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-_ f.. � � <br /> ���io�8e� <br /> i l, Aer.�leration Upnn Qatnuli; Remodie�; Sale. Upon defnult by frustor in ihc��ayment of or 4u�Em�ncmc�of �h� te��n;und con,i���om, u( <br /> ihc Notc, vr U��y iener�:ils, m�diiitut�ons�r cztensions therr.of, ur tl�e p��y����nt of o���•otli�i ind,�blr;lnrss s��i���.i!� �c'y��r in ili�(���r'���n�,m�r <br /> ut t,ny ui ihe�onvannnfs or agree+nenfs hcrcundcr, Bene�iciary nzay�leclair ull sums sewred I�ereUy imFnediotcly cf�.�n ul jia}<<hl�m��f tho�n���i� <br /> � shatt It�ereupon becamc duc and payabtc wiihout presenSmrnt, dema��d, pralesl or�toiice of �r�y ki�td, lhcrealie+:, �t,�E�et�ciury may d��i+ti•,•r �v <br /> Trusteo n written declaralian ot delault ond demw�d for sale.Trustee sh�li hnve the pow��oE sal,uf the Proporly and if peneficiary decides the <br /> properly is to be sotd it shait deposit with frustee this Qced of f�ust and the?Jote or nofcs and uny othcr cfoamettiis evi,lentirig <br /> secu�ed hereby,and shnit delive�to Trustee u w�itien n�i�ce c,t datauli and�lecsion to cpuse the Pro�eriy ta be sold, �nd Trus�ee, i�i lurn, shu!! <br /> prepare o similar notice in the torm required by low wliicl�sliall bo duly iilad for r ecord by Trustee. <br /> (a)Atter tho lopse of sucl�time as moy be�equired by law iollowing tlia�ecardation o(iVatice of pefault, and Nolice of Oefault a�rl Nalice of <br /> Sale hoving been given as required 6y tow. Trustee. witliout demand on Trustor, shall soll tl�e Prape+�ty i��one or more pnrcels and in sucl�order <br /> as Trusto�may dete�mine an the date ond at the time and place designated in soid Notico of Sale,at public auction to the liiyliest bidder, 1he pur- <br /> cliase price payable in cash in lawful money of the United Stotes ot the time of sale,The person conducting the sale mny, for any cause he or sl�e <br /> deems expedienl,poslpone the sale from time io timQ until it shall be completed and, in every such case,notice of postponement sholl be given <br /> by public declarolion thereol by such�erson ot the time and place lost appointeci for tt�e sale; provided, if tlie sale is postponed for longer tl�an <br /> one (1)doy beyond tlie day designated in ihe Notice of Sale, notice tliereot shall be given in the same mamier as the oriainal Notice of Sal�. <br /> � Trustee shall exetute and deliver to the purchnser its Deed conveying tl�e A�operty sa sold,but tvithout any canvenant or wprranty, express, or <br /> implied. The reeitols in the Deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of tlie trutlifulness tliereof, Any person, including v,;tliout <br />_ �• • .•. ... .__ _ � ..�..,...�` <br /> f111"(b).,When Trustee sells,pursuant to�the powers her�in, T�ustee slioll apply tlie proceeds of tlie sale to payment of tlie costs and expenses uf <br /> ; exercising tfie power ot sale and o(the sale,i�cluding,without limitotion,the payment of Trustee's fees incur�ed, wliicli TrUS�ee's Fees sliall nol <br /> j in the oggregate exceed ihe following amouNs based upon the amount secured hereby and remaininy unpaid: 5 percentum on the balance , <br /> thereof;and then ta tlic items set forth in subparograph(c�hereo{in the order therein sioted. <br /> (c)Af1er paying the ilems speci(ied in subparagroph(b), if the sole is by Trustee, or the proper court und