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<br /> B. US�E OF PROPEItTYt CON[PLIANC�WITH L�+1W. Borrower shall aoc seek,agree co or make
<br /> �=�-..,, • �-
<br /> a chaage ia thn uae of�de Property ar ics zoning classification.unless Lender has agreed in writing to the °
<br /> -� chaa�e. Borrowec shali comply with all laws, ordinaaces, regulations aad requiremeats of any .
<br />• � govemmental body applic�bie to che P�operry. -
<br /> !� '` C. SUBORDINAI'�II.AEIVS. �xcept as permitted by federal law, Borrower shall not allow any lien
<br /> :A;.�Y..:r, iaferior ro e]�e Securiry Iasuvment io be perfected against che Praperty without Lender's prior wrlcten -
<br />`r-;;:,,,.: permissioa.
<br /> =•���`�`:� D. RENT LOS3 INSURANCE. Bonower shall maintaln insurance againsc rent less in addicion to
<br /> ���`'�` ihe other hazards for which insurance is required by Uniform Covenant S.
<br />-=°-s;y..
<br />'=.M.`w`�'�,'';;��,; ,� E."BORIiOWER'S RdGHT TO�tEINSTATE"DELETEri. Uniform Covenanc 18 is d�leted. '
<br /> -- F. BORROWER'S OCCIJI�AN�Y. UNess Leader and Bon+ower otherwise agree in writiag, the
<br /> ''w�� fitst sencence in Uaiferm Coveaent 6 coaceming Borrower's occupancy of che Pcoperty is deleted. All
<br /> :.�.: -
<br /> - remeining covenaats aad a,ieements set forth ia Uaifoim Covenant 6 shall cemsin ia effect.
<br />-.::,a'� G.A��3'IGNII�N!'��'LEASES. Upon Lender's request, Dorrower shatl assign to Lender all leases
<br /> --_' of �he Propecry and all securiry deposita made in connectioa with leases �f the Property. Upon the
<br /> .�v;;� uss;garasnt. Lander 3hn11 have�he ri�ht,to modify,excend or[erminate che exisdng leases and co execuce
<br /> -="'S� new teases. la Lender's sole discredan. As used in chls paragrapb G. the word "lease' shall mean
<br />-'°°"'"O� 'subleasa' if th�Seauriry IAStrumenc is on a leasehold.
<br /> --__-�� Borrower absolucely and uacoadtdonally asaigas and cransfers to L,ender all the rents oad cevenue,s
<br /> _ — 3 (°Renu") of the Pc+operty. regardless of to whom tue ltents oi c�e Pe+op�ccy aze parablc. Bi,:ivw�e . ,
<br /> - � authorizes�Cnder or Lender's agents t�collect cha Reats.and ngrees thnt each tenaut of[he Froperty shall
<br />__ -��� pa,y the Renu co Lender or Lender's agenrs. However. Borrower•ahaU ceceive�he Rents until (i)Lender
<br /> ` -� has givcn Bocrower notise of defautt pursuant to paragraph Zl of the Securiry Iastniment and(li?T.ender
<br /> :_:';.� has given nodce to the tenant(s)that the Rents are to be pffid to L.ender or I.eader's agent.Thls assignment .
<br /> = � of Rents consdtutes an absolute assigwaaeat aad aot aa assignttteat for additioaal securiry only.
<br /> If Leader gives notice of breach to Borrower: (i)all Rento received by Borrower ahall bt held by
<br /> __,-� Borrower as mastee for the benefit of Lender only. to be applied to the sums secured by tha Security
<br /> -;;�,�:� Insmunent: (ii) Lender shall be endtled co collect ead reteive all of the Renta of the Pmp�ccy: {i[i�
<br /> —��— Boirower agr�that cach cennnt of the Property shall pay oll Rents due nud ut►patd to I.eader or Lender's
<br /> agents upoa I�ada's wrtaen doraand to the tenanr.(iv)unless applicuble law pmvides ottYerwise.all Renta
<br /> • - collected by Lender or Lender's ageacs shall be applied ftrst co the'oosts of eakIng control of aad m�aag�ng ,
<br /> the propeny and collccting the Rents. iACludiag. but aot ttmited to, attorneys' feca. roceiver'� fees.
<br /> premiums on recciver's boads.repn(r and malntenauce wsts. insurance premiums.t�es,assessments nnd
<br /> -_-;!�� other charges on the Prc�party, aad then to the suzas secured by ebe Secur[ry lnstrumenr, (v) Lender,
<br /> ��� Lender's agents a any ju49cially appointed rece[ver shaU be liable to accouat far o�ily thos�Rents accually
<br /> - received;and(vi)L.ender shall be entltl�d to have a rccelver F►ppoiated co teke passessiou of end a�xnaga .
<br /> • the pc+operty azad wllcct the Renss and profits dertved from the 6'aoperty without any showing as to the '
<br /> _ ._._._ inadequucy of the Froperty as securlry.
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