� �
<br /> ��.:� f.06g16
<br /> F CB�5�„
<br /> Paga 2 012
<br /> Tru�tot(�)�nd�ach a!tMm turth�r cov�n�nt��nd a�rM�with B�n�flcl�ry aa fallow�:
<br /> (t) Ta pny aM 1«na,�udprt+�nt�,or other assessr.+enta e�pein�t t�e property,and to p�y wMn due an aasessments,�axes,rome,teos,or cnarpos upon tna proporry or
<br /> undK a�y Nw,pfrrtut,NunN,a prnnisp�ue+yrwd to aarwfia�ry as ada�nonai ucunry to th�s Truat Daea,�ndiM�n�those m or on pup�c tloma�n.
<br /> - � (2�j io inaur��nd kwp inwrsd'ou8dinps and other improvamente inc�utlmy fiatures lu�d atta..hmenta now o�or herealter piacetl on the prOperry ro t�+o aabafacoon of
<br /> E�Mli�Jary SueA Insuranu wIU p�a�pprovW by and dopostaC w�th Bonofipary,ar�d ondatYd wiih bsa payabte dausa to Benafidary. Any sums so received by Benef�ciary
<br /> m�y W ui�010 payr tor r1COnl�tn�cfion ot thp Coatroyad improcomonts a it not ao appGed may be opplied,at Ihe opt�on oi Benef�clary,in p�yment of any mdebtedne�s
<br /> matund or unmaax�d ascurW by tNs Tru�t O�ea.
<br /> (3) To N!��M puitd�npt,ti�tura,�tt�chmsnts,Ilrtt!Ot�4►�TprpvNl�MtQ�CNr pn pr�et�aR�►placed on the proRerry xcuRiea and in fleod repair,maintenance,and
<br /> conditbn�nd 10 n�ith�r commit nor pKmlt�n�r acts of waat�or�ny Imp+�rmsni at ths value of the prop�r,y. Heneficiary may enter upon the properry to inspect tha s�me a to
<br /> p�rlorm�rry�ca autlNwrizz�d t�Nn a in tt�loan�prram�nt(i).
<br /> (�) In tA��vMt Trusbr(s)tail�b pay ury liens,judym�nte,�ssarsrtwnu,qxe�,renu,teat,a charpea a maintain any Insurance on the propa�pr,Duildinga,fi�tures,
<br /> attachm�t�b,a Improv�m�nts as providad here�n or In the loan apreement(a),Benelictary,at its op6on,may make auch paymenu a provide insurance,maintenance,or
<br /> npaln�nd�ny amounts p�id th�rtfor wiH Neortw part o1 ths princlpal inde�tedness aacured hsn6y,be immediatey dua and payaWe and beat InNnst at ttw dehuh ate
<br /> txowd�d in 1h�noM(i)kam th�dw ol paym�nt un�l paid. TM advmeem�nt by 6eneficLry o1�ny�uch artwunta will in no manner limit tho dpht ol B�nafidary q dactan
<br /> Ttusqr(sj ln C�hWt or�xKd�any o�B�fiCiary'a o�wr rlahts�nd nmedia.
<br /> (� in 1M�wn/B�rMtldary is a party�o�ny htlpatbn atteeGnp ihs prop�rry a tha i�en ol�1�Tn,si Desa,tnda6iny any action by Bene6ciary to antorae this Tnnt Dead or
<br /> arry�uit in whlei�B�n�tldary ia named a dahndant(indu�inp cendamnation and GnlwPtry proc�npa)Bensfieiary may incur�xpen�ea and advana payments fa a�straet
<br /> /M�,aROm�ys Na(to tM�xt�m altaw�d by Iaw).cwta,axpw�sea,appral�a!taaa,and oth�r charp�s and any amouna so adv�ncad will b�coms part ol tAe pri�cipal
<br /> Ind�bMdnNS s�wnd h�nby,b�ImrtMdiatNy dw and payaW�and Dsar int��st at tn�dofault rate providW In tlie note(s)hom tM date ol advanc�un61 paid.
<br /> (� /l�ry�wards mad�a Trwtor(��a their auceeaso�s by tl+s sxudss ot eminent domal�an hareDy asslpned to BaneflGary:and Beneflcltry b hanby suthoriz�d to
<br /> ooll�tt and�pply th�am�ln paymant ot any fndabtednaaa,maNra or unmawred,aeand by thb Truat Dsed.
