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<br /> � �" �1��" S "rt: x > .<< . in,
<br /> ,� ��,,,., ..�._ . _
<br /> ,r;.
<br /> _� � ...,;. _ ...._ ��.�;. +.
<br /> .. ,. - RE-RE('ARDED . .. . . . � ,. .
<br /> , �j,,,_. �tt 0 3�9 AGCN�tYt£DG�EMIENT OP DE@d OF tRllST
<br /> TFllSTOR ."tFAO THfS BF_FOPE SIGNING . �7�-- 100i 9 9
<br /> i ruafw unae�sle�e Metthe 6ocumrmtthetTUator le eOON to a�ecuble e 6��O(�'�ro�uM�qlfl mM���Jr enOlMitlfB pOwar
<br /> o!saia proN�etl br In+he peeE etTntat P«�h+�er�tleOYd�ItereM rlphta e*a�...�.Zetlena],'�rusqrtmrt:..w��epa inpy�n�
<br /> cf a tlnteult or breach ol ebllyetbn untler Ne OeeO el Tr�a1,Incliqi�,bN�rot IImM�tl to,Mt�Le�qer'a�iphtt0�MBMro PrOry:�r!/tidA
<br /> hy �M1e Tru3tea wiMO�t any�utlielsl Oroc9eCing.TruMOr rvOresBnb 4�M wert0nd Met 1F+i!er.knowMCpornenl�vae nxoein'eA by
<br /> Tr;;+_tor!»(o�e tha exatif.[on C.Me Deetl ol T�vat �zqgy �.��yelieei Luthara�� Ch ch 6AC a
<br /> Reliylove.COrpo[.atlo�y:
<br /> Fa �_�e
<br /> ���� /f��/�) r/u�atOt Secretery
<br /> �-14._.�
<br /> Trusmr Chalxman .1.
<br /> " TMIS DEED OF iRUST,i:mfltle ea of the.�h tley C. January , �g 9�py antl emonp
<br /> CieTmsbr. Ch[SSt Evangelical Lutherar. Church UAC A Religioua ^_orporetinn _
<br /> w�m�e m�i;ing arJCreSS b 1300 N. Gtand Ielend Avr.nua, GZ, NE 60803�pH���qrmbr:'wnemar ona m more�,
<br /> t4e 1'usi^e. Five POinY= Bank. A N¢bLdE:kd Coipoiation _
<br /> �`i. �„rosr ^+„�ingaAarevs �s p�0. eox 1607, Grand Zsland, FE 68802 ���,ei�i 'Tmstee'l.an0
<br /> Bie F_anpllCary, £ive FointS Bank _ _
<br /> wNr,se mad��ng eac.as�is �•0. 8ox 1507, G.and Islnnd, N£ 58P02 _ _ ___ �pereln "Lentler'1.
<br /> FOR VqLUA6lE CONSIO'ciiATION, Inclutling Lenaer's axlenalon ol credi¢identifietl herain to rnrist Evangeilcal
<br /> —__
<br /> Curpuration �
<br /> Lvtherar!. Cht¢ch VAC A Re11g1ocs �herain"BOrrowei', wlret�e�ono vr more�an01�e Irost heraln createtl.
<br /> the �eceip; nf w�ic� is M1ere�v xcknowletigetl. Tmstor her_by ir,evocably grenis. Uans�ers, conveys entl ussigns to Truntee, :N
<br /> T0.UST,W ITH POW FA OG SALE,br Ibe Denefit antl security ol Lentler,untlar ane sub�ect�o ihe terms anE conEltlons herelnettee set
<br /> IcrM1. �ha c�a! proPPrcY.deacr�Setl as loflnws: .
<br /> Lotr. ^:o N'vndrzd Forty-nine �249) 1WO Hundred Fifty f250), Tao Nundred �if`.y-one (251 ) ,
<br /> fN.•o Ilundrer9 F.Sty Tao (2521 , Tvo Hundre� Fifty-ThieC (253) , 1VO Hued[ed FiEt}•-four (254)
<br /> avc Two f+�..:idred Fifty-five (255) , ln West Laun, an Addition to the City o£ Grend Ieland,
<br /> Hel! ^oanty Nebraska.
