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<br /> �' , , --- H8RMAIQ .T'ZALUD ��°' ����� ioaaa� 02/19/1999 ,
<br /> UNIFORM CoVHAIANTS. Barrower and L.eAder caveaant aad agr�e As fallows:
<br /> 1. Feyr�aer3 of Pel¢�cipsil and drattcr�t. Borrower shall prorapdy pay when due the principal aud iaterest -
<br /> iadehtedness evidenced by tke Nore nad tase charges us provtded in the Nqie. ,,
<br /> 2.I�Yar�d"��os Tnxes�d U►suraat�• Subject to applicabta taw or a written waiver by Lettder.8orrower shnll pny to .
<br /> ' Iendor on the day monthly payanenta of prlactptil aitd intoeest n�:payabiw uadQr tke Idote,undl the Note is paid in tbll,a
<br /> sum(hereln "FuQds') equul to one-nvelRh of the yeurly tnxea nnA cs�essments(iaetudtag condominlwn and plutmed unit
<br /> i t:
<br /> developmeat ossesm�ents� it any)whtch u�ay atutitt pdurity over tRis U�d of Ttuse.nad gcouad ren�s on the Property.if
<br /> _ �,,.
<br /> ' . uny.Plus one-twelfth of yearly premtum instnllments for dnmrd fnex�tnnce.Plus une-twetft6 og yeady preml�m ia�wllmeats -
<br /> for monguge insucucce, if any. nll as reasnnnbly extimutcd inItlally und frum duie ta dmc by Lsnder on the basis of
<br /> ....' as�essuients nnd bills and reasannble esdmatea tberenf. Bt�rmwe�r�t�l not!�e ohliaated m make sucb paymeats af Funds �;'
<br /> ' .,� t� ta I�endct ta the e�tent thnt Borruwer makea such paymentn t��the hnl�er of a p�ic►r nu�rtgage c�r deed of tcust if sucd hutder [f�.:�
<br /> � Is an insdt�tinnxl lendcr. ����`'
<br /> � If Bormwer pays Funds tu Lender. the Nui�do ahati iw held in an lusaltudun tke dcpu�its oi r,ccouuse of wht�h tue �;';:
<br /> � in�ured or gt�aruuce�i by a Aederal ar stato agoncy timtudtng lx�der It Lender is such an iastttwtan). Lettder sbtU aPP1Y
<br /> tho Fm�d»tn pay �nld uu�es.n1sessmente.ia�ura�ue premluniA aiul Bruund rents,Len�cr nu�y not cl�tge far so hotding axf ;;`
<br /> . � p�JYI618 tIlQ PLLE1d9� pnAlyrl�� Rald uccua�u ur vveflyinD and compllh� Rwid assessmeittx a�xt b11ts� WIICSS 1.CndCL j�AyB �^
<br /> ' eonnwor ic�tarest an iho Puuds And epPilcablo!aw gcemits I.�ndor to nutko such a cdarge.Horrower And LeAdar may+igres ;�:
<br /> ` � 1u wilQr�g at tbc dmc o!exocudon af this Deed ot Tntet that intera�t on ehe Punda etu�1�be Fald to Borrnwer.eud ualess ,�
<br /> �� st�ch agras�nt!e t��!S or applicabla Ww requins�uch intetest m b���id, LeMer sha11 aoi be required to pay Borrower --
<br /> w►y interest or eamlugs on the Fuads. LendQr siwll giva ta Borruwxr.without charge,an annunl accoun�8 0�the Funds __
<br /> ` � showing crodlts and debits to the Funds and the piupa� fur which e�sh debft to the Fuuds wes wude• The Funds a� —
<br /> , t�. pledged os addidonal securiry for tde sums secured by thln DePd of Tru�s. of Fa�nda paYable P�lor to �.
