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<br /> . 1¢, Bucr��wer'A Copy.Hnrro�ver ahaU bn givdn ann rnnformed copy�d the Note nnd at thtc�Security lnatroment. � �
<br /> - �� • a7. Treneter of the Nrnpert oe a Heneficinl lnteeest in Harr�wor. it uri or uny {�nei of th� t rc�pctty or any� - -
<br /> intcrest in it ie Fnld ae trunAferced or if o benePiciol inte:est in $o�ro�►er!�sold or trnnePdreed nnd Iiarrawer �r+nc�t o ��� �
<br /> �� neturul perr�an)without Lender'R p��r written consent,I,endet muy,t�t ita optinn,reqttira immediute payment i�i tuU of -
<br /> � n11 �,�ms secured by thia Security Inatcument. HotvOVer, thie option t�hull not bo cxcrcieed by I.ender if exc-rrise ie �
<br /> prnhibitcxl by fed�rat law as o4 the date at this 3eeurity 1n�trument. � :
<br /> lf I.ender exercises this optian,I.ender�hall give Borrower notice�f accelerntian.The notice shnll pnrvidr��period o 'j�,�
<br /> " �� af not less than 30 duys teom�ahedate titenotice ie deltvered or mailed within which Horrotiver mugt pay nll sumR Frti��red � _.,
<br /> � • , hy thia Sccurtty Instrument.If Banawer tnila to pay these sumfl prIor ta the oxpirution af this periad,f.cmder muy Inv�ke � --K�,�
<br /> � any remedies permitted by tliia Security Instrumcnt vrithaut further notire ar demnnd�n A�rrower.. � �___
<br /> 1�. Horratver's 13i,g�i�;tA.�.oi,aah�e.li$arrower meeta csrtein conditiane,A�rrower ahall have th�right to hevr ��
<br /> enforcem�tYt�f th'le Secunty Instrument discontinued at any time prtar to the earlier af:(a)S duYs(ar sueh uthGr�ricx! �;,;
<br /> as applicable lew msy spec iy far relnstatement)before sal�ot the Propart pueauant to any�m wer af�aln contained in �;;;°�
<br /> '`•=�"�' this Security lnstrument;or (b) entry at a judgmont enforcin�thIs 5ecurity Inatrument.Those conditlonA ote thnt
<br /> °' '" Bormwer. (a�pays Lender al( sums which then would be duo under thia Security Inatrument and the Note as I4 nc� _-__
<br /> � ecceleratian hed accurted;(b)cures any default of any other covenanta or a�reaments;(c)pays all expenses incurred in � __
<br /> enfar�:ing this Security Instrument,includins,but not limlted to,reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)takes auch actian as --=
<br /> I.ender may reasonably requira to aseuro that the lien af this Security Instrument,I.ender's rights in tho Progerty and =_
<br /> Borr�wer's obli�attan to the sums t�eecured b this Security Inatrumentshall continuo unchanged.Upon reinstatement -�-_..
<br /> y C p
<br /> by Horrotiver,thtsSecunt�yInstrumentai�d the obltgationssecured hereby ehall remain tully etfectiveae if na acceleratlon �_._
<br /> had occurr�.Howaver,this rlght to ceinstate shall not apply in the casa of acceieratlon under paragraph 17. --.-
<br /> ' l9.Sole o4 Note;Change of Loan Servicer.The Note or a parttel jnterest in the Nnte(to�ather wtth this Securlty
<br /> �'��:.
<br /> !� Instrument)may be sold one or more timea without prlor notice to Borroaer.A sale rnay result�n a change in theentity _m
<br /> (known as tha"I.oan Servicer")that coUects monthly paymente due under the Note and thisSecurity Instrument.TherC �'
<br />_�,�, ° �° " '�J also may be one or morC changes of tho J.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change ot the Loan ----
<br />�u;N s ; ' Servicer,Bottower will ba given written notice ot the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and�pplicable la�v. =�'`
<br /> '�''�° � 1'he natice will state the nams and addrass ot the new Loan Serviaer and the address to which payments ahould be made.
<br /> ���
<br /> v., �, ---
<br /> �r:��;. '�`g;;1� The notice will also contain any other infarmatton required by�pplicable law. �.._
<br />`.;��-%�' '� �' • t';.�, 10.Hazardaus S�batances. Horrowar shall not cause ar mit the presence,use,dispo�al,storage,or release of �:
<br /> ,.,�,� . ,•;�;i�;'
<br />_;...�. ,'.{;;�:, any Hazardoua Substances on or ia the Proporty.Barrower ahal not do�nor allow anyone else to do,anything sifecting
<br /> tha Property that is in vialatian af any Environmental Law.Tha praceding two sentences shall not app1y to the presenc�, �;
<br /> . • !�t�S,` use, ar atoraga on the Property of amalt quantitiea ot Hazardous Substances that are generally recogntzed to 1�e �°""
<br /> ��;`:+i appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the ProFerty.