<br /> Togo:�a�wI�M1 all Oud�IngS. improvemenls,flztures,sVeefs,alieys. passageweys,ea5emenis,righis. priviiegea antl apputle-
<br /> nancos Iccatetl Incean or in anywise peraini�g ihereto.antl the rents,Issues and profitg,rev¢rsions and remalntlr.re�hemof,and
<br /> &och oeaonel oropeny that Is pnachptl".o ihe improvemenls sa 2510 constitule a IizNre,includms,bN not limiled t. 9eating antl -
<br /> 000:ing epvipmeni;anC togethar with the homaslead or marilal inlerests,il any,wnich Interasts are�er¢by r¢I¢ascrl ene warved:oli
<br /> pl wM1lch,Inclading repiacemeris anE atltlltionS:M1ereto,i5 M1erepy Ceclaretl b be a pan ol t�e real aStd�e secweC by 0e lien ol IM1i9
<br /> DeeC oi Tms�ano Flil ol fia Io�eBOing being relerretl to hereln es t�e"Property".
<br /> iF,r Dnec'ol Trust snall sowre(a�Ine peymenl 01 ine principel sum nntl Intareet eviEOnced by a promissory ncre or credit
<br /> agr¢¢mem Dated January 11, 1991 , having e meWrity tlate al `Tenuery 71� 2C01
<br /> In �h¢origlnal principal amconl ol$ 4�_a����0 ,and eny antl all motlificatlons, extens�ons nnJ renawsls
<br /> inerxo! or i�r,reto anC ecy antl ail IuWre odvecces entl reativances to Bonower �!u any of I�em if more Ihan one) hereuntlar
<br /> Vortuant lo ane or more promissory netae or credlt agreemenis(herein callBtl"NO:e 1:@)I�B paymani ol other suma etivencetl�y
<br /> Lnn�er to pmtect ISa sacurly ol t�n Noie:!c�tha pedormance ol al I covanentv end eB�aemanh ol Tmetor eel lotlh he�eln;nn0(tl)all
<br /> prenxnt and tutme Intlebtetlness end o�ilgetions of Bonower(or gny oi Ihem il more then on¢)to l¢ntler whe�har direct inElroc(
<br /> absclme or centingent antl whot�vr xrising by nole,gueranty,overtlretl or olherwise.Tba Nn�e,thls�eed ol Trust anE eny ane all
<br /> atPer docuents�M1ai 5ecvre tM1e Nole or otM1emise executetl In connacticn tM1erewil�,incloding wilhout limitellon guarnntees.socurity
<br /> aq%eements and assignmen�s ol ieasas antl rents,shali be reterretl to herein es the"Loen tnahumenffi".
<br /> Tmstor covenanLa antl e9rnes with LenOar as tollows:
<br /> t 9ayment ol indebledne��.All InOebletlness sewrotl hereby shall be pai� w�en dve.
<br /> 2. Tltl¢. Truslor I5 ihe owner of Ihe Properly,has the ripht antl aul�oriy N convey the. PmOerty,and werranls Iba�the lien
<br /> vcatc0 �ereGy I5 a flrst antl ptlor Ilen on t�e PropeM. eicept for Ilens entl encumbrnntes se�fon� 6y Tmslor in wtliinG znd
<br /> Gellvere]!o Lentler belore oxe<u!ion of t�is Deetl ol Trusl anC ihe axecution antl tlelivery ol lhis Deetl ol Tmst tloes not vlolate any
<br /> conlract or ather o�llgaflon to which Trusbr is sublect.
<br /> 3. Taxoe,Aaae��menb.To pey�elore Oe!Inpuenty all iaxes.speclal essessment;antl all olher charpes npeinst Ihe Propprty
<br /> now or hereaXm levietl.