<br /> � If the anaount of the Funds held by Lendcr.toQetbor arith the 4�turc uwntWy instaUaoet�
<br /> .�� tlee due dates of te�es,cissessments. insvrnnce premiwns and grrn�n�rents. shull eacced the aat�unt required ta puy said _
<br /> taxes� uss�sments� Ia�uence premiwns and gcound rents as thtry faU due. mcch excess sbnll b6,at Bormwer's option. --
<br /> either promgdy repa�d to Borrowet or credited w Hoc4o�v�r on monthty 1nstWlments of Fund.g. If the amauat of the Funds
<br /> held by Lend:r shall not be sufHcient to paY�es. �e up�the�ciency in o���F�Y������y
<br /> Horrower shuU pay to Lender any amu�nt aec�essary -
<br /> , •;�� require.•
<br /> '�. _: '''s;�,' U �nt�n fs�ll�f�lt �mF,�cu�d by thia D�ed of Tcust.I.ender st�alt pmmptly c�€und w Bornower any Funda -
<br /> "`'"�� � �'+� held by I�.ender. It uuder�aa�mph 17�eceof tbe Piopcm!1s s41d or the Pmperty is ottce�vvlse�cquired bY I�e�a•� �
<br />.,,.,._�,..,. ..,, -
<br /> ���:��;� ;�, ?�:`:�. shaU apply� � later tbeu�iately p�or to tbe sala of the Property os its acqu�Slt�on by Lender.nny Funds held y -
<br />*'�, .,� �l,':�{;i�.; Lender at the tinoe of applIcadon as a ce�fc again�x the sum�secured by tWs Deed of T�us�
<br /> ��;� 3.Applte�llon of Poym�is. l�r�c3ss applicable]aw pmvides othenvise�aU PaYments c�oeived by Lender under tir.e
<br /> . :�r�,.��
<br /> � . Note aod par�8raP6s 1 aud 2 hereof stu�be applied by Lender Srst in payurent af amounts pnD�able w I.ender by Hamuwar
<br /> unde�parpgra�h 2 hereof�tben to inta�si paysbla aa the Note.and thcn to the princlpai af the Nate.
<br /> ru
<br /> , '�;;;!, 4. Petar Mortgegas ond Doe�'3 mF Tru�ti Clmmgegt Uer�v. Borrower shatl perfom►all of Borrowor's obligations
<br />= ,'.�.�' undet ariy mortgs�ge.deed of au�t or other secudry agreement wlth a lien which ha4 p�cs�ty over thtu Deed of Tn3st.
<br />-- ,..,-'�,
<br /> , �;,;��`�a• including Bomower's oovonunm w a�nke gayments whea due.BOYfBWC!SL011 pAy Of CSUSC t0�!E�d AlI tWtCB•assessme
<br /> �,`� ' ���6�rges,au�a�i�ositi�ns atuibutable to the Property whlch muy atra�n a pdorlty over thia Deed of Ttust.
<br />��`,�,.. �.,�'.t• atd le�sehold paYmEnm or g�suad tc°.ats.if any.
<br /> u..N�. �.,;: �,...
<br />�}; , �: ,, S. Hirard In.,�arr. �mac^�nuer shall keep the improvemants uow e�cis�i�8 or hereaRar eraKed on tIu _
<br />--:�.,,�ri;C;;�;, jn.sured u�ain�t lo�by&e,ba�n�imcluded wlthin the term"ext�mded covecage'.aad s�ch other ha�ards as Lender muy
<br />'""4``���''`?�", requit�e aad fn such amaunts and�us eucII perlods as I.ende�may c�quire.
<br />-�. .. �.�;;
<br /> i�...:._, ,
<br /> ��� 17ie ias�urmce crxrlor pmvtding the insumace sLaU be ahosen by Aornower subJect to apprpval by Lender;psa .
<br /> .� . that such aPProval sNait�uat be unmasovably wltUheld. Aq insuruncc Pulicies aAd n�ne�uats taeceof st�aU b�(a a farm
<br />-� . , � accepmbic to L.tnd�r ond uha!!inslude a staadard mortgage clause ta favor of and in a Por�Acoeptable to Lender. L�nder --
<br />=-�� ,.r4��' s b W 16�v,:abe r i i i ht w ttold t6e po�riES and re�wels thereof,subyect to the term4 of aay mmtgage.dad of aust ar other
<br /> .. :.-,s;:sz;, secudti+�mtnt w3th a lien�ch hns ptFodty over t h i s D e a d o f Trus�t.
