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<br /> � regulatioi� And cont�:ol oF toxio or I�azArdoua eubeCanaee or -
<br /> . . mate�riabe. . ���--
<br /> Truetor hereby indamniEloo �and holdd Sene�iciaxy, ite �=
<br /> �� ouaoeeaarr� A�td �+�nigna� llarmleno gzom nnd u�r�inat �sny And -_
<br /> '��' r�ll olAimo, de�mageo, looear� and liabilitiee arieing Sa
<br /> • �.• .�' Cotlne�t�on w�.klt tlia �rQ�ctice, uec, ciioponAl or �raiteporC oL `--
<br /> , nriy �►��be��nco whicl� �.a tbo sub ja�� oC ar�y environmQntal law __
<br /> � - or regul�tion de�li�ig with tnxic or ha�ardoue suberances or �
<br /> materiala an� under, Cram or about the Premiees. Thie •=
<br /> � indamnity el�aal e�urvive reconveyance of the Premises �--
<br /> .a - seau�ced by thi.a Oesd of Truar .
<br /> „ 5. Ua�.:ancl ��;es�xvatioi� of Premiees. Tzuetor ehall u�e �he
<br /> .. _. pzem�rto4 Eor law�u�. bueineee or agricultural purpoeoe onlyt .
<br /> � sl�all noe subsl•atttinlly change tl�e Pra��iesa� ellaw tl�e
<br /> :. � Premissa to deCeriorate, or commiC or permit wasto.
<br /> 'Pruetar alial� comply with all. laws atid regulahiono
<br /> . applieable ro ehe uee of �he Premises, and shall maintain
<br /> � • �'• Cl�e itnprovemenCe tl�ereon in gvad rppair.
<br /> � � � 6. Prry�,�c�ion oF 'Truet PzemisAe, If Truetc+z' fails to pay
<br /> ' taxee or aaseesmeii�e, maintain insurance vx maintain the
<br /> ��:.,� ,�, Px�mieea ae provided herein, 19eneEiciary, in ite sole
<br /> :,r;;;;;r.;:" dieazetion, may pay aiiy auah amounta or take etepe to —
<br /> --x.�p• . �r�reat tha value oF ttie Pzem�eeA and Che righta o�
<br /> -:'��::` sene£iciary in tiie premieee. nny mume Bene�iaiary advancee
<br /> �'°i� �'�" � f:or paymenr o� any such taxee or aesesemente, �nainteuance
<br /> d...-- 'n..
<br /> ==:Kw;�;?i or protecCion o� Che Premi�ea ehall be eecured by thi,e Desd
<br />=%--'_�>:��'' of 'Pruet, ehal.]. consti.tute a deb� due £xom Tru�tor to
<br /> ==--"`���"=' Bene�ieiary, a�td sliall bear ineereat ttiereon at �he de�aul�
<br /> _;:',' - ' raCe pzov�.ded in �he Note. . —
<br />�..,;: , �
<br /> `'�J. 7. ny,�p� ion. 9eneficiary, ite employeeg a»d aqente, mc�y
<br /> '�<<?�r� me�ke reaoonable entrfea on the Premieee for purpoeee og
<br /> -����'�"� isiepecCion.
<br /> �_.�,.�
<br />_---� . 8. �'orbeara ice No� W�ive�. Failuxe .by Ber�eEic�.ary �o exerciee •
<br /> ----- t�tiy rigl�t or xemedy available uridez �hia peed cE Truet or.
<br /> -°-������� tha Note oii �any oiie de£ault eha11 rinl: waivo or pzeclude �tie
<br /> _•--_-�=,� exercicso oP any rigt�t or ramvdy i.n the �evar�t of any .
<br /> -�=- -- subeequent clefaulr.
<br /> ""�'� Trur�tnr ahall ive t� T3enefiaiar rom t
<br /> ----,� 9. • • .
<br /> __ "''"'"�� not ce of any action, actual or threatened, 1� condemaa�ion
<br /> -�=r�- - or eminent domain of all or any pazt of the Preml.sen and
<br /> -____—_-_= leoxeby aeeigae, kzane�ere and eet� aver to Sene�iaiary the
<br /> �=��-�� an�ire proceed9 og any compQneation, award, or other —
<br />_ '"r���' paymenCe or reliat granted Ec�x �Ite Caking qf the Promi��e
<br /> -_�_,:"�°=� by the� Bxerciae oP such emirsent domain, condemnat'lon _
<br /> =���° p�oCOading. or in any other manner.
<br /> �.,�,-�-��L*
<br /> _ s.,'�.i . [�enafiaiary, in ite svlo diacr.e�ion. atta7.l ap ly L•hes
<br /> T�e:�..�.M:��Y,��� .
<br /> , ,.: ��:� �x�aeede xecQived to paym�nt oE ti) any expeneos �n�urred
<br /> ..r}...,,^•,;� y Br�nQ�iciary colleating such proceeds, tii) ta C1ie
<br /> ---- � � CiFillgu�iono, whQ�her duo cr noC, or tiii! to L•lio
<br />--�-�:^;�'�"' � reetoration or r�pair nf the Pr.emi�aee.
<br /> .Z'Y��'
<br />- - .�,. =iJ� ' . l0. �,,ie an $,�e, iF all or eny part o� tlie Premieee ie eold,
<br /> - �`�- � . �1 conveyod, Asaignod, leaeed, mortgaged, enaumb�rad,
<br /> :��'� �-. hvnerlteCated or it� ativ wav traneferred witheut thn nr�nr
<br /> - -� - �----
<br /> _ �•�� , wr �Gen consent vf Benefiaiary, BenePiciary, in it� Qolo
<br /> „�. '°�_� d�.ncrotiori, can declaze the es►tiro indabtodnaee eocuzad
<br /> T ...� '. lsare�y !�«��diateYy �3ua anci g�ya��v� and exa�a;ee any other
<br /> _ , remedi�� available under. tha provieione o� Chi� Dead o�
<br /> � Txttet.
<br /> _ .. 3 =
<br /> 1 �� '
<br /> � .
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