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.. �a � .... <br /> ..� <br /> �' � t� ;,. �, .�� � <br /> �, - .. „ , . <br /> . � „ ,.,r�.�,mvsu-- ., , • . �, ' • ._ <br /> ,, . <br /> , <br /> , <br /> , , <br /> . � r.�..^n . ... � ._ .. ... ... ." .. <br /> " �. <br /> .. �. <br /> - -:. . . . . .... .._. .. .. <br /> �... ... .. . <br /> . <br /> ._...�—.._..... �'_�..._.._...._.._.—"'__"'__..._... .. ._. - ' - <br /> ' COVEMANTB �P�a �Q���� <br /> 1. P�yen9qt�. Borrowor aptaaa to moko oit oyr�ionta on tha oocurad dobt v�ls3n duo. Unioaa 8oriowor nnd Landar oeroo athorrdao, ony <br /> paymente ler�der rqoolv��from 8orrower o��a�6orroWeYe bonsfit wfil bo epPlied tfr8t to eny amounte Botrowor ovren on the seanod domt <br /> •• not tuduco ot axcuap�Cny Chadulnd pnyd(ilOnttuntll tho�naaurod dobt ia pAld tn fuil���ropoymont of tho aocu►od dobt occuro for ony roaeon, it will <br /> 2.Clatms AQrtaylnat�v.BOtrsiw�r WIII poy n(1�oxoo,oaaonemonte,ond othor ohnrgos ottrlbutobio totho proporty whon duo ond will dolond titlo <br /> ' � detenaoe whiehe8onowor�mey heve ga nst Pe►Uae who auppty te4or ot metetfais to Improvo or meln�taf�Bho proporty 8o1fln any rightn,cinima or <br /> 3,pt;;wcacq. Qonowor w!II lcaop tho p►operty insured undor torma occoptoblo t�Londor at Borronar'e oxpenso nnd for Londot'a bonotit, All <br /> � insuranco pollolos sheti inctudo a atandard mortpupo aleuso In favor ot Londor.londor wlll be namedas tass payuo nr es the Inauted on any auch <br /> • • o�to tho oecured debt�ifutanndceriequirossmoertguge Insuranco�B�onawor'apro�os to�mnirtit�a ntsuch ine c�n�co for ao tong�as Lender requirea soperty -_ <br /> --�%I; 4.ProAe�M1Y•�orrownr wiU keop tho property tn good condiUon end mnke ati�opaUo wasonably nuceanry. ,. <br /> t•�.. ._. <br /> F� �� of tr�uot or�tn any obl(gA�tion oocutod�by this deed of�us�t�Borro or will poy thn�se atmount to LOnde�ae pf ovidnd in Covenunt 9 of thh dead of - <br /> N: <br />_ o.. c r.:.. <br /> U'U61. 6�r <br /> 8.Pdor S�cudty lnUrssb.Un�ana 8orrowor firat obtaina LendeYs yvrittoo canaont,Borrower wfil rot make or pormk any chargoo to any prior �:�_, <br /> socurky intoruatn.Borrawor will pa�torm ail of Banower's obltgotiono undor any prlor maflgage,dead of truat or other security egreement, ;�, <br /> (ncluding Borrower's covonants ta ma0ce poyments whon dus. w?�� <br /> �i:7i _,,. <br /> � •�{-`';"�� 7.As�t�nment_of R�ota aTW P�oflta.6onowor ossig�e to lender the tents end profita of the propenY• UNass 8onower and Lender heve agraud ,•��, <br /> '�F.l)�•Vi'� - <br /> �•:�h�.�� <br /> ��`�:r;lle`i'�.��`.�,�i�fr, agon�o�t o couK eppotnt d ocoivoi m�a8Y6tak dpoasesston n4 menuge tha propertyfand�coll�9ot�ttros ent Any reMO Lender�colle�cte ahalebe l�,°?•� <br />" ' ',•.5,:,;t;t��; '; app0od flrat to the coste of managtnn the property,inctudin eourt coats and attomeys' 4eos, wmmisaiona to�ontai egente, end any othor - <br /> ��• ' ;,%.,:;t,t«,�,'' rtocessary retatad oxpansaa.Yhe rematning amount of rente w�l then appty to paymeMS on tRo eocured debt ea provided In Covena�t 1. —_ <br /> � • �`�' B.Louoholdss CondotNniu�rtas�i�nn�d U�t Qw�lopm�n2r.Borrower egraes ta wmpty wfth tho�rorleiflne of eny Inese if this Aeed of truat is on . <br /> a loasehoid. It thEe doad of truat is on e unit in e aondominium or a plennod unit dovoiopment, Borrowor wiil po�ta►m alt ot Bortower'e dutiea <br /> �. undor the covonants,by-lawa,or�ogulMlons of the condominium or pienned unft dave�opment. <br /> � r ; 0.Authwlty of L�ndn to Psrform tor 8onawer.It Bortovror faile to�arform any of 6onowor'A dutle�u�et