. ,, .;...
<br /> i
<br /> - . ..li.. - . • ' � . .. '� ... . . . ,, " f_._......._.. • .
<br /> ,i ` .
<br /> _ . • , gg� ���.��� : ,:.
<br /> .
<br /> � 6. �,��_�ei. The Leoaee ahall h�ve Accer�s f rom the l�asod '
<br /> " " � promioe� onto the� Leesor' s roade and oa�lgi9hi g V@ Th ee�access �``
<br /> uoe Che laka fa� boating, swimmiag, �
<br /> � righte �arQ in �or�tiion c�ith the other lea8eholdQrs at Kueet�r La}ce. �`.,
<br /> . " g�, g�ior I,,�aee�e� Thio Le�a� repiaaes an� oupersedee any �`.
<br /> :..,.,;�� prior Leaee �or eaid prem�aeg wrhich the Leasee or his predecer�sors �_o,
<br /> �, '' ....�• in titlo may have t�eid. ��•=
<br /> �?
<br /> `,' �. �,arm�nat�nn o� ��au�d..aXiee. The Lessor shal]l have the _
<br /> right, en a reaeonable ba►sie, to determine the boundaries betv�een
<br /> � i the Leseee and his neighbore if the Lessee and hia aeighbors cannot ___._
<br /> �gree to such boundary liaxe. Tg►e 1R3ce front boundary of the leaeed �,„
<br /> � t � �retnises gh�il be to the �vater line da th� earae may exie�, from time � - _
<br /> .�� te tima �ith chaaigea in the water level ag Che lake. Tha boundary
<br /> _ _ ^,,� 7.ine of tYie loased premises r�buCting tt�e Lessor s common roada
<br /> . ' t ahall be reasona�ly cieterrmined by the �,e�eor. �-_
<br /> , . ? � g� D�AMAF111 a�gsesAi,o� As long as LeseQe conforms 4vith thQ
<br /> • �,. requi.rements binding upon him in thie Lease Agreement, the Lessee =
<br /> � � sha].l �njoy peaceful posseeaion of the leased premises.
<br /> �� ;, g. ��ove�aLr�. The I,essee shall keep the leased pYEmisee —
<br /> �improvementson the�leasedipremises in a good coadition of repair�
<br /> . �;,..:;;;;t;�:;_ ' �,p. gl�a don► ent._ The Lease� Rgzees not to abamdon Che leased
<br /> t ' ',n 1- �Y'P�R1B�t3. _ -
<br /> '�3t�
<br /> 11. A�^qara Po�" Ixi C anl L i 1�►Q �ti 1 itV L�.1t71�.'@�. The Leasor reson�o�
<br /> � ��� the right to ceme upon �the leased premises �or installatioa oi�
<br /> •,� •,.+;. �desground or above-ground utility lines aad the making q�
<br /> :.»,���;; � necessary repaiss or 3mprovem�nt� to or abutCing the le�ac�df
<br /> � t+�;��fr' pxemi.sea. The Lessor ac�reo� to reatore the premises to
<br /> ; :1;; �� �� substantially the eame conditian as they �ere before any such
<br />- .. � ins�al�ation and at the Leseor'a expense.
<br />_, ;: �,,;�`- � 1 �vit3a
<br /> •.'>,s'M la. �„lA� and R�au�at{on�. The Leosee agree8 to comp Y
<br />�-tuF:%�� ' th� rules and regulatione ae pr��aared and £urnished by tho Les�ca�r
<br /> r�`'`"��'�' to the Lessee, from time to ticne. Such rules and regulationa shr�li
<br /> " �.��► contain restricCions and limitatione, for the mutual benef3.t of
<br />����3
<br /> !,- •��� - �- all Leeeees a�t Kueater Lake, p�r�a�.aing to the use by Ch�: e�v�ra
<br /> _ T���?.��t._
<br />=r°�;;_ E,esoees at Kuester Lake of tY�e IL�k� itsel�, commoa roade, adnd t e
<br />- " leased premiseo. It is understc�ad that thc� basic uae of tho loaeed
<br />_ .-, p r e m i.see shali be for resideutiai purposes, but the I.�s�os may -
<br />=-_'.;��;,L+ permit, from timg to time, com�nerc ia l a a t i v i t i e s o n t l�a l e a e e d
<br />" - •-��-°� pr e m i s e s. A n y a u c h �r u l e s, rQ g ulatione �nd peszni.�e aro sub j eaC to _
<br />—"`s,w;..-,.� GhanQR by the I,essor, excepting that the basic purpooe o f t h e
<br /> le�eed p '. ta�3�ged. P.az•� char_Qee
<br /> -<*�,.•:=.--_,�•� �emf�es aa res3c3ential �k�r�ii �o.. ba � b a , . _
<br /> :..'s'�:..:��r.•
<br />--,:�;;�`:..,.�.� ; ia the sules ana3 regulatioaas mu�� be ap�xoved by a majarilty of the �
<br /> �• � � � lease�av�.ders present a�d voting� at a mee�ting caii��l for su�h
<br />�:�,-:„� �.,. <,
<br />: � � •"���� • � purpose of which written notice hae been given to all 1��►�eholdere
<br /> . . '�.'� (one vote per Lease?
<br />- ;�:. �; .
<br /> ' �r::��: " .Qa�pp= if the Lest��e
<br /> � ' �' 13. m�•�,,;•, r i�� o Leaae b� De a It o,g��
<br /> �' fails, agter ainety (90D daya prior v�ritten notice fsone xhe Leesor,
<br /> "t• to remady �ny deEault �.n hia or her compliance wit� �cay of tho _
<br /> � :.��.;.. �•' obligatione binding upmsi aim or her uaadex �his Leas� Agreemene, or
<br /> ,;''•,;;:� •�� under the Ru3eo and Re9ulations furaished him o�r her by the Lessor,
<br /> , �. ; r ttae Leas4r may, at it� opt�o�n,.8es butaoniy�afterathe�foliowi�a� �
<br /> •� poesesaion o� Che lea�ed p _
<br /> a y nracedure ha�a been comp].ied �vith:
<br /> T � � (a) A apecial meetiug of all stockholdere of _
<br /> �� I,essor shall ba called by the Board of _
<br /> � Directore of Les�or, r�nd a►Y'itt�n notice of _
<br /> �� � such meoti.ng and ito purposee be given all
<br /> euch stoCkholdezs. Such meeting �hail be
<br /> � . �� calZed for the puspose of detezminiag by
<br /> � °. �, majoxity vote of the otvcleholders of Leseor,
<br /> � present and votiag, a� to whothor or not
<br /> . termination of Lees�e's Lease should be made
<br /> , �
<br /> ,��.��.��� -
<br />