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<br /> . .. ... .__..... .. .. ... . . . .....__....i._��._. .
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<br /> _.s...-----..._....__...._ __�_..._.._..----- --.. .
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<br /> � of thc Pro e or na interest in it .
<br /> I 19.'ifrunsgcr of the Properiy or a Bencifc[ul laterest in&►['rower.IP ull or aay part F ttY Y . r�,
<br /> I�sold or ttansfrrred(ar if n D2ueftcfnl interest in Borrower ia soid or trnnsferred and Bocrawer la not a nntural perFOa)without
<br /> i 6xnder's pdor written coasent. Lender raoy. nt lts option. require immeditue payment in full �f all sums secu�ed by this
<br /> - , Security Insuument.Mowever. this option ahnll not be exerclsed by Lender ig exercise is prohibited by federal law as ot the dste �
<br /> ; of thia Security Instnttnent. -��=~
<br /> � If Lender c�eercises thta option. Lendar ahail give Borrowet aotice of accelemtlon.Ths naticc ada11 provlde a period of not ._-
<br /> � iesa than 30 daya from 1he dute the notice is delivered or mnfied within wblcd Borrower must puy all sums secw�d by this
<br /> i Securiry Inatrument. 1f Borrower fc►iia to pay these sums prioT to the expiratian of Wis perlod,Leader may iavuke any re�nedlcs „ y�
<br /> permitted by this Securlty Inatrument wlthout fluther nodce or demaad on Hoaower. �o�Wer shall have the dght ro have -
<br /> � � 18. Dorrower's Right to Rein�ute. if Borrower raeEta cenain condittona,
<br /> •����'� enforcement of this Securtry Insuument discontk►ued ut any time prior to tbe eartier of: (a) owei$of sale con�ain�in th a -
<br /> � �PPli�bla law aury speclfy for reinatatemeay before sele of the Prop�rtY pursuant to any p ��
<br /> S�curiry Insuumcnt;or(b3 eatry of a judgment enforcing this Secudty Iusuumeat.Those condidons are that Bflrrower:(a)pays :��
<br /> L,ender all sums wbich then�•lould be due under this Securiry instruraeat aad the Note as if na acceleiation had occurred: (b)
<br /> ' � cures aay default of any other covenant�or aBreements; (c)pays nll eupenses iACUrred ln enforcing thiR Security lusuum�nt, ___
<br /> includinII.but not limlted to. reasonable attorne�rs'fees:end(d)takes such aaion ag Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> • � that the lien of thia Scxuriry Insuument. Lender s dghta in the Property aad Boreower's obli�ation to pay the sums secured bY
<br /> . , this Securiry lnsaw�ent sdall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Securiry Inscr�raent and the
<br /> ,�
<br /> obii�ations secured hereby ahall remain fully effective as if no acceleratioa had occurred. However,this right to reinstate shall �
<br /> �. ;� not apply in the case of ecceleradon weder paragraph 17. �..�
<br /> r�, 19. Snie ot Notet Change of Losm 5ervicer• 'I'he Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security ,�.
<br /> 0
<br /> ' , ,} Inscrument)may be soid one or morc times v�tihout pr�or not3ce to anrroW�er.A sale aaay resnit in a chaage ia ttie cntity(know�n
<br /> h
<br /> � as the"i oan Servicer")that collects montt►ly payments due ander We Note sud this Se�urity Inshvmeat.'1'here also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Setvtcer unrelated to a sNe of tlie Note.If there is a change of the IAaa Servicer,Borro�ver will be
<br /> ' glven written notice of the change in a�ordance with para�reph 14 above aad applicable law.The nntice will state ttie nume and _
<br /> addreas of the new Loan Servtcer and the address to which paymente abould be made. 'Ibe notice wUl also contain az►y ather
<br /> information requiced by applicab�e law.
<br /> 2p. �rdou��u6s4an�ces. Borrower sh�ill ant cause or permit the presence. use.disposal, storage. or release of any �.:,
<br /> Hazardous Substances oa or ia the Property. Borrower sheII not do. nor allow aayone else to do, anything affe�ting the
<br /> property that is in violatioa of any Snvironmenwl I.aw. The pr�cedin�8��enerally ereco agaized cpol be�approp�tecto normal F^-
<br /> :,,5�� ': stornge on the Propercy of amalt quantittes of He�ardous Substan 8 �-
<br /> - residendal uses aad to mafatenance of t�e Property.
<br /> � . > Borrowee shnll romptly give Lcnder writteu nodce of aay iavestigatioa, claim,demand,tawsutt or ottter action by aay
<br /> : ''�` govemiaental or�ato a en or private party involving the Property and aay Hezardous Substance or Enviroataental Law _
<br />_.;:,,�j:; "`,.�'• �; oi which Bflrrowcr uax �u uat i a�lc�gc.If Ezrmw�r!�*ns.or iR uotiiled by any �s neecessary�Borrowe eh�i p mptiy cake .
