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� ., '?.;r'� r,'�:"' <br /> • •I�t::, <br /> , • ;;;: <br /> ..r� � ;;.•.�::,�r, <br /> -.��� .. '�,;;j�t�'' ' `�t;.;:: <br /> .� ;� �, . ,�; .,.,, . <br /> . , . <br /> .,��„•:.._• . . , ,:. - -•-------••--•—�._....__..^_..._._ <br /> �...., <br /> ��,K._;_:_..., _._..._�..� <br /> r,. ... _.-�----.....__�_._�._��_._---�------.._._.. <br /> 'fhe Funds shall bc held in an insdtution who�c dcposits Am insured hy u fedcrat u�ency, instrumcntality, o� cntiry •��:� <br /> „ ' (includin�}I.cndcr.If 1..�:ndcr is�uch un instiwtion)cir in uny Fedcrul Homc L.c�un 8unk. LcnJcr Shall upply chc FunJs tn pay thc �_'_ <br /> [?scr��w Items. der muy nnt chur ge Bormwcr far holciing and upplying thc Funds,unnually unulyxing thc cscrow uccaunt,or �,�.� <br /> • --- vcrifying thc!?�cn�w ltcros.unicss I..cndcr puyy Hurrawcr interest on tlic Fundti nnd upplicuble luw perm lts Len dcr t��mukc xuch ���'„ <br /> • . uch��r��e. Nnwever, l.endermuy rcquire Borrou-ernl`pu�a��cAbtiei�lnw prrnidcti o herwi�cacUnl�, ua a�cemctris m Jeioe —_-_ <br /> uhcd by I.cndcr in cunnc�tion witli this k�un. u pp ti��n thc Fundx. <br /> urpllrt�blu I��w rcyuircw intcrest tu bc puid,Lcridcr tihall not bc rcquircd to pay Barrowcr any intcrest or cuming: � �'L',`�- <br /> Nurr��wcr cm�i Lendcr muy ugrcc ia wrtting. however,t?�at Interetit xhull bc patd on the Fund�:. Lcnder ph'upil�;ive w��w•'�. � '"""" <br /> without rhargc, un unnuul uccounting of the Fum1�,shc�wine creditr und debits to the Funds nnd the u otie fiir''which euch <br /> dcbit t�i thu Nund�wus mude.The Funds ure pledged ag addicionul n�curity for ul�tiuCUble la v�Lender hall accaunt ta�Burrower � � ��___ <br /> `' If thu Funah hcl�hy I.cnder cxcced the aniounts permietcd to be held by uppli <br /> ��� fur tlte exccs.r �ient t� usc�th��.�ruw Items whuen duc tLenderpmAy so nntifyf Barrower in wririn�,and,in�uCh cuSo Bottawer � — <br /> tinto ix�ttit�uffl p y <br /> ^•�•' '''°�`` shuil pay to Lender the umount nccessury to make up t4�e deficiency. Bonower shai!msike up the deficiency in nc�m�re tban� -- <br /> u <br /> ^ twclvc mnnthly puyments,ut Lcndcr's solc discretion. � - <br /> ° Upuu�uyment in full of utl sums secnred by this Securit�� Instrument, l.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower uny T <br /> Fundx held by Lendcr.If,und�er purngraph 31. I.ender shall acquirc ar scll the Praperty. l.cnder,prior ta tl��acquisition or sale <br /> ot'the Property,shul!upply uny Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sale as a c�edit uguinst the sums secured by <br /> thi�;Sc�urity Instrumcnt. � <br /> ' " 3.Applicatton nf Payment�.Unless applicable law provides othetwise,all payments reccived by Lendor under paragraP s . <br /> " I und 2 shull bc uppli�d: 8cst• ta ar►Y Prepayment chnr�a due undcr the Nate; second, to amounts payablc under paru�rnph 2: �..:;,, <br /> _ � d <br /> IhirJ,tu interest due:fourth,to principal due:and lusc, to awy late charges due undcr the Note. <br /> 4.ChurE;�w: I.ieng. Borrower shall pi�y ull taxes, ussessments, chnrges, fines and impositions attribut B�e��t��h�S�P�aY <br /> which oit�y uttuin priority uver this Sccun�y Instrument,arid leatiehold paymen�s or grouMi rents, if any. P Y _ <br /> thesc��biipaUionK