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<br /> 5�Has�rd or Proparty ineuraace. Borrower ahall keep the tmprovementa naa exiatin�ar hereaher erected�n
<br /> .the Property insured ogainet las�by fire,hazards included wichin the tarm"extendeA covarnQe"nnd any ather hnzords, -
<br /> in�ludinII tloa�s or tlooding, for whlch Lender tequires inaurance.This insuronce ehnll be mninta�ned in the amau�tt� � r.,
<br /> ' and for tha perioda thnt I.ender requires. The insurence cnrrler providin�tha insuronce ehnll be chosen by Borrawer �
<br />- cub�eat to IAnder's approvul which shnll not be unteasonably withheld.It borrower 4nils to mAintuin coverage deecribed � �,
<br /> abova,I.ende� moy,nt l.ender e option,obtnin covernga to protect Lender's riQhta in thd Peaperty in nccordnnce with �
<br /> �=:
<br /> . paragraph 7.
<br /> Atl insurnnce goNcica and ronewale shnii be ucceptnble to Lender and shall include u�ndnrd mortgaIIe clause. � ,�.
<br /> l.endar ehelQ have the rlght to hold the goltctea and renewale. Tf I.ender requit+�s, Hotrower shdll pmmptly givo to ���_
<br /> '� Let�der all receipts oi patd premiums and renocvai nottces.In tba event of lags,Borroaer sha11 gtve psompt notice to the `..
<br /> "° inaurrince cc+rtter and I..ender.Lender may make prooY of los�it noi mnde promptly by Horrower. .�::
<br /> cc+r
<br /> ��-==w��� Unless T.ender and Borroaer otherwIsa agree in arittng,inaurance proceede ahall be applted ta restoradon or rapa�r :��"
<br /> � '"* of ths PropertY d+�maged,if the restoratlon or tepair is economtcally feasIble and L.ender's securlty is not lessened.If tha ��•-
<br /> � restoratton or rep�it is not economict►Ily feasjble or Lender's seaudty would be lessened.tha insursnco proceeds eholl be �`.'�_
<br /> x opptIed to the sume eacur�d by this Seaurtiy Instrumcnt,ahath�t or not then due, wtth eny excess patd to Borrotiver.If ;-.
<br /> �-"��.
<br /> �� BorroNer abandona the Prnperty�or does not anawer atthin 30 duys u notica irom Lender thut the insurance carrfer hes �__
<br /> ., oifered to settle c►claim.then Lender may colleat the inaurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repnir or �.;_
<br /> restore the Property or to puy auma secured by this SecurIty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-dny pedod wtll �-..
<br /> . .,: begin aAen tha nottca ie glven, =_.
<br /> - Unless I..ender and BorPOwer othernisa agrea tn writln��any upplicatlon of pracee�ls to principal shall not extend ur � _
<br /> .. �, post pono the due date ot tha monthly paymente refened to inparagraphe 1 and 2 or chas►ge the amount of tha paymente. �-
<br /> ,.. ,�. It uRderpa ragraph 2l the ProgertY le acquired by I,ender, Barrower's ri�ht W any insurance policfes and prac�ds
<br /> resulting irom dumage to the Ptoperty prtor to the acquieItion ehell pass w L�d�r to the extent uf tha sums secure�by
<br /> � thia Security Instrument�mretodtately prior to the acquieltion.
<br /> 6.Occupmcy.Preservatton,Maimatenaace aad Prntectian af the Property;�orrower'a E.oan Applicati�aa;
<br /> T.essoholde.Borrower shall occupy�eawblish,and use the Property ae Borrower's princlpul residence wtthtn eIxty dnys
<br /> .' ��..�� after the execution o4 thia ��curIty Inetrument and shall contlnue to occupy the Property +�s Horrower e prIncipnl
<br /> ;:��,, ��.' resIdence tor et least ono ye�r atter the date ot occupsncy,unless Lender other�rise egtees in writing,which cc�nsent sha11
<br /> �-���,! not be unreasonably wit�alii,or unless extenuating circumetances extet which�re beyond Bonoaer's control.Borrower
<br />'=�''�� shaU not destr�y,damege or irnpair the Praperty alloa the?roperty to deteriorata,nr commit wasto on tha Property.
<br /> .� "`; Horroaer sh�il be in default it any forteiture eatton or proceeding,whather aivtl or crlmtnal,iA begun that tn Lender's
<br /> ood tatth judgment could reault in iorfeiture oi tha Property ax otherwtse mnterIelly impair the lien creatsd by t3ds
<br /> =' ��� ��aaudty Instrument or Lender's securlty intarest. IIarrowe�' sxeay ouro such a deinult and eeinstate. es Provtded in
<br />�"`..� ::-;:� paragtapk !S, �; s�t+s�nS ih" �'�{"n °* Pr�ca�i'�g to be dismissed wlth e ruling that, in Lander's good inith =
<br /> � . ' determtnation,precludes for[eiture af the Borrower's interest in L3ie Property ot oLhet materlat impaicmenc oi ma Iian !