<br /> (� In tlw�V�nt Trwla(s)d�fautq In tM paym�nt wMn dw o!any wms tswr�d hsrYbY(P��P�.�ntwne,advancemenn,a proteaiva aavance�),a fa�u to pertam a
<br /> oh�rw any cown�np�nd conditiona conWnW NerNn,in ths npte(a).ban�preement(a),or any othe.Iruwmenq,or any prooaodinpa Is broupht by or apainat Tnutor(s)
<br /> u�dK�ny Bmkiupt�y lawa,B�nefidary,at iK option,msy dscla�tM enDn indebtedrN�a asaad Mreby to be Immediatey dw and payable and ths whoM wiN bear ht�rest
<br /> at 1h�d�tault rat�ai provid�d in 1T»note(a)and B�n�Bdary may immadtately authorl�s Trustae w ex�rclss ths Power ot Sale aranNd heroin In ths manner arovided in�he
<br /> N�braka T�ust DNd�Act,a,at th�optlon of 1tN 8�ficiary,may br�das�th�Truat(�tl in tM mannar provid�d Dy law 1or tM bnckiwre ot mortgeprs on nal proparry,
<br /> k+duairo tl+..pvo+ntn.nt a a a.c«w.upon.a pr�..pplic.aon,noua alrg n«.ey•rpr.ssy w,�v.d.wima,t n0ard to n»valu.a n,.p�op.ny a n»w}fki.nby u�oot�o
<br /> di�dwp�1M Ind�bNdrNi�Me�r�d MnbY a in IM lan aprNrt�tnqt). ONaY bY B�Mfid+iY ln�xsrdsinp ip ri9ha upon detault will not h�conattwd aa�waiwr 1Mnof and
<br /> any a�t ol BM»Aci�ry w�iNnp any sp�cifisd d�fau9 witl rqt bs cansbvM as a waiver ol eny tuturs default. It the prooeeda unde�wch tale a forectwu�s ar�insuffldMl b paY
<br /> 1M bW Ind�bl�drNa a�cu�d h�r�0y.Tntftor(s)do Mnby aprN to b�pw�onaly ho�xid m psy ths unpa}d balance.�nd B�neSdary xnH M�n6tl�d b a d�ficisrx.Y ludpn»��
<br /> (�') Should B�flclary N�et q�x�rds�IM Pow�r o4 Sai�qrenUd Mn�n,BawflGary wiN notity Trwie�who wdl raead,publish,and dNiwr q Tnutor(s)sueh Noda of
<br /> d(ault�nd NoUo�ol SaJ�er tMn nqulnd by I�w and wiN in tM mann�r provtd�d by law.sNl th�proparty at the time and pl�o}sals fix�d in 1M Noda of Sak.MtMr u a
<br /> rvtwN or in Nprat�bb.par�ls,a inms and in w�ord�r aa Trustw wdl tl�am�xpodient'Any penon may bid at the sala k�dudi�+p Trutbr(s),TnqtM.or BeMflclary.
<br /> (� Trutlor(s)hK�by nqu�ati a oopy of any Notla ot O�hult a Notia ol Sal�hanuMar 10 bs mail�d by wrdfled mail a Trustor(s)at th�addnaf(�s)aat torlh hanin.
<br /> (10) Upon d�4 B�Ildary.�Ith�r in p�raon a by ap�nt,with or wiCwut b�Irgk►p any actkn a pron�dinp�x!with a vri�+out rpard to th�wlu�o}1M piopety or 1M
<br /> su�y O��f b disdwrp�tl»lnd�b6�di»u wc�x�d hK�by,Is�uthori=�d and enotled 1�onar upon and tak�poassstion of th�propaty In ia own nartw a In tM nart�
<br /> o11M TrusM�and de any aeb o►�xptnd any wrtu it dMma n�ssary a d�sinbN to pmUCt a pra�rw th�vutu�of tM propKry o►any intx�st 1h�rMn,or incrw�th�
<br /> incam�tlNnhom;and wld�a wxhout takirp possMfbn of t!»prop�ry is authaized eo fu�for or ottwnris�cotlact the ronb.issues.crop�,profiu.�nd incom�it+�rtof.
<br /> indudirg 1hoM pYt du�and ursp�id.and apply 1fN same upon any indebtednesa siGUred heteby W in the loan lpreament(a). � �
<br /> No rertwdy he�im m�hrt�d upon a r�s�rvad to TrwtN w Bensfieiary ie intended to be sxclusive of an�r oiMr remedy herNn a by law providad a pwmin�d,but �
<br /> each wlll b�cumutatlw,wlll b�in addiUOn to�wry othsr rem�dy plvan herwnder a nav or Mnaher oxistiny at Iaw or In equiry or by ataMO,and may b�axrrelssd
<br /> conaxnntN.ind�P+�d�n21Y a woeysivNY. .