in the msnncr provided in paragraph 2.a if not paid iu that manner.Borrawer shall pay them on time di�•ectiy <br /> � p �'�'=- <br /> tu ths pervnn owed payment. Bonower shatl promptly gumtsh ta I.ender all notices of amounts ta be paid undr.r this araBrs►Ph• <br /> If�nrruwcr mnkes thexe p�ymcnts ditectly,Harrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender recefpts evidencing the puy�ncnts. �`,, <br /> n... ��'�.. <br /> Borrowet shull pmmptly ditichs+tge uny lien whkh has priarity over this Security Instmment unless Borrower: (a)xgrecs in <br /> " writinp ta tho puyment�f the obligution secured by the Ikn in a manner acceptable to L.ender;(b)conrests{n good faith the lien <br /> . by. or defanda apuin�t cnfarcement af the lien in,legal proceedin�s which in the L.ender's opinion operatc to prevent the <br /> cnfnrcemcnt�f tlie licn;ar(c)Recures from the holder of tt�e lien an agreement satjsfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> tltix Sccurfty lnstrument. lf[.r:nder detormines thc�t any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain pnority over — <br /> ' " thix Sccurlty Instrumcnt, l.endcr muy 61vc Banowcr a notice ldcntlfyin�the lien. Borrower ahall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> • •` •• more of tho nctinne sct f�rth iib�ve wtthin 10 days of thegiving of natice. <br /> ..';;•,a�r $. Hpeuvd or Property Insurunce. Bannwer shall keep the improvements now existing or herenfter erected on the <br />"'��•` '' pruperty im�umd uauinst lasK by firc, hazurds included within the term "extended coverege" and any uther hazards. including <br />;.._1., _. <br /> ..�s�•a�;� ` flcxxls or flanding, ior wi�iii�3;I.endcr requ3res insuranc�.Thic insurance shall be maintaimd fn the amounts and for the perio s <br />; ;;:.- �;, thut I.endor requfres. The insurunce cnrder p�nviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower su�j�nder mayC�nt l�der's <br /> - whtch shull not be unreason�.bly withheld. If Borrower fails to maintuin cov�rage descdbed above, <br />-=-��,;;.;�#: npti�m.ubtuio coverngo ta protect Lender's ri�hts in the Prc�perey in uccordance w[th paragraph 7. <br /> ��-•..�._d• All Int+urnnce poltciag nnd renewals shnll tse ecceptable ta l.ender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.L.ender <br /> Bormwer shctll c+�m tl give to Lender all receipts of <br /> _;-�;��a Khnll hnvo tha right ta hold thepoIictes uncl renewais. If Lender requires. P P Y, <br /> --- piiid premiums und renewat natices.In the evcnt of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insumnce carrier and 1-�ndet. <br /> ��`��� L.cndcr may mukc proof of lc�sa if not made promptiy�y Dorrower. <br /> _�_� UnlOss Lender and 8orrower otherwise agree in�vnting,insuraace proceeds shall be applied to mstoratton or tepair of the <br />-. _��`.;.�ro��s property dcuna}�ed,if tho costorution or repai�is economk�lly feasible und L.ender's secwiry is nut lessened. If the restoration or <br />-;:r;-�� <br /> repnir is miE economicuQy fcsa++iblo ar Lencicr's secudty would be lessened,the insurance pi�oceeds shall be uppl3ed to the sums <br /> ------ nccurcd by thix Scc:urity lnstrument, whethar or not then due. with any excess paid to Bonower. If Borrower ubundons t e <br /> --' <br />