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n • <br /> ,. -y,,....•a i <br /> . . . ' "...._ ...��..._....�......-. <br /> 7. ' . '. _'. .... . . .. """'_... . <br /> .. ............._� <br /> � <br /> � m <br /> 99���.��� <br /> TU�ETHBR WITN nll thc improvementa now ar hereafter ere�.tcd on the propeny, n�ed nll easemente, , <br /> . nppurt�nances.nnd fixtures now ar hereAtier n purt of ihe pmpeety.Ati rcpincxments and udditions shuil also be covered <br /> � �y this Security lnsttument.All of the faregoing is rt:ferced to in ehle St�cudty lnatniment as the"Property." . <br /> ' 8aesawert Cov��Nn Wut Barrowcr is InwtLlly setsed of ttae estnte hereby conveyed and has the d8ht to grfwc and �l <br /> � , convcy thc PropeRy nnd Uw!the Property is unencwnbemsi. excc�t for encumbrnnces af cccord• Borr�W�T W°��°A� <br /> ' will defend genemlly the title to the Property agnWat Nl ctaims and demnnde,supj�c w:wy eucumer�accs of rec��a. <br /> ' � THI� SF.CURITY INSTRi1MGNT COII1bIAk9 qil�f01lYl C�VCANIL9 f0!At1tI0AA1 118C and aon-uniform covennnts with limited � _`_ <br /> � va�iatlona by jurlsdicdoa to coastitute u w►lfocra securlty lnstnunent coverfng rd�l proPertY• _= <br /> ,_.;,,�' UNIPQNM COVENAN7S.BOT[OWCf UAd I.BIIQCI COV8ri8IIt IIAd Bgree as faUows: • p a when due •��+• <br /> '. . ;,�, �� 1.Faycwent of PrWclps►1 tutd Irnteresti�PgY�pnt and Lnte Chargb. Bonuwer••AhUIY rompdy p Y <br /> a t nnd late charges due nnder the Note. v <br /> • °. . the pdncipul of aad iaterest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prep Ymen .' .- <br /> ' 2.�nds for Taxes urid Iusurunce.Subject to applicuble law or to a written waiver by I.ender.Borrower shall puy M,. <br /> " •� to 3 x a der on t he dny mon t b ly pnymea t s e r e d u e u n d e r the Notc. uatil the Mote is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for: (a) �,:_. <br /> yenrly taxea end assessmente which may attuin prtorlty over thla Seciuity lastnuueat as a lien on the PrapertY:�d�Y�ly °' <br /> .. „ leas2hald pnycnents or grouad reats on the PropctriY.if any: (c)Yearly bazard or pmperty insurauce premiwns: _�,. <br /> .. .� flucsst iasurancES pxetniums.if any:(e)Yearly�nortgnge inaw�►ce pmu�i;ims,if any:and( ai►Y sums payable by Borrower <br /> cs <br /> ta Ixader, in accordance wlth the provislons of pAragraph S,ia lieu of the pnyment o�mortgage insurance preuvwns• <br /> 'Ihese items am called "�SCrow Itetas." Lender any tints.collect atcd hold Funds In an aucouat aot to eaceed the <br /> . .�:� ma�cimun►amnuat a teader for a fedetaily minted mortguge toua may requIIse for Borrower's essrow account u�d�r the <br /> �, federnl Reat Bstate Settlecaeat Pincedums Act of 1974 as amended from tU� to ti�� 12 U.S.C. § 2601 e1 seq. <br /> . ("EtESPA°).unless anotiier law taat up�iles to the Fuuds sets a lesser amou�t.If e�.l�eadee msy�. at any Nme�collect and <br /> �, hold Funds in an amouat not tu ex�the lesser amount. L�endcr may e�anate t1�Q amou��of Fu°ds due oa the tras�s of _-- <br /> - current data and rea�onabie estimates of eacpend�itures of futuce P.saow Items or othenvls�in aocordaace with applicuble <br /> " . law. <br /> instnvaa�ntaltty ur endry �,: <br /> ,,., � '!he Fuads s4a11 be held in an insdtution�vhose depusita tue iasured by a fede;alugency. � �„ <br /> (including l.ender,if i.ender ia such an institudan}or in any Federal Home L+oan Bank•Lxnder Shalfl�Dply We Fuads to <br /> ,� pay t4se Escrow Items. Leader ms�r aot charge $orrower for holding aad applyin� the Funds. annutiUy analyzir�; the _- <br /> escrow aa�ount. or verlfying the Escrow Itea�s. unless 1xa�der paya B�rrower interest on the Funds endapplica'b]21aw <br /> .. peimits L�atder to mmke such a charge. However. Lendet inay requite BorraWet' t° Pa9 a vn�� �8e for an __ <br />� .' iadependent real eswte tax reporting secvice used by Leader ia coanection wlth this loan, unless eppl�cable law provides __ <br /> othezwlse. Udess an ag�eemeat is made or applicable lawt�quires interest¢a be pald.Leader ehaU no�;�lrest shall be <br /> �. ;,.