<br /> fi�,,,�.
<br />;__.:��x��:.� � In the event of lar�,Harn�ves sbali give prompt notice w the Insuranc$carrler and L�der.I.ender may awke prnof
<br /> "":.�;r•"" ` oi loss if aoi msde pmrnF'�9�Y Barcower.
<br />�"��'y�`" If tho Piapect,►is abancta�9 9�y Borcower,or lf Bosrower�ails w respond to Lender wlthiu 30 daya fiom the date
<br />=�;�Y�.,:,:,:�+_;:� w bet�etits,Lendes is
<br /> ;��.:s:i;�r,�-e no@a is m�ii�t Uy Lender to i#��vwer dsat the in��urance carrier offecx w�ttte a ciaim Ya:i�ss�- :
<br /> i
<br /> - .,�';�+,�. authorized w collect aud epply dee easurance pmceeds at Lettder's optlon either to cesmrst�c�n or repair of tl�e Prop�t7►or -
<br />-� � m thE sums oocured by this Deed of Ttust. _
<br /> J � a3. Froser�tEon and 1�IafnEenanoe of Yroperty4 Leaselwidst CoadoimQimiwusi �a� Unit DeveiopmpfEs. _.
<br /> Borrow�er sh�ll koep the PcoPertY�g��F���not ooramit waste or gcrmit impairwent or detertornsion of the
<br /> � - pi,opMy c�A st�il comply with the provisioas of any lease if tuts Deed of Tcust is on n leasehold.If this Deed of Tn�e is .
<br /> , ". oa a nnit ic+a condominium or a plunnal uuit develop�nt�Barrowec shall perfomz eli of�o�ower's obltgadons uader� _
<br /> ° `- doclueutton or coven�auts cm.adng or goveming the wndomWum or pleaaed utdt davelopmens.thQ by-laws aud reBWa�°� _
<br /> " , of the condominium or plenteed w�dt development.and consdtnent docunnense. conmined in this -
<br /> .. � 7. Peotextlun of Lenmer's Se,¢urlty. If Botrower fails W perform the covenAnts and�ents
<br /> , � u
<br /> , " :' � Deed of Teust.or ii a�r acdon or pmceeding is comm�nced which materlWly affeets Leader's interest in the Pcopeny.dusn =
<br /> ----_ ---- ---- - • - -• .���. .r.:.... ........ ..�..t.•.. r� t�►miurer. mav m81tC SUCh eDA�� di8bzltsC SttCh 8�1m9� 1uC111d3118
<br /> U � �onable attomeys' fees. .and talce suc6 sedon as is�ssac7►to Protoce lxader's interest.If Lender required mo�8� _.
<br /> � � ;asitrnnoe as a condidon of making the loan ses�u�ed by t6is Deed of Tn�st,Borrower sbatl pay the pmmfums re9u�d tO
<br /> maintain suc6 iasu�suae in effect unstl such dino as the res�uir�nt for such Imsurence terminatc+s in aeoo:dance with
<br /> . Somowea's and Lend$r's wciuen agceement or appucable law. h T,wlth interest thereon.at eh�Note rate.sholl b�ooms
<br /> . An}+amount�disbucsed by Leader puesvant to this paareftr�p ro other te�r of
<br /> re
<br /> ' t�dtdoml indebteduess of Bomower secuced by this Dced of Tn�t.Unlc�s BorroW►er and Len�e����f. Not�ing
<br /> p�yment� sucb amoumts s1ss►11 be payable upon notice from Lender to Boirower m�Q+�nB PaY�
<br /> contatned in tbis pstaBraPh 7 si�ll require I.eader to inc�u any eapease or take any acdoa hereut�der.
<br /> :, .. 8. �pedton. L.ender mny muke or cause to be made rea5onable entrles UPnn�nabt�dcauseffithee�for relnted to
<br /> provlded that Lender sba118ive Borrower nodce pdor to any sush inspecdon specifyin8
<br /> I,eader's intee+est in the Prope�ty.
<br /> Ne�eneke 268�b-a troD Origiaai(Ytoaosdod) Copy(�xaaeh) Co�y(Cuetamer)
<br /> Payo 2 of 3
<br />