /> {� � . B NSO
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<br /> . . , M
<br /> 9't'ATE OF TExAS
<br /> :--_-- -_
<br /> Before me�a Notary Public.qualified by said oounty.personaUy came MA 4tY L. BRAN SON and � .
<br /> REgta--A�p, M. L.ANE known to me to be the identical persants)who signed the foregoing instrument and Y"
<br /> � aekr�oxld�ed thee�cecution the�eof to be his.her or their voluntary act and deed.Witneas my hand anrl Notarinl Seal on
<br /> - N�tnH�Kr•.x � , 19�2._.
<br /> , F.
<br /> A�lYe�taanisaio:�aYgirss: _ 2-7-93 �1.�� , � �. �.�. �,ul �,` � _ , �,�,'�
<br /> NOTARY PUBLI hr�Ft ,l. i SK,1Et. ,-. .
<br /> �"i�'TlJ�'�' T�):
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