otlier costs of foreclosure ac�d snte <br /> if the sale is purwaM to judiciol foreclosure,the proceeds of sule shall be applied in th�order sta�cd 6elow to thc paymen�of: <br /> (1) Cost of any evidence ot tit�e procured in tonnection witli sucl�sale and of any reveiwe requireJ to be pc�ci: <br /> (2) A►torneys iees; <br /> � (3} All sums ihen secureJ hereby; , ` <br /> � (4) Junior trust deeJs, mortc�ages, or other lienl�olders;and ' -` <br /> s . <br /> � (5) The remainder,if any, fu the pe�son or pe�son;l4c�olly enti11ec1 tliereto, t� <br /> � � <br /> -_ __ • �_ �. �. C..__I ►I..l.�� 1 1.... • �.........♦ . � e.�: ../1.. �l:nl1.�.� 1lti���nn<I - _ _ _ _ i" � <br /> - - (Q� It fi�1C t�CttC1ICtO�y O� tI11S UBCU Cr tIU�S ti�V UUt1R G�UCIIHC'll�i��vcurv5riu n�.+, i.:i� S�ti.v���c�.. tII.: �i+... .:::::i .. ..:` ��... _ - <br /> notwithstanding, the Qeneficinry shnll not he entitted fo receive or take und clebtor sh�ll not be oblignted to{�ay or give; n�iy confession o( j��d��- � <br /> , ment, power oi altorney to confess judg+nent, power of ottorney to uppear tor n borrower in o jvdi:iai pruccec:iny or uyreer�ient to pay U�e cosss ,_: <br /> � oi coll�ction of the attorneys'fees, unless such acts of collettion would not otherwise be prohibite�by Ne�reSrc law. Provided, ho�ti•ever. .t:�s _ <br /> ' this section does not apply to the Trusiee fee referred to in paroy�upl�G (b). P�ov�r.ed further, ihot s�a;s parJ,,^-c�•h sha8 not apPly to thi;Gcc?r� - <br /> � Trust,if the Bene(iciary is not a bank. <br /> 12. Addifionol Scw�itr lnsirume�its.Trustor,pt its expense,wiil exew�e and deliver to the 6eneticinry, promptly upan demand,suci�secu:i- <br /> 4 ty insfruments as may be required by 8eneficiary, in form ond substance sntisfactory to Beneficiary, covering any of Uie Property conve}ed l�y <br /> i this Deed of Trust, wliicli security inslruments shall be additional security tor Trustor's faitliful performonce of ull ot tlie lerms, cove►�ants ancf <br /> conditions of this Deed of Trust, �he promissory notes secvred liereby,ond ony otlier seturiiy instrumenis executed in tonnecl:on�vith ttiis t���m- - <br /> � seclion.Such instruments sliall be recorded or filed at Trustor's expense. <br /> 13. Appointment of Successor Trustee. Beneficiary moy, from time to �ime, Gy a written instru�nenr executed �nd ccl:nuv�le�l�e�i by <br /> ; 8eneficiary,mailed to Trustor anJ recarded in ihe county or counties in whicli the Property is�ecated and by otl:erwise complying wi!h the��ovi- <br /> ; sions of the opplitable lovls of the State of Nebraska,substitute u suctessor or sutcessors to the Trustee namecl herein or acting her eunJer. ' <br /> t 14, Inspections. Beneticiary, or its a�er.ts, representatives or workmen, ore authorited to enter ut ony reasonable tin�e upon or in ony part <br /> i � <br /> • of fhe Property for the purpose of inspett�ac� ihe some ond for the purpose of performing ony oi ihe octs it is outhroizeo to perforrn under the ! <br /> terms of the Deed of Trus�. �` - <br /> 15. Option to Foreclose. Upon the occurrence a(any default hereunder, 13eneficiar y sliflll hove Ihe Optioi� io foreclose this De�d o( liutt i�� ` :_ <br /> the monner provided by law for ihe(oreclosure of mortgoyes on renl property. <br /> : 16. Fore6eoranee by Oeneticiary Not a 4`da:ver. Any forebearance oy