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<br /> r urtenanccs,and -
<br /> .T r TOQETHFR WITgi all the improvemente now or�`et�eni�ecem��tu�d adedplt�tOnsrtshall elso bee coveeredPby thls Securlty —
<br /> ° � tiutures no�v or hereafter a part of the propetty. _
<br /> " t Instrument.All of the foregoin�ia refecred to in this Secudty Insuument as the"Property.' --
<br /> BOFtROWER CUVENANTS that 6orrower is Iawfully seised of the estute hereby wnveyed und hus the dght to�rant ond
<br /> •..,� convey the P�aperry and that the Prope ay�nst aq claimR�a a mpa�ug re b3e�c to any encumbrances of record.A� and wlll �
<br /> • � defend generally the tide to the Property g � �
<br /> TliIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenanta for nntlonal use and nun-uniform covenants with limitod � _
<br /> ��'�� varlations by,�urisdiction to wnstituite a uniform secudry instrument covedng real property.
<br /> •;�';•�.�.� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower nnd l.ender covenant and agc�ee us follows: �
<br /> 1. payment of PrtucipAl and Interest; PrePBYment and I.nte Charges. Borrower shall promptly puy whcn due the
<br /> `�f� principal of and int�rest on the debt evidenced by the Note and sny prepayment and tate charges due under the Note. �
<br />'aa.m�":;,-�•
<br /> �j'�°,.�� �, Z. F�nd�for Tnxes aud Insa�nce.Subject to upplicable la�y or to a wrltten weiver by L,endeq Horrower shnl pay W y,�
<br /> . '�'���'.;�^�••� n ments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in fvti,n sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> �� s���;; , • L,ender on the day monthly p Y earl leasehold a ments -
<br /> '�'•'•sg�'}s'��� ' and essessnients which may attain prlodty over this Secudry Instrument av a lien on the Property;(b)y Y P Y
<br /> •: }t;{;,> early hazard or property tnsurancu premiums;(d)ycarly flaod insurance premiuma,
<br /> :�,..1�,. or ground renta on ths Property.if any;(c)Y
<br />' �r.;1::o�S,.
<br /> �,,).� If uny; (e)y�Carly marigage iasurance premiums��f unY:and(fl nny aums paysbte by Bonawer to L.ender. in accordance wi
<br />,�n. .
<br />- S��;'"` h 8, in lleu of the payment of mortg�ge insurance premiums.Thesc items are called"Escmvv Items.
<br />,�aik�s�> the pmvislons of Para�reP
<br /> I.ender may. at nny time, collect and hold Funds in an amoun t n o t t o e x c e a d t h e m a a i m um+unount a lender fa a fecie. y
<br /> -�'��� related mortgage loan msy require for Borrav�+e��s escroW accourtt under the federal Reai P,state Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />�=`""fi''�°"�� 1974 as amended from time to ticrte, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et se�. ('R�SPA").unless another�aW that aPP�{es��1ie Funds
<br /> :;,���v�
<br /> _;;,s,;,�;— seta a tesser amount. If sa. Lender maY• at uny c1me. collect and hold Fwzds in an amount n4t to exceed the lesser nn►aunt•
<br />, ';:��a _,, . � Lender may cstimate the cunount of Punds due on the basis of current data end reasat�ablo estimates af expendltures of future
<br />--�n" Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable Iaw.
<br /> i;•.'_;�"F�"�.".�.-�,�'� The Funda shall be held ln an instltution whose deposits ere insured by a federal asency. instrumentaUry. ar entity
<br /> ' (Ictcludin�Lender. if Lender is sucl�an insdtution)or in any Federal Homa Laan Bank.Lender shaU apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> i'"":'� Escmw Items.Lemdar may not charge Borrower for holding and applyin�the FUnds,annually tutalyzing the escraw ucconnt,or
<br />---����� ver�fy[�g tlie Escrow items,unless L.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appiicablo law peimits Lenderw rnnke such
<br /> v"'_- = a charge.However.Lender may require Borrower to pay A�i�ble aw p ovid a�e�QdeU� � a�ement t n made tor
<br /> •�=°°•°•� used by I.ender in connecdon W�c!►tt►is loan, unless app
<br /> ____ _ applicable luw requires iateres�to be paid,L.ender ahall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earninga an ohe Fwuis.
<br />______,„„� Borrower and�.ender may ug.a Ir�a'►i=ine• ho'•'•'Pw�si that interest shall bc pald on the Fund�. Lender shall give w Borrowe�'+
<br /> -=`�==� without charge.un ennus�l uccuuntit�g of th� Funds. rhowing credits and debits to the Funds uad trie purpose �Or wiuc�.i�:�
<br /> `"`�' debit to the Fuads was mude.'Phe Funds are pledged as additional serurity for all 1��le la�Lznderg hall account to Boreower
<br /> � If the Funda held by Lender exaed the emounts pennitted to be held by upp
<br /> for the exc�ess Funda in axoidanoe with the cequiremenG4 of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender ut any
<br /> time ia nat sufficlant to paYountFrtecess I�o�make upethe de.fici�ncys Bo weB shall emt�lc pathe deficiency in o�mo 8 than ,
<br /> shal!.puy to I,e�tder the cun �'Y
<br /> twelve monthly psyments.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upan payment in fiil� of all sums secured by thia Security Insuument, Lender ehall promptiy refund to Bonower any
<br /> _ Funds held by Lender.If.�r Funds he d by Le der at�the t9me of acq�aliaisionar sale ag adc�edc againsththe�sumsitdon����•
<br /> of the Propercy.shnll ePP�Y Y
<br /> thia Securlty Instcument.
<br /> all payments recc:tved by I.ender under parugrap s
<br /> 3.Appliattton oi Pnyme�►ts. Unless applicable Inw provides otherwIse. p h 2;
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be mpplied: fitst�to an9 PrePaYment chctrges due under the Note:second,to emoanu paynble►u�der ura�rap
<br /> — third.co interest due:founh.tn pr�ncipal due;And lest.to any late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges; Llens.&►rrower shail p�y n���eS•�sse�sMe�, �1i�8�� fines and imposirions ouributable w the Property �
<br /> — which may attuin pdodty over thia Secudty lnswment. cu�d leasehold payments or ground renG9. if any.Bosower shatl pay
<br /> -"�-- these obligatlons tn tlte manner provided in pnraIIraPh 2.or tf not puid in that manner.Borrower sha11 pay them o�time directly
<br /> tD the�rson owed payment. Borro�ver shnit promptly furnish to Lender ell notices of uinounts to be paid under Qds paragra�sh•
<br /> If Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrowci's1u�t�Promptiy furnish to Lender mcetpis evidencin�the payments.
<br /> gorrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pri�riry over thia Securt¢y i Pstmment cAes�Borro�f����en
<br /> - = writin�to U�c paymcnt of U�obii�a�ien r�ecucexF i,y ti,�itzs{r��m;nasr W�ccegisblethe i�.+e der's�epialon operatc to prev�nt the �
<br /> _.:____ by. ur defenda aguinst enforcemem of the lien in. leg�l p��� 8
<br /> enforcement of tha lten;or(c)socures from the holder of the lien an agreem isis bject t a lien whtch smuyuttoln Prloritl've
<br /> this Security instrumcnt. If Lender detemiines thut any puR of the Prog�etity
<br /> _----- thie Security instrument.I�ender may �ive Horrower a notice tdentifyi�g the licn.Borrower shall suttafy the lien or ta[ce one or
<br /> ---= more of tho adiona set forth above within LO days of tNe�ivin�of notice. ��m 3020 fllso
<br /> �>���"�� varo:or s
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