<br /> (tt) Tnnb►(�)aekr�owl�dp�a that the dullea and obtpaoons of Truatee win be determined aoley by tt�s express provisions ot thts T!ust Deed a tM Nsbraaka T�uat Deed� � �
<br /> Act and TnntN w�l rqt b�Babl��xoapt Iw dw oarhanana of wch duoas lu�d obllpatiorta as ere specificatly sat Torth therain,and no impG�d oovananb or obligations wi8 be
<br /> leemuA uetrt T{�a�w:7nrw►�1 nn�h.f�lrw Jn.'�'i'�wnlnn 1w:+�n�^�!.^�igT!.^.�SC^..._'�R Y..hn�.hor.e�ew w::��°°'•..r:��".����wr,�.MZ ''' -� _, - -_
<br /> - �...�^.ia:.a:r�yh:.»�:.'
<br /> oonl�rb upon it by tl+ls Trust ONd a staae bnv. -
<br /> (12) Th�IMqdty and a�pauiDiliry of Trusaor(s)constilut�s a part ot iM oonsiderapon tot tlw oblipationa securad heroby. Should Trustor(a)wtl,transier.a oonwy tM • .-
<br /> propMry dNCiEM Mr�in,wltlfout priar writWf opnpnt o}B�flciary.B�n�fiGary.at ib opco�.mey dedar�th��ntira indabtednsss imrtwdiatMy du�and payabl��nd may -
<br /> proeNd In tM�ntocc�rtunt a its rfpha as an ary od,er e�tault
<br /> (t3) /NMpnfwnt of A�nts inctudinp Proa�Os of fuinual L�aN�. Trustor(s)haroby nslpna,vanoten,and aonvsys to Benefiaary ae nnta,royalties,bonusos,and dalay —
<br /> morNy�ar otMr pioa�that may from Omr to drrN b�oorn�du�and payabl�undar uiy nal��tat�leasa a unde►any al,par,prawl,rodi,a othw mineral Mas�01 any �
<br /> k�nd iruk+di�p�otlurtnal naa�roes now�aistlnp or E�at may here�fter coms into exisienee,coverinp the properry or any put thareof. All su�sums aa rocavad by �
<br /> B�rwAdary wi�M appli�d b th�indabtoM�a�cund h�nby a B�n�fic+ary.at ib op6o�.maY Nm ovsr and de6vx to TnuDOr(s)or th�ir waasaon in intsr�st,any a all 01 ,�
<br /> s�xh iuna wi�aut pryudia to any of Berw�icaya riphu to tatce and renln tutur�aurtu,�rb vnthout prejud�w w any of in otNer rghn under tfiia Truat Deed. Thb aWpnment s
<br /> will b�coraeu�d a M a provia�on tor tM paymer.t a nducUOn of ths debL aubj�ct b tl»Benefidsya option as hereinDetore provided,independent of Ih�Nsn on ths propary.
<br /> Upon plpm�nt in tuN ol tM drbt�nd IM r�oonryanc�of thb Tnnt DMd ol rocwd,thia wipnm�nt wiN b�oonfe inoperative and o}no lurther fores and oftect.
<br /> (11) Th�eoNn�np eontainsd in fiis Trust OMd wiN b�d�smW tD b�aswrabls;in tha evant that any por6on of thi�Trwt Deed is detertnined to h�void a unenforceabl�,
<br /> Inat d�Mrtnlnation vhll rqt affect th�vaiEity of t�s r�maininp pwpons ot th�Tnut DNd. j
<br /> �r �l. ��,... �a `
<br /> �} ,,.-.. �, ��,_
<br />� I�'d er . n .�n�'A� �u n� ��`.
<br /> ,'� .
<br /> COUNN OF HALL � ss.
<br /> On this 22nd day ot December ,A.D., 19$�,before me,a Notary Pubfic,personally aApeared
<br /> Robert H. Knhn and Gwynne A. Kuhn, husband and wife
<br /> � oo me know t�be the person(s)named in and who executed the toregoing Acknowledgment and Trust Deed and ackaeowtedged that they�
<br /> executed the same as the ir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ��r�rrr� �
<br /> (SEAL) ��L 1{�,{/R v n . e
<br /> ����l��t
<br /> (Type or print name undor signaNre)
<br /> Notary Public in and iw said Counry and State --_ __--
<br /> My eommission expires �
<br /> L ti �
<br /> � � �
<br /> �
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