this daed of vutt, Lander may <br /> con�etruedo�on thsp�roperty f�s dlseonUnu eed or�t oit�sdd�on in a reasonebtsnminner,l.ender may d�whii ver 1�noceiii�lo�prota LenOsr i <br /> oecurlty InWren in tha proparty.Thfs mey Inoludo camptetfnp the eon�truotEon. <br /> Lcnder's feilute ta pe�form wili not pr�ctud�tend�t hom 0x�reltinp any of its othtr tlphri undtt tMqw or this E�ed ot tru�t. <br /> r and will Deir�into eitYfrom the dete�ot the pim nt un II pa d in fu t s�tRe inteieitaite In eNeat on tIN iecu s6d dem���W��� ba due on demand <br /> ' 1�, pofauft �nd AccN�tMtar.If Bor�owsr tttt�to m�ke any paym�n when duo o� brala rny cavm�nt�und�t thi�asad ot tru�t a any <br /> ' dem�and Imm d�il te piymfm andd m y Invokeihi p wer of�sind any�Othsr remed 61 sdpirmlttid by�ipplloibl�I�w rlty of ths acur�d d�bt and <br />_�..,;.. ' _ 11.Rsqwat tot[lotle�Ot D�t�tt f[1�i10lEby roq�tBS[ed'm'oi otry'loa v;tiia ii88�a5 3Z dL�^�Yl�iiiia:al3�LS!!L!4 9L�C!!�wnn wpo Is u Qeriy . <br /> • horoM,et ths tddres�of etch tueh peroon,as set forth horein. <br /> ' 1x,PawM of 8�b.If the Lender tnvoker the power of eein.the Yrustee sheli ftret record In the atliee of she repiete�of deed�of e�ct� county <br /> • �� whereln the w�t property or soms part or pmeet thereof Is siaeted a nottce ot defeuR conteintn the Inturmatton requUnd by Iew.The 7ruetee <br /> , �� shufl alao mali coRfoa of the noUce of defauit to the Borrower,ta each por¢on who ta a party �eto,artd to othet{ronons aa prascribed Oy <br /> " ' �� appitoabte Iew.Not tesa thnn ono month after the Tn�atoo recorde the notfea of detouit or two rnonthf if ths tnist property ia not in any <br /> -`•``"•`'�•. ""� Encotpor�sd city or vltlepe end Is usod In fnrming ope�ettons canied on by the truator,the frottae�hnll giva pubilo noUte of eeio to the peraona <br />:*r"�•� � � and In the menner preadibsd bY�epppliaeble Iaw.Tru�tee,without demend o�Bottower,sholl eoUtho Rroperty e2 pubito auatlon to the higfieat <br /> �� biddar.If requirod by tfia farm Homestesd Proteatton Aet,Truatoe ehait offer the property in two�epmate eater es�equlred by app9pable lav�. <br /> ��•�+,.r. '-�=� Trustee may postpcns en:e of all o�nny pnrcet of tho prcpartY bY Dubilo anmuncement ef tho time and pfeco ot any prevfouaty sch�eduled oaie. <br /> :r...,,,;;,,��� Londor or its destprUSO e�nnlr purchase tho property et any sale. <br /> �y� � Upon recaipt of putlmesst ot the price bW,Trustee ahetl doilvar to tho purcta88t T�uatao's dead comaying tho proporty.Tho rocitiats co�ained In <br />--�_�•���,� Yrustee'�daad shtD�s qrima facte evtdienco of�e trutfi of tho stuMmo�a coMainod thoroln.Tru�eo eha11 opply the p►oaeeda ot tM eate in the <br /> . fotiowtnp ordara to1 ta a�l exper�aea of tteo sa►e, Inctudlnp, but not Omkod to, reeaonabte Tnrotoe'e faea, reeaanaLte attorn�y�vmas eM <br />'� ` � ` ` rofnatetemer�t fo�a;ld1 to ell suma secure0 in�this doed of trurt,end to)the baienco,if any,to tho Der aona Iegeliy entittod to roceivt►it <br /> - `.J�i: <br /> ` �..'. <br /> =�"'-� 13.For�eloaun.At Wn�m'e optlon,this doad of ttuM may bo toreetosed in tha mannor provide bq apptiaabte law for faeclo8ure ot mottaagee <br />��".�;"�1'.�'� on rool praperty . <br /> s- �'`����� 14.t Lerdar m�y enmr the pro�tty to insRoc't it if Londar eivos Bonowar nn4ir.e bofarohond.Tho nottco muat stato tP►a rensanabla <br /> --��Y-;�� aauae or lender'a Inspactlon. -- <br /> -� 15,Cpidnnnstiso.Bo�owor assign�s to Lender the proceeda of arry award or e�aEm for damag es connected with a condemnatlon or mher teWnp <br />�.M:`'. �� of att or any Dart of th�proporiy.8uch procoeds wlll bo eppitod aa provid9d tn CovonaM 1.Thts aalpnmont is eubJ�at to tho terma of any prtor <br /> . r�• socurity agruoment. <br />"',���' Y tg,Vlfaiv�r,gy o�torcbtnB any reme evuilabto to londot,Lender doee not giva up snY dpAte to letcsr use nnY othar romedy.By �t exeroising - <br /> i R.a:_�r; any remedy upon Barre�wo►'s Eefauk.