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<br /> I
<br /> ���. 1aCE8.�
<br /> it Lender required morlyege tnsurance as a candition ot mak(ng the loan secured by th9 Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay tho
<br /> premlums required to mai�t�in the Insurance in eftect until such timo as the reyulrement tor the Insuranee tem�inatea In eccordenCe with
<br /> 8ortower'a�nd lender's wdtteo ageeert�ant or applic�k 4w.
<br /> r 8. I�sp�ctlon. Landa►a ks�pMt may rt�ak��e�sonabN �ntrih upon and�SSp�ctlona ot th� Property. Londer eha10 g,�vr Bomar:a;
<br /> inatica at th�tim�oi ax pNOr to an Insp�tion sp�l(yin�rMSOnab1�caus�tor the inspacUa►.
<br /> 9. C011d�mnMlon. Th�procs�da o1�ny�w�rd or cl�lm ia d�g�t, diract a co�spu�nUsl, in connection wflh any cor�dem�
<br /> nation or othK takln�of�a}I pan of th� RopeRy, or tor convRyanca in tieu of condertx�atkm,w Aaceby�asl�r►ed�nd ahaN be pald lo
<br /> Under.
<br /> In ths event o1 a total takinp a1 the Rope�ty,ths proceeda ahaN ba�pplled to the sum�aecured by this Security I�strument,whathar
<br /> or not t7�en due, with any excess patd to BoROwer. In ths event of a p�tti�l takinp ot the Rope�ty, untesa 9arowe►and La�der othawise
<br /> agree In writinQ,the sums aecared by this Security Instrument aha�be nduc�d by the�mount of the proceeds multiplied Ey the toNowtnp
<br /> tacUon: (a)the total�mount ot sums secured immedi�tey betore the tat6np, dlvided by (bj the hir rt�rket va�ue o1 th� Property k�unedi-
<br /> atay beforo the taklnQ. Any batanes ahall be pald to 8arower.
<br /> ' M the Property is abandoned by Barower. or If,atter notice by Lende�to Barower that th�condarx�or otters to mak�ao award or
<br /> settle a cktm for d�m�qes, Bo►rower hGa ta respond to Lender wfthin 90 d�ya�Rer the date tha notke i� gNeo, Lender is authodzed to
<br /> eo�ect and�ppy the proceed�,at ft� option, elther to�estaaUon or rep�k o1 the Property or to ths suma secu�ed by thi� Security Instru-
<br /> menf,whether or not than due.
<br /> lJnkse Lender�nd Borrower otherwise agree in writi�9,any application o1 p�ocee�ls to pdncip�l sMll not e�ctend or postpone the dua
<br /> date of the monthN o�vrn�nts roteRed ta in wrasx�ph� 1 and 2 or chanpe ths amount of uuch payment�.
<br /> 10. 8or�ow�r Not Rel�asod; For�braranc� By L�ndor Not a Waivor. Exte�sto� of the time tor payment or modA-
<br /> catlon oi amortiution of the sums aecured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successo�in interest o1 Bortower shaN
<br /> �ot operate to retease the IiabUiy o1 the origlnal Bonower o�8onowePs successoro in lnterest. Lender shaM not be requked to commence
<br /> proceedings agaiast any successor in interest o►refuse to extend time tor payment or otberwlse modity amortization oi the sums securod
<br /> by this Security Instrument by�eason of any demand made by the aiginal BoROwer a 8onower'a s�ccessora in Int�est. My tofie�rance
<br /> by Lender in exerclslnp any dyht or remedy sheN not be a walver o1 or prectude the exercise o1 any dght or�emedy.
<br /> 11. Succ�sson s�d Assign� Bound; Jotnt snd S�va�al Lla6ility; Co-si�non. Ths covenancs and a�ecments ot
<br /> this Securiry Insirumertt shaN bind end benefd the successws and assigns of Lender end Botrower, subject to the provlsiona ot paragrnph
<br /> 17. Bonower's eovenants and ayreementa shaA be joint and several, My Boaower who co-�igns this Security Instrument but does not
<br /> execute the Note: (a)is co-sign!ng this Securiry Instrumer►i only to moRgage, grant and convey that 8orrower's interest M tha PropeAy ; .
<br /> under the teima of th{s Security Instrument; (b) Is net personaNy obNgated to pay tha sums secured by this Security Instrument; and (c) ;
<br /> ayrees that Lende►and any other 8orrower may agree to eutend, modity,torbear or maka any accommodations wlth regard to the terms of
<br /> thla Security Instniment or the Note without that Barowe►'s consent. ' -
<br /> 12. Loan Charqe8. N the loan secured by thls Securiry Instrument is subJeci to a law which seta msxlmum loan charges, and ����'
<br /> � that law Is finalty!nlerpr�ed so that the interes! or other loan charges coAected or to be collected in cflnnection with the loan exceed =_. ..
