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<br /> r,,, 'fC)(il?'l711stt WI7'11 u19 the iittpruve�rttenm �nw i,r horeuPte� ercrteJ an tho pri►(�urty, cuiJ nll ciu.um�uto,
<br /> � appurteoanceq,Und�ixtures nuw or harenftet n pnrt��t thr ptn�o�ty.All rc+pincnmuntra ot�d nddit8ntin nhall ulr.i�hu c�►vcrcd �.
<br /> by thifl Secusity Inet�umcnt.All ot th�P��re6nin�fe reterr�d to in thiH Security lnstrument an th�"t'n►perty." f.
<br /> AC�RROIVBR COV�NAN'fS thot Iiareo�ver i�a InwPully setsed aY tho esmto herot�y convoyed und haN tho riaht tn �:
<br /> grant und cnmey the Proparty ond that tho Praporty le anentumbared� except tor encumbrunres of rr.curd. linrrcnver r �,u,.
<br /> �� worrantf►and will deYend generally the tttle to tt�o Property against nll cluima and demnnda,suhject tc�ony encumbronces � �
<br /> ^ af rccord. --
<br /> THIS SF.(:URITY IN3TRUMENT cu�mbtnes unitarrn covenant��or national usa und nan-unitorm covenante�vith �
<br /> �• limited variationaby jutisdicttan toconstttutea unieorm se�urity inatrumentcov�ring�cal property. � �,
<br /> ' UNIFQRN[COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendar covenent and a�reeus tollows: � ,__
<br /> _„_, .. 1. Pay mant of Principal end Iaterest;Prepayment rsn d L ete C herges. D o r r o w e r e h a l l p ro m p t i y p a y w h e n d u e i._._
<br /> :'ar-�� the principal of and intarest on the debt ovtdenced by the Note and any prepayment and lata char�es due under the N�te. :�
<br /> � ":::���� , 2. F�eaads for Taxes and Insuraace. Subject to applicable law or to a written�vaiver by Lender, Borrower shaU __
<br /> y to I.ender an the df►y manthly payments are due under the Note,untll the Note is paid in{ul l,a aum ("Funds")tor. ��,
<br /> ►
<br />_ .t �)yearly taxea und�wsessmente which may attain priority over this Security Instcument es a lien on the Property;(b) r_..
<br /> , yearly leasahald payman4s or ground rents on the Property, if any;(c) yearly hazard or praperty insurAnce prem►ums; v
<br /> ' , ; (d)yearly flood insurence prem�ums,iY any;(e)yearly mortga$e inaurance pramiums,ii any;and(f)any sums payable
<br />- ` by Borro�v�r to I.endor,in accordance with the provieionsof paragraph 8,in lieu of tha payment ot mortgage insurance
<br /> . � ' � � premium�. These iten�a are called"Fsarow Items." I,ender may,at any time,collect end hold Funds in an nmaunt not
<br /> " to exceed the meximurre amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loan may require for 9orrower's escrnw
<br /> ;..�'
<br /> account undar the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended irom time tu time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> .�. S�ction 2b01 et seq. �"�PA"�.unless another lAw that eppliea w the Punda seta a lesser amount.If so,L.ender may,
<br /> � Fundo d aaon he baeie of aunent da�te and r1eseo able estih�ates of xpendituces of 4uture Ssarow I ems orhotherwtsa in
<br /> � � ° accordenr,e with applicabte law. _
<br /> t' Tha Funds ahall b�held in aa inst►tution whoso daposits are inaured by a 4edernl agency,instrumeatt►lity,or enttty ,
<br /> J (including I.ender,ii Lender ia such an instttution)or in any Federal Home I.aan Bank.I.ender eha31 spply ti►e Funda to
<br /> q �:_ pay the Bscrow Itema.Lender may not charge Hottower for holdtng and applyin�tha Funds.annually analyzing the
<br /> ° � escra�v eccount,or verifying the Bsarow Itema,unle�I�ender paYs Bortower intes�est on the Funds and applicable law
<br />= perrnita Lendar to maka such a charge. Hawover,Lender may requira Borrower to pay a ane-time charge for an
<br /> �� .+ ' i�depandent real estete tax reporting servica used by Lendar in connectton with this loan,unless applicable laa pravides
<br />`-� otherwlse. ilnless an agreement ie mada or appliaable lsw requires interest w be paid,L.ender shall not be tequ�red to
<br /> i�� • � � pay Ba�rrawer eny interest or earnin�s on the Funds.8prrower and Lender may egree in wi�iting,howaver�that intecest .