<br /> Borrower ehell promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatiofz,clatm,demand.lawauit or other action by
<br />-_ � � any governmentel or regulatory s�ency or privete party involvtng the Property and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> �nvironmental Law o4 whiah Borrower has nctuel knowled�e.If Bonower leams,or ie notitied by any governmentnl or
<br /> . � ' regulatory authortty, that any rsmoval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substsnce etfecttng the Prapdrty is
<br />,:-' '" " : ° ns��ary�Bott-c��e;sha!!pramp21�Lake all aece�ary rem��ia1 actiona in accordance with Envtrot►mental Law. ,
<br />- As u4ed in this paregraph Z0, Hazerdous Substences aro thosa substences daCned as toxie or hazardous substanc�v
<br />- by�nvlronmentel Lsw and tha followtng substances:gasolinn,�Cerosone,other flemmable or toxic petroleum pmduct��
<br />_%. . �F toxic Festicid� and herbicides. volotile �olvents, meteriels containing eslse�tos or iarmaldahyde, and radiaacttve
<br />_� � muterialR. AA t�.sed in thia pare�raph 20,"Bnvironmentol I.aw"means tederal lawe and laws of the jurisdtctlan wherd tha
<br /> � Property is located thnt relaw to health,saiety ar envimnmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFURM COVBNAN'I'S.Borrower and Lendor turther covenantand agrea aa fnllawa
<br /> ' �'I�,�:' 2l. Accelaratioa; Remedies. Loader ehall give aotiee to Borrower ptior to icceleration tollowing
<br />--- `R" "�'` $urro�ver's brach o!any covenant or�grcement in thie�ecurlty Inetrumeat(but not prior to acceleratfon
<br />�`''`'`�`r�''� �' under paragrapb 17 unlesA�ppliceble law prnv3des otheraise).The nottce shall epacif y:(n)the dotault;(b)the
<br />_;_,:"°:�"" ecti�n required to cure tho default; (c) a d�to, not lose thaa 30 daya irom the date tke aatice is given to
<br />-,_�, ; '' Barrowep�by wbich the defautt must bm eured;and(d)thst inilure to cure the default on or baforo the dato _
<br />-"�` " „a,, � speclfied in tho n�t{ae msy result in accoleeation of the sums secured by tAis Security Inateument aad ealo ot
<br />-'"`'`�'`�"°"� the Praperty. The notice a8a11 further intorm Bonower of the rl�ht to reiaetnte eftor acceleration and the
<br />�r�*�:'�� right to bria&e court aotion to as�se r t t ha aoa-ex de ten o o o f a d e i s u l t o r a n y o t her detanse of Borrower to
<br /> .�;.;:Ql��_°=T•_-gt� accaleration end selo. It the defaul4 is not cured oa or betore the dato speatiied tu u�o notico, Lender,st d4s
<br /> -^��r�-- optloa.nn�y require immediato pa ment tn tull of all suma seeured by this Security Inetrument witmout
<br /> TNnrm— _
<br /> �r�:;�:;.' turthor demsnd and may lnvoko � e poher oi sale and any ot6er Qeznedica permitted by epplicabte law. w ,;..
<br />-;x;_�.;;:t" Lender shill be entitled to collect all expensos Incurr�d in pursuing ttax semedies provided i�this paagraph �„
<br /> 21.includiag.but not limited ta,rr.nstinabte nttorueys'tees ead costs oi title evidence. ;�
<br /> -�`�==_�`�- I[the posvor o f sa le ie inva�se a�},i fQ U e t e e s h�ll record a s�mtice of dofault In eacb cctunty in wfitch any p�ttd nf �h Y
<br /> --- A• ��M,� the Property ie located and eha➢9�ra��l copies oi such n�ui�ce 1n tho msaner prescribed by applie�b le laov to :r;
<br />�="��II'��.-��.. Barrawar and to tha other persone prescribzd by epplicablo law.Aitor the time required by ap ltaable law. i-
<br /> _ „���. ... p
<br /> - :,�,;„� Trustee ghel!gtve publia notice of sele to tha�paasnna and ia tho rrianner prescribed by o plicable aw. Ttustee. r;•
<br /> `-=--y'`"`�"'-�'=� wtthout demsnd oa Horrower.shall sell tho 1Property et public auctlon to the highest biddor at the time end
<br /> 4'�"'""y"� laca and under the terme desi ated in the notice oi sele in one or maxe p�rcols end iu any order Trustee
<br /> �„a�,r.; ,.. p Sn
<br /> ��'���- deterrninea.Ttustee m�y postpone ssle oi all ar aay parcel oi the Property by publio aanouncemeat st the
<br />�`��`�y�°��f•.�-. tdme and place ot eny praviously scheduled eale.Lendar or �ts deaignee may purehase the Proper�y at auy
<br />�'�,:. . . sale. _.:.-
<br /> .c:•:t.,. -
<br /> --_.�_--_—._ -
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