<br /> the permitted Gmits,then: (a) any suoh tosn charge shatl be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charye to the pertnitted r `
<br /> limit; and (b)any sums already cotlected Trom Bonower whieh exceeded permitted limits wiq be teTunded to BoROwer. Lender may choose
<br /> to make this refund by reduciny the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower. II a retund reduces prin- �
<br /> cipal,the reduction wiq be treated as a partial prepayrtient wfthout any prepaymer�t charge under the Note. .
<br /> 13: Leglslation Affecting Lender's Ri9hts. If e�actment or exptration of appNcabb I�ws has the eftect o1 rende�ing any pra -?
<br /> vislon oi the Note or thls Security Instrument unenforce�bte according to its terms, Lender, ot its optlon, may require krm�ediate payment ��
<br /> in TuN of aA sums secured by thls Security tnsUumeot and m�y invoke any �c�diPS permitted by parayraph 18. H Lender exercises this
<br /> opvon, Leoder shap take the steps specified in the ae�ond paragrapA of paragraph 17.
<br /> 14. Notico:. My notice to Borrower provlded tor in this Securlty Instrument shaN be ylven by deNverk�g it or by mailin�it by first ,
<br /> eltss mail unlesa epppcable Iaw requires uae of another method. The noUce shall be directed to the Praperty Address a eny other address
<br /> • Borrowe�deslgnates by notice to lender. My noUce to lender shall be given by flrst dasa maH to Lender's addresa st�ted herein or any �
<br /> other address Cender desiynates by notice to Borrower. My natice provided tor in this Seeurity tnstrument shall be deertted to have been ..
<br /> glven to BoROwer or Lender when given as provlded in this paragraph. �r�"
<br /> 15. GoverNng Law; Severability.This Securiry(nstrume�t shall be govemed by federal law and the taw of the jurisdiction in -_
<br /> wh:ch the PropeRy is located. In the event that any provision or e�ause of this Security lnstrument o�the Nate confllcts with applicable ' ''`
<br /> law, such contflct shap not eflect other provislons of this Security Inatrument or the Note which can be gMen effect without the contlicting � ."
<br /> provlsion. To this end tfie provisions ot thls Security Instrument and the Nate are deGared to be severable.
<br /> , 16. BO�rOwYr'� COpy. Borrower shaA be given one contonned copy o1 the Note a�d o1 this Security Instrument.
<br />. 17. Transfe� of th� P�opa�ty or a Benaficial Interest in Borrower. It all or any paR o1 the Property or any interest
<br /> in it is sold or transferred (or it a beneficial interes! In Borrower is sotd or 4tansferred and Borrower is not a naturat pefson)without Lend-
<br /> er's prior written consen� Lender may,at ils opUon,�equke immediate paymenf in Tull o!atl sams secured by thts Security insfrument
<br /> � However,this option ahaq noi be exerdsed by Lender H exercise is prohibited by tederat taw as of the date of this Security Instrumant.
<br /> N Lender exercises thi�opUon, I.ender shaN give Borrower notice of acceleratian. The rto�ice shall provide a period af not less than 30
<br /> days trom the date the notice ts dellvered or maited within which Borcower must p�y all sums seaared by this Security Instrument. If
<br /> Borrower fals to pay these sums prior to the expiration ot this period, Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Securrty Instru-
<br /> meat without further notioe or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 1$. Barrowa�'s Right to Rei�atat�. fl Bortower meets certaln conditions. Bortower shall have the�lght to have eniorcement
<br /> a1 this Securiry Instrument disco�tinued et any Ume prior to the earlier ot: (a)3 days (or such other period as applica�le law n�ay specify ;- __.—___
<br /> for reinstatement) betore s�k of ihe PropeAy putsuant to nny power ot sBle contained in this Securiry Instrument; or(b) eniry oi a judgment ,
<br /> enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Bor►ower : (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under thls
<br /> Security Instrument�nd the Note hsd no accNerRtlon ocwrred; {b) cures any detauh of any other eovenants or egreement; (c)pays all
<br /> expensea iricuaed in eniorciny this Security Insirument, including, but not limited to. reasonabte attomeys'tees: and (d) takes such action ' ,
<br /> �a�Lender may reasonebly require to essure that the IiM of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights ln the Property end Bortower's obliga-
<br /> tion to pay tha sums secured by this Security (nsVUment shatl Continue unchanged. Upon relnstatement by Bortower, thls Security
<br /> � Instrument and the obligations secured hereby shall rernak► tulfy e(tective as if no acceteration had occurted. However, this right to reinstate
<br /> shaU not eppy in the case o1 acceteretlon under paregrephs 13 or 17.
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