Qenefi�iary in exercising ony righi oi remeJy hereu�.der, or oihenvisr, <br /> � afforded by applicable luw, shul�not bo a v:�iver of or preclude the exe�cise ol�ny such righl or remedy. likewise, the wniver by (3ene��ciu�y c�f <br /> . any dcfdull of Trustor uncier this Decd oi 3��si shall i�vt i:r deeined tU Ue u wuiver uf ui�y of iicr or simil�r defr;uhs:i�l�s�rqurnlly occ.n riic�. <br /> 17. Trustor Not Reteased. Extensio:� oi the time ier payment a: modificatio� �s amortitolion G( tlie Suu�s Secuied I�y ShiS D�r�� o� ;,.•��t <br /> grdnted by Benefitiory fo any SJ�ce55or i:i interest of Trustor sholl not oRerate to re�case, in any monner, the lin�ility of the or ig�aial i;uc:;r n;c( <br /> Trustor's successor in interest. �;eneficiary steoll not be required to c�:%:mente proceedings cgainst sucli sutcessor or relu;e t� extenil tii�ic f�•+ <br /> ppyment or othefwiSe modity amortitntion of the Sums Set+;red by ihis i:eed oi Trusi by rcuson of ony demcnd n�nde I�y tf:e c�+yinal iruslor tu�d <br /> , Trustor's successor in interest. <br /> 1£t. Beneiiciary's Powers. 'lhtlrout of(ccting the i�a?':�:17 of tt:� irus0or or unp otl��r �,ers�n lial�lc far t'.� ..•nrnt nf •::�y rl�!�,.�t��,n I����� m <br /> rtfenlioned, ond v�ithout ailecting the lien cs ctiaryc of tliis Ueed o( �ru5� upen rtiy pvrliori of ti�e Fropert� i::,' :hr��o; tL•.•:�1c•fv�<<c��•,��c�l ��s <br /> SeCUrity for the tullprnount of nll unpaid :c' ��lions, 6eneficipry may. `rom time to timeand wit:�a_! �,otice. (')�e�euso uny �:�.rt�n�.0 I,:�LI�. (��) �-_ _--_---- <br /> ' extend the moturity or ��llc�r any of the fer:ns of r��y s�ch ob�igofimts, {iiil q;wit oll���r ioiJu!yc•,c^5. (;v} rR:::cu�� �;i +,'��:�•:cy. oi rnu�.�t t:� L�• <br /> relec,sed or reconvey^d ai uny tin�e c�t Etenc•ficiory�5 Opi��n5 Gny pu�Ce�, G�u�tionor ull of tliC I'r0(:^,-ly. (v) I::�.0:r releo:n un�ofhr�� ur uillitiun��1 i <br /> seturily fur ony obligofion he►ein menlio:ic:i, cr(ii)make tornpositions or otiier t�rrm�r���i�ents v.s:��;.'_�blors�°rnipti�,.i tl�rrNv. ` <br /> i <br /> 19. future Ad•rmucs. U{»n �e�;vesi �` '.-s5tor. Trust�r. U1 Ttu;tee's op; ���,, prior 10 rCCC.1:•'_r^.uc of 1; ., i'�nperty t�, liu�.lv,, �ii.�y n•,�� �• . <br /> tuture aJv�nces to Tn�stor. So�h fufure :._ �nte5. r.i'h �ntere�t Ihe�ecn, ;'��II b�r sccured I�y t'iis lr�st �^:�: �•�i��n i�:��.�rnce:l bV �.'rni��.••�; . <br /> L notes stating tlint soid notes cre secorc�! 1•;�^by: pro•,rid�.d Ihvl c�t no tin�� '.hull thr ;ecu:ed E,r.�•.pt,�. fu�;• . ,:l�r�.:�.��s, r.ut ,���I,��!�� � ti.inr. �,�{� . <br /> vOnCed tU ptutatt thp xnt���ly,nx�ro�1�m•.,3�p�oto Pnrcipt�{omnunt o} S . 8���4.(�� <br /> . .C�. �^_i?7IYL'rtlliC��� tlUS}rC. If�r-.:I �.{�'L'+.�In:ti�r.:i�.� �nlin[�_ •y S' tl�! :1 I�i . { '.Jq1S :nCl.��., ��(•f('��'� � ..t� � i �.i � .' �i-�� . . �t �.�•lir. �. • h'► <br /> f�( fliit (in�.,! q( Ttu:� .•ri '!�� 1l��r. t�r r �n• • in! �i;t! .:i . I i ,i .[r�•� , •:� , :n �-�r�in ,it I , i• . , �' i!i � � , .. . _ �., ,�., � <br /> rC�t�i„ry !�� Iri._ „ t' � . � . .n �, . •r�. �; 'ly �hh. •: '1: . , .. . ,.. . , � , .�, � ;�., ,f ,.. , 'i • ' � t ,. '� <br /> �C.�I(,'S �'•Ir, . . � � i �„� ' � . �. I• . ,1�'�, �. . . , . .� � �.��i.,: . �:�.... . , . �'•" ` <br /> . )' <br />.. �����tr.e�•N,ei•1 ns ' �i�•�..�n.' •�� � ,.��v•.y D;-�•�Ilv �.�.����r„I f6c.��1��. <br /> � <br />