<br /> �'`Y � croated by this&ecurity Inattument or Lender's sse�curtty Inter�a.l�rcacver ehell s►lso ba in default If$orrowor.dur�t►�
<br />�l '�'�Y=�� the loan npplication proce�s�gava materially talsa or ianccurate i�.�otmatlon or etatements tm i.e�►der(or taile�to
<br />�'F��,:;�`;',: provide Lander with any inautlel tnformntioa)in conneattan wit�'t�e loan evidenced by the IJote,{nclt�ding,but nm:
<br />��%����- limited to,representations concetning Botrower s ocaupanoy o4 tha ProperEy As e prinetpal r�idenca. It thie Ssaurity
<br />'rti�����`z�.' Instrurn�ent�e on u loaseholc�.Barrower shall comply with all the provieions m8 thP 0ease.It Borrower acquiress fea 4ltle to _
<br />�`'''!`°;'=i' the Froperty►the loasehold ss�a�d the tee title shull not rnorge unless Lender egre��s¢�the merger in writing.
<br /> �x���::�� ?.ProEeettoa oi Leader's Ri$91ts lA the Pto�sarty. It Bornower iatis w gertorm the covenants and agreemer►ts
<br />-- :; . +,;-
<br />- ' �°Y.�T� contnined in ttds St�saurIty Instrument,ur thera�e a legtil proceedinII that cnay ai�tiaantiy atteat Lender's righta �e a
<br />_,,r��W��:�- property (suah es n proceedin8 in bankcuptay pnobate� for condemastlon or todelture or to ei�ioroo laws �r
<br />��E��'�;,� reguladona).than L,et►der may do and priy tor what�ver ig necessary to protect tl►e value of tha Prnperty amd Lender'a
<br />��h�'�:�.-_
<br />„�,�r,� dqhta in the Propsrty.1.ondar's aattons may include payinB Rny sume secnrad by a Hen which has giiorit3►over th e
<br />_ .�� SecurIty Instrument,appea�ring in court,paYing roasonable attorneya'tees ond entoring on tho Piwperty w make repr►irs.
<br />�-_�.-����aes��«� Although L,ender may take aadon undet thiu paragraph 7,Lender das not hava to do so.
<br />--L;_�_�� Ar�y amounts d�ebursed by Lendar undar thts paragraph 7 shall beoome additional deht of Borroaer secured by th�s
<br />=.iA��:. Securiry Instrumen�Un1c�B�rrowesr and Lendar agree to other terene oi payment,th�e amaunts sha11 bear intsnst --
<br />;}�;: !rom tho dato 04 disbuer�n!:,c�nt at the Nota rate and shnll ba payable,wIth inLerest,upon nottca trom Lender to Born�wer __
<br />_�..�,;�;_�. requesting payment.
<br /> ""�'"a�:a 8.Mox�tp�e insur�ace.If Lvnder required mortgage insurance es a condition oi m�lcing 4he lnan eacured by thts
<br /> �.,�--_.,..
<br /> =`�'�t� Security Instrument�Horrower ehall psy the premiuma re�uired w maintnin tha mort�ego insurertce in eftect.ii,fas mny ,�
<br />� rearon� the mortgago tnsurance coverage roqwred by Lerider IapEes or caases to be �n effect,Borcowor ahatl poy th+e ,�j
<br />_�_�---- promiuma requiral to obtain wverage substnntially equivalent to tha mortga�e insurat►ce prov�uuslY in eifect,nt a rast
<br /> ,, � �ubetnntislly equivalent to the cost to Bormaer of the mortpage inaurance prevtovsly in ei�ecc,ie�omm an alteraute
<br /> _-°---�-� � �norcga�e tnsurar approved by Lender. It substantielly eq�ivalent mortgage insuranco ooverage is not available,
<br />_���3t:�, �; Borrower shall pay to Lo�edar each mon¢h a sum equKl to aae'Yw�l�t1►of the yeariy mort�a insurance pre:ntum �aing r
<br /> Ja:��' ti° pa;d bv�omower when the insurance c�v�ra8e IePsed or r.eased ap be in afteot.Lender ail�aocept.u�es and retain 8hese
<br /> :�*::.,�......:�:'- �aYmenta � o toss mserve in lieu o� moct�ga inau�rance. � r�erve paymesite raey n�o tangar �v reQuired, .
<br /> a;•';%:^. .� Fsren 80li l!0 `
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