�nder do�t not wnive any ripM w latet considor the ovent adefpult If it happerea epafn. <br />_-;=.�-=:::��1 <br /> i., -_�;,,��, 1T..ldn't ar�d S�vsrsi U�biNtri Co�tlOn�ns 6uca�uors nW At�ipns Bound.AU dutfea undcr 1Ns dped of wat are joint anc9 aover�i. An <br /> --�---•�-- Borrower wh0 castdr�.+th1a deod of trust but does ttot eaeiqn the unde�(�(ng dobt inswmeats)aoea so onty to grar�nnd wm�ey Ma <br /> �. Borrowefs tMerost L�ihe tuoperty to the Trusteo undor the terma of thia dead oTVUat.In csdditiot�eucb a Bor�owor agreea t�t the Londer nn <br /> �•:••f"�',�c:�:�� any other Borrowar u�dor thte dood of buet mey extortd,modiiv or make any other Chan9es tn the Mrma of this Eoed of truet or the eeeurod <br /> ° '� � dobt whhout that Bavr�r►var'a oonaem end without rotoaainp thet Bortower from the torrns oi thia de�d ot trwt. <br /> .:�r.':.'.�_� . <br /> ,�.-. <br /> �;,;�S;t�;,"�: ,� Tha dutles ond benefitt�ot th�a daod of truet ahall hlnd and bonoth tho successore un�1 aseigna of Undor ans Bonowet. _ <br />-•.��"rr 18.Natic�.Unloss oth2nvlue roqulred by law,any notico to Borcowor ohalt be givon by doiivodng ftor by mnilUg k by cortifictd mail eddressod to <br /> - Banower nt the prop�vty addrosa ar n�rir othor atidroes thet Bottowe�hea give�to lendor.Borrower wfU givo any noUao to lendor by certlftad <br /> ' - ' mail to Londer's eddroaa on page 1 of thio drs�sd ot wot,or to or�y othor eddresa whioh Gondor hu�doaipnatad.Any othor�eotico to londot shetl <br /> bo sor�t to LendaYs ndflroaa ae statvd on pago 1 ot thia dood af truat. . <br /> " •� • Any�otico sAatt ba daemad to hava boon givon to Borrowor or Lendor whon flivan in tho mnnnur datod nbovo. _. <br /> t9.TnnstK of ttn Faoyutf►a�eeeNl7ahi trtK�at�n elu Bor►orr�•�f et1 or sny purt of t4tie proporcy or nrql int�reat In lt{s eold or tranafomd _ <br /> ^ " • without Lender's prtes w�ieten consent, lender mepy domnnndeiimmedlno poymont ot the �ecaued debt. Lender may alao Eemand immetk►ue <br />- ' domand pDYmonBln thm ebovo altuotto 8raf k�ls prohlbldtoA by fodorat law�a ot H�o deeto of hele dvolof ir�ustanafemd. Howsver, LeMor may not <br />= 20.R�conv�yar�.411han Mo obllgeNon socurod by this dood of uust has boon paid ond Londer has no further obllgation to mcko odvenws <br />_ �' �. � undor Mo inatrumar►tm ar agreomo�rte eeaurad by thls dood of trust, tho Truatoo ehatf,uDon w�inen requeat bV the lender,toeonvay tho wst <br />__ ;,,;,. 1 proeo�The Lendar_aoatl dWli�°:n�dro B�rtti oo�e��n�er's sucaoasor in Interoat,tho trwt deod ond tMO note or othor ovidence oT the <br />_—�— _�--� ;,.�..�......�,........._.�..--•_ -•._..:=• - • <br /> � . . ., 21. Sacc�swr Tnutou.Londor, at londor's o�ion, may romovo T�uetoo end appolnt a succasor t►uatoo by tlrsL matUny a copy ot tho <br /> • � subotituUon of ttusteca a9 raqukad by Cpplicob�o law,nrtd thon,bY fiiirtg tho substitutlon ot trustcsotor racord In tho oHice of tho rp8istar ot doede <br /> ,. euceo�od o�eti ih�ai dutlo3gouMot�and Utto oi d�o T�rustuo�nnmod in Hio dac�ot�tr�uQt a�rsd�of any�ouccoasor��atoo�f tho ProD�nY. ��11 <br />- � fpep��ot 2J <br /> U <br /> • � . <br />- !:'!�', nauxaa svsru+s.wc..s-r.aouc.IRN 60901 H�804301•Z3tt1 iOFN OCV�AtT6NL OI19I01 . , <br /> .. ' . <br />