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202204472 <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />RICHARD A. LARSON and <br />JANET P. LARSON, <br />Plaintiffs, Case No. CI 22-244 <br />vs. <br />THE HEIRS OF EVELYN K. THOMPSON, <br />DECEASED, and ALL OTHER PERSONS <br />having or claiming an interest in the real <br />property located in and two A tract of land <br />located in part of Matthews Subdivision, in <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described <br />as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner <br />of Lot One (1), Burch Third Subdivision to the <br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence East on <br />the South line of Said Lot One (1), Burch Third <br />Subdivision to a point being 22.00 feet more or <br />less North of the Northeast corner of Lot Thirty- <br />one (31), Matthews Subdivision; thence South to <br />the Northeast corner of said Lot Thirty-one (31), <br />Matthews Subdivision; thence West on the North <br />line of said Lot Thirty-one (31) to a point 22.00 <br />feet more or less South of said Southwest corner <br />of Lot One (1), Burch Third Subdivision; thence <br />North to the place of beginning, REAL NAMES <br />UNKNOWN, <br />Defendants. <br />DECREE <br />FILED <br />JUN 112822 <br />JENNIFER POPPEN <br />CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT <br />THIS matter came on for hearing upon the Plaintiffs' Motion for Default <br />Judgment on this %Ce day of j , 2022, upon the failure of all <br />Defendants to answer or otherwise plead in this matter within the time permitted <br />by law. <br />Upon due consideration of the pleadings, process and evidence, THIS <br />COURT FINDS: <br />+7L.4 t C AM 8.27 <br />Certified Page 1 -of 4 <br />