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<br /> f l�tCp U: �'ttJS3 �
<br /> ! It15 CO OF 11' SY mad ti�is day ot December , �q 89 �y p,�d p,nonp_Bradley, B. l:enn.�and I�imUerly
<br /> I��wn ��pny lius�anc� an wi e 304 S. Vine, Grand Isl��nd, NC 688�1 ���,_,.,,_ _ _ ___ __,
<br /> w�;uss m�i,inp nU�iia::s �---.w__�.._ _ -- -- _ —
<br /> (he�cin "Trt�st�r"); am1 BANK QF WOt�P RIVElt ,whoso mailinp address P.U. t3ox 487, Waod River NE
<br /> � (herein"Trus►ee"a��d"FlanaEiclar�"?. �i8883
<br /> FQR VAlUAOLE C�NStOERATIQN, including the indebtednoss indentified herein and the trust herein crealed, the receipi of which is hereby
<br /> acknawlodped, Trusfor irrsvacabfy grants. lronsfers, convoys, and assiflns to Trustce, IN TRUST, WI7H POWER OF SALE, for iha beaefit ond
<br /> socuri�y a(OQnollcinry,undcr and su��oct to tho torms�nd condillons of this Doud oF Trust, fho roal proporly describod as follows�
<br /> Lot l, in Block 7 of Koehler Place an Addition Co the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> �
<br /> I •
<br /> ;
<br /> ; ..
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> ! . • ' `
<br /> ; T06ETHER WITN, ail rents,profits, royolties, income and other benefits derived from the real property;oll leoses or subleoses covering the �
<br /> real properly or any portion thereof, now or hereaiter existing or entered into, ond oll right.ti11e and interest of Trussoa thereunder; oll in- �
<br /> terests, eslate ar othe�claims,both i�law and in equity, which Trusior now has or may hereafter acquire in ihe real p�cFerty=nll eosemenis, ;,_,��
<br /> - . . o ., • ,_ .� ...� • w�. a •e. - -- ---
<br /> �.
<br /> - ; righl5-0�-way. tenements, �erediiomezis ano oppvrfienances iiiereor anu iP�e��iu; Wr Oi�uiw y`ui iiy�in ���3 Y�afi��. ti���. ..Q....:.:.M °:o.�. - -
<br /> j stock;all right,title and interest of Trustor,now owned or hereaher Qcquired, in and to ony lond lying within the right-of•way of an�r street or ��
<br /> i higliway ad'{aining the real property, any and oll buildings, lixiures, improvements, and appurtenances now or hereafter eretfed thereon or _
<br /> j belonging thereto, (herein referred to os"Improvement"or"Improvements"); and any and a11 awards mode for ihe toking by eminent domain
<br /> , or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof,of the whole or ony part of ihe�eol property. ' -
<br /> AI�of ti�e foregoing estate,property and interest liereby conveyed to Trustee herein cotlectively referred to as the"Property". _
<br /> � Tt115 DEfD OF tRU5T StiAll SECURE: '
<br /> 1 (01 Tlie poyment of inde6tedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even date herewiih in the principul sum oi Six thousand
<br /> . six hundred seventy and 23l100 ----------------------------- Dollars (S 6.670.23 ), �
<br /> I togotlier wilh interest at tlie raio or rafes provided tlierein, (hcrein, together with any ond aU�enewafs,modificaiions,a�d oxfensions thereof,
<br /> • roferred to os 1he "Note"}boih principnl and interest on tho Note being payoblo in actordante with the te�ms set forth �herein,reference lo
<br /> wliicli is liereby rnade, fhe�inul poymenl of principai and interast, if not sooner paid and if no ronQwals,mo�fifitalions or extensions are made,
<br /> due and payable on December 15. 1994 . �
<br /> � (b)The performance of eatl�agreemert and tovenant of Trustor horein contained;and
<br /> ' (c)Tl�e poyment of uny sum or sums of money�vith interest tliereon wliich mcy be hereafter pdid or advanced under tl�e terms of tliis Deed of �
<br /> � Trust. � '`-
<br /> � (d)The poyment of any future advances necessary to protect the sewrity or ony�uture odvance made ot tne option of the parties;and -,
<br /> (e)The performance of on obtigation of any other person named in this Trust Deed to o beneficiory. �
<br /> 1. Payment ot Principcl and Tnlerest.Trustor sholl promptly poy when due the principol of and interest on the indebted�ess evidenced by the
<br /> ' ilote,auJ oll oiher cl�aryes and fees as provided in tlie Note, and the principoi of and interest on any Future Aclvances secured by this Deed of
<br /> ; .