<br /> 4, Imu�ence.TOkeeothoPropertyinswedagninsldnmagebyfire.hazartlslnclutledwl!Mnihe�erm"eetentleECOVeraga',ard
<br /> sc:F,ulh=r hazartls as Lentler�nay reavire,in ama�in;s ar.�wllt compame;accepGble to LenGer,neming Lenaer as an atltlitionel ��t
<br /> named insured.wltM1 ioss payoble lo the Lxntler.ln cese ol loss vnEer eucM1 popcies.��e Lentlnr is authorize0 to x0lugt collecl xnC
<br /> compmmis�e,ail eiaims Inereontlar antl sM1nit�aw t�e o0�ion ol applylnB all or Oart oi t�e insumnca pmceetls 61�o any intlebietlnev
<br /> se^omd ne�aby and In such o�der ee Lentler mny detemAne.pi)lo Ihe Trus�or to Oe usatl lor iha repelr or rastorellon oi Iha Property
<br /> or Qil�lor nny e!M1Cr pmposz or ob�oct satislaclory lo Lentler without eNe:ting the Ilen of Inis Oeed 01 Tr�st br I�e lull amount secwetl
<br /> �ereby CP(o�P SVCM1 payn�?01 P,vgr IoOk placC.Nny appllcClion O�proCe2tls to intlebiCCne59 9tlall p0�axiBn�Or Oo5�0onf IM1e tlue
<br /> Dale o!erry p�yments unAer�he Nqle,or cure any 491au1t Iheraor,der er hareuntler.
<br /> S Eacrow.Upon wf�tlen tlemanf.by Lrnder.l'•�s�or shnll paY b Lender.In gvch manner q�Lender mey desl�jnale,sulliuent
<br /> �um.s t0 pn;.h1�!_rntler!e p:y ax IM1Cy bocOme tlue ono o:more ol;�.�olluwing'.(i)all tBV¢s,asse95menls and ol�er c�arges agains�
<br /> Il�,er Property, (ii�ihe prorclume on tPa pmporly Ineuranca requlratl hereunEar,5nd�III� Iha premlums on eny morigage insiironce
<br /> �oyWred Gy lnn]e�.
<br /> 6. Mninlnrronce, Ae^eln antl Compliance wlth L�w�. Trusror s�nll keep t�e Property In 000a ��m�no� o�a rapalr, shell
<br /> oromptlV �e0���. or repl�:q any Improvrment wMCh mey be damagoC or tleaVOyaQ e�al� nol commlt or parmlt eny weale or
<br /> CP�Bf10191iry0 G(I60 PIOp^.Iy;f�1811 1101�PTOVB,dpR101�9�1 Of Sp�31fl0t1i111Y BIIB!811y O�IbQ�Tnf0VCR1Gl1�]OO�h0 PlOpBI(�/�6�pll fi01
<br /> commit,euncr or Vermil xny act to 10 Cona In ar upon ih¢PropoM�n vloletlon ol,:iy 1aw.orEinence,onegvlellon;entl ehall pay entl
<br /> O�omp1!y d�scharBa nl Tmstor'f cnst entl nxpanx all Ilona,entumErenc¢p and C�er9ea IevleU,Impw¢0 or eaeeme0 epalmt:he
<br /> PrcporN or zny pan Inornal.
<br /> ]. Eminenl Domaln.Len�er Is hereby essipnatl ell compenaetl0n,ewertle,Aemapos entl o�her peymanb or rellel(hereineqor
<br /> "Groeeetls")In connaetlon wl���on0amne0an oe o:her Gkin9 0l t�e Pmparty or Oen thereol,or lor eonveyanee In Ilau cl eonEemne-
<br /> Uc.�.Len�er ahall bo mtit�e,d ol IU op�lon lo comm0nca,uODaer In enE profBCUla In Ib own neme any eCtlon or proceeAlnpe,and
<br /> ehell eiso ba enti0ed lo maka any cnmpromlep ar nen�e�a��In cdi�(atiQ�W0h such tekinp or EemeBa.ln itp FYR�{�!^T VoNien af
<br /> FM L)1�µ�nprrtun�rN f.r.T�w�Gip �
<br /> QI'Mx�ea.�r�9w��ILm�rvrnln����re.9nM�4m+nw�.Iw.eti.NM��u� �
<br /> i
<br />