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STAKING SHEET - UNDERGROUND <br />Company: OPTK Networks Exchange: <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />1. The State. County. City personnel shall be mowed a minimum of foray eight (48) hours in advance of initial project <br />oonstrudeon <br />2 The Laing company and the conrac :els) are responsible to have at least one person on the job at al times. that is <br />'sae supervisor certified. <br />1 The contractor shall adhere to the current permit and contract specifications <br />4 The locations of all aerial and underground treaty Wanes may not be idreated on the project plans The contractor <br />is moored to contact the Nebraska and Colorado 811 one call notification center (dial 811) foray -eight 148) hours <br />prod to rodung in the city npin of way No excavation will be permitted in the area of the undergrgurd utilities until <br />as facilities have been located and identified to the satisfaction of all parties. The contractor shall be responsible for <br />protetlton of all underground and aerial unities and edratttsthu,e. <br />5. whenever underground fatalities are in dose proximity to the proposed pathway location or whenever live venal <br />location of the underground facility s unknown. the contractor shall use special measures to determine the locations <br />of such underground facades. <br />•. If the contractor is conducting the excavator by taming horn the surface, when in a dose proximity to the <br />onderpm«d facilites. the contractor shall use hand digging. hydro excavating. or err excavating to locate such <br />facility <br />b if the contractor is conducing the excavation by tunneling a boring. the coram shall determine the vertical <br />location of the underground fandty by potholing or arty other method approved by the director of public works and <br />utrtties <br />O Project plans shall dimension new faodbes being installed <br />7 Unless agreed to m wrten8 n ..trance the eepn of instated facilities on city and county nrrao shall be ata minimum <br />as brows: <br />a. ForIt.4 tt (48) inches in If <br />b. Fony.eght 448) urines below a protected slope from the Bow line of a ditch al a three i3) Inrmontal and one (I <br />vertical slooe <br />c Foray-aght (48) inches under a roadway measured from the surface of said roadway to the top of the installation. <br />d Sony 4801 inches under a sham rater or peek channel design bottom or pipe, and <br />e Marnan a minimum of twenty bur (24) inches of vertical and honaental spacing from existig canes <br />f Be located as far from the existing or proposed mat cine as possbie to avid lamented fuune conflicts. <br />B Al non-sveet surface materials that are resorbed by excavation and backfiring operations shall be replaced and <br />retaored <br />g. City and county street surface 'nationals disturbed shah be back:Ned. tamped all spaced by city or cooly forces <br />or approved paving contractor <br />10 if sdewalkwheel mar rates or any porton of the pedesuwn facilities are removed or dosed, a pedestna n detour <br />shall be established and maireauted during the erne of to desire all the true pedestrian facility shall be restored <br />within seventy-two (72) hors. unless the contractor provides a hard surface alternate roue approved by to city or <br />county <br />11. Al pedesman detours and any moonstuodon of pedestrian facilities shall meet current Americans with Dsabity <br />Act (ADA) standards and specifications. <br />12. AN pedestrian detours shall be pan of an approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP). <br />13. AU hones made in the streets he the capore of perfuming vacuum excavations to locate underground utilities shall <br />be restored to then rrnpnai condition xrith to reinstated core flush with and in the original orientation as the existing <br />surface matching eeserg pavemem surface appearance <br />14. When the contractor is not arwvey w«lurg: as equipment. brio g, debut. etc. Shall not be placed with,, the <br />Piangular area required be sight distance of vehicles exiting or entering an adjacent property or nlerserlon. <br />15. Al eccasabons shall be adequately tiered and owned when contractor ' rot present « conic site left <br />unattended <br />18. No law closures Mowed on arterial streets dump AM and PM peak hours. <br />17. AM work zone traffic control. inducing pedesbnah control measures, shall be in compliance eith the MUTCD and <br />ADA <br />18 The contractor shall 'rattan a set of'as built" plans on site well denensoreng These plans shall be presented <br />upon request <br />1 g. Fool "as -butt" plans shall be filed *nth city aafh: molly within 30 days of the completion of the project <br />20. The contractor shall follow mnsvuction standards pertaining to the lateral corridor facility placement and minimum <br />depth requirements and deermce requirements of other facilities. <br />21. A current State. County. or City pemat stall he maintained on each work site by the contractor The coreractor <br />shall present such permit upon request. <br />22. Any Selo adjustments to nstaaaeon of fadites which vary from the plans that have been submitted and approved <br />doing the permit application process. shad comply with the followug. <br />a The contractor mast shop tali mnodiately and contact the facility owner of the proposed changes. <br />b. The facility owner's representative shall contact the city. county or state right4-way constructon inspector and <br />provide Mom with the details. <br />c. The ROW inspector veil make a determination on how to proceed. This determination may range ham approval <br />over the phone or via anal to delaying the popes? anti Mans ran be updated and appropriate review can be <br />conducted. <br />23. Stake mounted wane g signs and maker posts (13M53) to be placed where appop a. <br />24. All codon and Ober is to be Installed at the back of the roadway ROW unless otherwise need. <br />25. Leave 120' Imps 180' tails at spice poets) lar mainline fiber in vau33 <br />
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