<br /> � �°`D shall be paid on the Funds.L.end2r shall givo to Hurtqwet,without charga. an annunl accounting of the Funds,showyn�
<br /> ,.. ,� .,'� credits and dabite ta the Funds and che purpuno f�;�ht:,��ach debii Ya the FLn�a wes mnde.The Funda nre Qledged ae
<br /> addit;onal�ecurity for all surns secured by th�a Seoutity Instrument. licable law. Lender ahall account to
<br />� . lt the Funda held by I.endar exceed tha t►maunte permitted to be htld by app
<br /> :� � . . Borrower for the excess Funda in nccotdance with tha requirements of epplicable law.If the arr►ount of the Fundfs held
<br /> J'1_� a .�h..
<br /> _ .,;.,,,,� • by Lender at any t�me ie not sufttcient to pay the Bsc�oa Items when due.Lender may so notity Borrower in writ ng,
<br />—���;;�'n,'� and, in suCh casa Borrower ahnll pay to I.ender th�amaunt necessary to maka up the detIcienay.Horrowar ehall make
<br /> """"�''`�� up the def iciency in no enora than twelva monthly g�ayments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ��'"''°""''' Upon payment in full ot a11 aums secured by thia Saur�ty Inetrument,I.emder shall promptly refund to Borcower
<br /> -•�r : r'x
<br />�:���`".�'%��`'"� c►ny Punds held by Lender. Ii, under parngraph 21, I�nder shell acquire or sell the Praperty, Lender� prtor to t a
<br /> r-^�► acquisition ar eala oi the Property,ehall apply any Funds held by Londer at the tima of nequiettian or sale os a credit
<br />_::�#J;�s�t
<br /> -- ,-,r_,x aguinat the suma secuted by this SeourIty Instrument,
<br /> '--= 3.Applicotion oi Paymeata. Unless epplic.�blo iew pmvides otherwiso.al!payments rocaived by I.ender under
<br /> � paragrephs 1 und 2 shnii be epplied: 4irat,to any propsyment charges due under tha Note;second.to amounte�payable
<br />=-=����■ tl�ird,to tnterest due;fourth,to princ�pal due;and lcist,to any late charges due under tha Note.
<br /> — under pamgraph 2;
<br /> - ��==""'�'"R'�� 4.C6�rges; Liens. Borrowor ahall pay nll taxer+. assesement�, chnr�as, finea nnd imposldons attributeble W the
<br /> -= -_�'� Proparty which mny attain priority over this Security Instrument, end leasehold paymonte or �round rants,it any.
<br /> v��� � Bonorvor shull pt►y ttiase bbltgattons in the menner pro�tded in paragreph 2. or it not pat6 in that manner,Hr,rrower
<br />���� shall pay thom on time direatly to the person owcd pnyment.Borrower sholl promptly turnish to Lende�'all nottces of
<br /> r�--o;:,,� amounts to 1�p�id under thle parngrnph.It Horcov+or rnekes thesa pnyme�►t�directly.Horrower shall promptly{urnteh
<br /> ��F'��� to Lender recetpts evidencing the payments.
<br /> ''�'�� Borrower ahall promptly discharge any lion whioh hos prlority over this Security Instr.uuAent unless Borroaer:(eI
<br />—�a�'��� agrees in wdting to the payment of tha obliPatipn sect�red by the lien in u mnnner acceptable w I.ender;(b)contesta ia
<br /> -- --�= ' goocl ia�th tha tien by.or detends aF;einst ento�cemant ot tha lien�n, legul procee,dingA which in tha Lender's opinion
<br /> -��"�-__ ` opernte to prevent tha enfotcement ot the lien or(o) secures fro� thE holder o4 tha llen an agreem�nt eatiefsctory tc�
<br />�_�.;:��:,�� I.ender subordinnttn�the lien to thia Socurity nstrument.It•Lend�r doterm�nes thet any part ot the Property ia subjeat
<br />'"''�"R"'• to n lien whIah muy attein priority over thls�ecurtty Instrument;Lender may give Bonower a notIca�dentitying the
<br /> .,..r•:��,��•... �
<br />=;Y�•r,��- ' (ien, Borrower ehall satiafy tha lien or to{re o�o or more of tha uatIons set torth abova within 10 days of the givin�ot 4 .
<br />�.,:,F.�....: __ , :��
<br /> � �`:� - notice. ' • .
<br />_ ' � ' Fam 8tiYi �9 ,r,^�
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