<br />_;,,,.,1.., , a n y r e m o v a l o r o t h e p r e m e d t a t i o n o f a a y Hazardoua Stibatan�e Af�'�csing the Prol�rtY
<br />=t';�4fi , ' all nec�ary remedial acdons in Accatdance with Bnvirontrtenuil9..aw.
<br /> ;�,'; . p s u�t �n t h i g p u r a g r a p h 20� •Ha�ardous Substaaces' are Wose substeaces deMed ps toxic or hazardoua subatances by
<br /> ' �� gnvlronmental Law sua�the followin� substaarRS: gesuline, kamsene,o t L er fl a m m a b l e o r t o x i c g e t r o l e u m p�g r l��t�oxt�c
<br /> .. , e
<br />;?',�;:r�� ' ,• pesticides and herbicides,volatiie solvents,materials cotttainiflg asbestas or famaldehyde.end radioact�ve m a t e r i
<br /> ,'.�;�>�{�� ; .� thia paragraph 20. "Eavlronmentnl Isw" meaas federal laws end laws uf tde jurisdiction whece the Praperty is located that
<br /> '''�" � relate to healt6.eafety or envimamentel rotection.
<br /> 5<<;,�'}:�^� `;;. �.
<br /> NON-UIQiFORM CQV�NAN�'S. on+ower and I.ender further coveaant and agree as�'ollows:
<br /> `_'_�_,' 21.Acceleratdon;ltemedies.Lender shsll give aotice 4a Borrower pdor to axelernUon foltow[ng Borrower's breaeiti
<br /> T.-�...;.:,�,,,,, of oqy cavenunt mr fl�reema►t in this S�cudty Iathvment (but e�ot pdor to sccelerntion wider paregrePh 17 ualess _
<br /> �rc
<br />;:,�!���•~c eppllca6le luw gnmcrllles otherwtse)•The notice shnll specil�s (o)Bhe default;(b)the adion�9�ult must be cured;and
<br /> J:-rfi��. (c)a date.not des�RAan 30 dstys tlrom the dute the�otice ia given to BorrUVVer. by wh[ch the d
<br />-���-,v,,,�=•,�= (d)that fatine�e to�cw'e the detault on or before 4he da4a:specifted ta the nutice mey result tn socelera4lon ot tde snms
<br />'�"'s:��:-"� secured by thts Sx�prttY InsWmwtt and�ate of the Pra�er3y.'14�e aotice st�t!furt6er [nform Borrowcr oi Rbe n�lght to
<br />�-"""'�"rL'� r�i�state at�ter es�eletatton und th�n d�ht to brin�a couaV acNon to e.sscrt We aon�e�dstence of e deiaWt or na�y other
<br /> -��_:.}�'�� defense o!Borme�ser to accelea+atton end sale.Q?the defeWt is not cured on or before We daYe g�ecified in the notice,
<br />'="'"'��'"�� I.ender,at ite optton, may require immedlaR�paymeM I�n full of all sums secured by thls S�cur3�+y Iashvme,at w[thou4
<br />'�'''' turWear demitud end mpy imoke We wer of aute aud ony other rem�lles pecmttted by applicstba�l�w.I.endcr shall be
<br /> `?"r"�'•� h 21,taclad! but not Itmited
<br />__ Y�. ��-1 cnt[Qefl to oolleet eil expe�rses imc [n pursuing t6e a�emedtes provtded t�this p�uB�P ��
<br />-~� w.re�sonablo ateorneys'[ee.s and costs of tttte evtdense. __..
<br />�:����.. It t6e�ower of sale ts tnvoked,Trnstee ahatl r�ord a nottce of default tn es�cP� county in which any pnrt of the ••
<br /> ry�'^T —'". ��il�I�cuted and eLall mail copies of suc6 notice in We maaner r�ser[bed by apptlesble law t�►Borrower aad to �.�,
<br /> r._r:M.. _._
<br /> --. "-`'�:3i�,• ns rescdbcxl by appitwble law.At�er the timc requtred Y$PPltcable Isw,'llrustee shell gjve public notfse •�+•
<br />� ..�_� , the other perso p
<br /> — of sal�e to ttte persoas and tn the manner prescrtberl by nppltcable IAw.Tnutee.without dp.mand on Borrower,sh�ll sel �,..
<br />=�•���":��
<br />_ ;,����^ the k�ira�ert�r at publia audian�to thc highest bidder at the ttme snd place and under the terms desig�tated In 33�e�u8ce o
<br />�'°;:;-�`��?'" saee�l�n one or more parcels aesx7 dn any order Trustee deteimtncs:'ltivstoe may pos�tpone sate ot all or uqy�roES oi the _
<br />=ry����-'�'.'���, p:n�zty�s, p•:�S��s�et!...+��t pt thp Hma end place of ony greviatsli�sch¢dwled sWe. LendPx or ita �s]�ee may r.
<br />_ ^^,�, ;.,�::� purcbase the Pro�terty at nny snle. E- -
<br />�r�M��-:�;• -
<br /> . ' 6.,_�_.
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