<br /> Trust.
<br /> : 2. Na�ro+�fr o�Tiiio.Trustor is towEu�ly seized and passessed af�aod and indefeasible title oad estota so the Property hsreby tonveyed and
<br /> ' hos ttie right to grant and convey the Property; the Property is free and clear af a11 liens and encumbrances except liens now af record; ond
<br /> Trustor wi11 warrnnt ond detend tlie titie to the Property against nl!tloims and demonds.
<br /> 3. Maintenance and Comgliance with Laws.Trustcr sholl keep the Property in good tondition ond repair ond shall not commit waste or permif
<br /> impainnent or deterioratica af 1he Property ond shc.6 comply wilh the provisions of ony leose if tiiis Deed of Trust is on n leosehold.iJo improve-
<br /> ment notiv or herenfter erected upon t!,e Property sholl be nlfered, removed or demolistied without the prior written c��sent of Bennficiory.
<br /> lrustor sfiall tomply with all!nws,ordinonces,regulotions,covenonts,conditions and restrictians u(fecting the Property c.;d not commit,suffer,
<br /> ot perrnit any ot1 to bg do�e in or upon the Property in viola3ion oi o�y law, ordinance, requfolion, covenant, condition or resiriclic:�.Trusfor ---- -.
<br /> siinll tomplete or restore promplly and in qood workmunlike mnnner ony improvement an the Property v�hich may bc damoged or destrcyed ond � �
<br /> poy,when due,a11 cloims for labor perEecmed and molerials iurnished therefore and for any alterofions thereof. �
<br /> 4, lnsuranee.T�usfor,ai its expQ�se, will mdintpin with insurors approved by 9eneficiary, insurance witli respect to the lmprovements ond � '
<br /> ersonaf ro ert conslitutin Ilie Pro ert o ainst loss b fire, li hFnin tornado,and other erils and t�ozards covered b stondord extenJed �
<br /> P p P Y• 9 P Y, 9 Y 9 fl, P Y
<br /> coveru�e endorsemen►, in an amounl equol to ol Ienst one hundred percent of the fuli replocement value ther�of ond insurunce cs::nst such '
<br /> � ollier I�a�ards ond in suct�Umuunts ps is custamorily corried by oti�+ners and operolors ot simulpr properties or os Qenefitiary may require(or ils
<br /> prot�crion.irus�or will comply with such olher requirements as Eleneiiciary mny from iime to time reqvest for the protection by insurance oi 1lie
<br /> int���es►s oi tl,e r^s��ec�ive purties. All insuron:e polities moinlc�ineJ pursuont to tl�is ��ed of Trust shcll nt,mc� Trustnr nnd [3r.nef�cinry as in- '
<br /> � �,nt:l., ns Ihcir r_sp�ctive+nfCrests muy oppeor, and pr�vide thot th�re shnll he n� cnnce�'ntion or �no�ificat�en�tiilhout n� less i��nn 15 dnys �
<br /> (�i,cn rr���?��� U�rti�i�:<�ii��ii f0 i��)i�"fici�:iy. 1n ihe evei�i ouy �,Uti�.y tu.rcun.Jer i5 n�l rt�n��r:��� uh Ut iu•�c�� '•� ,I�yt ��:�,�i t0 iti •.(�itGNOit (�U•E'.
<br /> I:�•i�a�i,_„�ry n �,;;,r�,.,.��•S;rl:ii�:�rr,i�_�,in nC[�rtlnnCh i�ith ihn pip�i��i�n5 Of pUr�,,���:!i 7! c•��.,.{ ?r;�.t� � ,:� �i� :��ir + I: ,.�„f�:�i�y 1�.�er�:��:i;il � .,
<br />- �:;�. �S'. rif �t; •tnit!n re r,'.r��•����ri�� ��ir�t00f 61 I:�Pf1i0 C7�,�n;9f S ���t (�p�lUCt n�.�{� ::Ql:C�; ��1"' .�'� �,:. .... 1 � �. ..:��'• ���i. , ' :�� if•ic��•I, ,
<br />- ��r� !�� . .�:rt•��•; . '>>����r• .��'•r 11�^,:1 n1 1' f•i,'�li�.11 f?((lpill.�::.i•Irp �'pf�ST�Tllth ry•."�tl ..
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