� � Borrower aay interest or eamings on the Funds.Borrower and Lender may agrce in wri�.however. <br /> paid on the Funds.I.eader sball give to Borrower�wlthout ch�rge,ea aanual axount��o the Fuads,showing credits and <br />�. ., �:t�ta ihe Fs�ds sns!she�+!t+r+4&?fi►F which each debit to the Funds was made.TFie�nds ere piedged as ndditiQnal ' <br /> ' seca�Ity for all sw�secviced by Wie Securlty Insuument. licable law, I�.ttder sheU a000unt to <br /> If the Fuuds held by L�nder eace�d Ute pmouats permitted to be held bY ePP <br />_ .,, ., ��W��I�e�,s���in aouo�dnace with the requirements of sigpl3cable law.If the ammunt�'�the Fuuda held by <br />" � ° l.eadet at uny time is Aot sufiicient to pay the Escraw Items when due.�l2t may so aotify'BflnroW�'1���g'a°d'i° <br />;�Y ....,. such cuse 8ortower ehall pay to Lender the amount n�ary to make up the deficieacy. Borrower sha11 make up the <br />- deRcieacy ia ao ucore then twelve pnoathly Lender's sole discre�ioa. ��to f�axmwer <br />-..;�: .. Upon puymeut in fWl of all swns secured by thie Securiay Insuva�ent�Leader shall prompdyLeader. Prlor to the <br /> y''';=�-r. -��� � any Fuuds held by Leader. If. under paragraph 21. I.eader shell acquire or sell t1�e Property. <br />=�..�:'•- „`� acquIsition or sale of the Property.�hall npP1Y anY Funds beld by Ixnder at the time of scquisltioza ar sale as a cradtt <br /> -_-= ageinst the sums secured by Wia Secuclty Iastruuaeat. <br /> �L 3. Appllcatton ot Peymente. Untess upplicable law provides otherv�iss� all Payanen��i�'e�by Lender uader <br /> � y qen <br />- :.�'� : :��'` P a r a g rn p h s 1 x n d 2 s h a i l b e a p plled: fi�st. to aa Y P�PaY�t cher�es due under t�s Notet , a amonnts payable <br /> �'.::���f•r'�� uader h 2;third.w interest due; prindpal due;s u d last,to oay late cht►cges due ua d�t he No t e. <br />`.-.",,;` �R„ ' 4�, 'Lorgesi Liens. Homower sball pay nU ta�cea, assessments.charRes. flnes and impositians attrlbutnble tu the <br />�„=.."'"�`�,"��� t6is Securlry pnsuument. end leasehold payaoents or gronud r�ate. if any. _ <br /> �c�,ti. . Prope�ty which may nttain Priorlty over h 2 or if aoi aid ia that mntttirs.Bomower shaU <br />=``T...�:- '--.�= Horcawer shall puy these obligations in the manaer provided in p�P • ,to I.ender ull uotices of amounta <br />�:.�.��::'. . � pay them on d�me direcdy to the pesson owed payrneat.�orrower ahWl promptly tl ftunish to L�der <br /> ..�.-.{a,��s��� ta dicecdy�Borcower shull promp Y <br />��;.=,-r��;y�� to be pald uytder thta pur�graph. If Borrower makes the�PaYta� <br />__� .r;�,��t, receipta evtdencinpt the payments. <br />;�'v�'�'+5:.:� Hormwer s�aU pmmptly discharge any Iten whicl►bas p�iority over thia Secv�dt�► Instrument unless Borrower. (a) <br /> =_`""'..' : .• egrees ia wcl�to t6e paymeat af the obllgution secv�ed by the li�►ta a manner acoepuible W L+ender�(b)oontests in <br />:���;a-�%o�- good faith the 1Ten by. or defeads agatnst enfomem�nc of the Hen in.le�nl ptooeedings which tn the�esfac�ory to <br /> er of the Um en a� <br /> _-.;_;�;�;�� operate to pnweat tiee enfurceAZeat of the lien; or(c)secures from tho old _ <br /> Lender subardinating the Uan to�thia Socudty Insuumeat.If Lender de2e�m�ne���►y p�of the Pro is sub.ttct to s <br /> °°�_?''`� — lten which may attain prloriYy over thla Sec�rlty Insuunaent. Lendex may give Borrower a aoitce id�i�nB the liea. <br /> F°-t��r•.; Borcower ahali satisfy We liea or teke ane or more of the actiaas set forth above withna 10 daya of the giving of notioe. <br /> y� S.Hetasd or Property Insieraaa:. Bomower shall keep't6a imAmv�nents now eaisting or hereatter erected on tde <br /> __- �y�P71+, � 8 <br /> __..T,.i�'.,:'. . Pmparty insured against loss by fire, hazurds included withiu the tecm "e�cteaded ooverage" aad uny other . <br /> l-, �;i�i�� t'wm so2B 80 IDa90 2.of 6J <br />-._ �,�.:.,�-= ,��--��� <br /> �+ ,i'��,�:^'i�t,��^- BANt(ER8 8Y9TEMS.IAtC.,6T.CLOUO.0.1N 5030Z It-60D997•29411 FORM MD�1�OlE 7B/91 <br /> __ �1�•.��.• =. <br />: , ��, <br />_ . . �.: <br /> . i;;}S�1%: � `• <br />_' .�f��"�`'� .. �" <br /> ,., „C. <br /> . , �,, :. ��� - <br />_ ... <br />� , <br /> Z. �� U <br />_, „ <br /> 1 , <br />